Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

You obviously don't know many police officers, Mike...because is you DID...then you'd know that they spend a great deal of their time dealing with people with psychiatric disorders. The majority of homeless people fall into that category, many of them on prescription medicines to treat psychiatric disorders which they quite often are not taking.
What do you mean "dealing with people with psychiatric disorders?" Are you now saying police officers are psychiatric interns? Or are you talking about people with severe mental disorders whose conduct occurs between the categories of simple disorderly conduct to serious felonies (assault, etc.)? In the latter case the police are doing what police should do, which is intervene when laws are broken.

But referring to the example of Sandra Bland, that woman obviously was emotionally disturbed -- because she killed herself. But she wouldn't have done that were it not for the excessive conduct of some stupid sonofabitch who saw fit to antagonize her into providing him with some minimal cause to arrest her. If he had any sense, or if he were not an authoritarian whose ego is rooted in the 1950s, he would have realized the best way to deal with Bland would be to issue a summons and say goodbye.

Dude, she tried to kill herself once before...I suppose that was the fault of some other policeman as well? I got PC'd back in the day. Never once thought about killing myself. Who kills themselves simply because they got arrested?
The person who put their cigarette out on my arm was a rather petite girl who up until that point hadn't shown any tendency at all towards violence.
Then why were you called to escort a petite, peaceful girl out of a bar? What are you -- a cop or a bouncer? And if the girl was petite and non-violent, what cause did she have to burn you with a cigarette? And because of that one extremely unusual incident you feel it is sufficient cause to tell everyone you encounter to put their cigarettes out. If one person punches you in the face does that mean you need to handcuff everyone you encounter regardless of the level of complaint?

My point is that you never know what people are going to do. You can make light of the pain a cigarette can inflict, Mike...I happen to know how excruciating it is. Ever since that incident, if someone was smoking a butt...I always made sure it was going on the floor before they were getting escorted out of the bar.

You do a lot of escorting out of bars, don't you?

When you run nightclubs for 30 plus years it's kind of a given...duh?

I'd say conservatively I've escorted well over a thousand people out of various bars over the years.
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As for why I was escorting her out of the bar? I'd only let her come in because it was her birthday and she was a friend of a friend. She'd been denied entry by the door staff because she was intoxicated. I told their group that she could come in but only to dance and she couldn't have any more alcohol. Two minutes later I'm walking through the club and she's got a shot in one hand and beer in the other. THAT was why I was escorting a petite, peaceful girl out. As for why she decided to put her cigarette out on my arm? She didn't want to go. She was drunk and she made a bad decision. It's the kind of stupid decision that people make when they are impaired. That got her banned from the club for good.
Dude, she tried to kill herself once before...I suppose that was the fault of some other policeman as well? I got PC'd back in the day. Never once thought about killing myself. Who kills themselves simply because they got arrested?
Because she was a cutter and because she attempted suicide once before means it's okay to unnecessarily bully her into doing it again?

It would have been obvious to any sensible person that Sandra Bland was a little nutty when stressed. A lot of women are like that. The important question is, had she harmed anyone? Was she a threat to anyone? Aside from failing to signal a lane change, what did she do? Who did she hurt? The thing for Encinio to do was issue a warning or summons and leave her alone. And anyone who disagrees with that is just as defective as he is.
As for why I was escorting her out of the bar? I'd only let her come in because it was her birthday and she was a friend of a friend. She'd been denied entry by the door staff because she was intoxicated. I told their group that she could come in but only to dance and she couldn't have any more alcohol. Two minutes later I'm walking through the club and she's got a shot in one hand and beer in the other. THAT was why I was escorting a petite, peaceful girl out. As for why she decided to put her cigarette out on my arm? She didn't want to go. She was drunk and she made a bad decision. It's the kind of stupid decision that people make when they are impaired. That got her banned from the club for good.
So how does that incident compare with someone peacefully sitting in their car and smoking a cigarette?
As for why I was escorting her out of the bar? I'd only let her come in because it was her birthday and she was a friend of a friend. She'd been denied entry by the door staff because she was intoxicated. I told their group that she could come in but only to dance and she couldn't have any more alcohol. Two minutes later I'm walking through the club and she's got a shot in one hand and beer in the other. THAT was why I was escorting a petite, peaceful girl out. As for why she decided to put her cigarette out on my arm? She didn't want to go. She was drunk and she made a bad decision. It's the kind of stupid decision that people make when they are impaired. That got her banned from the club for good.
So how does that incident compare with someone peacefully sitting in their car and smoking a cigarette?

