Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Zionist truth? Other than there isn't one? Ok, do the secret hidden agenda Elders of Zion secret headshake tied to a secret foot waggle and you get all so secret invisible manchshluscburbel! Its such a ubber secret Jewish thingy KNOBODY knows about! Not even Wisenheimers!
Last edited:
Understanding the Polish Obsession with Salomon Morel

Here is your answer, You stupid Pollack. Re; Jakub Berman; Thread please that he murdered Pollacks

Even if they did, so what? That has NOTHING to do with my threads Re; History of Antisemitism

Kosher Commies killed more Poles than Pogroms killed your tribe.

Another Pollack lie. Prove it


Even IF what you say is true, who cares? Your disgusting depraved pieces if FILTH has a LONG HISTORY of Antisemitism

Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

you want to get TECHNICAL----I have saved the lives of poles too.
-----shall I discuss the treatment of delirium tremens and liver failure
with you ----IT AIN'T EASY

You are a complete vermin.

Poles don't drink much more or much less than other Northern Europeans,Western Europeans or Eastern Europeans.

You are an Autistic f#cking Monkey.

In fact your ungrateful, unfriendly, nasty, spiteful creatures can use some drinks to loosen up.
Kosher Commies killed more Poles than Pogroms killed your tribe.

Another Pollack lie. Prove it


Even IF what you say is true, who cares? Your disgusting depraved pieces if FILTH has a LONG HISTORY of Antisemitism

Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

you want to get TECHNICAL----I have saved the lives of poles too.
-----shall I discuss the treatment of delirium tremens and liver failure
with you ----IT AIN'T EASY

You are a complete vermin.

Poles don't drink much more or much less than other Northern Europeans,Western Europeans or Eastern Europeans.

You are an Autistic f#cking Monkey.

In fact your ungrateful, unfriendly, nasty, spiteful creatures can use some drinks to loosen up.

You and your ILK are nothing but a bunch of Savage, Hateful , Racist Scum of the Earth; You should all drink yourselves to death or set each other on fire
Another Pollack lie. Prove it


Even IF what you say is true, who cares? Your disgusting depraved pieces if FILTH has a LONG HISTORY of Antisemitism

Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

you want to get TECHNICAL----I have saved the lives of poles too.
-----shall I discuss the treatment of delirium tremens and liver failure
with you ----IT AIN'T EASY

You are a complete vermin.

Poles don't drink much more or much less than other Northern Europeans,Western Europeans or Eastern Europeans.

You are an Autistic f#cking Monkey.

In fact your ungrateful, unfriendly, nasty, spiteful creatures can use some drinks to loosen up.

You and your ILK are nothing but a bunch of Savage, Hateful , Racist Scum of the Earth; You should all drink yourselves to death or set each other on fire

I tell you the facts that Poland had the most people help your tribe in WW2.

You show not one ounce of gratitude because you people are worse than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude beyond you Spawns of Satan.

You are such a vermin, such nasty, arrogant, ignorant Rats.

Even in person I find most Kosher creatures are unfriendly, cold,nasty, arrogant SOBs.

That's bad enough.
You are disrespectful towards Christians & Christ.
Always trying to control & manipulate society

You make up garbage about Poles like Dumb Polak jokes
You blame Polish victims
Of Nazis for the Holocaust.

You really deserve no existence.
Last edited:
Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

you want to get TECHNICAL----I have saved the lives of poles too.
-----shall I discuss the treatment of delirium tremens and liver failure
with you ----IT AIN'T EASY
You are a complete vermin.

Poles don't drink much more or much less than other Northern Europeans,Western Europeans or Eastern Europeans.

You are an Autistic f#cking Monkey.

In fact your ungrateful, unfriendly, nasty, spiteful creatures can use some drinks to loosen up.

You and your ILK are nothing but a bunch of Savage, Hateful , Racist Scum of the Earth; You should all drink yourselves to death or set each other on fire

I tell you the facts that Poland had the most people help your tribe in WW2.

You show not one ounce of gratitude because you people are worse than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude beyond you Spawns of Satan.

You are such a vermin, such nasty, arrogant, ignorant Rats.

Even in person I find most Kosher creatures are unfriendly, cold,nasty, arrogant SOBs.

That's bad enough.
You disrespctful towards Christians & Christ.
Always trying to control & manipulate society.

