Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

Tell me could you tell she was black from the dash cam before she got pulled over?

I couldn't

She committed a traffic violation. I have been pulled over for not signalling before changing lanes as have millions of other people

The Dash cam only goes on when he flips on the sirens and lights. Her dialog indicates he saw her and made a u-turn which is why she tried to get out of his way.

"Driving While Black". Ask some black folks about it some time.
Tell me could you tell she was black from the dash cam before she got pulled over?

I couldn't

She committed a traffic violation. I have been pulled over for not signalling before changing lanes as have millions of other people

The Dash cam only goes on when he flips on the sirens and lights. Her dialog indicates he saw her and made a u-turn which is why she tried to get out of his way.

"Driving While Black". Ask some black folks about it some time.

You haven't watched the video have you?

He had just conclude another traffic stop he was coming up behind her ans the video was rolling BEFORE she changed lanes without signalling

Man, for someone who is so fucking cock sure about what happened you are woefully uninformed
You haven't watched the video have you?

He had just conclude another traffic stop he was coming up behind her ans the video was rolling BEFORE she changed lanes without signalling

Man, for someone who is so fucking cock sure about what happened you are woefully uninformed

Yes, guy, keep trying to spin this as good police work.

I know I saw the part where he screamed maniacally at this woman "I'm going to light you up!!!"

Not sure what else I needed to see, exactly....
You haven't watched the video have you?

He had just conclude another traffic stop he was coming up behind her ans the video was rolling BEFORE she changed lanes without signalling

Man, for someone who is so fucking cock sure about what happened you are woefully uninformed

Yes, guy, keep trying to spin this as good police work.

I know I saw the part where he screamed maniacally at this woman "I'm going to light you up!!!"

Not sure what else I needed to see, exactly....

I am not trying to spin anything I am representing the even as it happened not how I think it happened. I have told you the exact point where he lost it and have said he fucked up

Just admit you never watched the video we all know it anyway
I am not trying to spin anything I am representing the even as it happened not how I think it happened. I have told you the exact point where he lost it and have said he fucked up

Just admit you never watched the video we all know it anyway

I watched the only important part. the part where he screams maniacally at this woman for no good reason.

Not sure what else you think we should have seen, or why we should conclude this was a "Driving While Black" incident that went wrong...
I am not trying to spin anything I am representing the even as it happened not how I think it happened. I have told you the exact point where he lost it and have said he fucked up

Just admit you never watched the video we all know it anyway

I watched the only important part. the part where he screams maniacally at this woman for no good reason.

Not sure what else you think we should have seen, or why we should conclude this was a "Driving While Black" incident that went wrong...

So you really don't know what happened before he lost it you just assume he was hostile even before he pulled her over

Got it
So you really don't know what happened before he lost it you just assume he was hostile even before he pulled her over

Got it

Yeah, I don't think anyone goes on that kind of a rant out of the blue.

I really don't.

I think he was a racist who saw a darkie talking back to him and he was going to totally put her in her place.
So you really don't know what happened before he lost it you just assume he was hostile even before he pulled her over

Got it

Yeah, I don't think anyone goes on that kind of a rant out of the blue.

I really don't.

I think he was a racist who saw a darkie talking back to him and he was going to totally put her in her place.

You can think whatever you want that doesn't make you right. How can you be so sure when you admit you don't know what happened before he went off the reservation?

In fact IMO he was rather polite to her right up until she refused his 2 lawful orders then he lost it.
Joe's problem is that he starts from the automatic assumption that the Texas State Trooper has to be a racist (because Joe assumes that all white police officers are racists!) who only stopped Sandra Bland because she was black.

The problem with that assumption is that it makes absolutely no sense for the trooper to have written Bland a warning rather than a citation (which one would assume he would do if he really WAS a racist!).

So what this really comes down to is a conflict that arose during the traffic stop between a law enforcement officer and someone who was detained for a traffic violation and what caused the escalation of conflict.

So who are these two people? What were their mindsets leading up to the confrontation? Were there any contributing factors involved?

You've got Trooper Brian Encinia on one side of this conflict. So what do we know about him? He is listed in the Texas voter records as being of Hispanic descent. He's a new trooper, only having been off probation in June of this year. He came into the State Troopers after having been a Chief in the local volunteer Fire Department and a supervisor at Blue Bell Ice Cream. In an evaluation of his work in September and October 2014, a supervisor noted Encinia had received "written counseling for unprofessional conduct ... for an incident occurring while at a school in Austin," the AP said, adding that the document provided no additional information. Otherwise Encinia's trooper evaluations were all positive.

