Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

BTW, doesn't it look like she was going over the 20MPH speed limit to you? The officer could have cited her for that too. She was going to get a warning but she let her anti-white racism get the better of her. So she ended up in jail.

So I don' tknow if that girl was black or white and netiher do you.
Here's the thing I see

If she would have just put out the cigarette he I get the feeling he would have most likely let her drive away with a ticket
He got his panties in a wad when she politely called him on being an arsehole and lost it entirely when she defended her rights. If you think it proper that citizens have to tiptoe around behaviour that the policeman's supervisors condemned, well, that's a funny practise of freedom.

But he wasn't being an asshole up until the time he lost his cool.

It was a legit traffic stop up until he fucked it up

Now granted miss snarky wise ass didn't do herself any favors either

If she had just shut the fuck up and taken her ticket like a big girl she would have been allowed to drive off into the sunset
Would she? How can you know?
Maybe because that's what happens 99.999% of the time?
To white people.
Nobody is caring about this shit anymore.........mainly because progressives make a huge deal out of every single incident.

You can always count on the modern progressives to blow their own faces off going overboard on.........every...............single.........incident............that involves race.

The interpretation by the regular folks ends up being, "Oh shit...........here we go with the black victimhood garbage again!!"


Progressive asshole activists are always falling all over themselves trying to convince the country that all whites are hateful racists........and nobody is buying that shit except the real fringe..........
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Spambot is the only thing no one cares about.

Hey, SKoobie, ever wonder why n o one responds to your posts?

It's because everyone has you on ignore, even people who agree with you.
You're absolutely delusional. First of all, he didn't write her a ticket. Furthermore, he didn't commit any crime.

I'd bet that you're stoned too right now. That would explain your complete inability to think rationally and reason logically.

actually, he did commit a crime. He is not allowed to prolong the traffic stop.

He is not allowed to threaten motorists.

He is not allowed to file false police reports.

All things he probably would have gotten away with if the girl hadn't killed herself... but she did.

You are probably the most clueless poster on this board at the moment, Joe...and that's saying something!

First of all...what are you babbling about that a police officer is committing a crime if he "prolongs" a traffic stop? He kept Bland long enough to run her information...wrote her a warning for the traffic violation and then returned. Part of the job of a policeman is to observe and evaluate people that are stopped for traffic misdeeds. Have they been drinking? Are they acting suspiciously? Are they inordinately nervous? Is there anything in the vehicle in plain sight that is a cause for concern? A firearm? Open alcohol containers? Drug related items? A police officer can prolong a traffic stop until he satisfies himself or herself that everything is on the up and up with the stopped vehicle and passengers of that vehicle.

Telling someone to comply with a legal order or risk being tasered isn't "threatening" motorists...it's letting a detained person know that they are on the verge of breaking the law and need to comply or face the consequences.

What false police report?
You're absolutely delusional. First of all, he didn't write her a ticket. Furthermore, he didn't commit any crime.

I'd bet that you're stoned too right now. That would explain your complete inability to think rationally and reason logically.

actually, he did commit a crime. He is not allowed to prolong the traffic stop.

He is not allowed to threaten motorists.

He is not allowed to file false police reports.

All things he probably would have gotten away with if the girl hadn't killed herself... but she did.

You are probably the most clueless poster on this board at the moment, Joe...and that's saying something!

First of all...what are you babbling about that a police officer is committing a crime if he "prolongs" a traffic stop? He kept Bland long enough to run her information...wrote her a warning for the traffic violation and then returned. Part of the job of a policeman is to observe and evaluate people that are stopped for traffic misdeeds. Have they been drinking? Are they acting suspiciously? Are they inordinately nervous? Is there anything in the vehicle in plain sight that is a cause for concern? A firearm? Open alcohol containers? Drug related items? A police officer can prolong a traffic stop until he satisfies himself or herself that everything is on the up and up with the stopped vehicle and passengers of that vehicle.

Telling someone to comply with a legal order or risk being tasered isn't "threatening" motorists...it's letting a detained person know that they are on the verge of breaking the law and need to comply or face the consequences.

What false police report?
My cop friend said in the 1980s cops could shoot at a car they were chasing but then we changed the law. No more can cops do that. I understand why but it also doesn't make sense to me. If a person is so desparate they will drive at high speed to get away, they are clearly a threat to society.

I'm referring to the cop that shot the guy who was putting the car in drive and was going to take off. I think it's reasonable for a cop to shoot someone trying to get away. Am I wrong?
You're absolutely delusional. First of all, he didn't write her a ticket. Furthermore, he didn't commit any crime.

I'd bet that you're stoned too right now. That would explain your complete inability to think rationally and reason logically.

actually, he did commit a crime. He is not allowed to prolong the traffic stop.

He is not allowed to threaten motorists.

He is not allowed to file false police reports.

All things he probably would have gotten away with if the girl hadn't killed herself... but she did.

You are probably the most clueless poster on this board at the moment, Joe...and that's saying something!

