Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

I believe there’s only one rabbi on earth who does it.
His community probably believes he has the ability to give the children the ability to resist sexual sins.
I thought that this is still widely practiced by Jews today.
I don't know how circumcision affects sexual life, but adoption of this practice had nothing to do with that, as far as I know. It was a part of covenant with Abraham. Something like to distinguish those who follow the covenant from those who don't.
I apologize for not being clear.
The knowledge of the circumcision is meant to constantly remind the Jewish male to control his sexual urge in a manner acceptable to God.

Hmm, so it really worked to reduce sexual urges in Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner, and Harvey Weinstein among other perverts & pedos of your Kosher ilk?
That's like asking why some people drive thru Stop Signs, Dildo Brain.
Many people disobey what they should obey.

Many of the most prolific perverts known to public have been Kosher,
everybody's a pervert but J00.
Oh no; we have our share of transgressors.
But you constantly state that only JOOS do nasty things.
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.
It’s called success via years of hard work.
Usury in many ways is what has made Jews wealthy and powerful. That and the fact they stick together like the thieves,murderers,vile evil race they are. Amazing a race can be kicked out of 109 countries and still manage to control every aspect of power in the world.

AGREE ! We are in control ( Seriously)
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.
It’s called success via years of hard work.
Usury in many ways is what has made Jews wealthy and powerful. That and the fact they stick together like the thieves,murderers,vile evil race they are. Amazing a race can be kicked out of 109 countries and still manage to control every aspect of power in the world.
"the fact they stick together"
and convinced us that, when we do it, it is something called racism (the prime evil in the world, which, wouldn't you know, only white people can be guilty of because we have all the power hahaha)

Ford made a good point about the diaspora actually being a huge advantage to Jews

The International Jew
It is; God is showing what assholes the rest of the nations are.
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.
It’s called success via years of hard work.
Usury in many ways is what has made Jews wealthy and powerful. That and the fact they stick together like the thieves,murderers,vile evil race they are. Amazing a race can be kicked out of 109 countries and still manage to control every aspect of power in the world.
"the fact they stick together"
and convinced us that, when we do it, it is something called racism (the prime evil in the world, which, wouldn't you know, only white people can be guilty of because we have all the power hahaha)

Ford made a good point about the diaspora actually being a huge advantage to Jews

The International Jew
Does your parents basement have a full bathroom?
The reason gentiles are more religiously advanced than jews is because we understand all humans are flawed. All humans err. There are times in every human's life when he needs to beg forgiveness. This is a rational view of the world as it really is in terms of our relationships with other humans. We use our ability to reason to determine where we are wrong, to admit we were wrong, to seek forgiveness, to make amends. This make us more rational, more religiously advanced. Jews, on the other hand, NEVER admit, acknowledge, apologize. Y'all are still stuck in Deuteronomy. Now, what was that about drinking the blood of Christian virgins?
Is that why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes?

Why do Kosher terrorists like Menachem Begin win Nobel Prizes too?
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?
Street Juice thanks for this thread! Really brought out the Jew lovers and the usual Israel Firster cohenservatives. On another note ANYONE who has read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion and don't believe it are either INCREDIBLY ignorant,brainwashed lemmings or lying to themselves because the truth hurts.
I'm reading Henry Ford's "International Jew" right now, and it is eye-popping...and I thought I was woke already. He incorporates a lot of the protocols in it. He says they originated in France or Switzerland. and have the tone of somebody taking notes in a lecture. Jews say they originated in Russia (but, of course) and are a Tsarist forgery. I trust Henry Ford, who sacrificed a lot to publish his papers, more than I do any Jew
Indeed. I own a copy of the International Jew as well. Another good one is Duke's Jewish Supremacism. If the Protocols are forgeries someone sure knew the history 100 years in the future! Those things are VERY descriptive of what is going on in the world today.
It’s called success via years of hard work.
Usury in many ways is what has made Jews wealthy and powerful. That and the fact they stick together like the thieves,murderers,vile evil race they are. Amazing a race can be kicked out of 109 countries and still manage to control every aspect of power in the world.

AGREE ! We are in control ( Seriously)
Revel in it now,I guarantee you the next time we get a chance we WON'T commit the same mistakes as past leaders who tried to defend the world from the Jewish menace.
Because Jews aren’t animals like you.

You are worse than Animals, even most Animals don't disrespect the ones who take them in when they're strays, even some rather vicious ones like Bears can be tame.

You on the other hand, never respect the Polish people, who took you in.