You asked why a cigarette might be an "issue" and I told you my own experience with one being put out on my arm.

Dude, she tried to kill herself once before...I suppose that was the fault of some other policeman as well? I got PC'd back in the day. Never once thought about killing myself. Who kills themselves simply because they got arrested?
Because she was a cutter and because she attempted suicide once before means it's okay to unnecessarily bully her into doing it again?

It would have been obvious to any sensible person that Sandra Bland was a little nutty when stressed. A lot of women are like that. The important question is, had she harmed anyone? Was she a threat to anyone? Aside from failing to signal a lane change, what did she do? Who did she hurt? The thing for Encinio to do was issue a warning or summons and leave her alone. And anyone who disagrees with that is just as defective as he is.

Encino WAS issuing Bland a warning! He WAS going to leave her alone. She decided she needed to give him shit however because she wasn't happy she'd gotten pulled over. So how did that work out for her, Mike?

And once again...the job of the police is not to cut people slack because they're a "little nutty when stressed". When you get a little nutty around the police...you tend to go to jail to chill out and get a little less nutty and a little less stressed.
I already answered that question. Nothing will happen to him because he followed widely accepted police procedures. If you disagree please tell us what it was he did wrong.

I've explained it several times. He extended the traffic stop and provoked a confrontation.

He then LIED about the incident in his after action report.

And you are right. Cops get away with this sort of shit all the time because no one bothers to complain.

In this case, someone died, so this guy is probably going down.
Encino WAS issuing Bland a warning! He WAS going to leave her alone. She decided she needed to give him shit however because she wasn't happy she'd gotten pulled over. So how did that work out for her, Mike?

And once again...the job of the police is not to cut people slack because they're a "little nutty when stressed". When you get a little nutty around the police...you tend to go to jail to chill out and get a little less nutty and a little less stressed.

Yeah, well, that shit got to come to an end.

Putting body cameras on cops so we can see when they abuse their authority is a pretty good idea.
What does this have to do with Progressives using the IRS to target conservatives? Get a clue, Joe...

You just argued that when you give someone authority, we should let them use the authority as they see fit.

SCOTUS gave the IRS the authority to decide who was a legitimate "social welfare" agency and who was a "Koch Brother Scheme to Fool Stupid People into Voting Against their Own Economic Interests"
All that woman had to do was smile, accept the warning and go on her merry way.

Instead she ended up getting arrested and killed herself in a jail cell.

Talk about a fucking idiot.

End of fucking story.

So when the Progressives are running the police, and they MAKE you bake that gay wedding cake and pay for those abortions, you are going to smile, and go on your merry way, right?
Dude, she tried to kill herself once before...I suppose that was the fault of some other policeman as well? I got PC'd back in the day. Never once thought about killing myself. Who kills themselves simply because they got arrested?
Because she was a cutter and because she attempted suicide once before means it's okay to unnecessarily bully her into doing it again?

It would have been obvious to any sensible person that Sandra Bland was a little nutty when stressed. A lot of women are like that. The important question is, had she harmed anyone? Was she a threat to anyone? Aside from failing to signal a lane change, what did she do? Who did she hurt? The thing for Encinio to do was issue a warning or summons and leave her alone. And anyone who disagrees with that is just as defective as he is.

So now every cop has to know the mental health history of every person they stop or arrest?
You are detained during a routine traffic stop, Hawkeye. The police officer is well within his rights to ask you to put out a lit cigarette. They are also within their rights to ask you to step out of the vehicle. Failure to do so will get you arrested EVERY TIME. If you want to get arrested and go to jail...then cop an attitude and refuse to follow the police officer's commands. I hope you make lots of new friends during your stay down at the jail!

