Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Kosher Commies killed more Poles than Pogroms killed your tribe.

Another Pollack lie. Prove it


Even IF what you say is true, who cares? Your disgusting depraved pieces if FILTH has a LONG HISTORY of Antisemitism

Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

You must be either extremely ignorant or extremely manipulative if you think the Holocaust was Polish.

You are genetic trash & the epitome of why so many people despise Kosher people.

sobie dear, I have NEVER said (or written) that the holocaust
was POLISH------you are overly sensitive------BUT you CONTINUTALLY sneer------your term "kosher people" is really
IDIOTIC-------you make polacks seem STUPID

He IS the bottom of the barrel
No, but they tried you STUPID DUMB POLLACK. The hate had been for over 2000 years obviously; nothing to do with your VILE, DISGUSTING SCUM you come from

anti-Semitism in Poland

The SCUM and bottom feeders of this planet. With POLLACKS they put the tests on a CURVE which is how your father " passed"

History of antisemitism - Wikipedia

What about Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel
Who butchered 10,000 Poles give or take.

Oh you are so innocent..Yeah sure.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.

sobie dear-----you are shoving the innocent of Greenpoint
INTO THE MUD. Try to control yourself
Are you ducking from you having the nerve to blame my father, but not telling us what your father did?

My father was a Vietnam Veteran, who got his Masters Degree in teaching.

Yeah, loser, YOU ARE the LOSER & the Vermin of Humanity.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?
Another Pollack lie. Prove it


Even IF what you say is true, who cares? Your disgusting depraved pieces if FILTH has a LONG HISTORY of Antisemitism

Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

You must be either extremely ignorant or extremely manipulative if you think the Holocaust was Polish.

You are genetic trash & the epitome of why so many people despise Kosher people.

sobie dear, I have NEVER said (or written) that the holocaust
was POLISH------you are overly sensitive------BUT you CONTINUTALLY sneer------your term "kosher people" is really
IDIOTIC-------you make polacks seem STUPID

I use the term Kosher people, because not only is it creative, but because if I use your correct names I tend to get banned.

It's no more dumb, than you Kosher creatures using terms like Pollack, Pollock, Polack, or what ever, not even using Polak correctly.

You are stupid, you are hypocrites, you are blood letting mosquitoes.

You can use K-I-k-e.
By the way, never use ha’eretz to prove a point; they lie like the devil.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?
The easiest Masters to get.
My wife’s cousin is border line moron and has it.
What about Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel
Who butchered 10,000 Poles give or take.

Oh you are so innocent..Yeah sure.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

Yeah, f*ck you dirty pedophiles.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?

I didn’t say there was anything wrong with being a Firefighter. He could just put out all the fires you start with your Matches
We will call it “ All In The Family”
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

Yeah, f*ck you dirty pedophiles.
You didn’t fix your blow up doll yet?
Poland had the highest number of Righteous Among the Nations
Save your ungrateful tribe.

Most notable being Eugene Lazowski, Irena Sendler & Henryk Slawik.

Close to 20,000 Kosher people saved by just those 3 Poles.

Poles aided many Kosher people with Zegota.

Poles warned the World about the Holocaust like Witold Pilecki, Stefan Korbonski & Jan Karski.

You show no gratitude because you're less than Animals.

right ----and two million children murdered

You must be either extremely ignorant or extremely manipulative if you think the Holocaust was Polish.

You are genetic trash & the epitome of why so many people despise Kosher people.

sobie dear, I have NEVER said (or written) that the holocaust
was POLISH------you are overly sensitive------BUT you CONTINUTALLY sneer------your term "kosher people" is really
IDIOTIC-------you make polacks seem STUPID

I use the term Kosher people, because not only is it creative, but because if I use your correct names I tend to get banned.

It's no more dumb, than you Kosher creatures using terms like Pollack, Pollock, Polack, or what ever, not even using Polak correctly.

