Every president says a nuclear NK is not an option yet none of them stopped NK from obtaining them.

The "launch facilities" were a truck, I hear--a mobile launch. Hard to target, as they intended.


Launchers come out of hide sites, shoot, and scoot back into cover. Intel Observation - looking for them - can sometimes find them, track them after they have fire, ands track them back to a hide site or a re-supply facility / compound / HQ...then 'punish' the hell out of them.

Pre-emptive strikes, if they are using mobile launchers and have sent them out in the field before the strike, makes it more likely one or more will be missed, allowing them to fire.

The time to stop them was years ago by NOT giving them nuclear reactors / fuel, NOT letting them develop their programs un-deterred, and / or NOY allowing them to acquire the technology they required to reach us.
And his tweets are winning the day! Those tweets will keep NK in line!

Yeah, maybe Trump should have tried appeasement like Bill Clinton did and gave them nuclear reactors and nuclear material?!

Would be no less effective than his twitter war.

But I guess at least the twitter war keeps people like you aroused, so that is something.
...and now Trump is left to deal with their failures / enabling / consequences....
And he is doing?[/QUOTE]
1. Paying attention to the problem, something Barry did not do because he was too busy helping terrorists in the ME.

2. Taking defensive measures to help ensure the protection of the US and allies

3. Pressuring China to help resolve the issue

4. Trying to pass a military budget increase to reverse the slashing and decline of our military
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
Every president says a nuclear NK is not an option yet none of them stopped NK from obtaining them

...and now Trump is left to deal with their failures / enabling / consequences....
Don't worry he'll fail to stop them also..
Would be no less effective than his twitter war.

Awwww...someone still hasn't gotten over the 2016 Hillary election loss.... :p

But I guess at least the twitter war keeps people like you aroused....
No, as shown, Trump's TWEETS 'traumatizes' the 'fragile' Democratic Party leaders to the point of being unable to show up for work and do their jobs....

View attachment 163393
..NO Pelosi......President Trump..No Schumer..


Actually I dislike Hillary just slightly more than I dislike Trump. But partisan hacks like you can never see outside the two party box they have their head stuck in.

Let me try this, though I am sure it will be a waste of time...a dislike of Trump does not equate to a like of Hillary. It is actually possible for a person to dislike them both. I know that will blow you mind and you might need to go read the Gateway Pundit or someone else to get your senses back.
What do you propose should be done?

RW, this is GRAMPA. Need you ask?
I offered my ideas but what you nuts seem to forget is we elect people to make those decisions for us.
And I'm glad, Grampa, that folks knowing a lot more than you or me are making those decisions. It doesn't seem there is ANY way to stop this aggressive looney tune without blowing him skyward, but as Easy points out, NoKo is way too armed already and it will result in massive death and destruction on both sides.
Of course, this is exactly what NoKo has been so determined to do with all its years of military build up. It wants to be powerful enough to make countries think twice about blowing them up. Even big powerful countries like the U.S.
So he's got us where he wants us, basically, and there is no good option, so Trump can make noise but if anything actually HAPPENS on this in the next six months, I will be amazed.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
what do you think should happen?
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
That's the scared position and ridiculous rhetoric.

Any war would end in the complete destruction of NK and rocket man knows it.
Unlike you I am not stupid enough to believe that rocket man is willing to commit suicide over a launch pad being destroyed.
world leaders know NK pounds their chest to get attention on a regular basis .. they stir the shit but dont really want any shit.

diplomacy is the best action - another war sets the entire planet back a couple of notches - a nuclear war should never happen.
They're not doing it for attention they're doing it as a show of capability to let the world know that they're not Iraq or Afghanistan and are just going to lay down and let themselves be invaded and destroyed. What they're doing is what any country would be doing right now when faced with the possibility that they're going to be preemptively attacked by a superior military power
Having nukes makes you geopolitically relevant. Look what we did to ghadaffi as soon as he gave up his nukes
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?

how'n the hell do you expect to get a credible answer about a nuclear war from a group of freakin' idgets who believe tax cuts are the answer to everything under the sun ?
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
That's the scared position and ridiculous rhetoric.

Any war would end in the complete destruction of NK and rocket man knows it.
Unlike you I am not stupid enough to believe that rocket man is willing to commit suicide over a launch pad being destroyed.

Un is not a stable person, so while I tend to agree with you that he is not the suicide type, he might be the "take out as many as I can when I go" kind of guy. we know he does not care what happens to his citizens.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?

The end game is either war or diplomacy. Trump is taking us to the former faster than any other president.

And if he ends up with the blood of a million or so South Koreans and US troops on his hands ...

He will blame it on Obama
Every president says a nuclear NK is not an option yet none of them stopped NK from obtaining them

...and now Trump is left to deal with their failures / enabling / consequences....
Don't worry he'll fail to stop them also..
Short of war, the Chinese stopping them, or the little Tyrant being assassinated / dropping dead, the others have pretty much tied his hands.
world leaders know NK pounds their chest to get attention on a regular basis .. they stir the shit but dont really want any shit.

diplomacy is the best action - another war sets the entire planet back a couple of notches - a nuclear war should never happen.
They're not doing it for attention they're doing it as a show of capability to let the world know that they're not Iraq or Afghanistan and are just going to lay down and let themselves be invaded and destroyed. What they're doing is what any country would be doing right now when faced with the possibility that they're going to be preemptively attacked by a superior military power

so they're getting attention :dunno:
world leaders know NK pounds their chest to get attention on a regular basis .. they stir the shit but dont really want any shit.

diplomacy is the best action - another war sets the entire planet back a couple of notches - a nuclear war should never happen.
They're not doing it for attention they're doing it as a show of capability to let the world know that they're not Iraq or Afghanistan and are just going to lay down and let themselves be invaded and destroyed. What they're doing is what any country would be doing right now when faced with the possibility that they're going to be preemptively attacked by a superior military power

so they're getting attention :dunno:
If you want to oversimplify it I guess. Getting attention in terms of the world recognizing that they have the capability to retaliate in a pretty significant way if anyone tries to preemptively attack them, sure I guess. But you seem to think it's a different kind of attention like the way a toddler wants to get attention. It's a totally different thing here

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