Maybe because you're spawns of Satan?

Your ilk are worse then animals; they are SAVAGES.
Pollacks didn’t participate in killing Jews?

You and your ILK are the spawns of Hell and shouldn’t even be living

What a loser you are, copying me half the time. LOL

You are so dumb, you can't even come up with your own material.

Not true, You ask and I answer, I posted other Religions that don't accept JESUS ( unlike you) and you don't respond. In your Pollack posts, I never saw you use the word ILK you dumb, stupid, moron

They lived in their own countries until pretty recently
, not in Christian countries for thousands of years, while disrespecting Christ, like you & your ilk.

Doesn't answer my question you stupid POLLACK. For Centuries people of different FAITHS have lived in Countries that were predominantly one religion,
If there are no need for Churches or Mosques, Israel then has the right to destroy every single one of them. I AGREE !!
Is that why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes?

Why do Kosher terrorists like Menachem Begin win Nobel Prizes too?
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?
Did you know that the colonies were financed by a ****?
Imagine you living in Poland.
By the way, is there such a thing as a non-Kosher Jew?
The reason gentiles are more religiously advanced than jews is because we understand all humans are flawed. All humans err. There are times in every human's life when he needs to beg forgiveness. This is a rational view of the world as it really is in terms of our relationships with other humans. We use our ability to reason to determine where we are wrong, to admit we were wrong, to seek forgiveness, to make amends. This make us more rational, more religiously advanced. Jews, on the other hand, NEVER admit, acknowledge, apologize. Y'all are still stuck in Deuteronomy. Now, what was that about drinking the blood of Christian virgins?
Is that why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes?
"Is that why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes?"

No, that would be nepotism.
You do realize that the Nobel Committee is mostly, if not all, Goyim.
Of course you don't; you're too busy snorting glue.

Aren't they mostly Protestant?
Basically Kosher Lite, a different tribe you converted.
Yes; smarter than Catholics.
You're like, so dull.
Did your blow up doll deflate?

Yeah, your people are so smart, you can't even figure out who did the Holocaust.
Why do Kosher terrorists like Menachem Begin win Nobel Prizes too?
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?
Did you know that the colonies were financed by a ****?
Imagine you living in Poland.
By the way, is there such a thing as a non-Kosher Jew?

I'd rather live in Poland, among my kinsman, I kind of resent being sold poor goods in this country.
It was the Polish nation, you don't get to claim part of the nation as your own for monetary gain, without being despised in return,
especially when you don't respect Palestine.

“ Palestine “ has nothing to do with what happened between 1941 and 1945 you ignoramus. We also have the Right to demand Reparations fromPOPO anyone who was involved in helping out the Nazis

So, when are you going to point fingers at your own, for the Holocaust?

You ARE stupid, you Pollack, Blame the Jews instead of your own FILTHY ILK

Emanuel Ringelblum stated just that, and he was Kosher.

If you & your ilk are such bottom feeding maggots, that you have to blame Polish Allies, the first to fight the Nazis as the Polish Nazis who did the Holocaust.
Just because of minor Polish Nazi collaborators.
what's wrong with stating that that there were some minor Kosher Nazi collaborators too?

Maybe this is why you, and your ilk are despised.

You are no good to your rotten cores.

Tell us who those Jewish Collaborators were; You Pollack piece of Garbage.
Jews aren't liked because of the disgusting, vile, despicable [POLLACKS? Believe me, you are not important to anybody

You never heard of Kapos, Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Sonderkommandos, Group 13,
how about how your Kosher kind paid off / financed Nazis in the Haavara Agreement?
You are worse than Animals, even most Animals don't disrespect the ones who take them in when they're strays, even some rather vicious ones like Bears can be tame.

You on the other hand, never respect the Polish people, who took you in.

Maybe because you're spawns of Satan?

Your ilk are worse then animals; they are SAVAGES.
Pollacks didn’t participate in killing Jews?

You and your ILK are the spawns of Hell and shouldn’t even be living

What a loser you are, copying me half the time. LOL

You are so dumb, you can't even come up with your own material.

Not true, You ask and I answer, I posted other Religions that don't accept JESUS ( unlike you) and you don't respond. In your Pollack posts, I never saw you use the word ILK you dumb, stupid, moron

They lived in their own countries until pretty recently
, not in Christian countries for thousands of years, while disrespecting Christ, like you & your ilk.

