Every president says a nuclear NK is not an option yet none of them stopped NK from obtaining them.

world leaders know NK pounds their chest to get attention on a regular basis .. they stir the shit but dont really want any shit.

diplomacy is the best action - another war sets the entire planet back a couple of notches - a nuclear war should never happen.
They're not doing it for attention they're doing it as a show of capability to let the world know that they're not Iraq or Afghanistan and are just going to lay down and let themselves be invaded and destroyed. What they're doing is what any country would be doing right now when faced with the possibility that they're going to be preemptively attacked by a superior military power

so they're getting attention :dunno:
If you want to oversimplify it I guess. Getting attention in terms of the world recognizing that they have the capability to retaliate in a pretty significant way if anyone tries to preemptively attack them, sure I guess. But you seem to think it's a different kind of attention like the way a toddler wants to get attention. It's a totally different thing here

not at all .. chest pounding, saber rattling, launching missiles, etc, is far from toddler whining .. our opinions mirror each other just worded differently.
What do you propose should be done?

RW, this is GRAMPA. Need you ask?
I offered my ideas but what you nuts seem to forget is we elect people to make those decisions for us.
And I'm glad, Grampa, that folks knowing a lot more than you or me are making those decisions. It doesn't seem there is ANY way to stop this aggressive looney tune without blowing him skyward, but as Easy points out, NoKo is way too armed already and it will result in massive death and destruction on both sides.
Of course, this is exactly what NoKo has been so determined to do with all its years of military build up. It wants to be powerful enough to make countries think twice about blowing them up. Even big powerful countries like the U.S.
So he's got us where he wants us, basically, and there is no good option, so Trump can make noise but if anything actually HAPPENS on this in the next six months, I will be amazed.
The problem is we have a man-child in office with his finger on the nuclear launch button. He gets set off by tweets from Rosie O'Donnell and can't get over it. What do you suppose his reaction will be to someone like Kim Jung-Un, who's using missile tests the way O'Donnell uses Twitter?

What do you propose the President do in regards to North Korea? I'm willing to listen.
world leaders know NK pounds their chest to get attention on a regular basis .. they stir the shit but dont really want any shit.

diplomacy is the best action - another war sets the entire planet back a couple of notches - a nuclear war should never happen.
They're not doing it for attention they're doing it as a show of capability to let the world know that they're not Iraq or Afghanistan and are just going to lay down and let themselves be invaded and destroyed. What they're doing is what any country would be doing right now when faced with the possibility that they're going to be preemptively attacked by a superior military power

so they're getting attention :dunno:
If you want to oversimplify it I guess. Getting attention in terms of the world recognizing that they have the capability to retaliate in a pretty significant way if anyone tries to preemptively attack them, sure I guess. But you seem to think it's a different kind of attention like the way a toddler wants to get attention. It's a totally different thing here

not at all .. chest pounding, saber rattling, launching missiles, etc, is far from toddler whining .. our opinions mirror each other just worded differently.

So what would you like to see the President do about North Korea? I'm open to suggestions.
world leaders know NK pounds their chest to get attention on a regular basis .. they stir the shit but dont really want any shit.

diplomacy is the best action - another war sets the entire planet back a couple of notches - a nuclear war should never happen.
They're not doing it for attention they're doing it as a show of capability to let the world know that they're not Iraq or Afghanistan and are just going to lay down and let themselves be invaded and destroyed. What they're doing is what any country would be doing right now when faced with the possibility that they're going to be preemptively attacked by a superior military power

so they're getting attention :dunno:
If you want to oversimplify it I guess. Getting attention in terms of the world recognizing that they have the capability to retaliate in a pretty significant way if anyone tries to preemptively attack them, sure I guess. But you seem to think it's a different kind of attention like the way a toddler wants to get attention. It's a totally different thing here

not at all .. chest pounding, saber rattling, launching missiles, etc, is far from toddler whining .. our opinions mirror each other just worded differently.
Ok my mistake then. I just don't know if attention is the right way to put it. They've had plenty of unsolicited attention regardless. At this point the man is just trying to prove he isn't gonna be an easy win. I don't support the guy in any way shape or form whatsoever but I certainly don't blame him for what he's doing right now
More war is coming, folks. Americans absolutely love war. It's all they know.


The end game is either war or diplomacy. Trump is taking us to the former faster than any other president.

And if he ends up with the blood of a million or so South Koreans and US troops on his hands ...

He will blame it on Obama

So far he hasn't targeted anyone with the missiles he fires. Clearly if he was going to he would've. He's showing the world what he has the capability to do if anyone attacks him. Stop letting the media think for you. They want us to believe he's so crazy that we need to attack him first. It's so fucking ridiculous that people are still falling for that
Why are they landing in Japan's waters, flying over Japan's mainland, etc.? That's not "targeting?" I beg to differ.
Let me know when they hit anything that japan owns. Last I checked no one owns waters beyond a certain distance from land and restricted airspace doesn't extend to literally god and the heavens
Let me know how we handle it if NoKo practices by sending an ICBM over Alaska. As long as they don't hit anything, that's fine, right?
So far he hasn't targeted anyone with the missiles he fires. Clearly if he was going to he would've. He's showing the world what he has the capability to do if anyone attacks him. Stop letting the media think for you. They want us to believe he's so crazy that we need to attack him first. It's so fucking ridiculous that people are still falling for that
Why are they landing in Japan's waters, flying over Japan's mainland, etc.? That's not "targeting?" I beg to differ.
Let me know when they hit anything that japan owns. Last I checked no one owns waters beyond a certain distance from land and restricted airspace doesn't extend to literally god and the heavens
Let me know how we handle it if NoKo practices by sending an ICBM over Alaska. As long as they don't hit anything, that's fine, right?
what do you think his motive is then? I mean they've fired countless missiles at this point over the years but never actually AT anyone, so what do you think he's trying to do? Don't you think he would've fired one directly at someone by this point if he was ever actually planning on doing something like that?
What do you propose should be done?

