Everybody can V O T E in Arizona!

The key to a national voter ID requirement centers on how such a bill is drafted. I have been told the United States remains the only industrialized nation in the world that does not require voter ID, how is this true, are we that corrupt?
As I predicted you're repeating the same shit over and over again and then you wonder why I won't continue answering it.
You haven't answered it once, you've done nothing but make up shit and when caught at it make wild accusations.

You claim we can no longer ask a voter whether they are a US citizen, that is wrong.

You claim people can vote multiple times since they will no longer require ID to vote, that is wrong.

You can't even get the basic facts about your own thread right, so you go off on these ridiculous rants that make no sense.

I'm aware you want every stinkin illegal that's wandered in here to vote for your pet RATS.
Case in point: that isn't what I want at all, you are again attempting to distract by making shit up. In this thread I've offered no opinion on whether I want illegals to vote, I certainly do not. Voting should be limited to citizens of the United States who haven't lost their voting privs. They should consider a minimum IQ though, keep retards like you from influencing the direction of this country.

the rule of law means nothing to you
Not true, you're just assuming this because you're too dense to understand the laws you're trying to discuss.
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I predicted this would be the outcome of wasting my time with a venal twerp like you. The USSC decision is based on the supremacy of the federal government, not the merits of the Arizona law. You can't tell the difference between the two so you drone on like the hive insect you are. I've been civil to you yet I can no longer be....I despise what you represent with your idiocy and the damage it does to the regular people in my state. Hopefully the day of reckoning will come before I'm too old to rid ourselves of your kind permanently...ie deport your ass along with the illegals you've enabled to skirt our laws....better brush up on your espanol, asshole.
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I predicted this would be the outcome of wasting my time with a venal twerp like you.
No, you didn't predict I would expose you as being completely clueless about the subject of your own thread.

The USSC decision is based on the supremacy of the federal government, not the merits of the Arizona law. You can't tell the difference between the two so you drone on like the hive insect you are.
Correct, and the federal government requires voter registration forms ask whether the applicant is a US citizen. You know, the thing you stupidly claimed we are no longer allowed to do.

I've been civil to you yet I can no longer be....I despise what you represent with your idiocy and the damage it does to the regular people in my state.
Interesting. What damage has what I represent done to the regular people in my state. So far all the opinions you've assigned as mine have been things you've made up, not things I've said. Recognizing what this ruling means doesn't equate to lending support to anyone and I certainly don't support illegals being allowed to vote.

Hopefully the day of reckoning will come before I'm too old to rid ourselves of your kind permanently...ie deport your ass along with the illegals you've enabled to skirt our laws....better brush up on your espanol, asshole.
My kind?Do you mean the kind who can actually read and comprehend things that they read instead of making a complete fool of yourself like you have in this thread by ranting about things that aren't even true?

I've not enabled any illegals to skirt out laws, any more than you have.
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Everybody can V O T E in Arizona!

Anyone may vote in Arizona provided he’s a US Citizen, a resident of the state, and registered to vote.

First time voters are still required to document their citizenship and residency prior to voting, states are free to verify citizenship and residency requirements based on information provided by the registrant, and those unable to provide the required documents must vote via provisional ballot until the provided information is verified.

The burden of proof that someone is ineligible to vote rests the with state, not the voter – as it should be.

Today’s ruling doesn’t change any of that.
Yup, just about everyone has figured that out except poor JoeBlam who has been ranting about how we are no longer allowed to ask whether an applicant is a US citizen and identification is no longer required.

If you bother to point out to JoeBlam that he's misunderstood the ruling, you are now supporting illegals and have helped illegals skirt laws and need to be deported along with them.
Everybody can V O T E in Arizona!

Anyone may vote in Arizona provided he’s a US Citizen, a resident of the state, and registered to vote.

First time voters are still required to document their citizenship and residency prior to voting, states are free to verify citizenship and residency requirements based on information provided by the registrant, and those unable to provide the required documents must vote via provisional ballot until the provided information is verified.

