Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

What rule says one cannot smoke in one's own vehicle?
Tell that to a cop if he tells you to put it out and see if you don't get the max ticket. Not for the cigarette but for the improper lane change violation.
Well she didn't, she got arrested and bullied. So I think that disproves your point immediately.
Wrong. The Cop has every right to take complete control of the situation. All aspects. It is proper procedure to eliminate any unnecessary movements and distractions. A cigarette or cigar can be sued as a weapon as well. The suspect can throw or project that tobacco product into the eyes of the officer.
Her uncooperative and belligerent attitude is what got her arrested.
And his supervisors disagree with both him and you. His attitude is what is going to get his arse handed to him.
What rule says one cannot smoke in one's own vehicle?
Tell that to a cop if he tells you to put it out and see if you don't get the max ticket. Not for the cigarette but for the improper lane change violation.
Well she didn't, she got arrested and bullied. So I think that disproves your point immediately.

Your bad attitude is evident just when you ask, "what rule says one cannot smoke..."

When I get pulled over by a cop I look for where I can put my cig out before the cop even comes to the door. And I don't dare throw it out the window so I look for a cup since we dont' have ash trays in cars anymore. I don't want him to think I'm disrespecting him. I also don't want him to think, "if you can afford a pack a day, you can afford a ticket".

I've actually gone through this so I can actually put myself in her shoes. If she lit up after he pulled her over, she was already being a disrespectful stupid bitch, no offense. And if she was arguing with him when he asked her to put it out, she's a stupid bitch too.
He didn't order her to put out the cigarette. Maybe you should actually watch the video before you go spouting off like an ignorant fool.
Watching the video makes it clear that attaching the word, "please," to "Put the cigarette out" was no request, because Bland's refusal to comply was responded to with a punitive action by an obviously angered cop. While most cops will insist it was a request, no unbiased, reasoning individual will see it as anything other than a cynically disguised command.

When this case goes to civil court, which it will, do you think a civilian jury will regard the cigarette issue as a request after they watch Encinio's reaction to Bland's plainly justifiable refusal?
What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.
I'm rather confused at the way you're so quick to surrender someone else's rights.

She exercised her right to open her pie hole.
It appears there are consequences.
If blacks would stop being belligerent every time they encounter the police none of this shit would be happening.
Cops expect trouble from black people and that sets up an encounter with pre assigned tension for both parties involved.
To be aggressive and pissy to a cop for no reason is just begging to get arrested under those circumstances.
He didn't order her to put out the cigarette. Maybe you should actually watch the video before you go spouting off like an ignorant fool.
Watching the video makes it clear that attaching the word, "please," to "Put the cigarette out" was no request, because Bland's refusal to comply was responded to with a punitive action by an obviously angered cop. While most cops will insist it was a request, no unbiased, reasoning individual will see it as anything other than a cynically disguised command.

When this case goes to civil court, which it will, do you think a civilian jury will regard the cigarette issue as a request after they watch Encinio's reaction to Bland's plainly justifiable refusal?

I think they will lower the amount her family is awarded because she was a bitch. And that guy who tried to drive away and the cop shot him? I'd give his family $1 million instead of $10 because the guy tried driving away.
What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.
I'm rather confused at the way you're so quick to surrender someone else's rights.

She exercised her right to open her pie hole.
It appears there are consequences.
If blacks would stop being belligerent every time they encounter the police none of this shit would be happening.
Cops expect trouble from black people and that sets up an encounter with pre assigned tension for both parties involved.
To be aggressive and pissy to a cop for no reason is just begging to get arrested under those circumstances.
A white guy called a black radio station yesterday and pointed out that out of the thousands of blacks who get pulled over every year in America, only .00000002% get shot. For whites it's .000000001%. If blacks want to lower their percent they need to start being nicer to cops.

When I get pulled over by a cop I look for where I can put my cig out before the cop even comes to the door. And I don't dare throw it out the window so I look for a cup since we dont' have ash trays in cars anymore. I don't want him to think I'm disrespecting him.

The authoritarian personality occurs in two opposed forms, the authoritarian/dominant and the authoritarian/submissive.

When I get pulled over by a cop I look for where I can put my cig out before the cop even comes to the door. And I don't dare throw it out the window so I look for a cup since we dont' have ash trays in cars anymore. I don't want him to think I'm disrespecting him.

The authoritarian personality occurs in two opposed forms, the authoritarian/dominant and the authoritarian/submissive.
Does that make me the bottom in this relationship or the wife?

When I get pulled over by a cop I look for where I can put my cig out before the cop even comes to the door. And I don't dare throw it out the window so I look for a cup since we dont' have ash trays in cars anymore. I don't want him to think I'm disrespecting him.

The authoritarian personality occurs in two opposed forms, the authoritarian/dominant and the authoritarian/submissive.

Nah...it's just stupid not to do every thing you can to make it easy on the cop in hopes of a warning.
To intentionally antagonize a cop is the height of stupidity and at the very least a sure ticket.

So who's the idiot?
The one who tries to keep a moving violation off their driving record so their insurance doesnt go up? Or the dumbas who acts like a shithead so the cops look for reasons to ticket you?
She exercised her right to open her pie hole.
It appears there are consequences.

If blacks would stop being belligerent every time they encounter the police none of this shit would be happening.

Cops expect trouble from black people and that sets up an encounter with pre assigned tension for both parties involved.

