Everybody can see what's coming, right?

"Trump is clearly still sensitive about the 2016 election, and especially about concerns that he may not have beaten former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fairly. He therefore has a special interest in undermining accusations of Russian meddling, something he has done since entering the Oval Office. What better way to do this than to flip the script? He didn't have an advantage; in fact, he was the victim.

As other commentators have pointed out, attempting this bait and switch would likely involve efforts to censure, discipline or even criminally charge current and former government officials, such as former CIA Director John Brennan, fired FBI Director James Comey, former national security adviser Susan Rice, former National Intelligence Director James Clapper and perhaps even Obama and Biden. During his Monday news conference in the Rose Garden, a reporter asked Trump what crime he might accuse Obama of committing. Trump responded: "Obamagate, it's been going on for a long time. It's been going on from before I got elected, and it's a disgrace that it happened. You look at, now, all of this information that's being released, and from what I understand, that's only the beginning."
Maybe Team Trump doesn't think the unfounded, easily disproven smears about Biden regarding the Ukraine and China are going to be effective enough.

Perhaps they feel they need another angle to smear him with. Cuz Don & CO. are going to have to point to any number of shiny things to distract from his unparalleled ineptitude dealing with COVID.
Oh, Jesus H Tapdancing Christ....Not the fucking RUSSIA! shit again.

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I've never seen the fatal facepalm before. You live and you learn. I once saw a gold 12 inch statue of Picard doing the facepalm. A work of art.
I'll agree with Blues, we can all see what's coming, Trump for another 4 years and a bunch of whiny ass libs making shit up.
While it's hard to imagine Joe Biden living in the White House, if the election were held today, he would probably win.

Trump’s early internal polling shows him behind Biden in battleground states

An MSNBC poll...seriously. Biden is still in his basement.
And Trump is locked away in the White House rage tweeting at 3 in the morning so...
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.

You are the motherfuckers who are littering this board with TDS threads......and you call us desperate.
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.

You are the motherfuckers who are littering this board with TDS threads......and you call us desperate.

Pro Trump threads outnumber anti Trump threads by at least 4 to 1. So yeah, I'd call you desperate.
I'll agree with Blues, we can all see what's coming, Trump for another 4 years and a bunch of whiny ass libs making shit up.
While it's hard to imagine Joe Biden living in the White House, if the election were held today, he would probably win.

Trump’s early internal polling shows him behind Biden in battleground states

An MSNBC poll...seriously. Biden is still in his basement.
And Trump is locked away in the White House rage tweeting at 3 in the morning so...

Locked away in the White House? You're an idiot.
The handwriting was on the wall when Dear Leader banished Mick Mulvaney to Ireland in favor of Mark Meadows, he of Freedom Caucus fame. The group of ideological extremists in the House responsible for, among other things, burning down the bipartisan compromise bill on immigration reform that passed in the Senate.

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

After all, it's what authoritarian leaders all around the world do. And we know what an affinity he has for them.

Never mind that when asked to give details about the thinly veiled threats he has made under the heading of the amorphous term "Obamagate," the Conman-in-Chief has been unable to do so. Perhaps because the Bagman has been busy orchestrating a fabricated pile of shit to justify letting the confessed, convicted felon Mike Flynn walk away Scot-free.

Can it possibly be a coincidence that the Orange Messiah wants to embark on an exercise in political Kabuki theater now? Now, when he is in desperate need of a huge distraction from his completely failed leadership in planning for and then reacting to the COVID outbreak he was so vigorously warned about in the early part of 2020?

The depths of depravity Don has already taken us to are horrific. They are so self-evident as to not require delineation. Using influence over the DOJ to give special treatment to convicted felons with which he has a personal relationship is bad enough. If he does what is threatening to do he will have violated one of the last, vital, core principles that separates democracies from dictatorships.

Personally, I think it's a bluff. I think he just wants to blow enough smoke to create a diversion of attention away from COVID. Goodness knows he has every reason to believe it will work. The Following believes every lie coming out of his mouth and in his support he has the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever since headed by Faux, conservative talk radio, and a plethora of websites spewing copious amounts of horseshit 24/7.

""Personally, I think it's a bluff. I think he just wants to blow enough smoke to create a diversion of attention away from COVID."""

Brilliant! I made the same analogy except I say he's a cornered octopus spewing an "Obamagate" cloud of ink in the faces of his sheeple while COVID continues to spread and the death toll will be around 200,000+/- by November 3.