The burden of proof that someone is ineligible to vote rests the with state, not the voter – as it should be.

Today’s ruling doesn’t change any of that.

Butt out moron...you're lying through your teeth.
i predicted this would be the outcome of wasting my time with a venal twerp like you.
no, you didn't predict i would expose you as being completely clueless about the subject of your own thread.

the ussc decision is based on the supremacy of the federal government, not the merits of the arizona law. You can't tell the difference between the two so you drone on like the hive insect you are.
correct, and the federal government requires voter registration forms ask whether the applicant is a us citizen. You know, the thing you stupidly claimed we are no longer allowed to do.

i've been civil to you yet i can no longer be....i despise what you represent with your idiocy and the damage it does to the regular people in my state.
interesting. What damage has what i represent done to the regular people in my state. So far all the opinions you've assigned as mine have been things you've made up, not things i've said. Recognizing what this ruling means doesn't equate to lending support to anyone and i certainly don't support illegals being allowed to vote.

hopefully the day of reckoning will come before i'm too old to rid ourselves of your kind permanently...ie deport your ass along with the illegals you've enabled to skirt our laws....better brush up on your espanol, asshole.
my kind?do you mean the kind who can actually read and comprehend things that they read instead of making a complete fool of yourself like you have in this thread by ranting about things that aren't even true?

I've not enabled any illegals to skirt out laws, any more than you have.

mata la raza cabrone.
Yup, just about everyone has figured that out except poor JoeBlam who has been ranting about how we are no longer allowed to ask whether an applicant is a US citizen and identification is no longer required.

If you bother to point out to JoeBlam that he's misunderstood the ruling, you are now supporting illegals and have helped illegals skirt laws and need to be deported along with them.

You best read what's being said about this elsewhere on this site instead of trying to thread-jack my OP with your space-eating multiple quotes.....your game is weak even for a pussy like yourself.

y follar a ti mismo
Illegal aliens voting is mostly a myth created by the Tea Party. First of all, most of them have little interest in US politics. Secondly, very few would be willing to swear that they meet the voting requirements and thus subject themselves to a possible felony charge and deportation.
Illegal aliens voting is mostly a myth created by the Tea Party. First of all, most of them have little interest in US politics. Secondly, very few would be willing to swear that they meet the voting requirements and thus subject themselves to a possible felony charge and deportation.

Nobody is getting charged with anything, none of them are getting deported, and next time you talk outta your ass, try spending a night on a ranch down in Pima or Cochise County....by sunrise you'll be FRANTIC to join the Tea Party.

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Illegal aliens voting is mostly a myth created by the Tea Party. First of all, most of them have little interest in US politics. Secondly, very few would be willing to swear that they meet the voting requirements and thus subject themselves to a possible felony charge and deportation.

Nobody is getting charged with anything, none of them are getting deported, and next time you talk outta your ass, try spending a night on a ranch down in Pima or Cochise County....by sunrise you'll be FRANTIC to join the Tea Party.


That's odd, because I live in Pima County, and not only am I not the least bit concerned about illegal aliens, I attended an "Operation Streamline" court session last month in Tucson, which they have every business day, in which 65 illegals were deported.

http://www.uccswc.org/Justice and Witness/immigration/OperationStreamlineFactSheet.pdf

Are you sure that you don't live in AK instead of AZ?

Want more? how about this?

'Operation Streamline' takes hard line on illegal border crossers

In short, you not only do not have your facts together, you are not even within shouting range of what the hell is going on every day in your own back yard!
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These days we do most of our camping NE of Payson near Forest Lakes in the summer, but we've camped all over Arizona including both developed and dispersed sites in Coronado Natl Forest. I've yet to experience the shrill little girl crying to join the tea party that the half-wit who started this thread gets all tamponed about.

