Every president says a nuclear NK is not an option yet none of them stopped NK from obtaining them.

Would be no less effective than his twitter war.

Awwww...someone still hasn't gotten over the 2016 Hillary election loss.... :p

But I guess at least the twitter war keeps people like you aroused....
No, as shown, Trump's TWEETS 'traumatizes' the 'fragile' Democratic Party leaders to the point of being unable to show up for work and do their jobs....

View attachment 163393
..NO Pelosi......President Trump..No Schumer..


Actually I dislike Hillary just slightly more than I dislike Trump. But partisan hacks like you can never see outside the two party box they have their head stuck in.

Let me try this, though I am sure it will be a waste of time...a dislike of Trump does not equate to a like of Hillary. It is actually possible for a person to dislike them both. I know that will blow you mind and you might need to go read the Gateway Pundit or someone else to get your senses back.
For what it is worth, Susan Sarandon believes if Hillary had won we would already be at war (even more than we are now)...but who the hell cares what she thinks.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?

The end game is either war or diplomacy. Trump is taking us to the former faster than any other president.

And if he ends up with the blood of a million or so South Koreans and US troops on his hands ...

He will blame it on Obama
LOL WTF? NK and their nukes have been in the limelight for decades, you idiot!
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
Unless he can do what past Presidents have not been able to do get China to stand on North Korea the only other choices I see are military action which few if any will support or accepting a nuclear North Korea. To be honest at this point I don’t think there is anything that can be done.
Would be no less effective than his twitter war.

Awwww...someone still hasn't gotten over the 2016 Hillary election loss.... :p

But I guess at least the twitter war keeps people like you aroused....
No, as shown, Trump's TWEETS 'traumatizes' the 'fragile' Democratic Party leaders to the point of being unable to show up for work and do their jobs....

View attachment 163393
..NO Pelosi......President Trump..No Schumer..


Actually I dislike Hillary just slightly more than I dislike Trump. But partisan hacks like you can never see outside the two party box they have their head stuck in.

Let me try this, though I am sure it will be a waste of time...a dislike of Trump does not equate to a like of Hillary. It is actually possible for a person to dislike them both. I know that will blow you mind and you might need to go read the Gateway Pundit or someone else to get your senses back.
For what it is worth, Susan Sarandon believes if Hillary had won we would already be at war (even more than we are now)...but who the hell cares what she thinks.

Now, that is something we can agree on!
If we drop bombs on North Korea and then he retaliates with his own bombs and missiles we're going to paint the picture that he's a lunatic who just had the audacity to use his weaponry. How ridiculous is that? I get that the guy is nuts but I don't believe for a second that he's stupid enough to strike first knowing full well he has zero chance of not being annihilated
If we drop bombs on North Korea and then he retaliates with his own bombs and missiles we're going to paint the picture that he's a lunatic who just had the audacity to use his weaponry. How ridiculous is that? I get that the guy is nuts but I don't believe for a second that he's stupid enough to strike first knowing full well he has zero chance of not being annihilated
Maybe thats why he keeps fucking with Japan. He knows they cant do anything.
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?
what do you think should happen?
Considering I am not elected to make such decisions and am not privy to intelligence reports take this with a grain of salt grown in ignorance.

I would at the very least bomb every launch pad that had a missile sitting on it.
There is no point in making empty threats of "we won't tolerate" if we are in fact going to tolerate.

So far he hasn't targeted anyone with the missiles he fires. Clearly if he was going to he would've. He's showing the world what he has the capability to do if anyone attacks him. Stop letting the media think for you. They want us to believe he's so crazy that we need to attack him first. It's so fucking ridiculous that people are still falling for that
Will Trump put an end to this supposed horrible threat or is he, like every president before him, just going to give Americans lip service?

I don't see any differences other than harsher rhetoric. What's the end game here?

The end game is either war or diplomacy. Trump is taking us to the former faster than any other president.

And if he ends up with the blood of a million or so South Koreans and US troops on his hands ...

He will blame it on Obama
We're laughing, but he WILL.
The end game is 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always about with the US/West. The dude in North Korea won't be their puppet, therefore they gotta kill him. Anyone who won't go along, has to be eliminated. It's what Empire is all about. And that's what the US has become.

But all Empires fall. That's why our Founding Fathers warned against it. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and starting wars all over the world. It won't end well. I suggest we make dramatic changes in our Foreign Policy.
So far he hasn't targeted anyone with the missiles he fires. Clearly if he was going to he would've. He's showing the world what he has the capability to do if anyone attacks him. Stop letting the media think for you. They want us to believe he's so crazy that we need to attack him first. It's so fucking ridiculous that people are still falling for that
Why are they landing in Japan's waters, flying over Japan's mainland, etc.? That's not "targeting?" I beg to differ.
The end game is 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always about with the US/West. The dude in North Korea won't be their puppet, therefore they gotta kill him. Anyone who won't go along, has to be eliminated. It's what Empire is all about. And that's what the US has become.

But all Empires fall. That's why our Founding Fathers warned against it. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and starting wars all over the world. It won't end well. I suggest we make dramatic changes in our Foreign Policy.
You're right, but we're in too deep to change it now. All we can do is try to swim--or sink.
So far he hasn't targeted anyone with the missiles he fires. Clearly if he was going to he would've. He's showing the world what he has the capability to do if anyone attacks him. Stop letting the media think for you. They want us to believe he's so crazy that we need to attack him first. It's so fucking ridiculous that people are still falling for that
Why are they landing in Japan's waters, flying over Japan's mainland, etc.? That's not "targeting?" I beg to differ.
Let me know when they hit anything that japan owns. Last I checked no one owns waters beyond a certain distance from land and restricted airspace doesn't extend to literally god and the heavens
The end game is 'Regime Change.' That's what it's always about with the US/West. The dude in North Korea won't be their puppet, therefore they gotta kill him. Anyone who won't go along, has to be eliminated. It's what Empire is all about. And that's what the US has become.

But all Empires fall. That's why our Founding Fathers warned against it. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and starting wars all over the world. It won't end well. I suggest we make dramatic changes in our Foreign Policy.
You're right, but we're in too deep to change it now. All we can do is try to swim--or sink.

Yeah sadly, the only things America is becoming best-known for is shopping, getting fat, and war. Americans really have mastered that.
What do you propose should be done?

RW, this is GRAMPA. Need you ask?
I offered my ideas but what you nuts seem to forget is we elect people to make those decisions for us.
And I'm glad, Grampa, that folks knowing a lot more than you or me are making those decisions. It doesn't seem there is ANY way to stop this aggressive looney tune without blowing him skyward, but as Easy points out, NoKo is way too armed already and it will result in massive death and destruction on both sides.
Of course, this is exactly what NoKo has been so determined to do with all its years of military build up. It wants to be powerful enough to make countries think twice about blowing them up. Even big powerful countries like the U.S.
So he's got us where he wants us, basically, and there is no good option, so Trump can make noise but if anything actually HAPPENS on this in the next six months, I will be amazed.
The problem is we have a man-child in office with his finger on the nuclear launch button. He gets set off by tweets from Rosie O'Donnell and can't get over it. What do you suppose his reaction will be to someone like Kim Jung-Un, who's using missile tests the way O'Donnell uses Twitter?

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