Vile, disgusting, Savage Pollacks did not help us. Were there a few? Of course. However, the Majority did not,
Your Filthy ILK had a long History of AntiSemitism before WW 11
I mentioned other Religions that don’t believe in “ Jesus” and you have nothing to say about it. It is you that is disrespectful of other religions; people who don’t believe what you do
You and your ILK are the Filth, Scum of the Earth and bottom feeders. . You shouldn’t even be living

right ----and two million children murdered

you want to get TECHNICAL----I have saved the lives of poles too.
-----shall I discuss the treatment of delirium tremens and liver failure
with you ----IT AIN'T EASY
You are a complete vermin.

Poles don't drink much more or much less than other Northern Europeans,Western Europeans or Eastern Europeans.

You are an Autistic f#cking Monkey.

In fact your ungrateful, unfriendly, nasty, spiteful creatures can use some drinks to loosen up.

You and your ILK are nothing but a bunch of Savage, Hateful , Racist Scum of the Earth; You should all drink yourselves to death or set each other on fire

I tell you the facts that Poland had the most people help your tribe in WW2.

You show not one ounce of gratitude because you people are worse than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude beyond you Spawns of Satan.

You are such a vermin, such nasty, arrogant, ignorant Rats.

Even in person I find most Kosher creatures are unfriendly, cold,nasty, arrogant SOBs.

That's bad enough.
You disrespctful towards Christians & Christ.
Always trying to control & manipulate society.

Vile, disgusting, Savage Pollacks did not help us. Were there a few? Of course. However, the Majority did not,
Your Filthy ILK had a long History of AntiSemitism before WW 11
I mentioned other Religions that don’t believe in “ Jesus” and you have nothing to say about it. It is you that is disrespectful of other religions; people who don’t believe what you do
You and your ILK are the Filth, Scum of the Earth and bottom feeders. . You shouldn’t even be living

For a people who claim to be so intellectually superior, you sure are such ignorant wretches.

It doesn't take a heck of a lot of people to kill some people. IDIOT.

I can have an open honest dialogue, you Kosher creatures NEVER CAN, because you are manipulative, arrogant, ignorant filth.

I'll admit 22 Poles were convicted for the Jedwabne Pogrom during WW2.

That's TWENTY TWO, you stupid less than Human, Demonic Gorillas.

That's by far the biggest Pogrom in Polish history, and it is murky as heck, because Nazi Germans may have played a role, and also in the region Kosher people were collaborating with Soviet NKVD to send Poles to GULAGS.

You judge the Polish people for 22 people?

Meanwhile, nearly 7,000 Poles are documented as saving Kosher people in WW2.

Enough is enough of you ignorant scourge of Humanity, you things have no business having what Poland gave you Kosher Creatures, which is life.

In the Medieval era,
Kosher people dealt in Christian slaves.

Link please Pollack Moron. Even IF it were true; nothing said about Christian persecution over 2000 years
YIVO | Trade[/QUOT

In the Medieval era,
Kosher people dealt in Christian slaves.

Link please Pollack Moron. Even IF it were true; nothing said about Christian persecution over 2000 years
YIVO | Trade

Why Good Friday was dangerous for Jews in the Middle Ages and how that changed

Your point? Look at the way Christians have treated Jews for Centuries . Read my links above, You are too stupid to do so

You treat Christians so good, in your country.

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them
How many? 3?
And the Pollack belittle ‘s and vilifies Jews because they don’t follow “ Jesus” while not saying a word about other Religions that dont

You & Irosie are why I don't like your Anti-Christ tribe.

you heard "Christ-killer" BS in your cradle-----and will repeat it every time you either get drunk or have a high fever

I wasn't raised anti-Kosher.
I wasn't particularly anti-Kosher until I found so many of you hate Poles, and Hate Catholics.
How you try so hard to control evety aspect of US society & drive this country off of the rails.
You mean your father, the failure who couldn’t start his own business, met too many Jews who did.

Are you ducking from you having the nerve to blame my father, but not telling us what your father did?

My father was a Vietnam Veteran, who got his Masters Degree in teaching.

Yeah, loser, YOU ARE the LOSER & the Vermin of Humanity.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.
you learned the lessons of your nursery and catechism whore WELL

You say Poles did the Holocaust, when the SS was 0% Polish,
You then deny that Soviets did the Holodomor, with the NKVD was 40% Kosher.