On the other side, you've got Sandra Bland. What do we know about her? Well we know that her autopsy showed rather high levels of THC in her system even though she'd been sitting in jail for three days. One can only assume that she wasn't getting high IN the jail so one has to assume that Sandra was stoned BEFORE she ended up there. She was also taking a prescription medication for epilepsy that had a possible side effect of aggressive behavior. A further look into Bland's history shows that she had at least 10 encounters herself with police in both Illinois and Texas in past years. At the time of her death she still owed a total of $7,579.00 in court fines resulting from five traffic stops in various Chicago suburbs (including a DUI), and she had been cited several times for her failure to pay those fines.

Source: Suburban Woman Found Dead in Jail Had Previous Encounters With Police NBC Chicago
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And if you'd cited your nonsense I wouldn't have had to waste all that time looking for something that turned out to be a JOKE!

Well, no, it's a valid thing. The guy escalated the situation.

Now a young lady is dead and someone better be held accoutable.

This cop is as good a scapegoat as anyone.

The person who would have been accountable is no longer with us.
"Darkies"? I know you dearly want to make this about racism, Joey...because that's what you DO but this isn't about skin pigmentation...it's about finding out who your friends really are. The person that can't be bothered to show up when you call from jail ISN'T your friend.

Again, she'd never have been pulled over and treated like that if she was white.

Everyone knows this.

But those shiftless Darkies didn't come up with the money fast enough before they "suicided" her in jail. Yeah, that's it.

Spend a lot of time in Prairie View do you?
Obviously not..that area is known to be heavily patrolled and they hand out tickets to everyone.
Stop flapping your lips about shit you know nothing about.
Prairie View Texas Speed Traps The National Speed Trap Exchange
You can think whatever you want that doesn't make you right. How can you be so sure when you admit you don't know what happened before he went off the reservation?

In fact IMO he was rather polite to her right up until she refused his 2 lawful orders then he lost it.

You mean he politely violated her civil rights up until she was having none of it, and then he lost it...

Silly Darkies, Rights are For White People.
Spend a lot of time in Prairie View do you?
Obviously not..that area is known to be heavily patrolled and they hand out tickets to everyone.
Stop flapping your lips about shit you know nothing about.

Oh, that makes it okay, then, handing out "Driving While Black" tickets....

Joe's problem is that he starts from the automatic assumption that the Texas State Trooper has to be a racist (because Joe assumes that all white police officers are racists!) who only stopped Sandra Bland because she was black.

The problem with that assumption is that it makes absolutely no sense for the trooper to have written Bland a warning rather than a citation (which one would assume he would do if he really WAS a racist!).

Yeah why would I be not inclined to take the police's side of hte story. I mean besides the evidence on the video tape where Encino loses his shit and clear evidence he LIED ON HIS REPORT TO HIS SUPERIOR!

Yeah, well you have...

Eric Garner
Mike Brown
Tamir Rice
That Pool Party at McKinney

You know, a whole bunch of cases where the police killed or brutalized black people over minor offenses....

So who are these two people? What were their mindsets leading up to the confrontation? Were there any contributing factors involved?

You've got Trooper Brian Encinia on one side of this conflict. So what do we know about him? He is listed in the Texas voter records as being of Hispanic descent. He's a new trooper, only having been off probation in June of this year. He came into the State Troopers after having been a Chief in the local volunteer Fire Department and a supervisor at Blue Bell Ice Cream. In an evaluation of his work in September and October 2014, a supervisor noted Encinia had received "written counseling for unprofessional conduct ... for an incident occurring while at a school in Austin," the AP said, adding that the document provided no additional information. Otherwise Encinia's trooper evaluations were all positive.

Well, what do we know about Storm-Trooper Encinio?

Well, we've got him on tape threatening to LIGHT YOU UP! with a Taser. We have evidence he lied to his superior that he tried to de-escalate the situation when in fact he illegall prolonged the stop and then escalated the conflict. He claimed that the woman hit him when in fact you have two tapes of the incident that shows she didn't.

On the other side, you've got Sandra Bland. What do we know about her? Well we know that her autopsy showed rather high levels of THC in her system even though she'd been sitting in jail for three days. One can only assume that she wasn't getting high IN the jail so one has to assume that Sandra was stoned BEFORE she ended up there. She was also taking a prescription medication for epilepsy that had a possible side effect of aggressive behavior. A further look into Bland's history shows that she had at least 10 encounters herself with police in both Illinois and Texas in past years. At the time of her death she still owed a total of $7,579.00 in court fines resulting from five traffic stops in various Chicago suburbs (including a DUI), and she had been cited several times for her failure to pay those fines.


That's like the go-to for racists, isn't it? The Darkie was smoking pot. I think I recall you guys using this excuse when Zimmerman (who has been arrested dozens of times) shot Trayvon Martin.