Poor Orange Goon so frustrated because he can't sic Barr after COVID.
He can't sue it in court.
He can't find a foreign leader's arm to twist for a phony investigation.
He's just flummoxed.
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.

You are the motherfuckers who are littering this board with TDS threads......and you call us desperate.

You can call it littering.
We call it a warning.
You didn't listen in 2016.
Now we've got 20% unemployment and going higher, and a virus out of control, even inside the White House now.
We're going back in time to 1929.
You should start listening now.
Brilliant! I made the same analogy except I say he's a cornered octopus spewing an "Obamagate" cloud of ink in the faces of his sheeple while COVID continues to spread and the death toll will be around 200,000+/- by November 3.
The other reason this attempt at diversion won't go another further than fire and fury is because there is no there, there. Just like with McCabe and Hillary they want to gin up the minions with expectations of prosecutions when there are no charges to file. The whole thing is just another element of the "Donnie Trump Show."
When the left are conditioned like animals they'd kill their own when ordered. They will devour anything inn their path and kiling is their perfection.
I'll have fun watching the liberal tears when all the snowflake leaders do the perp walk.
That is the point of the smokescreen. To get you rubes to believe, without evidence, that Big Fat Don has been victimized. They'll be plenty of accusations made, but no actual proof. Just what passes as proof among the right wing conspiracy sites.
Radical lefties apply cutesie little nicknames to republicans while the democrat house speaker takes the media on a tour of her designer ice cream hoard while she plots more treason and her constituents die on the streets. Meanwhile the presumptive democrat presidential nominee and part time sexual abuser can't even put a sentence together. Business as usual on the TDS left.
The handwriting was on the wall when Dear Leader banished Mick Mulvaney to Ireland in favor of Mark Meadows, he of Freedom Caucus fame. The group of ideological extremists in the House responsible for, among other things, burning down the bipartisan compromise bill on immigration reform that passed in the Senate.

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

After all, it's what authoritarian leaders all around the world do. And we know what an affinity he has for them.

Never mind that when asked to give details about the thinly veiled threats he has made under the heading of the amorphous term "Obamagate," the Conman-in-Chief has been unable to do so. Perhaps because the Bagman has been busy orchestrating a fabricated pile of shit to justify letting the confessed, convicted felon Mike Flynn walk away Scot-free.

Can it possibly be a coincidence that the Orange Messiah wants to embark on an exercise in political Kabuki theater now? Now, when he is in desperate need of a huge distraction from his completely failed leadership in planning for and then reacting to the COVID outbreak he was so vigorously warned about in the early part of 2020?

The depths of depravity Don has already taken us to are horrific. They are so self-evident as to not require delineation. Using influence over the DOJ to give special treatment to convicted felons with which he has a personal relationship is bad enough. If he does what is threatening to do he will have violated one of the last, vital, core principles that separates democracies from dictatorships.

Personally, I think it's a bluff. I think he just wants to blow enough smoke to create a diversion of attention away from COVID. Goodness knows he has every reason to believe it will work. The Following believes every lie coming out of his mouth and in his support he has the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever since headed by Faux, conservative talk radio, and a plethora of websites spewing copious amounts of horseshit 24/7.
Barr isn't doing anything that wasn't expected. He's perhaps the most extreme of those who favor the unitary executive theory, which when boiled down to its most extreme is simply that congress may not interfere with any executive agency or department carrying out a power give the exec in the constitution. For example, congress may not pass a law telling a potus he cannot use funds to support the Contras … or possibly the Saudis. Barr may actually believe that the entire Mueller investigation was invalid to the extent that it touched upon anything in the Trump admin post-inauguration.

Further, to the extreme unitary theory, courts may not adjudicate disputes between the executive and congress. In short, the potus can say fuck off. That is the heart of yesterday's oral arguments in the Scotus over Trump's suits to prevent disclosure of financial records to investigate foreign influence in the US.

But that brings up the criticism of some, including me, that even if you buy the extreme view of potus powers, how can Obama be prevented from investigating any foreign interference in an election while he was still in office? In short, Barr's nothing but the run of the mill political hack/hypocrite. It puts him in fine company with Loretta Lynch.

Personally, I believe the Founders intended a president with no more power than congress. And both parties have promoted a more powerful executive.
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They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.

You are the motherfuckers who are littering this board with TDS threads......and you call us desperate.