What gives?

It's never been about anything else with you, other than manipulation, lies, and your disgusting trash in general.

You've never wanted an open dialogue, it's all about trashing the Goyim.

Yet, you people wonder why nobody likes you throughout the ages, except now the dumb Hicks down South, love you, well... That's about it.

your catechism whore had a really cooperative altar boy-----HAVE FUN?. At no time did I deny that Stalin did the HOLODOMOR ---why do you like about your hero -------the would be priest----JOSEF STALIN-----why do you deny that poles murdered jews in droves----not
just during the world war II era?

Poles didn't murder Kosher people in droves, idiot.

You're a manipulative scum, and a prime example why so many people despise your tribe.

No, but they tried you STUPID DUMB POLLACK. The hate had been for over 2000 years obviously; nothing to do with your VILE, DISGUSTING SCUM you come from

anti-Semitism in Poland

The SCUM and bottom feeders of this planet. With POLLACKS they put the tests on a CURVE which is how your father " passed"

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

What about Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel
Who butchered 10,000 Poles give or take.

Oh you are so innocent..Yeah sure.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.
You & Irosie are why I don't like your Anti-Christ tribe.

you heard "Christ-killer" BS in your cradle-----and will repeat it every time you either get drunk or have a high fever

I wasn't raised anti-Kosher.
I wasn't particularly anti-Kosher until I found so many of you hate Poles, and Hate Catholics.
How you try so hard to control evety aspect of US society & drive this country off of the rails.
You mean your father, the failure who couldn’t start his own business, met too many Jews who did.

Are you ducking from you having the nerve to blame my father, but not telling us what your father did?

My father was a Vietnam Veteran, who got his Masters Degree in teaching.

Yeah, loser, YOU ARE the LOSER & the Vermin of Humanity.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
you heard "Christ-killer" BS in your cradle-----and will repeat it every time you either get drunk or have a high fever

I wasn't raised anti-Kosher.
I wasn't particularly anti-Kosher until I found so many of you hate Poles, and Hate Catholics.
How you try so hard to control evety aspect of US society & drive this country off of the rails.
You mean your father, the failure who couldn’t start his own business, met too many Jews who did.

Are you ducking from you having the nerve to blame my father, but not telling us what your father did?

My father was a Vietnam Veteran, who got his Masters Degree in teaching.

Yeah, loser, YOU ARE the LOSER & the Vermin of Humanity.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.
You say Poles did the Holocaust, when the SS was 0% Polish,
You then deny that Soviets did the Holodomor, with the NKVD was 40% Kosher.

What gives?

It's never been about anything else with you, other than manipulation, lies, and your disgusting trash in general.

You've never wanted an open dialogue, it's all about trashing the Goyim.

Yet, you people wonder why nobody likes you throughout the ages, except now the dumb Hicks down South, love you, well... That's about it.

your catechism whore had a really cooperative altar boy-----HAVE FUN?. At no time did I deny that Stalin did the HOLODOMOR ---why do you like about your hero -------the would be priest----JOSEF STALIN-----why do you deny that poles murdered jews in droves----not
just during the world war II era?

Poles didn't murder Kosher people in droves, idiot.

You're a manipulative scum, and a prime example why so many people despise your tribe.

No, but they tried you STUPID DUMB POLLACK. The hate had been for over 2000 years obviously; nothing to do with your VILE, DISGUSTING SCUM you come from

anti-Semitism in Poland

The SCUM and bottom feeders of this planet. With POLLACKS they put the tests on a CURVE which is how your father " passed"

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

What about Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel
Who butchered 10,000 Poles give or take.

Oh you are so innocent..Yeah sure.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
I wasn't raised anti-Kosher.
I wasn't particularly anti-Kosher until I found so many of you hate Poles, and Hate Catholics.
How you try so hard to control evety aspect of US society & drive this country off of the rails.
You mean your father, the failure who couldn’t start his own business, met too many Jews who did.

Are you ducking from you having the nerve to blame my father, but not telling us what your father did?

My father was a Vietnam Veteran, who got his Masters Degree in teaching.