Doesn't answer my question you stupid POLLACK. For Centuries people of different FAITHS have lived in Countries that were predominantly one religion,
If there are no need for Churches or Mosques, Israel then has the right to destroy every single one of them. I AGREE !!

Nobody else besides your tribe spent 2,000 years living in nations who worshiped Christ, while disrespecting their Christ (God).
Is that why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes?

Why do Kosher terrorists like Menachem Begin win Nobel Prizes too?
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?

Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.

Numerous capitalist merchants benefited hugely from the transatlantic slave trade and the industries associated with it. For several centuries the economies of the U.S. North and South were intertwined by slavery. By the mid-1800s, capital investment in slaves was higher than the value of land or any other capital worth.

Southern slave labor made New York City the financial capital of the world. Cotton produced on plantations became the main product of export and a major source of the city’s wealth. Large textile mills gave New York State a booming economy.

Both cotton and enslaved workers treated as “property” were among the first commodities on the stock market. Cotton trading accounted for the country’s expansive growth for an extended historical period. Profits from the slave trade financed the industrial revolution.

The Lehman family members were Alabama cotton brokers. In 1850 they founded Lehman Brothers Investments, acquiring their capital and wealth by investing and trading in cotton. Three sons moved to New York City in 1858, where they later helped to establish the New York Cotton Exchange (1870).

In 1781, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina was founded on the profits of the slave trade. Its predecessors, the Bank of Charleston, S.C., and the Bank of North America, made loans to slave “owners” and accepted slaves as collateral. When the owners defaulted on the loans the banks became the new slave owners.

The Morgan family of Massachusetts was a major stock broker. JP Morgan brokers became JP Morgan/Chase. Their predecessor banks also made loans to slave owners and accepted 13,000 enslaved Africans as “collateral.” When owners defaulted, the banks acquired their fortunes by becoming the new owners of 1,250 slaves. Chase Bank is owned by the Rockefeller family.

Another profitable company was Aetna Insurance Co., which sold insurance to slave owners wanting to protect their investments of human cargo aboard the slave ships and on the plantations, should a slave die. The life insurance policies, issued in the 1850s, were intended to compensate slave owners for the loss of people who were at that time considered “property.”

Your stupidity is showing again. Unfortunately there were a lot of Capitalists who benefited from the Slave trade

I can go on and on

Understanding the Polish Obsession with Salomon Morel
Last edited:
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?
Did you know that the colonies were financed by a ****?
Imagine you living in Poland.
By the way, is there such a thing as a non-Kosher Jew?

I'd rather live in Poland, among my kinsman, I kind of resent being sold poor goods in this country.
Sell the house you got for free and move; no one will miss your Dildo Brain.

Your ilk are worse then animals; they are SAVAGES.
Pollacks didn’t participate in killing Jews?

You and your ILK are the spawns of Hell and shouldn’t even be living

What a loser you are, copying me half the time. LOL

You are so dumb, you can't even come up with your own material.

Not true, You ask and I answer, I posted other Religions that don't accept JESUS ( unlike you) and you don't respond. In your Pollack posts, I never saw you use the word ILK you dumb, stupid, moron

They lived in their own countries until pretty recently
, not in Christian countries for thousands of years, while disrespecting Christ, like you & your ilk.

Doesn't answer my question you stupid POLLACK. For Centuries people of different FAITHS have lived in Countries that were predominantly one religion,
If there are no need for Churches or Mosques, Israel then has the right to destroy every single one of them. I AGREE !!

Nobody else besides your tribe spent 2,000 years living in nations who worshiped Christ, while disrespecting their Christ (God).
And we see how civilized these nations are!
Why do Kosher terrorists like Menachem Begin win Nobel Prizes too?
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?

Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.

Numerous capitalist merchants benefited hugely from the transatlantic slave trade and the industries associated with it. For several centuries the economies of the U.S. North and South were intertwined by slavery. By the mid-1800s, capital investment in slaves was higher than the value of land or any other capital worth.

Southern slave labor made New York City the financial capital of the world. Cotton produced on plantations became the main product of export and a major source of the city’s wealth. Large textile mills gave New York State a booming economy.

Both cotton and enslaved workers treated as “property” were among the first commodities on the stock market. Cotton trading accounted for the country’s expansive growth for an extended historical period. Profits from the slave trade financed the industrial revolution.

The Lehman family members were Alabama cotton brokers. In 1850 they founded Lehman Brothers Investments, acquiring their capital and wealth by investing and trading in cotton. Three sons moved to New York City in 1858, where they later helped to establish the New York Cotton Exchange (1870).

