Every president says a nuclear NK is not an option yet none of them stopped NK from obtaining them.

I expect a strike on them within a year....

You might be right. What do you think it would look like? see, the problem with any kind of strategically valuable airstrike against their nuke programs and artillery is that they are almost all underground, and spread out all over the place. So it would be time consuming and expensive even to destroy half of these targets. In the meanwhile, North Korea will have shelled South Korea and its capital, creating a terrible human disaster.
I expect a strike on them within a year....

You might be right. What do you think it would look like? see, the problem with any kind of strategically valuable airstrike against their nuke programs and artillery is that they are almost all underground, and spread out all over the place. So it would be time consuming and expensive even to destroy half of these targets. In the meanwhile, North Korea will have shelled South Korea and its capital, creating a terrible human disaster.

I'm sure our military has a pretty good idea from satellite photos, etc. where the majority of their weapons are and from what I understand we would take out their communications first so there basically in the dark. It may not be pretty, but its better to hit him now than to wait.

Retired Air Force general: The US could wipe out North Korea in 15 minutes
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I expect a strike on them within a year....

You might be right. What do you think it would look like? see, the problem with any kind of strategically valuable airstrike against their nuke programs and artillery is that they are almost all underground, and spread out all over the place. So it would be time consuming and expensive even to destroy half of these targets. In the meanwhile, North Korea will have shelled South Korea and its capital, creating a terrible human disaster.

I'm sure our military has a pretty good idea from satellite photos, etc. where the majority of their weapons are and from what I understand we would take out their communications first so there basically in the dark. It may not be pretty, but its better to hit him now than to wait.

Retired Air Force general: The US could wipe out North Korea in 15 minutes

Actually, it's our military who are the ones expressing concern that the airstrikes would be only partially effective, and meeting the goal of truly rendering ineffective the NoKo nuke programs would take a ground invasion. They said exactly this about three weeks ago:

Pentagon: only ground invasion can destroy North Korean nuclear program
I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
Well there is the point of the US not committing the crime against peace of initiating aggressive war, again.
Of course, this is exactly what NoKo has been so determined to do with all its years of military build up. It wants to be powerful enough to make countries think twice about blowing them up.
It paid attention to the Iraq lesson.
Why are they landing in Japan's waters, flying over Japan's mainland, etc.? That's not "targeting?" I beg to differ.
What convention or agreement has been violated? Fox News spin and fauxtrage is the only thing apparent there.
Let me know how we handle it if NoKo practices by sending an ICBM over Alaska. As long as they don't hit anything, that's fine, right?
The US sends satellites over many countries. Is that an outrage?
(you may SAY they aren't landing in Japanese waters, but they ARE).
What, Japanese territorial waters? I don't believe that for a millisecond. Nor do I believe the Sea of Japan is 'Japanese waters'.
Let me know how we handle it if NoKo practices by sending an ICBM over Alaska. As long as they don't hit anything, that's fine, right?
The US sends satellites over many countries. Is that an outrage?

Well, hold on. That is not a fair comparison right now. These satellites are not loaded with nukes they can drop or giant frikkin' lasers. They are not sent as a tactical military threat, and they are not perceived to be one.

Despite the "caginess" of our military, they would know if this missile could land in Alaska, before it reached Alaska. Whether it came close or not would be a huge factor in our response.
I expect a strike on them within a year....

You might be right. What do you think it would look like? see, the problem with any kind of strategically valuable airstrike against their nuke programs and artillery is that they are almost all underground, and spread out all over the place. So it would be time consuming and expensive even to destroy half of these targets. In the meanwhile, North Korea will have shelled South Korea and its capital, creating a terrible human disaster.

I'm sure our military has a pretty good idea from satellite photos, etc. where the majority of their weapons are and from what I understand we would take out their communications first so there basically in the dark. It may not be pretty, but its better to hit him now than to wait.

Retired Air Force general: The US could wipe out North Korea in 15 minutes

And they shower our troops with candy and flowers, right?

Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
Well, hold on. That is not a fair comparison right now. These satellites are not loaded with nukes they can drop or giant frikkin' lasers. They are not sent as a tactical military threat, and they are not perceived to be one.
Ah.You think the US is not militarising space? Link?

While at the same time you think a ballistic missile over Alaska from NK will be loaded with nukes or giant lasers?

It's about the level of this discussion.
You think the US is not militarising space? Link?

I said "right now" for a reason. As of now, if you were to claim that we are arming those satellites with weapons of mass destruction, or that foreign governments perceive this to be so (as important, really), I think it's you who needs to provide the links to such an extraordinary claim. It would not be my job to disprove such a claim.

While at the same time you think a ballistic missile over Alaska from NK will be loaded with nukes or giant lasers?

Yes, they seem to be pretty much capable of landing a nuclear-tipped missile in Alaska. So, naturally, if it is believed that such a missile were launched and appeared to be headed for a spot near any of our territory, it will have to be assumed that it carries a nuclear warhead. And, if it does land in our territory, that will be an act of war, regardless of whether or not it has a warhead.

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