Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

High level of resistance to stress? Holy shit if being pulled over by a cop made her that angry she should have been in an institution.
Why? She wasn't dysfunctional. Just pissed off, which is not an abnormal reaction to being stopped when one is in a hurry.

And as an adult if she hasnt mastered the art of self control by now it wasnt going to happen anyway.
Everyone does not respond submissively to the imposition of authority, regardless of how justified the imposition may be. Sometimes you can be pissed off at yourself for doing what you've been stopped for, but when you're mad you're mad and everyone around you will feel the heat.

Where was she in a hurry to get to?

Only idiots antagonize cops.
Here's the thing I see

If she would have just put out the cigarette he I get the feeling he would have most likely let her drive away with a ticket
He got his panties in a wad when she politely called him on being an arsehole and lost it entirely when she defended her rights. If you think it proper that citizens have to tiptoe around behaviour that the policeman's supervisors condemned, well, that's a funny practise of freedom.

But he wasn't being an asshole up until the time he lost his cool.

It was a legit traffic stop up until he fucked it up

Now granted miss snarky wise ass didn't do herself any favors either

If she had just shut the fuck up and taken her ticket like a big girl she would have been allowed to drive off into the sunset
Here's the thing I see

If she would have just put out the cigarette he I get the feeling he would have most likely let her drive away with a ticket
He got his panties in a wad when she politely called him on being an arsehole and lost it entirely when she defended her rights. If you think it proper that citizens have to tiptoe around behaviour that the policeman's supervisors condemned, well, that's a funny practise of freedom.

But he wasn't being an asshole up until the time he lost his cool.

It was a legit traffic stop up until he fucked it up

Now granted miss snarky wise ass didn't do herself any favors either

If she had just shut the fuck up and taken her ticket like a big girl she would have been allowed to drive off into the sunset
Would she? How can you know?
Here's the thing I see

If she would have just put out the cigarette he I get the feeling he would have most likely let her drive away with a ticket
He got his panties in a wad when she politely called him on being an arsehole and lost it entirely when she defended her rights. If you think it proper that citizens have to tiptoe around behaviour that the policeman's supervisors condemned, well, that's a funny practise of freedom.

But he wasn't being an asshole up until the time he lost his cool.

It was a legit traffic stop up until he fucked it up

Now granted miss snarky wise ass didn't do herself any favors either

If she had just shut the fuck up and taken her ticket like a big girl she would have been allowed to drive off into the sunset
Would she? How can you know?
Maybe because that's what happens 99.999% of the time?

You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

Years ago a bitch cop pulled me over for not using my signal making a right handed turn. I was pissed because it was bullshit, but when the cop said license and registration I gave to her. I went to court and the bitch showed up and I had to pay.

A cop is fully in his right to pull over someone and write a citation for a traffic stop. She should have put out her cigarette and handed over her license and registration and accepted the ticket and moved on.

No doubt the cop over-reacted and is partially to blame. With that temperament he shouldn't be a cop. But once again a black person's defiance got her in trouble with the law.

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If she had just shut the fuck up and taken her ticket like a big girl she would have been allowed to drive off into the sunset
And if the cop had done only what was appropriate under the circumstances, which was to issue a summons and resume patrol, none of this would have happened. Instead, he chose to assert his authority by telling her to put her cigarette out -- which was absolutely unnecessary. All he had to do was hand her the summons and walk away.

These negatively publicized incidents, all of which are the result of inflated authoritarian police egos and their sense of omnipotent power, are causing major civil problems as well as costing an enormous amount of money and will eventually result in major riots which will negatively affect us all (remember the Rodney King riots). The actions of these bad cops will bring about restrictions on all cops, the majority of whom are good cops, and all cops will engage in a major job action (ignoring crime) which will result in a major crime wave.

It's not the fifties anymore. There are cameras all over and the public is getting fed up with the constant progression of incidents involving police misconduct, usually deriving from an exaggerated sense of power and importance.
He didn't order her to put out the cigarette. Maybe you should actually watch the video before you go spouting off like an ignorant fool.
Watching the video makes it clear that attaching the word, "please," to "Put the cigarette out" was no request, because Bland's refusal to comply was responded to with a punitive action by an obviously angered cop. While most cops will insist it was a request, no unbiased, reasoning individual will see it as anything other than a cynically disguised command.

When this case goes to civil court, which it will, do you think a civilian jury will regard the cigarette issue as a request after they watch Encinio's reaction to Bland's plainly justifiable refusal?
Bullshit! You are delusional. When a cop orders a person out of a car during a traffic stop they always requests them to put out their cigarette first. That's just common sense.
Nah...it's just stupid not to do every thing you can to make it easy on the cop in hopes of a warning.

To intentionally antagonize a cop is the height of stupidity and at the very least a sure ticket.

So who's the idiot?

