Everybody can see what's coming, right?

It is a bit unnerving to hear the Presidents faux Wunderkind admit as of yet there's no plan to delay elections.

I'd guess 45% of America would think delaying them would be a good idea if Trump were trailing badly. The gop senate has less balls than my deceased neutered spaniel. So long as Ginsburg holds on, I think there are still 6 votes in the Scotus to derail any attempt at destroying the republic.
No one is going to delay the election and there are not 6 votes in the SCOTUS to stop such - there are 9.

This bullshit hyperbole about presidents refusing to step down when the time comes has been bantered about since Bush and it is bullshit. It is interesting to see the Trump is a tyrant rant start to reappear. Trump had opportunity to actually act like one, COVID gave him the perfect cover. Democrats were screaming at the top of their lungs about how Trump needed to take MORE power yet he did not. I don't think Trump even wants power, he want prestige and the title. The rest requires work.
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.

You are the motherfuckers who are littering this board with TDS threads......and you call us desperate.

Pro Trump threads outnumber anti Trump threads by at least 4 to 1. So yeah, I'd call you desperate.

You keeping count ?

I am.
If Repubs/Trump are concerned about election security/integrity why don't they do something about foreign interference in the election?

"But Russia need not risk such a devastating attack. It can simply meddle with voter-registration databases, which are filled with vulnerabilities similar to the ones that Cable exposed. Such meddling could stop short of purging voters from the rolls and still cause significant disruptions: Hackers could flip the digits in addresses, so that voters’ photo IDs no longer match the official records. When people arrived at the polls, they would likely still be able to vote, but might be forced to cast provisional ballots. The confusion and additional paperwork would generate long lines and stoke suspicion about the underlying integrity of the election.

Given the fragility of American democracy, even the tiniest interference, or hint of interference, could undermine faith in the tally of the vote. On Election Night, the Russians could place a page on the Wisconsin Elections Commission website that falsely showed Trump with a sizable lead. Government officials would be forced to declare it a hoax. Imagine how Twitter demagogues, the president among them, would exploit the ensuing confusion."


Putin Is Well on His Way to Stealing the Next Election
RIP democracy

Is that what is coming? The russians hacking the system just enough for Trump to be able to declare the result invalid in the event he loses.

If Dems are concerned about election security/integrity why don't they do something about voter ID?
Flynn's signed agreement to his guilty plea deal.

I have read every page of this Agreement and have discussed it with my attorneys, Robert
K. Kelner and Stephen P. Anthony. I fully understand this Agreement and agree to it without
reservation. I do this voluntarily and of my own free will, intending to be legally bound. No
threats have been made to me nor am I under the influence of anything that could impede my
ability to understand this Agreement fully. I am pleading guilty because I am in fact guilty of the
offense identified in this Agreement.

I reaffirm that absolutely no promises, agreements, understandings, or conditions have
been made or entered into in connection with my decision to plead guilty except those set forth
in this Agreement. I am satisfied with the legal services provided by my attorneys in connection
with this Agreement and matters related to it.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

"Never mind that when asked to give details about the thinly veiled threats he has made under the heading of the amorphous term "Obamagate," the Conman-in-Chief has been unable to do so."

"Obamagate" is as big a myth as the "deep state."

Do you know why Trump couldn't answer the question when asked what crime was committed?

There are none. But you can expect the unfounded, vague accusations of some unidentifiable wrongdoing will continue cuz..........................Don really botched the COVID response.
Not blathering. Noticing that the right wing rhetoric has ramped up over the past week to where they are throwing everything but the kitchen sink in to see if they can get something to stick. Probably because they've given up on trying to defend the absolutely incompetent abortion that is the Trump administration. :)
Obamagate is just beginning. Barr will put Obama in prison for illegally spying on Trump.
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week, Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.
It’s difficult to overstate the extent to which a scandal around this is baseless. A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn. This past week, Trump hack, acting DNI Grenell declassified the list of Obama administration officials. All of this has led to a hullabaloo on the right, expressly because Joe Biden was among the officials (which is why the list was released).

But the whole batshyte crazy conspiracy conveniently ignores a lot and completely mischaracterizes the process that it purports to describe. By law, the intelligence community redacts the names of U.S. citizens who appear in intelligence reports. High-ranking officials can then ask for the identity of a particular redacted name. The fact of the request means that the officials who are asking don’t know the identity of the target. Such requests themselves are incredibly common. The NSA releases data on these types of requests, and it shows that there were 9,217 requests from 09/2015 to 08/2016.

Why ask for the unmasking. Because the then unidentified person had made contacts with Russian nationals, one of which was Kislyak.

Why go to all these lengths to save the confessed criminal Michael Flynn?

Simple. Joe Biden's name is on the list. The smear campaign has begun in earnest and duped, knuckle dragging Trump cultists are along for the ride.
A number of high-ranking Obama admin officials asked to learn the identity of American citizens picked up in intelligence reports, thereby "unmasking" Flynn.

For no legitimate reason.
Let scream, bitch, piss, and moan. Just like 8 years of the Obama administration. Nothing stuck, sticks, or will stick.
But it does make me smile watching and listening to the righties working themselves into a lather over this.

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