First of all...what are you babbling about that a police officer is committing a crime if he "prolongs" a traffic stop? He kept Bland long enough to run her information...wrote her a warning for the traffic violation and then returned. Part of the job of a policeman is to observe and evaluate people that are stopped for traffic misdeeds. Have they been drinking? Are they acting suspiciously? Are they inordinately nervous? Is there anything in the vehicle in plain sight that is a cause for concern? A firearm? Open alcohol containers? Drug related items? A police officer can prolong a traffic stop until he satisfies himself or herself that everything is on the up and up with the stopped vehicle and passengers of that vehicle.

Telling someone to comply with a legal order or risk being tasered isn't "threatening" motorists...it's letting a detained person know that they are on the verge of breaking the law and need to comply or face the consequences.

What false police report?
My cop friend said in the 1980s cops could shoot at a car they were chasing but then we changed the law. No more can cops do that. I understand why but it also doesn't make sense to me. If a person is so desparate they will drive at high speed to get away, they are clearly a threat to society.

I'm referring to the cop that shot the guy who was putting the car in drive and was going to take off. I think it's reasonable for a cop to shoot someone trying to get away. Am I wrong?

I'd have to disagree with that one, Sealy just from the viewpoint that we as animals are pre-wired with a "fight or flight" response to fear. A lot of normally law abiding people run from the Police...sometimes before they even think about what it is they are doing. You can't shoot people for reacting as nature intended them to.

I have no problem with a police officer shooting at someone who is using their car as a weapon and driving at others. If you have no qualms about running over someone to escape then I have no qualms about your getting shot to prevent that from happening!
It's been noted at least a half dozen times in this thread as to why cops ask you to extinguish cigarettes.

Stop playing stupid.
Have you ever heard of a cop being assaulted with or harmed in any way by a lit cigarette? Ever? Just be sensible and adult for a moment and think about that.

If a cop has cause to arrest someone who is smoking, then there is cause to have that person put out the cigarette. Otherwise, what does a cop who is standing outside a car in which the driver (or passenger) is smoking have to fear from the cigarette? In the worst possible scenario a cigarette could be used to effect minor level of pain, but so could a kick in the groin, a gouge with fingernails, a straight punch in the nose, a thumb in the eye, a bite, or a diversionary mouthful of spit right in the face. Encinio had no cause to expect anything like that from Bland.

There is no acceptable reason for Encinio to tell Bland to put out her cigarette. Bland was intelligent enough to be well aware of why he did it and it understandably offended and angered her.
Most honest people will acknowledge the cop was wrong, over-reacted, was on a power trip and doesn't have the temperament to be a cop. Nevertheless SMART people should pick up on this and not try to agitate the situation.

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You're totally delusional. You have no evidence whatsoever to back up your idiotic and ridiculous claims.

You claim that he committed a crime. Prove it. Quote the law that he transgressed.

He filed a false report with his superiors. Crime.

That was AFTER the traffic stop

He did not prolong the stop since he had never actually given her the ticket before he asked her to put out the butt
You are probably the most clueless poster on this board at the moment, Joe...and that's saying something!

First of all...what are you babbling about that a police officer is committing a crime if he "prolongs" a traffic stop? He kept Bland long enough to run her information...wrote her a warning for the traffic violation and then returned. Part of the job of a policeman is to observe and evaluate people that are stopped for traffic misdeeds. Have they been drinking? Are they acting suspiciously? Are they inordinately nervous? Is there anything in the vehicle in plain sight that is a cause for concern? A firearm? Open alcohol containers? Drug related items? A police officer can prolong a traffic stop until he satisfies himself or herself that everything is on the up and up with the stopped vehicle and passengers of that vehicle.

Telling someone to comply with a legal order or risk being tasered isn't "threatening" motorists...it's letting a detained person know that they are on the verge of breaking the law and need to comply or face the consequences.

What false police report?

Try to keep up, Dog Style. He claimed he tried to "Deescalate the situation" - and you can see that in that tape, he's the one who lost his shit.

He lied in a police report. That's enough to end his career right there.

And, yes, the Supreme Court has ruled you can't extend a traffic stop once you've written up a warning or ticket, which is exactly what he did.

This kind of abuse by the police needs to come to an end.
Most honest people will acknowledge the cop was wrong, over-reacted, was on a power trip and doesn't have the temperament to be a cop. Nevertheless SMART people should pick up on this and not try to agitate the situation.

Quite the contrary, this is exactly the situation people SHOULD agitate on. Mike Brown, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, and so on... case after case of cops being on a power trip and dealing with black citizens with a blatant disregard for their civil rights.
You are probably the most clueless poster on this board at the moment, Joe...and that's saying something!

First of all...what are you babbling about that a police officer is committing a crime if he "prolongs" a traffic stop? He kept Bland long enough to run her information...wrote her a warning for the traffic violation and then returned. Part of the job of a policeman is to observe and evaluate people that are stopped for traffic misdeeds. Have they been drinking? Are they acting suspiciously? Are they inordinately nervous? Is there anything in the vehicle in plain sight that is a cause for concern? A firearm? Open alcohol containers? Drug related items? A police officer can prolong a traffic stop until he satisfies himself or herself that everything is on the up and up with the stopped vehicle and passengers of that vehicle.

