Every president says a nuclear NK is not an option yet none of them stopped NK from obtaining them.

Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
You think making peace with a lunatic is a better idea?
world leaders know NK pounds their chest to get attention on a regular basis .. they stir the shit but dont really want any shit.

diplomacy is the best action - another war sets the entire planet back a couple of notches - a nuclear war should never happen.
They're not doing it for attention they're doing it as a show of capability to let the world know that they're not Iraq or Afghanistan and are just going to lay down and let themselves be invaded and destroyed. What they're doing is what any country would be doing right now when faced with the possibility that they're going to be preemptively attacked by a superior military power

so they're getting attention :dunno:
If you want to oversimplify it I guess. Getting attention in terms of the world recognizing that they have the capability to retaliate in a pretty significant way if anyone tries to preemptively attack them, sure I guess. But you seem to think it's a different kind of attention like the way a toddler wants to get attention. It's a totally different thing here

not at all .. chest pounding, saber rattling, launching missiles, etc, is far from toddler whining .. our opinions mirror each other just worded differently.

So what would you like to see the President do about North Korea? I'm open to suggestions.
Blitzkrieg. As much damage as NK will do now, they'll do even more damage later if we don't.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
You think making peace with a lunatic is a better idea?
Better than a nuclear exchange? Hell yes. But I didn't say "make peace," I suggested possibilities such as sanctions, public display of military might, multinational coalition. But not a pre-emptive strike which could result in millions getting killed because our lunatic-in-chief is just as crazy as theirs.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
You think making peace with a lunatic is a better idea?
Better than a nuclear exchange? Hell yes. But I didn't say "make peace," I suggested possibilities such as sanctions, public display of military might, multinational coalition. But not a pre-emptive strike which could result in millions getting killed because our lunatic-in-chief is just as crazy as theirs.
Only things Sanctions do is starve NK's civilian population. It harms the wrong people.
As much damage as NK will do now, they'll do even more damage later if we don't.

To whom, exactly? Mutually assured destruction applies as much to them as it does to anyone else. In fact, I would wager that a nuclear North Korea would be safer than a nuclear Pakistan.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
And how exactly was a given president supposed to ‘stop’ NK from obtaining nuclear weapons.

A war to stop NK would have killed millions – that was never an option.

The fact is there was nothing that could have been done to stop NK; diplomacy and containment were the only options to presidents both Democratic and Republican.

The problem is we now have Trump who is a reckless idiot likely to get millions killed in NE Asia by starting a war.
I really do think Trump's gonna take North Korea out. I'm not saying i support it, i'm just saying Trump doesn't play around like past US Presidents. I don't think he's bluffing. If Jong-Un is smart, he'll push for new negotiations. His days really are numbered.
I really do think Trump's gonna take North Korea out.

Nah, and Trump supporters better hope he doesn't try. For, if he orders such a hamhanded move, the military will refuse, and Trump will be impeached so fast, it will make our heads spin.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
And how exactly was a given president supposed to ‘stop’ NK from obtaining nuclear weapons.

A war to stop NK would have killed millions – that was never an option.

The fact is there was nothing that could have been done to stop NK; diplomacy and containment were the only options to presidents both Democratic and Republican.

The problem is we now have Trump who is a reckless idiot likely to get millions killed in NE Asia by starting a war.

So what would you like to see the current President do in regards to North Korea? I'm willing to listen. You make the call.
Here's an idea!! Why don't we leave NK alone? What is our compelling national interest?
We really need to stay out of foreign entanglements.
Here's an idea!! Why don't we leave NK alone? What is our compelling national interest?
We really need to stay out of foreign entanglements.

The compelling interest is, ostensibly, security of the homeland. Shoud a suitcase/truck nuke or one of those missiles, topped with a nuke, hit one of our metro areas, it would be the worst disaster in the history of our species.
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.
So you want us to start a war with a nuclear armed country, lead by a lunatic who appears not to think twice about using them?