To be aggressive and pissy to a cop for no reason is just begging to get arrested under those circumstances.
I fully agree with you in the example of belligerent Black males. But Bland is a woman and most women, Black and White, tend to behave emotionally when stressed, and being pulled over by a cop can be very stressful.

I don't know what you mean by "pissy." But there is no law that says a motorist may not find the experience of being stopped and ticketed grossly annoying. And there is no law that says a motorist who is stopped by a cop must be nice to him. Some people are willing to get on their knees and lick a cop's ass to avoid getting a summons. Others are not.

From what I can tell from the video, and based on what I've read and heard, Bland was not abusive to this cop. She was behaving like a woman who was pissed off about being stopped and ticketed -- which is understandable and non-criminal. That cop could have, and should have, issued the warning or summons, which was his purpose, and left. But a problem arises from the fact that too many cops have become spoiled by the ass-lickers. They expect that submissive behavior. They joke about it in locker rooms and donut shops and they seek to punish when it doesn't happen.
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She exercised her right to open her pie hole.
It appears there are consequences.

If blacks would stop being belligerent every time they encounter the police none of this shit would be happening.

Cops expect trouble from black people and that sets up an encounter with pre assigned tension for both parties involved.

To be aggressive and pissy to a cop for no reason is just begging to get arrested under those circumstances.
I fully agree with you in the example of belligerent Black males. But Bland is a woman and most woman, Black and White, tend to behave emotionally when stressed, and being pulled over by a cop can be very stressful.
I don't know what you mean by "pissy." But there is no law that says a motorist may not find the experience of being stopped and ticketed grossly annoying. And there is no law that says a motorist who is stopped by a cop must be nice to him. Some people are willing to get on their knees and lick a cop's ass to avoid getting a summons, others are not.

From what I can tell from the video, and based on what I've read and heard, Bland was not abusive to this cop. She was behaving like a woman who was pissed off about being stopped and ticketed -- which is understandable and non-criminal. That cop could have, and should have, issued the warning or summons, which was his purpose, and left. But a problem arises from the fact that too many cops have become spoiled by the ass-lickers, they expect it, they joke about it in locker rooms and donut shops and they seek to punish when it doesn't happen.

She was acting like a bitch and failed to follow instructions.
For a cop to tell an agitated person to put out a cigarette is just common sense,she took it as some kind of personal attack against her because she's black.
The chip on her shoulder is what got her in trouble.
Nah...it's just stupid not to do every thing you can to make it easy on the cop in hopes of a warning.

To intentionally antagonize a cop is the height of stupidity and at the very least a sure ticket.

So who's the idiot?

The one who tries to keep a moving violation off their driving record so their insurance doesnt go up? Or the dumbas who acts like a shithead so the cops look for reasons to ticket you?
It might be called stupid in the example of a well-adjusted, even-tempered individual with a high level of resistance to stress. But some people simply are not capable of disguising their anger and/or reacting emotionally to stress -- and women are far more inclined to react emotionally to stress than are men.
Nah...it's just stupid not to do every thing you can to make it easy on the cop in hopes of a warning.

To intentionally antagonize a cop is the height of stupidity and at the very least a sure ticket.

So who's the idiot?

The one who tries to keep a moving violation off their driving record so their insurance doesnt go up? Or the dumbas who acts like a shithead so the cops look for reasons to ticket you?
It might be called stupid in the example of a well-adjusted, even-tempered individual with a high level of resistance to stress. But some people simply are not capable of disguising their anger and/or reacting emotionally to stress -- and women are far more inclined to react emotionally to stress than are men.

High level of resistance to stress? Holy shit if being pulled over by a cop made her that angry she should have been in an institution.
And as an adult if she hasnt mastered the art of self control by now it wasnt going to happen anyway.
For a cop to tell an agitated person to put out a cigarette is just common sense[...]
Smoking has the effect of calming stress. So why is it common sense to tell an agitated person to put out a cigarette?

Instead of the public trying harder to be nice to people who pull them over and give them summonses (regardless of the social necessity) the police should try harder to understand that being pissed off at imposed authority is a natural human response. If they can't deal with that they should be delivering mail instead of handing out summonses.
For a cop to tell an agitated person to put out a cigarette is just common sense[...]
Smoking has the effect of calming stress. So why is it common sense to tell an agitated person to put out a cigarette?

Instead of the public trying harder to be nice to people who pull them over and give them summonses (regardless of the social necessity) the police should try harder to understand that being pissed off at imposed authority is a natural human response. If they can't deal with that they should be delivering mail instead of handing out summonses.

It's been noted at least a half dozen times in this thread as to why cops ask you to extinguish cigarettes.
Stop playing stupid.
High level of resistance to stress? Holy shit if being pulled over by a cop made her that angry she should have been in an institution.
Why? She wasn't dysfunctional. Just pissed off, which is not an abnormal reaction to being stopped when one is in a hurry.

And as an adult if she hasnt mastered the art of self control by now it wasnt going to happen anyway.
Everyone does not respond submissively to the imposition of authority, regardless of how justified the imposition may be. Sometimes you can be pissed off at yourself for doing what you've been stopped for, but when you're mad you're mad and everyone around you will feel the heat.
It's been noted at least a half dozen times in this thread as to why cops ask you to extinguish cigarettes.
Stop playing stupid.
And his supervisors disagree with his actions. Why do you continually ignore that?
Well, I'm just happy to live in a country where that behaviour from a policeman would not be considered acceptable.

Rather you guys than me if you are happy to accept that policeman's behaviour as reasonable and normal.

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