Telling someone to comply with a legal order or risk being tasered isn't "threatening" motorists...it's letting a detained person know that they are on the verge of breaking the law and need to comply or face the consequences.

What false police report?

Try to keep up, Dog Style. He claimed he tried to "Deescalate the situation" - and you can see that in that tape, he's the one who lost his shit.

He lied in a police report. That's enough to end his career right there.

And, yes, the Supreme Court has ruled you can't extend a traffic stop once you've written up a warning or ticket, which is exactly what he did.

This kind of abuse by the police needs to come to an end.

Did you watch the tape? Once she was out of the car...he DID try to deescalate the situation but at that point Bland was having none of it repeatedly calling him a "pussy" as she ranted about what was happening.

What Supreme Court ruling states that a police officer can't "extend" a traffic stop when the person involved refuses to sign a warning ticket?
Most honest people will acknowledge the cop was wrong, over-reacted, was on a power trip and doesn't have the temperament to be a cop. Nevertheless SMART people should pick up on this and not try to agitate the situation.

Quite the contrary, this is exactly the situation people SHOULD agitate on. Mike Brown, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, and so on... case after case of cops being on a power trip and dealing with black citizens with a blatant disregard for their civil rights.

Oh, for God's sake...if Bland simply signs the warning and drives away nothing happens to her! She's got to make the point that she feels picked on however and keeps on pushing things until she's in cuffs and going to jail. NOBODY should "agitate" over blatant stupidity!
Did you watch the tape? Once she was out of the car...he DID try to deescalate the situation but at that point Bland was having none of it repeatedly calling him a "pussy" as she ranted about what was happening.

What Supreme Court ruling states that a police officer can't "extend" a traffic stop when the person involved refuses to sign a warning ticket?

"I'M GOING TO LIGHT YOU UP!" and "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THE CAR" are "deescalating"?

She didn't refuse to sign the ticket. He escalated the sitatuion. Then he lied about it.
Oh, for God's sake...if Bland simply signs the warning and drives away nothing happens to her! She's got to make the point that she feels picked on however and keeps on pushing things until she's in cuffs and going to jail. NOBODY should "agitate" over blatant stupidity!

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. Most blacks are tired of cops that pull them over for "DWB" and then shooting them when they complain about it.

When cops treat black folks the same way they treat white folks, then they will stop agitating.

Not before.
Oh, for God's sake...if Bland simply signs the warning and drives away nothing happens to her! She's got to make the point that she feels picked on however and keeps on pushing things until she's in cuffs and going to jail. NOBODY should "agitate" over blatant stupidity!

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. Most blacks are tired of cops that pull them over for "DWB" and then shooting them when they complain about it.

When cops treat black folks the same way they treat white folks, then they will stop agitating.

Not before.

He was giving her a WARNING...you complete and utter moron!!! If he was the foaming at the mouth racist that you and Ms. Bland seem to think he was...HE WOULD HAVE CITED HER FOR A MOVING VIOLATION!!!!

You made the claim that the officer in question was in violation of a Supreme Court ruling on extending a traffic stop. Would you like to explain what Supreme Court ruling that might be? Or are you going to continue your usual habit of making claims that you then run away from?
Did you watch the tape? Once she was out of the car...he DID try to deescalate the situation but at that point Bland was having none of it repeatedly calling him a "pussy" as she ranted about what was happening.

What Supreme Court ruling states that a police officer can't "extend" a traffic stop when the person involved refuses to sign a warning ticket?

"I'M GOING TO LIGHT YOU UP!" and "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THE CAR" are "deescalating"?

She didn't refuse to sign the ticket. He escalated the sitatuion. Then he lied about it.

She hadn't signed the ticket. He asked her to put her cigarette out. She refused. He asked her to step out of the car. She refused. His requests were lawful. Her responses were not.
He was giving her a WARNING...you complete and utter moron!!! If he was the foaming at the mouth racist that you and Ms. Bland seem to think he was...HE WOULD HAVE CITED HER FOR A MOVING VIOLATION!!!!

You made the claim that the officer in question was in violation of a Supreme Court ruling on extending a traffic stop. Would you like to explain what Supreme Court ruling that might be? Or are you going to continue your usual habit of making claims that you then run away from?

Go back earlier in the thread, I posted a link to it.

I'm not going to waste my time reposting the same fucking links over and over again.

This cop is a piece of shit and he doesn't need to have a badge.
She hadn't signed the ticket. He asked her to put her cigarette out. She refused. He asked her to step out of the car. She refused. His requests were lawful. Her responses were not.

Again, I'm always amazed how you guys who are all upset about the mean old government think that the Darkies need to totally be cool with a police state.

"Silly Negro, Rights are for White People!"

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