You are stupid, you are hypocrites, you are blood letting mosquitoes.
You can use K-I-k-e.
By the way, never use ha’eretz to prove a point; they lie like the devil.

so true-----quoting HaEretz is just as idiotic as quoting The Washington Post
Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?
The easiest Masters to get.
My wife’s cousin is border line moron and has it.

So, what's your Fathers degree, what's your degree?

You are so arrogant, and refuse to tell us.

Because you SUCK, it would be okay if you didn't do as well as my Father.

But, to Mock someone for a Masters Degree?

Enough is enough, you people are all disgusting, and deserve to be treated like the Plague.
What’s the difference between a kosher Jew and non-kosher Jew?
The non-kosher Jews you post behaved like the RCC.

You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

Yeah, f*ck you dirty pedophiles.

After you; Pollacks first
You tried to pin Secular Kosher people on the Pedophiles, but ignore that there's a bunch of Orthodox / Ultra-Orthodox Pedo Koshers running around.

Not to mention, more religious Koshers, are more likely to do their Oral pedo tradition of Metzitzah B'peh.
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

Yeah, f*ck you dirty pedophiles.
You didn’t fix your blow up doll yet?

Such obnoxious, ignorant, cretins you Kosher creatures are.

You can't handle a real debate, or dialogue, without getting all vindictive, spiteful, obnoxious, flaming.

I hate your tribe, I don't care what happens to you.

Let there be another Holocaust, I won't be risking my life, I won't even care.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?
The easiest Masters to get.
My wife’s cousin is border line moron and has it.

So, what's your Fathers degree, what's your degree?

You are so arrogant, and refuse to tell us.

Because you SUCK, it would be okay if you didn't do as well as my Father.

But, to Mock someone for a Masters Degree?

Enough is enough, you people are all disgusting, and deserve to be treated like the Plague.
Masters in Computer &Information Science.
Almost 30 years in the private sector.
16 years on Wall Street as a software engineer.
Currently a Business Analyst for a public utility.

I don’t own a blowup doll.
Big fucking deal.
Jews with low IQs get PhDs in Education.

Where are you getting this from?
29% of Kosher Americans had post secondary degrees.
A Masters degree, or PhD.

Jews are world’s most educated religious group, but there’s a U.S. wrinkle - Washington Jewish Week

That's NOT the majority.

What's your fathers degree?
Funny like an ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious twerp, you keep running from that.

You are such a lousy people, no wonder why everywhere you've gone, ;people tend to treat like you like Mosquitoes.
Nice deflection...
We were discussing Education degrees.
Jews earns Masters and above in that in their sleep and your bragging that your daddy achieved something “special”.

Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?

What the Hell do you do; besides being a Pollack piece of SCUM who likes fires?
There’s one rabbi who does the b’peh in front of the congregation and he’s paid well to do it.
It’s not like he’s openly gay on cable networks.

A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

Yeah, f*ck you dirty pedophiles.
You didn’t fix your blow up doll yet?

Such obnoxious, ignorant, cretins you Kosher creatures are.

You can't handle a real debate, or dialogue, without getting all vindictive, spiteful, obnoxious, flaming.

I hate your tribe, I don't care what happens to you.

Let there be another Holocaust, I won't be risking my life, I won't even care.
Everyone here knows your posts are out of context and chronological order.
You are overtly emotionally ill and mentally disturbed.
Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?
The easiest Masters to get.
My wife’s cousin is border line moron and has it.

So, what's your Fathers degree, what's your degree?

You are so arrogant, and refuse to tell us.

Because you SUCK, it would be okay if you didn't do as well as my Father.

But, to Mock someone for a Masters Degree?

Enough is enough, you people are all disgusting, and deserve to be treated like the Plague.
Masters in Computer &Information Science.
Almost 30 years in the private sector.
16 years on Wall Street as a software engineer.
Currently a Business Analyst for a public utility.

I don’t own a blowup doll.

He wishes he had one; He needs it
Every Kosher thing on this forum is a complete vermin.

My father obviously did better than your father.
Otherwise you'd come out & say it.