In 1781, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina was founded on the profits of the slave trade. Its predecessors, the Bank of Charleston, S.C., and the Bank of North America, made loans to slave “owners” and accepted slaves as collateral. When the owners defaulted on the loans the banks became the new slave owners.

The Morgan family of Massachusetts was a major stock broker. JP Morgan brokers became JP Morgan/Chase. Their predecessor banks also made loans to slave owners and accepted 13,000 enslaved Africans as “collateral.” When owners defaulted, the banks acquired their fortunes by becoming the new owners of 1,250 slaves. Chase Bank is owned by the Rockefeller family.

Another profitable company was Aetna Insurance Co., which sold insurance to slave owners wanting to protect their investments of human cargo aboard the slave ships and on the plantations, should a slave die. The life insurance policies, issued in the 1850s, were intended to compensate slave owners for the loss of people who were at that time considered “property.”

Your stupidity is showing again. Unfortunately there were a lot of Capitalists who benefited from the Slave trade
Don't let on that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are JOOS!
Why do Kosher terrorists like Menachem Begin win Nobel Prizes too?
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?

Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.

Numerous capitalist merchants benefited hugely from the transatlantic slave trade and the industries associated with it. For several centuries the economies of the U.S. North and South were intertwined by slavery. By the mid-1800s, capital investment in slaves was higher than the value of land or any other capital worth.

Southern slave labor made New York City the financial capital of the world. Cotton produced on plantations became the main product of export and a major source of the city’s wealth. Large textile mills gave New York State a booming economy.

Both cotton and enslaved workers treated as “property” were among the first commodities on the stock market. Cotton trading accounted for the country’s expansive growth for an extended historical period. Profits from the slave trade financed the industrial revolution.

The Lehman family members were Alabama cotton brokers. In 1850 they founded Lehman Brothers Investments, acquiring their capital and wealth by investing and trading in cotton. Three sons moved to New York City in 1858, where they later helped to establish the New York Cotton Exchange (1870).

In 1781, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina was founded on the profits of the slave trade. Its predecessors, the Bank of Charleston, S.C., and the Bank of North America, made loans to slave “owners” and accepted slaves as collateral. When the owners defaulted on the loans the banks became the new slave owners.

The Morgan family of Massachusetts was a major stock broker. JP Morgan brokers became JP Morgan/Chase. Their predecessor banks also made loans to slave owners and accepted 13,000 enslaved Africans as “collateral.” When owners defaulted, the banks acquired their fortunes by becoming the new owners of 1,250 slaves. Chase Bank is owned by the Rockefeller family.

Another profitable company was Aetna Insurance Co., which sold insurance to slave owners wanting to protect their investments of human cargo aboard the slave ships and on the plantations, should a slave die. The life insurance policies, issued in the 1850s, were intended to compensate slave owners for the loss of people who were at that time considered “property.”

Your stupidity is showing again. Unfortunately there were a lot of Capitalists who benefited from the Slave trade

I didn't say Lehman brothers were the "ONLY" ones, but they were still Kosher people involved in financing the slave trade in the Southerner states.
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?

Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.

Numerous capitalist merchants benefited hugely from the transatlantic slave trade and the industries associated with it. For several centuries the economies of the U.S. North and South were intertwined by slavery. By the mid-1800s, capital investment in slaves was higher than the value of land or any other capital worth.

Southern slave labor made New York City the financial capital of the world. Cotton produced on plantations became the main product of export and a major source of the city’s wealth. Large textile mills gave New York State a booming economy.

Both cotton and enslaved workers treated as “property” were among the first commodities on the stock market. Cotton trading accounted for the country’s expansive growth for an extended historical period. Profits from the slave trade financed the industrial revolution.

The Lehman family members were Alabama cotton brokers. In 1850 they founded Lehman Brothers Investments, acquiring their capital and wealth by investing and trading in cotton. Three sons moved to New York City in 1858, where they later helped to establish the New York Cotton Exchange (1870).

In 1781, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina was founded on the profits of the slave trade. Its predecessors, the Bank of Charleston, S.C., and the Bank of North America, made loans to slave “owners” and accepted slaves as collateral. When the owners defaulted on the loans the banks became the new slave owners.

The Morgan family of Massachusetts was a major stock broker. JP Morgan brokers became JP Morgan/Chase. Their predecessor banks also made loans to slave owners and accepted 13,000 enslaved Africans as “collateral.” When owners defaulted, the banks acquired their fortunes by becoming the new owners of 1,250 slaves. Chase Bank is owned by the Rockefeller family.