Uh, no, he wasn't in his rights to tell her to put out a cigarette.

He had no cause to tell her to get out of thecar.

If he was in the right, he wouldn't have LIED on his after action report. INstead he abused his authority figuring he could lie about it, and no one would call him on it because no one would go back and check the tape.

And if she hadn't killed herself, they probably wouldn't have.
You are detained during a routine traffic stop, Hawkeye. The police officer is well within his rights to ask you to put out a lit cigarette. They are also within their rights to ask you to step out of the vehicle. Failure to do so will get you arrested EVERY TIME. If you want to get arrested and go to jail...then cop an attitude and refuse to follow the police officer's commands. I hope you make lots of new friends during your stay down at the jail!

Uh, no, he wasn't in his rights to tell her to put out a cigarette.

He had no cause to tell her to get out of thecar.

If he was in the right, he wouldn't have LIED on his after action report. INstead he abused his authority figuring he could lie about it, and no one would call him on it because no one would go back and check the tape.

And if she hadn't killed herself, they probably wouldn't have.

We've been over this a million times already

Tell me do you think that people have never thrown a lit cigarette in a cop's face?

He had every right to ask her to put it out
We've been over this a million times already

Tell me do you think that people have never thrown a lit cigarette in a cop's face?

He had every right to ask her to put it out

No, he didn't.

He prolonged the traffic stop with the intent of provoking her.

If his actions were on the up and up, WHY DID HE LIE ON HIS REPORT TO HIS SUPERIOR?
We've been over this a million times already

Tell me do you think that people have never thrown a lit cigarette in a cop's face?

He had every right to ask her to put it out

No, he didn't.

He prolonged the traffic stop with the intent of provoking her.

If his actions were on the up and up, WHY DID HE LIE ON HIS REPORT TO HIS SUPERIOR?

He did not prolong the stop since he had not given her the ticket yet when he asked her to put out the butt.

And yes I watched the video so I know I'm right.
Why do you keep avoiding the question about him lying on his after action report.

If what he did was a good arrest, why did he lie about it?
I already answered that question. Nothing will happen to him because he followed widely accepted police procedures. If you disagree please tell us what it was he did wrong.

I've explained it several times. He extended the traffic stop and provoked a confrontation.

He then LIED about the incident in his after action report.

And you are right. Cops get away with this sort of shit all the time because no one bothers to complain.

In this case, someone died, so this guy is probably going down.

Wrong. It was quite clear to anyone who cares about the truth, that Bland escalated the incident, that the cop was courteous until she became obstinate, and he responded in kind.

He did not lie about the incident. He may have lied about one aspect of it, but the whole incident is right there on the tape. What is on the tape is enough to prove that he was within proper police procedure and that what happened to her was her fault.

Guarantee you that the cop will be almost completely exonerated. Of course YOU and other left wing nutters will claim it was a farce and racially motivated. Pretty typical M.O.
Because she was a cutter and because she attempted suicide once before means it's okay to unnecessarily bully her into doing it again?
She was bullied into killing herself? You've taken victimhood to a whole new level.
Wrong. It was quite clear to anyone who cares about the truth, that Bland escalated the incident, that the cop was courteous until she became obstinate, and he responded in kind.

He did not lie about the incident. He may have lied about one aspect of it, but the whole incident is right there on the tape. What is on the tape is enough to prove that he was within proper police procedure and that what happened to her was her fault.

Guarantee you that the cop will be almost completely exonerated. Of course YOU and other left wing nutters will claim it was a farce and racially motivated. Pretty typical M.O.

No, this cop isn't going to get away with it. His own department is already throwing him under the bus.

You are right. This whole incident is on tape.

He claimed he tried to deescalate the situation- IN fact he escalated it by threatening "to pull her ass out of the car" and "I will light you up".

He claimed that she assaulted him when in fact the tape from the dashboard and the tape taken by the civilian show no such assault taking place.

He MIGHT be able to avoid criminal prosecution, but his career as a cop is done.

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