The NERVE of you filthy mosquitoes.

that I'm losing sleep, either way, I'm not a materialistic, greedy filth of Humanity like you & your ilk.

Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?
The easiest Masters to get.
My wife’s cousin is border line moron and has it.

So, what's your Fathers degree, what's your degree?

You are so arrogant, and refuse to tell us.

Because you SUCK, it would be okay if you didn't do as well as my Father.

But, to Mock someone for a Masters Degree?

Enough is enough, you people are all disgusting, and deserve to be treated like the Plague.
Masters in Computer &Information Science.
Almost 30 years in the private sector.
16 years on Wall Street as a software engineer.
Currently a Business Analyst for a public utility.

I don’t own a blowup doll.

What makes your Masters degree, any different, anyways?

I really don't believe you, anyways.

judging by your constant religious babbles.

I believe more along the lines you're just some Hasidim on Welfare.

I think you're a full of it liar.
A lot of Ultra-Orthodox do Metzitzah B'peh, and these scumbags even compared lawmakers to the Inquisition & Nazis in Kiryas Koel, or similar places,
for trying to outlaw their prehistoric pedophilia

You are SICKOS.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

Yeah, f*ck you dirty pedophiles.
You didn’t fix your blow up doll yet?

Such obnoxious, ignorant, cretins you Kosher creatures are.

You can't handle a real debate, or dialogue, without getting all vindictive, spiteful, obnoxious, flaming.

I hate your tribe, I don't care what happens to you.

Let there be another Holocaust, I won't be risking my life, I won't even care.
Everyone here knows your posts are out of context and chronological order.
You are overtly emotionally ill and mentally disturbed.

You like all nappy haired creatures, tend to be dumb farm Animals.

Just you & your ilk have extreme OCD issues, always needing more, and NOW.

Nobody in the real World likes you.

Almost everybody I talk to you in the NYC metro has negative opinions of your tribe, because they've dealt with you, unlike those Protestant idiot hicks down South.
Did he go to School to become a FIREFIGHTER?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Do you have a reading comprehension issue?

I said my Father has his Masters Degree in Teaching.

What's wrong with being a Firefighter, anyways?

Such snooty, snobs.

What the heck do you even do, besides being a vermin?
The easiest Masters to get.
My wife’s cousin is border line moron and has it.

So, what's your Fathers degree, what's your degree?

You are so arrogant, and refuse to tell us.

Because you SUCK, it would be okay if you didn't do as well as my Father.

But, to Mock someone for a Masters Degree?

Enough is enough, you people are all disgusting, and deserve to be treated like the Plague.
Masters in Computer &Information Science.
Almost 30 years in the private sector.
16 years on Wall Street as a software engineer.
Currently a Business Analyst for a public utility.

I don’t own a blowup doll.

What makes your Masters degree, any different, anyways?

I really don't believe you, anyways.

judging by your constant religious babbles.

I believe more along the lines you're just some Hasidim on Welfare.

I think you're a full of it liar.
Because I’m damn good at what I do.
My German Catholic boss loves me.
He’s always saying he’s anchoring on me to get to heaven.
Freedom of religion.
Not that I would opt for it.
But then again, I have to look at your doofus face.

Yeah, f*ck you dirty pedophiles.
You didn’t fix your blow up doll yet?

Such obnoxious, ignorant, cretins you Kosher creatures are.

You can't handle a real debate, or dialogue, without getting all vindictive, spiteful, obnoxious, flaming.

I hate your tribe, I don't care what happens to you.

Let there be another Holocaust, I won't be risking my life, I won't even care.
Everyone here knows your posts are out of context and chronological order.
You are overtly emotionally ill and mentally disturbed.

You like all nappy haired creatures, tend to be dumb farm Animals.

Just you & your ilk have extreme OCD issues, always needing more, and NOW.

Nobody in the real World likes you.

Almost everybody I talk to you in the NYC metro has negative opinions of your tribe, because they've dealt with you, unlike those Protestant idiot hicks down South.
You mean your fellow Jew haters.

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