That's your plan?
You think making peace with a lunatic is a better idea?
Better than a nuclear exchange? Hell yes. But I didn't say "make peace," I suggested possibilities such as sanctions, public display of military might, multinational coalition. But not a pre-emptive strike which could result in millions getting killed because our lunatic-in-chief is just as crazy as theirs.
Only things Sanctions do is starve NK's civilian population. It harms the wrong people.
What do you think dropping nukes on them does??
I really do think Trump's gonna take North Korea out.

Nah, and Trump supporters better hope he doesn't try. For, if he orders such a hamhanded move, the military will refuse, and Trump will be impeached so fast, it will make our heads spin.

It's do-able. And i think Trump's gonna do it.

Trump can't do it. The military, obeying his order, can. And they won't.

Yeah, you're way too into Democrat Fake News. Your perspective is very warped. The US Military overwhelmingly supported Trump over Clinton. They won't disobey this Commander in Chief's orders. You really do need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
I really do think Trump's gonna take North Korea out.

Nah, and Trump supporters better hope he doesn't try. For, if he orders such a hamhanded move, the military will refuse, and Trump will be impeached so fast, it will make our heads spin.

It's do-able. And i think Trump's gonna do it.

Trump can't do it. The military, obeying his order, can. And they won't.

Yeah, you're way too into Democrat Fake News. Your perspective is very warped. The US Military overwhelmingly supported Trump over Clinton. They won't disobey this Commander in Chief's orders. You really do need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.

If Trump ordered a nuke attack or invasion? They absolutrly would refuse either of these orders. And Trump is the one President since i'be been alive that is unhinged from reality enough to do this. The military likes Trump's tough talk and he hands off approach. But they have zero respect for his knowledge or judgment, and that's a fact that makes them no different from anyone else on the planet.
I really do think Trump's gonna take North Korea out.

Nah, and Trump supporters better hope he doesn't try. For, if he orders such a hamhanded move, the military will refuse, and Trump will be impeached so fast, it will make our heads spin.

It's do-able. And i think Trump's gonna do it.

Trump can't do it. The military, obeying his order, can. And they won't.

Yeah, you're way too into Democrat Fake News. Your perspective is very warped. The US Military overwhelmingly supported Trump over Clinton. They won't disobey this Commander in Chief's orders. You really do need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.

If Trump ordered a nuke attack or invasion? They absolutrly would refuse either of these orders. And Trump is the one President since i'be been alive that is unhinged from reality enough to do this. The military likes Trump's tough talk and he hands off approach. But they have zero respect for his knowledge or judgment, and that's a fact that makes them no different from anyone else on the planet.

Seriously, you gotta lay off the Democrat Fake News. It's warping your perspective bigtime. The US Military overwhelmingly supports Donald Trump. It will obey his orders. That's reality.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?

I expect a strike on them within a year....
Nah, and Trump supporters better hope he doesn't try. For, if he orders such a hamhanded move, the military will refuse, and Trump will be impeached so fast, it will make our heads spin.

It's do-able. And i think Trump's gonna do it.

Trump can't do it. The military, obeying his order, can. And they won't.

Yeah, you're way too into Democrat Fake News. Your perspective is very warped. The US Military overwhelmingly supported Trump over Clinton. They won't disobey this Commander in Chief's orders. You really do need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.

If Trump ordered a nuke attack or invasion? They absolutrly would refuse either of these orders. And Trump is the one President since i'be been alive that is unhinged from reality enough to do this. The military likes Trump's tough talk and he hands off approach. But they have zero respect for his knowledge or judgment, and that's a fact that makes them no different from anyone else on the planet.

Seriously, you gotta lay off the Democrat Fake News. It's warping your perspective bigtime. The US Military overwhelmingly supports Donald Trump. It will obey his orders. That's reality.

That, of course, depends on what those orders are. No, they will not obey an order to preemptively fire a nuke on North Korea, for instance. Certainly not at this point, anyway.

Can you imagine the chaos if an unhinged Trump (drunk on a rally, or a tweetstorm) ordered such a thing? His Secretary of Defense and the secretaries and commandants of the branches of the military would stand before Congress, refuse the order, and resign. Or maybe Donald would relent before this, to save himself the embarrassment. I wonder if he's capable? He seems to be really into the idea that he personally runs all of the government.

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