Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

The Supreme Court didn't give the IRS the right to divulge private tax payer information to one side of a political campaign! They didn't give the IRS the "right" to target one political group at the behest of another who controls power in Washington! There is no excuse for what you Progressives did at the IRS, Joe! It was sleazy and against the law when Nixon tried and failed to do it back in the 70's and it was even more sleazy and more against the law when the Obama Administration SUCCEEDED in doing it now!

Uh, yeah, it did. It determined in Citizen's United that the IRS had to make the determination which groups were 'Social welfare organizations" which don't have to disclose their donors and which ones were "Political Action Committees' that do.

So pretty much, what the IRS did was conclude that anyone who called themselves "TEA PARTY" weren't rally social welfare agencies but political action committees until they proved otherwise.

Unlike, let's say, a cop pulling a person over for "Driving while black". Which is actually illegal and wrong, but still happens all the time and is what happened here.

I'm amused that someone's STILL trying to justify what Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS did! Progressive politicians used the IRS to target their political opponents. It's EXACTLY what Richard Nixon attempted and failed to do...the only difference is that the Obama Administration succeeded at using the IRS for political reasons.
What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.
I'm rather confused at the way you're so quick to surrender someone else's rights.

He probably operates under the theory, "Silly Negro, Rights are for White People!"

If he was a racist as you've branded him...then why was he issuing a warning instead of a ticket to the "silly Negro"? Oh, gosh...don't you hate it when common sense shreds your nonsense! Go have some Trix, Joey...you're embarrassing yourself again!
Bullshit. Just because he was going to issue a warning does not mean that he must end the stop right there. You lack the ability to think logically and that is why you are so confounded by the arrest. I'd bet a dollar to a dime that you are stoned right now.

If she would have just STFU instead of letting her hatred of white people get the better of her, she probably would have just went on her merry way with a warning. Instead she decided to start running her mouth in broken sentences and slurred speech, and acting agitated, thus showing that she was probably impaired.

Lesson: I don't recommend driving while impaired, but if you do get pulled over while doing it, just STFU if you want to avoid jail. The more you open your mouth, the more likely the officer will suspect that you are intoxicated.

Except that's not what he arrested her for. He arrested her for assaulting him, which is clear from the two video tapes of the incident, didn't happen.
That's totally irrelevant. Sure he could have thrown the book at her but he didn't because he's a nice guy that gives people a break. In fact, he had already written out a warning notice to Bland. The person he pulled over just before he pulled over Bland also got a warning notice when he could have cited her for speeding and no proof of insurance and towed her car.
Your bad attitude is evident just when you ask, "what rule says one cannot smoke..."

When I get pulled over by a cop I look for where I can put my cig out before the cop even comes to the door. And I don't dare throw it out the window so I look for a cup since we dont' have ash trays in cars anymore. I don't want him to think I'm disrespecting him. I also don't want him to think, "if you can afford a pack a day, you can afford a ticket".

I've actually gone through this so I can actually put myself in her shoes. If she lit up after he pulled her over, she was already being a disrespectful stupid bitch, no offense. And if she was arguing with him when he asked her to put it out, she's a stupid bitch too.

So what you are saying it was okay for him to violate her rights because she was "uppity"?
How did he violate her rights? Do you have the right to stay in your car if he says step out?

I was wrongfully arrested once. I didn't fight the cop I told it to the judge.
What a dumbass..
No body killed her,and had she just acted civilized she wouldnt have been arrested in the first place.
Stop defending people who behave badly.
I'm rather confused at the way you're so quick to surrender someone else's rights.

He probably operates under the theory, "Silly Negro, Rights are for White People!"

If he was a racist as you've branded him...then why was he issuing a warning instead of a ticket to the "silly Negro"? Oh, gosh...don't you hate it when common sense shreds your nonsense! Go have some Trix, Joey...you're embarrassing yourself again!
How many blacks has he pulled over that didn't get arrested? He must have a long list of complaints if he does this all the time. Like bill Cosby's sleepy lovers. This cop must have a long list of blacks he has victimized, right?
She was acting like a bitch and failed to follow instructions.
For a cop to tell an agitated person to put out a cigarette is just common sense,she took it as some kind of personal attack against her because she's black.
The chip on her shoulder is what got her in trouble.

Last time I checked, we didn't live in a police state where we have to worship the police.

If he can't deal with a motorist being upset about a bogus "Driving While Black" ticket, he probably shouldn't be a cop.