The one who tries to keep a moving violation off their driving record so their insurance doesnt go up? Or the dumbas who acts like a shithead so the cops look for reasons to ticket you?
It might be called stupid in the example of a well-adjusted, even-tempered individual with a high level of resistance to stress. But some people simply are not capable of disguising their anger and/or reacting emotionally to stress -- and women are far more inclined to react emotionally to stress than are men.
That's one of the most sexist statements I've read in this forum.
Bullshit! You are delusional. When a cop orders a person out of a car during a traffic stop they always requests them to put out their cigarette first. That's just common sense.
Having already decided to issue a warning, why did he then decide to have her exit the car?
Bullshit! You are delusional. When a cop orders a person out of a car during a traffic stop they always requests them to put out their cigarette first. That's just common sense.
Having already decided to issue a warning, why did he then decide to have her exit the car?
Could be a lot of reasons, but most likely it was she was behaving like she was possibly intoxicated.

And as has already been established, he doesn't need a reason in the first place.
It's been noted at least a half dozen times in this thread as to why cops ask you to extinguish cigarettes.

Stop playing stupid.
Have you ever heard of a cop being assaulted with or harmed in any way by a lit cigarette? Ever? Just be sensible and adult for a moment and think about that.

If a cop has cause to arrest someone who is smoking, then there is cause to have that person put out the cigarette. Otherwise, what does a cop who is standing outside a car in which the driver (or passenger) is smoking have to fear from the cigarette? In the worst possible scenario a cigarette could be used to effect minor level of pain, but so could a kick in the groin, a gouge with fingernails, a straight punch in the nose, a thumb in the eye, a bite, or a diversionary mouthful of spit right in the face. Encinio had no cause to expect anything like that from Bland.

There is no acceptable reason for Encinio to tell Bland to put out her cigarette. Bland was intelligent enough to be well aware of why he did it and it understandably offended and angered her.
Could be a lot of reasons, but most likely it was she was behaving like she was possibly intoxicated.
Again, he had already decided to issue a warning, so your theory is putting the cart before the horse.

And as has already been established, he doesn't need a reason in the first place.
When this goes to court the absence of a reason will be very costly to the Texas taxpayer and could possibly be costly to Encinio.

I think you would be very surprised at how differently police authority is regarded in civil trials when police are charged with misconduct and/or excess. It is a different world from the criminal courts.
Could be a lot of reasons, but most likely it was she was behaving like she was possibly intoxicated.
Again, he had already decided to issue a warning, so your theory is putting the cart before the horse.
Bullshit. Just because he was going to issue a warning does not mean that he must end the stop right there. You lack the ability to think logically and that is why you are so confounded by the arrest. I'd bet a dollar to a dime that you are stoned right now.

If she would have just STFU instead of letting her hatred of white people get the better of her, she probably would have just went on her merry way with a warning. Instead she decided to start running her mouth in broken sentences and slurred speech, and acting agitated, thus showing that she was probably impaired.

Lesson: I don't recommend driving while impaired, but if you do get pulled over while doing it, just STFU if you want to avoid jail. The more you open your mouth, the more likely the officer will suspect that you are intoxicated.
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If she had just shut the fuck up and taken her ticket like a big girl she would have been allowed to drive off into the sunset
And if the cop had done only what was appropriate under the circumstances, which was to issue a summons and resume patrol, none of this would have happened. Instead, he chose to assert his authority by telling her to put her cigarette out -- which was absolutely unnecessary. All he had to do was hand her the summons and walk away.

These negatively publicized incidents, all of which are the result of inflated authoritarian police egos and their sense of omnipotent power, are causing major civil problems as well as costing an enormous amount of money and will eventually result in major riots which will negatively affect us all (remember the Rodney King riots). The actions of these bad cops will bring about restrictions on all cops, the majority of whom are good cops, and all cops will engage in a major job action (ignoring crime) which will result in a major crime wave.

It's not the fifties anymore. There are cameras all over and the public is getting fed up with the constant progression of incidents involving police misconduct, usually deriving from an exaggerated sense of power and importance.

He had every right to ask her to put out the cigarette as has been explained many times

She didn't

A cop can ask you to get out of your car at any time and by law you have to comply

She refused to get out of the car so right then and there she was in the shit
Sit back and watch. Get ready to weep, and practice your outrage. He will be nearly exonerated. I guarantee it.

No, he won't. You see, here's the thing. He's on tape and he's been caught lying.

Unlike Officer Darren Wilson who could tell a bunch of bullshit about how Mike Brown was 'charging him", we have Encino losing his shit on camera and brutalizing this girl and then lying about it.
Bullshit. Just because he was going to issue a warning does not mean that he must end the stop right there. You lack the ability to think logically and that is why you are so confounded by the arrest. I'd bet a dollar to a dime that you are stoned right now.

If she would have just STFU instead of letting her hatred of white people get the better of her, she probably would have just went on her merry way with a warning. Instead she decided to start running her mouth in broken sentences and slurred speech, and acting agitated, thus showing that she was probably impaired.

Lesson: I don't recommend driving while impaired, but if you do get pulled over while doing it, just STFU if you want to avoid jail. The more you open your mouth, the more likely the officer will suspect that you are intoxicated.

Except that's not what he arrested her for. He arrested her for assaulting him, which is clear from the two video tapes of the incident, didn't happen.

He then filed a false report to his superior on the theory no one would go back and check the tape after she posted bail and a lawyer pled her down.

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