Every Rape Victim Deserves to Be Heard -- Except by Hillary


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Well now maybe her victims will destroy the hilldabeast...
Every Rape Victim Deserves to Be Heard -- Except by Hillary
Hillary Clinton's remorseless campaign to destroy the victims of her sexual predator husband.
May 12, 2016
Ann Coulter


In a campaign built on lies, it should not be a surprise that the central theme of Hillary's campaign is the biggest lie of all.

Someday, it will be the subject for a graduate thesis whether reporters who were in diapers when Bill Clinton was president simply don't know the truth or, in their zeal to see Hillary elected, are obscuring the truth.

The media portray Bill Clinton as a lovable scamp, a good ol' Southern boy who just liked to have sex in the back of his pickup. In fact, according to numerous independent accounts, he was a sexual abuser and, the overwhelming evidence shows, a violent rapist.

While we would normally extend our sympathy to his wife, Hillary has forfeited those claims by actively conspiring with him to cover up his sexual assaults and smear the victims, showing absolutely no compunction about destroying women whose stories she knew to be true.

Because Donald Trump is reminding people about Hillary's brutal rise to power, liberals denounce him for using the "sex scandals of the 1990s" against her. But recall that it was Hillary who used the "sex scandals of the 1990s" to launch her entire political career.

A few weeks ago, Trump stirred up feminists by questioning whether Clinton is the most qualified woman who's ever walked the planet, by saying, "Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she'd get 5 percent of the vote."

Of course this is true. Trump wasn't talking about Sen. Dianne Feinstein. He wasn't talking about Sens. Claire McCaskill or Elizabeth Warren. Those women climbed the political ladder on their own. Can you even name any of their husbands?

By contrast, Hillary got her positions by virtue of being married to the president, who cheated on her. She played the victim, and suddenly the rest of the world owed her.

Being married to the president did not make for an auspicious beginning to Hillary's career in politics. She was a grumpy, unpopular first lady, was given control of a health care task force, did a terrible job, and was going absolutely nowhere, when her husband -- the president -- got caught fooling around with a White House intern, and then committed felony obstruction of justice to cover it up.

Hillary parlayed being the wronged wife into a Senate seat from New York, which was basically an appointed position (she ran against a little-known Republican congressman in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2-to-1); and secretary of state, an actual appointed position.


Every Rape Victim Deserves to Be Heard -- Except by Hillary

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