Another profitable company was Aetna Insurance Co., which sold insurance to slave owners wanting to protect their investments of human cargo aboard the slave ships and on the plantations, should a slave die. The life insurance policies, issued in the 1850s, were intended to compensate slave owners for the loss of people who were at that time considered “property.”

Your stupidity is showing again. Unfortunately there were a lot of Capitalists who benefited from the Slave trade

I didn't say Lehman brothers were the "ONLY" ones, but they were still Kosher people involved in financing the slave trade in the Southerner states.
I asked you if there's such a thing as a non-Kosher Jew, Dildo Brain.
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?
Did you know that the colonies were financed by a ****?
Imagine you living in Poland.
By the way, is there such a thing as a non-Kosher Jew?

I'd rather live in Poland, among my kinsman, I kind of resent being sold poor goods in this country.

If you need help packing your bags please let us know
He killed terrorists who were killing goyim.

Deir Yassin Massacre done with at least some participation of Menachem Begin shouldn't get him the Nobel Peace Prize.
Long behold it does, like magic.
Yawn...RCC murdered tens of millions and all you have up your a$$ is 3 "massacres" committed against people who murder their own people.
You're such a Dildo Brain.

You like to hide behind the Goyim.

Fact is one of the most modern & nasty anti-Native American genocides was orchestrated by your tribesman one Julius Popper.

Fact, Another one of your tribesman Lehman Brothers funded much the USA slave trade.

That doesn't even begin to talk about your involvement in Communist movements,
whole idea for Bolsheviks was from the Gelphand plan from Izrael Gelphand the Kosher & funding from the Bolsheviks main financier Kosher Jacob Schiff.
in the
mid 1930's the NKVD was more Kosher than Russian.

The most vicious of death camps the GULAG was invented & orchestrated by Kosher people like Lazar Kogan, or Matvei Berman.

The Holodomor was orchestrated by Kosher Lazar Kaganovich.

Then there's Bela Kuhn of Hungary a Communist,
Jakub Berman & Salomon Morel Communists of Poland.
How about Fidel Castro part Kosher, and financed by Kosher Ricardo Wolf?

Several financial institutions involved in the current U.S. economic crisis—Lehman Bros., Wachovia Bank, Chase Bank and Aetna Inc.—have interesting background stories and one thing in common: their connection to the inhumane institution of slavery.


Graphic of slaves in a ship galley.

Numerous capitalist merchants benefited hugely from the transatlantic slave trade and the industries associated with it. For several centuries the economies of the U.S. North and South were intertwined by slavery. By the mid-1800s, capital investment in slaves was higher than the value of land or any other capital worth.

Southern slave labor made New York City the financial capital of the world. Cotton produced on plantations became the main product of export and a major source of the city’s wealth. Large textile mills gave New York State a booming economy.

Both cotton and enslaved workers treated as “property” were among the first commodities on the stock market. Cotton trading accounted for the country’s expansive growth for an extended historical period. Profits from the slave trade financed the industrial revolution.

The Lehman family members were Alabama cotton brokers. In 1850 they founded Lehman Brothers Investments, acquiring their capital and wealth by investing and trading in cotton. Three sons moved to New York City in 1858, where they later helped to establish the New York Cotton Exchange (1870).

In 1781, Wachovia Bank of North Carolina was founded on the profits of the slave trade. Its predecessors, the Bank of Charleston, S.C., and the Bank of North America, made loans to slave “owners” and accepted slaves as collateral. When the owners defaulted on the loans the banks became the new slave owners.

The Morgan family of Massachusetts was a major stock broker. JP Morgan brokers became JP Morgan/Chase. Their predecessor banks also made loans to slave owners and accepted 13,000 enslaved Africans as “collateral.” When owners defaulted, the banks acquired their fortunes by becoming the new owners of 1,250 slaves. Chase Bank is owned by the Rockefeller family.

Another profitable company was Aetna Insurance Co., which sold insurance to slave owners wanting to protect their investments of human cargo aboard the slave ships and on the plantations, should a slave die. The life insurance policies, issued in the 1850s, were intended to compensate slave owners for the loss of people who were at that time considered “property.”

Your stupidity is showing again. Unfortunately there were a lot of Capitalists who benefited from the Slave trade

I didn't say Lehman brothers were the "ONLY" ones, but they were still Kosher people involved in financing the slave trade in the Southerner states.

Just like the GOYIM were

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