Yeah, loser, YOU ARE the LOSER & the Vermin of Humanity.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.
your catechism whore had a really cooperative altar boy-----HAVE FUN?. At no time did I deny that Stalin did the HOLODOMOR ---why do you like about your hero -------the would be priest----JOSEF STALIN-----why do you deny that poles murdered jews in droves----not
just during the world war II era?

Poles didn't murder Kosher people in droves, idiot.

You're a manipulative scum, and a prime example why so many people despise your tribe.

No, but they tried you STUPID DUMB POLLACK. The hate had been for over 2000 years obviously; nothing to do with your VILE, DISGUSTING SCUM you come from

anti-Semitism in Poland

The SCUM and bottom feeders of this planet. With POLLACKS they put the tests on a CURVE which is how your father " passed"

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

What about Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel
Who butchered 10,000 Poles give or take.

Oh you are so innocent..Yeah sure.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.
I wasn't raised anti-Kosher.
I wasn't particularly anti-Kosher until I found so many of you hate Poles, and Hate Catholics.
How you try so hard to control evety aspect of US society & drive this country off of the rails.
You mean your father, the failure who couldn’t start his own business, met too many Jews who did.

Are you ducking from you having the nerve to blame my father, but not telling us what your father did?

My father was a Vietnam Veteran, who got his Masters Degree in teaching.

Yeah, loser, YOU ARE the LOSER & the Vermin of Humanity.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Yes, it’s “ Special Education “ for the Mentally challenged and disabled
Poles didn't murder Kosher people in droves, idiot.

You're a manipulative scum, and a prime example why so many people despise your tribe.

No, but they tried you STUPID DUMB POLLACK. The hate had been for over 2000 years obviously; nothing to do with your VILE, DISGUSTING SCUM you come from

anti-Semitism in Poland

The SCUM and bottom feeders of this planet. With POLLACKS they put the tests on a CURVE which is how your father " passed"

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

What about Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel
Who butchered 10,000 Poles give or take.

Oh you are so innocent..Yeah sure.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Understanding the Polish Obsession with Salomon Morel

Here is your answer, You stupid Pollack. Re; Jakub Berman; Thread please that he murdered Pollacks

Even if they did, so what? That has NOTHING to do with my threads Re; History of Antisemitism

Kosher Commies killed more Poles than Pogroms killed your tribe.

Another Pollack lie. Prove it


Even IF what you say is true, who cares? Your disgusting depraved pieces if FILTH has a LONG HISTORY of Antisemitism

Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

You must be either extremely ignorant or extremely manipulative if you think the Holocaust was Polish.

You are genetic trash & the epitome of why so many people despise Kosher people.

sobie dear, I have NEVER said (or written) that the holocaust
was POLISH------you are overly sensitive------BUT you CONTINUTALLY sneer------your term "kosher people" is really
IDIOTIC-------you make polacks seem STUPID
You mean your father, the failure who couldn’t start his own business, met too many Jews who did.

Are you ducking from you having the nerve to blame my father, but not telling us what your father did?

My father was a Vietnam Veteran, who got his Masters Degree in teaching.

Yeah, loser, YOU ARE the LOSER & the Vermin of Humanity.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Kosher Commies killed more Poles than Pogroms killed your tribe.

Another Pollack lie. Prove it


Even IF what you say is true, who cares? Your disgusting depraved pieces if FILTH has a LONG HISTORY of Antisemitism

Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

You must be either extremely ignorant or extremely manipulative if you think the Holocaust was Polish.

You are genetic trash & the epitome of why so many people despise Kosher people.

sobie dear, I have NEVER said (or written) that the holocaust
was POLISH------you are overly sensitive------BUT you CONTINUTALLY sneer------your term "kosher people" is really
IDIOTIC-------you make polacks seem STUPID

I use the term Kosher people, because not only is it creative, but because if I use your correct names I tend to get banned.

It's no more dumb, than you Kosher creatures using terms like Pollack, Pollock, Polack, or what ever, not even using Polak correctly.

You are stupid, you are hypocrites, you are blood letting mosquitoes.
No, but they tried you STUPID DUMB POLLACK. The hate had been for over 2000 years obviously; nothing to do with your VILE, DISGUSTING SCUM you come from

anti-Semitism in Poland

The SCUM and bottom feeders of this planet. With POLLACKS they put the tests on a CURVE which is how your father " passed"

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

What about Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel
Who butchered 10,000 Poles give or take.

Oh you are so innocent..Yeah sure.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

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