I've never camped in Cochise County, closest we got there is staying hotels on road trips to Bisbee and Tombstone.
These days we do most of our camping NE of Payson near Forest Lakes in the summer, but we've camped all over Arizona including both developed and dispersed sites in Coronado Natl Forest. I've yet to experience the shrill little girl crying to join the tea party that the half-wit who started this thread gets all tamponed about.

I've never camped in Cochise County, closest we got there is staying hotels on road trips to Bisbee and Tombstone.

Be carefull! They will ambush you in the middle of the night, and beat you about the head and shoulders with their tamales! They will claim to be Federales, but ask to see thier badges. They will tell you that they, "...don't need no stinkin' badges!"
Illegal aliens voting is mostly a myth created by the Tea Party. First of all, most of them have little interest in US politics. Secondly, very few would be willing to swear that they meet the voting requirements and thus subject themselves to a possible felony charge and deportation.

Nobody is getting charged with anything, none of them are getting deported, and next time you talk outta your ass, try spending a night on a ranch down in Pima or Cochise County....by sunrise you'll be FRANTIC to join the Tea Party.

Out of 10 million or so illegal immigrants only a few activist have ever been charged with voter fraud. Illegal immigrants don't register to vote.
Much ado about nothing.
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That's odd, because I live in Pima County, and not only am I not the least bit concerned about illegal aliens, I attended an "Operation Streamline" court session last month in Tucson, which they have every business day, in which 65 illegals were deported.

http://www.uccswc.org/Justice and Witness/immigration/OperationStreamlineFactSheet.pdf

Are you sure that you don't live in AK instead of AZ?

Want more? how about this?

'Operation Streamline' takes hard line on illegal border crossers

In short, you not only do not have your facts together, you are not even within shouting range of what the hell is going on every day in your own back yard!

I'm pretty sure I know where I live....you? I have my doubts you know much of anything about Pima county other than what I see in your telling links.....you're an ADVOCATE for illegal immigration and in some way financially connected to the phony court proceedings you linked to. Does Dear Leader know those 65 border-crossers were "deported"? :eusa_eh: He issued a blanket AMNESTY over a year ago, asshole. The 65 you're lying about were NOT deported because ICE never picked them up. So while your little pal continues to blockade this thread with repeated denials of the reality here, you just flat out LIE about our situation. Many in Pima county are pleased about the human livestock flowing over the border....make their living off it....my reference was to RANCHES along the border that are constantly burglarized, terrorized by the narco-traffickers and coyote-led groups out of provisions and water, and left to pick up the tons of trash they leave behind. Yet you attempt to tell my readers everything is fine, Napolitano has stopped the invasion, and Obama is the champion of the chicanos.....nothing could be further from the truth as you're well aware. And your reward for lying for them is peanuts compared to what they're raking in....this is a very profitable criminal enterprise the Soetoro gang is running.

Minuteman Project ? Bringing national awareness to the illegal alien invasion

Obama's Definition of "Smarter Enforcement": None - Michelle Malkin - Page 1
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Out of 10 million or so illegal immigrants only a few activist have ever been charged with voter fraud. Illegal immigrants don't register to vote.
Much ado about nothing.

Ah, the drive-by liar strikes again......the number being used is now 12 million, but then we know the real number is more like 18 million, and several THOUSAND have been caught illegally registering to vote, attempting to vote, and succeeding in casting a ballot. Which is one of the reasons we passed SB1070 in the first place.....because of your "much ado about nothing" which required a Supreme Court ruling yesterday. What the Supemes did was kick our ass down the road instead of the proverbial can....now it will be at least two years before they'll even consider hearing a new argument on our voting requirements.......now like I told you before.....SCAT.
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Here's Barry doing the jumping bean boogie....


Meanwhile, border-jumping is up 9% over last year as our ecomony shows 1% in growth....the guys in this photo were all released inside our country thanks to Dear Leader's blanket amnesty.

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