RW, this is GRAMPA. Need you ask?
I offered my ideas but what you nuts seem to forget is we elect people to make those decisions for us.
And I'm glad, Grampa, that folks knowing a lot more than you or me are making those decisions. It doesn't seem there is ANY way to stop this aggressive looney tune without blowing him skyward, but as Easy points out, NoKo is way too armed already and it will result in massive death and destruction on both sides.
Of course, this is exactly what NoKo has been so determined to do with all its years of military build up. It wants to be powerful enough to make countries think twice about blowing them up. Even big powerful countries like the U.S.
So he's got us where he wants us, basically, and there is no good option, so Trump can make noise but if anything actually HAPPENS on this in the next six months, I will be amazed.
The problem is we have a man-child in office with his finger on the nuclear launch button. He gets set off by tweets from Rosie O'Donnell and can't get over it. What do you suppose his reaction will be to someone like Kim Jung-Un, who's using missile tests the way O'Donnell uses Twitter?

What do you propose the President do in regards to North Korea? I'm willing to listen.
Sanctions are a possibility. Form a coalition of nations against them with eastern Asian nations is a possibility. Displaying our military capabilities to scare them is a possibility. The choices are limited.

But initiating a war with them which gives them justification to launch nukes at us is crazy.
Democrats would prefer that North Korea attack us at will without some war monger launching ICBMS willy nilly. If it makes Trump look bad, the loss of any American city is acceptable. Democrats believe that like cockaroaches, they will live through it.
RW, this is GRAMPA. Need you ask?
I offered my ideas but what you nuts seem to forget is we elect people to make those decisions for us.
And I'm glad, Grampa, that folks knowing a lot more than you or me are making those decisions. It doesn't seem there is ANY way to stop this aggressive looney tune without blowing him skyward, but as Easy points out, NoKo is way too armed already and it will result in massive death and destruction on both sides.
Of course, this is exactly what NoKo has been so determined to do with all its years of military build up. It wants to be powerful enough to make countries think twice about blowing them up. Even big powerful countries like the U.S.
So he's got us where he wants us, basically, and there is no good option, so Trump can make noise but if anything actually HAPPENS on this in the next six months, I will be amazed.
The problem is we have a man-child in office with his finger on the nuclear launch button. He gets set off by tweets from Rosie O'Donnell and can't get over it. What do you suppose his reaction will be to someone like Kim Jung-Un, who's using missile tests the way O'Donnell uses Twitter?

What do you propose the President do in regards to North Korea? I'm willing to listen.
Sanctions are a possibility. Form a coalition of nations against them with eastern Asian nations is a possibility. Displaying our military capabilities to scare them is a possibility. The choices are limited.

But initiating a war with them which gives them justification to launch nukes at us is crazy.

They're already doing those things. Have been for years. So continuing the current approach is what you're proposing. I'm ok with that.
So far he hasn't targeted anyone with the missiles he fires. Clearly if he was going to he would've. He's showing the world what he has the capability to do if anyone attacks him. Stop letting the media think for you. They want us to believe he's so crazy that we need to attack him first. It's so fucking ridiculous that people are still falling for that
Why are they landing in Japan's waters, flying over Japan's mainland, etc.? That's not "targeting?" I beg to differ.
Let me know when they hit anything that japan owns. Last I checked no one owns waters beyond a certain distance from land and restricted airspace doesn't extend to literally god and the heavens
Let me know how we handle it if NoKo practices by sending an ICBM over Alaska. As long as they don't hit anything, that's fine, right?
what do you think his motive is then? I mean they've fired countless missiles at this point over the years but never actually AT anyone, so what do you think he's trying to do? Don't you think he would've fired one directly at someone by this point if he was ever actually planning on doing something like that?

they did the same thing when 43 was in office ... trust me NK DOES NOT WANT ANY SHIT WITH WORLD POWERS ..
So far he hasn't targeted anyone with the missiles he fires. Clearly if he was going to he would've. He's showing the world what he has the capability to do if anyone attacks him. Stop letting the media think for you. They want us to believe he's so crazy that we need to attack him first. It's so fucking ridiculous that people are still falling for that
Why are they landing in Japan's waters, flying over Japan's mainland, etc.? That's not "targeting?" I beg to differ.
Let me know when they hit anything that japan owns. Last I checked no one owns waters beyond a certain distance from land and restricted airspace doesn't extend to literally god and the heavens
Let me know how we handle it if NoKo practices by sending an ICBM over Alaska. As long as they don't hit anything, that's fine, right?
what do you think his motive is then? I mean they've fired countless missiles at this point over the years but never actually AT anyone, so what do you think he's trying to do? Don't you think he would've fired one directly at someone by this point if he was ever actually planning on doing something like that?
You're probably right. But once he gets past Japan, he's got a whole empty Pacific to bomb, so why keep targeting Japanese waters (you may SAY they aren't landing in Japanese waters, but they ARE).
Trump is too damn old and uninformed to make nuclear decisions - he's the dumbass that didnt know wtf Brexit was.

shove a 4 iron up his ass and point him to a putt-putt .. errr, butt putt.

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