Everyone has been Profiled and Discriminated against


Oh, fuck it then.

From now on, let's just ask people who break the law to do the right thing and turn themselves in. Going after criminals may hurt their feelings. Paying extra attention to a person who, in any way, resembles a person who is being looked for may hurt their feelings.

Come to think of it, it's really OUR fault when someone commits a crime, you know. We are a collective, we are one, no one is special, so we all must pay the price.

Right on, brother.


Calling the cops on black people when they're walking down the streets is not acceptable. Knock it off.

What, we're pretending that the Martin/Zimmerman case is the first time we've been lectured on the evils of profiling?

If we're not going to profile, then to hell with it. Let's just hope for the best so that the PC Police won't be annoyed. Heaven forbid that happens.

Let's do it your way. We don't want to annoy anyone in the search for a criminal.


There was no criminal being looked for when Trayvon was walking down the street. The robberies he referred to in his unnecessary call to the police hadn't happen within the hour or even that day. They just had happened in the past. To assume that Trayvon was the culprit was based soley on race. I'm too white to believe that anything else motivated tubby George's racist phone call to the cops.
Calling the cops on black people when they're walking down the streets is not acceptable. Knock it off.

FBI study invalidates your claim.

I don't care that crime rates among black men are higher. It doesn't get anyone off the hook for assuming a black person walking down the road needs to have the police stop them and ask them questions about who they are and why they are there. Blacks are sick of the harassment, and now GM is in hiding because of his mistake. It's his fault. I suggest you knock it off too.

What? He is in hiding because of the thugs that now want to kill him because he didn't allow another thug to beat him senseless.

How fucking retarded is that? You people make me laugh... people always clamor for justice, then take to the streets looting Wal Mart because they don't agree with the outcome? How does looting Wal Mart server justice? It just makes them thieves.

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FBI study invalidates your claim.

I don't care that crime rates among black men are higher. It doesn't get anyone off the hook for assuming a black person walking down the road needs to have the police stop them and ask them questions about who they are and why they are there. Blacks are sick of the harassment, and now GM is in hiding because of his mistake. It's his fault. I suggest you knock it off too.

What? He is in hiding because of the thugs that now want to kill him because he didn't allow another thug to beat him senseless.

How fucking retarded is that? You people make me laugh... people always clamor for justice, then take to the streets looting Wal Mart because they don't agree with the outcome? How does looting Wal Mart server justice? It just makes them thieves.


I have the best interests of conservatives in mind. Stop calling the cops on blacks you don't recognize in your neighborhood. Quit assuming they're responsible for some crime that took place unless you witness them committing the crime. I'm trying to help you avoid the sad fate of George Zimmerman, who's now in some pathetic hidey-hole due to his poor decision making, which was based on his racism.
It's true, I don't care who you are, you have been weighed, measurred and everyone has been found wanting. Everyone has been Profiled and Discriminated against....EVERYONE!

This is true but it's only 2 out of 3.

Everyone hasn't been profiled, discriminated against, and enslaved...

Who was enslaved? No one alive in the USA was ever enslaved!

No white person working today ever voted for or during the time of "Jim Crow Laws".

No white person alive today voted for the "Jim Crow Laws". Some old white farts voted to repeal "Jim Crow Laws".

Yet we must suffer Affirmative Action law forcing discrimination against whites for something we never did.
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Stop calling the cops on blacks you don't recognize in your neighborhood. Quit assuming they're responsible for some crime that took place unless you witness them committing the crime.

you propose immediately shooting them? :eek:

just kiddin'

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