And he won't be... much longer. He'll be exploring new career opportunities as "Inmate #45829"
You think he will go to jail for this?
She was acting like a bitch and failed to follow instructions.
For a cop to tell an agitated person to put out a cigarette is just common sense,she took it as some kind of personal attack against her because she's black.
The chip on her shoulder is what got her in trouble.

Last time I checked, we didn't live in a police state where we have to worship the police.

If he can't deal with a motorist being upset about a bogus "Driving While Black" ticket, he probably shouldn't be a cop.

And he won't be... much longer. He'll be exploring new career opportunities as "Inmate #45829"
You're absolutely delusional. First of all, he didn't write her a ticket. Furthermore, he didn't commit any crime.

I'd bet that you're stoned too right now. That would explain your complete inability to think rationally and reason logically.
Your bad attitude is evident just when you ask, "what rule says one cannot smoke..."

When I get pulled over by a cop I look for where I can put my cig out before the cop even comes to the door. And I don't dare throw it out the window so I look for a cup since we dont' have ash trays in cars anymore. I don't want him to think I'm disrespecting him. I also don't want him to think, "if you can afford a pack a day, you can afford a ticket".

I've actually gone through this so I can actually put myself in her shoes. If she lit up after he pulled her over, she was already being a disrespectful stupid bitch, no offense. And if she was arguing with him when he asked her to put it out, she's a stupid bitch too.

So what you are saying it was okay for him to violate her rights because she was "uppity"?
He didn't violate her rights.
Dear God you are a fucking idiot.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys there are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.

Before I put you on PI the reason no one hears about cops getting burned by lite cigarettes is b/c every fucking cop in the country tells everyone they stop to immediately put out the cigarette. It's standard police practice in every police department in the country.

Now I'll take out the fucking garbage AKA you're on PI.
Before you run away, how about answering my question: How many instances of lighted cigarettes being used as weapons against police officers can you cite here? If none, how do you justify this presumptive "officer safety" issue?

This cop possibly might get away with it in a criminal trial. But in civil court he would be wise to not even try it.
Dear God you are a fucking idiot.
Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys there are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.

Before I put you on PI the reason no one hears about cops getting burned by lite cigarettes is b/c every fucking cop in the country tells everyone they stop to immediately put out the cigarette. It's standard police practice in every police department in the country.

Now I'll take out the fucking garbage AKA you're on PI.
Before you run away, how about answering my question: How many instances of lighted cigarettes being used as weapons against police officers can you cite here? If none, how do you justify this presumptive "officer safety" issue?

This cop possibly might get away with it in a criminal trial. But in civil court he would be wise to not even try it.
That's why police departments have insurance for when they get sued.

I'm not defending the way the cop handled himself. I don't want hot heads over reacting. But as a juror I would take into account her attitude and as you can see a lot of us don't like it when people are rude to cops.

Didn't the Pope say you can't offend someone and not expect a punch in the face? We want the freedom to insult Islam now cops?
That's why police departments have insurance for when they get sued.
There might be some small rural police departments which carry insurance against civil litigation awards but there is no insurance company that would indemnify a large (or major) police agency. In fact you might be surprised to know how many lawsuits are filed against individual cops and their departments and how much their parent authorities pay out in awards and settlements.

I can speak for the example of the New York City Police Department which is constantly in civil court defending against the dozens of lawsuits filed against it every day! The NYPD paid out more than $100 million dollars in awards and settlements every year for the past ten years! And that's taxpayer money, not insurance company money.

Very few police departments are able to obtain litigation insurance and those who do have it pay enormous premiums.

I'm not defending the way the cop handled himself. I don't want hot heads over reacting. But as a juror I would take into account her attitude and as you can see a lot of us don't like it when people are rude to cops.
Those who confidently defend the actions of cops like Encinio should spend some time in a civil courtroom during a police misconduct trial. They would be very surprised at how juries perceive the actions of some cops.
Wrong. It was quite clear to anyone who cares about the truth, that Bland escalated the incident, that the cop was courteous until she became obstinate, and he responded in kind.

He did not lie about the incident. He may have lied about one aspect of it, but the whole incident is right there on the tape. What is on the tape is enough to prove that he was within proper police procedure and that what happened to her was her fault.

Guarantee you that the cop will be almost completely exonerated. Of course YOU and other left wing nutters will claim it was a farce and racially motivated. Pretty typical M.O.