Again, I really love how you libertarians who rail against government and think guys like Cliven Bundy were heroes apparently think the Darkies need to be happy living under a police state!
You can think whatever you want that doesn't make you right. How can you be so sure when you admit you don't know what happened before he went off the reservation?

In fact IMO he was rather polite to her right up until she refused his 2 lawful orders then he lost it.

You mean he politely violated her civil rights up until she was having none of it, and then he lost it...

Silly Darkies, Rights are For White People.

He did not violate any of her rights before he lost it.

And even after it's not so clear. She did after all refuse 2 lawful orders that any attorney would tell you were perfectly legal.

If a cop asked you to step out of your car and you refused you would be dragged out too.

Yes he lied on the report and that's certainly cause for dismissal

But since you refuse to watch the entire video and stick to your assumption filled diatribe I'm going to stop wasting my time with you
He did not violate any of her rights before he lost it.

And even after it's not so clear. She did after all refuse 2 lawful orders that any attorney would tell you were perfectly legal.

If a cop asked you to step out of your car and you refused you would be dragged out too.

Yes he lied on the report and that's certainly cause for dismissal

But since you refuse to watch the entire video and stick to your assumption filled diatribe I'm going to stop wasting my time with you

Hey, guy, she wasn't arrested for "refusing to obey a lawful order."

She was arrested for assaulting a police officer. Almost no one is still claiming she assaulted Storm-Trooper Encino.

Probably because you have two videotapes of the incident.

You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

You were wrong about Zimmerman, wrong about Brown, and pretty much wrong about everything you post. This mess is some of the most ignorant and wrong garbage that you've ever posted. I don't know how you manage to one-up your stupidity every time. It's actually fascinating.

I lived in Houston for 12 years. Hempstead is a little bedroom community just outside Houston.

The way that pig treated Sandra Bland is the NORM, not an exception. I was harassed by police on a few occasions myself, for the reasons that RDean lists, even though I am white and spoke "YAWL" pretty good myself.

1. I had a motorcycle cop stop me for taking the "wrong lane" out of the downtown post office when it was my first trip into the city after moving there just days before. I still had PA plates and license. He threatened to arrest me because I had a "bad attitude" when I expressed irritation when he suggested I was lying about being in town just a few days.

2. A Houston cop on duty IN HIS SQUAD CAR parked at a 7-11 stuck his head out the window and made sucking noises at me as I was walking into the store. When I turned and glared at him he just gave me a good old Texas shit-eating grin. If I had tried to take his badge number I would have opened up a world of pain for myself.

3. A Texas state highway policeman stopped me for speeding when I was trying to get away from a truck that was driving erratically all over I-10. He claimed he didn't see the truck that was weaving in and around traffic which was also the same time he claimed he saw me speeding.

What these three incidents have in common is that I am NOT a rednecked, white male in a pickup truck. Period, the end.
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And if anyone really insists that Sandra Bland's arrest was in line with professional police standards, then take this video and smoke it. Texas highway police conducting body cavity searches on women drivers ON THE ROADSIDE.

These female officers who were bullied into this illegal act should file a complaint or quit their jobs. These women later filed a law suit:

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He did not violate any of her rights before he lost it.

And even after it's not so clear. She did after all refuse 2 lawful orders that any attorney would tell you were perfectly legal.

If a cop asked you to step out of your car and you refused you would be dragged out too.

Yes he lied on the report and that's certainly cause for dismissal

But since you refuse to watch the entire video and stick to your assumption filled diatribe I'm going to stop wasting my time with you

Hey, guy, she wasn't arrested for "refusing to obey a lawful order."

She was arrested for assaulting a police officer. Almost no one is still claiming she assaulted Storm-Trooper Encino.

Probably because you have two videotapes of the incident.

I never said why she was arrested did I?

I never said she assaulted him did I?

I am trying to look at the entire incident

You aren't
He did not violate any of her rights before he lost it.

And even after it's not so clear. She did after all refuse 2 lawful orders that any attorney would tell you were perfectly legal.

If a cop asked you to step out of your car and you refused you would be dragged out too.

Yes he lied on the report and that's certainly cause for dismissal

But since you refuse to watch the entire video and stick to your assumption filled diatribe I'm going to stop wasting my time with you

Hey, guy, she wasn't arrested for "refusing to obey a lawful order."

She was arrested for assaulting a police officer. Almost no one is still claiming she assaulted Storm-Trooper Encino.

Probably because you have two videotapes of the incident.

I never said why she was arrested did I?

I never said she assaulted him did I?

I am trying to look at the entire incident

You aren't

She was arrested because this Encino asshole is a fucking rednecked asshole who hates blacks.

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