Pro Trump threads outnumber anti Trump threads by at least 4 to 1. So yeah, I'd call you desperate.
Yet the mod kills the anti-trump thread because there are too many. And how many threads are there on OBAMA AND MUELLER BROKE LAWS LOL
I'll have fun watching the liberal tears when all the snowflake leaders do the perp walk.
That is the point of the smokescreen. To get you rubes to believe, without evidence, that Big Fat Don has been victimized. They'll be plenty of accusations made, but no actual proof. Just what passes as proof among the right wing conspiracy sites.
There's plenty of evidence, moron. the DOJ just released 6000 pages of it. Plus there are the transcripts from the House Intelligence Committee hearings.

Doesn't the fake news media ever tell you about these things?
So far, all the usual suspects have replied with classic, Trumpian, mealy mouthed garbage meant to obfuscate from the subject matter.

Would any of you like to try writing something pertaining to the thread? Are you capable of writing something pertaining to the thread?

Why would anyone reply to your failed premises ?

It's like playing football where you start every series on your opponents 2 yard line and then asking....how come you can't stop me from scoring.

Your premises are not established. Your premises are not agreed to.

And I don't plan on arguing your premises in the thread because you simply move the goal posts to other bullshit premises as you go.

Here is from your OR (Original Rant):

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

"Crazy Donald".......how is he crazy ? Do you have an agreed upon evaluation ?

Been wanting to do since he took office......PROVE IT. DON'T INFER IT.....PROVE IT. Show us where he said that was his goal.

You can't.

Hence your premise is Bullshit.

Hence your premise is Bullshit.

Hence your premise is Bullshit.

If you'd quit acting like BillyBullshit and put out a neutral thread where people might want to discuss things, you'd have more luck.

When you start with a poisoned OP....people are going to simply respond with the same attitude. Poisoned.
So far, all the usual suspects have replied with classic, Trumpian, mealy mouthed garbage meant to obfuscate from the subject matter.

Would any of you like to try writing something pertaining to the thread? Are you capable of writing something pertaining to the thread?

Why would anyone reply to your failed premises ?

It's like playing football where you start every series on your opponents 2 yard line and then asking....how come you can't stop me from scoring.

Your premises are not established. Your premises are not agreed to.

And I don't plan on arguing your premises in the thread because you simply move the goal posts to other bullshit premises as you go.

Here is from your OR (Original Rant):

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

"Crazy Donald".......how is he crazy ? Do you have an agreed upon evaluation ?

Been wanting to do since he took office......PROVE IT. DON'T INFER IT.....PROVE IT. Show us where he said that was his goal.

You can't.

Hence your premise is Bullshit.

Hence your premise is Bullshit.

Hence your premise is Bullshit.

If you'd quit acting like BillyBullshit and put out a neutral thread where people might want to discuss things, you'd have more luck.

When you start with a poisoned OP....people are going to simply respond with the same attitude. Poisoned.
well, the premise that Trump is going to do marital law (-: or something is imo far fetched. But Trump is posing as the victim, again, to elicit emotional responses from his base.
If Repubs/Trump are concerned about election security/integrity why don't they do something about foreign interference in the election?

"But Russia need not risk such a devastating attack. It can simply meddle with voter-registration databases, which are filled with vulnerabilities similar to the ones that Cable exposed. Such meddling could stop short of purging voters from the rolls and still cause significant disruptions: Hackers could flip the digits in addresses, so that voters’ photo IDs no longer match the official records. When people arrived at the polls, they would likely still be able to vote, but might be forced to cast provisional ballots. The confusion and additional paperwork would generate long lines and stoke suspicion about the underlying integrity of the election.

Given the fragility of American democracy, even the tiniest interference, or hint of interference, could undermine faith in the tally of the vote. On Election Night, the Russians could place a page on the Wisconsin Elections Commission website that falsely showed Trump with a sizable lead. Government officials would be forced to declare it a hoax. Imagine how Twitter demagogues, the president among them, would exploit the ensuing confusion."


Putin Is Well on His Way to Stealing the Next Election
RIP democracy

Is that what is coming? The russians hacking the system just enough for Trump to be able to declare the result invalid in the event he loses.
It is a bit unnerving to hear the Presidents faux Wunderkind admit as of yet there's no plan to delay elections.

I'd guess 45% of America would think delaying them would be a good idea if Trump were trailing badly. The gop senate has less balls than my deceased neutered spaniel. So long as Ginsburg holds on, I think there are still 6 votes in the Scotus to derail any attempt at destroying the republic.

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