No, this cop isn't going to get away with it. His own department is already throwing him under the bus.

You are right. This whole incident is on tape.

He claimed he tried to deescalate the situation- IN fact he escalated it by threatening "to pull her ass out of the car" and "I will light you up".

He claimed that she assaulted him when in fact the tape from the dashboard and the tape taken by the civilian show no such assault taking place.

He MIGHT be able to avoid criminal prosecution, but his career as a cop is done.

Sit back and watch. Get ready to weep, and practice your outrage. He will be nearly exonerated. I guarantee it.

Of course he will. There is a false wall in the garage of every police station. Behind it is a large tank and a pump...the tank contains plenty of WHITEWASH for internal "investigations"!

He's a thug and a bully, and needs to die.

There you go! You have a good handle on it. That's a good thing because you are going to be disappointed when I'm proven to be right again.
There was no 4th amendment violation and the fifth refers to capital or infamous crimes not traffic stops

The Second Amendment only refers to Militias.

See how easy that is. Rights are totally subject to "interpretation".

I don't see how you can believe that the 5th amendment requires grand juries for traffic stops

And the second amendment clearly states "The right of the people to keep and bear arms " not the right of militias

It's simple: Joey is really stupid (and dishonest, and an example of absolutely pure evil), that's all.

Wow, Ditchy, you do realize I actually agree with you the cop was in the wrong here.

Unlike all the times the cops have pulled you over, in which case they were probably justified.
I'm amused that someone's STILL trying to justify what Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS did! Progressive politicians used the IRS to target their political opponents. It's EXACTLY what Richard Nixon attempted and failed to do...the only difference is that the Obama Administration succeeded at using the IRS for political reasons.

What they did was awesome. republicans are secretly grateful because they hate the Teabaggers more than the Democrats do.
You're absolutely delusional. First of all, he didn't write her a ticket. Furthermore, he didn't commit any crime.

I'd bet that you're stoned too right now. That would explain your complete inability to think rationally and reason logically.

actually, he did commit a crime. He is not allowed to prolong the traffic stop.

He is not allowed to threaten motorists.

He is not allowed to file false police reports.

All things he probably would have gotten away with if the girl hadn't killed herself... but she did.
That's totally irrelevant. Sure he could have thrown the book at her but he didn't because he's a nice guy that gives people a break. In fact, he had already written out a warning notice to Bland. The person he pulled over just before he pulled over Bland also got a warning notice when he could have cited her for speeding and no proof of insurance and towed her car.

Was the person he pulled over before White or Black?
You're absolutely delusional. First of all, he didn't write her a ticket. Furthermore, he didn't commit any crime.

I'd bet that you're stoned too right now. That would explain your complete inability to think rationally and reason logically.

actually, he did commit a crime. He is not allowed to prolong the traffic stop.

He is not allowed to threaten motorists.

He is not allowed to file false police reports.

All things he probably would have gotten away with if the girl hadn't killed herself... but she did.
You're totally delusional. You have no evidence whatsoever to back up your idiotic and ridiculous claims.

You claim that he committed a crime. Prove it. Quote the law that he transgressed.
That's totally irrelevant. Sure he could have thrown the book at her but he didn't because he's a nice guy that gives people a break. In fact, he had already written out a warning notice to Bland. The person he pulled over just before he pulled over Bland also got a warning notice when he could have cited her for speeding and no proof of insurance and towed her car.

Was the person he pulled over before White or Black?

BTW, doesn't it look like she was going over the 20MPH speed limit to you? The officer could have cited her for that too. She was going to get a warning but she let her anti-white racism get the better of her. So she ended up in jail.
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Tea b
I'm amused that someone's STILL trying to justify what Lois Lerner and her merry band of liberals at the IRS did! Progressive politicians used the IRS to target their political opponents. It's EXACTLY what Richard Nixon attempted and failed to do...the only difference is that the Obama Administration succeeded at using the IRS for political reasons.

What they did was awesome. republicans are secretly grateful because they hate the Teabaggers more than the Democrats do.
Teabaggers backed by the koch brothers were only interested in cutting programs that helped the poor and taxes that go to the top.
You're totally delusional. You have no evidence whatsoever to back up your idiotic and ridiculous claims.

You claim that he committed a crime. Prove it. Quote the law that he transgressed.

He filed a false report with his superiors. Crime.

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