Everyone Repeat After Me...This Is A Manufactured Crisis...Manufactured Crisis....Manufactured Cr...

We both know what you wrote was garbage.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
I was posting from your point of view that the Senate is breaking some code that they must approve of a piece of House legislation.
Do you even read what you post?

Do everyone a favor...
Before you click submit, understand the implications of your post.
You inferred that the Senate must approve of House legislation.

Uh no…

Here is what I wrote:

View attachment 239291

Lets make it simple...

Mitch McConnell could let the budget vote without the wall into the Senate...

Let me make it simple. If McConnell refuses to take the House Bill under consideration, he's following the example of Harry Reid who blocked a lot more than one House bill.

Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate'
During the Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Clinton administrations, arrests at the border often topped 1 million per year. The 400,000 number is, in no way a crisis.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, every talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

So, how is illegal immigration being historically low a crisis?

View attachment 239283

Your chart doesn't jib with your statement.

According to your ref, historical lows were in the 60s, before Ted Kennedy started encouraging mass-illegal immigration into CA.

They are lower than they've been since the 1970s. Stop trying to spin for tRump.
What do you mean "We're being held hostage" ? Who are the supposed "hostages"?
Almost a million federal workers plus another million or so contractors along with everyone who needs the services they provide.

Thanks for sharing the good news..... It's nice to hear that the bastages that have been holding us taxpayers hostage for such a long time are finally getting a taste of their own medicine.
WTF are you talking about?

Oh sorry... allow me to put it in terms you can understand...

My heart pumps purple piss for the poor overpaid government drones and the state owned serfs that have allowed themselves to become dependent on them.

Get it Now? Or would you perhaps be requiring a map, GPS and Sherpa Guide to lead you to the garden of understanding?


"Wait long enough and you reap what you sow. That holds for men. That holds for towns. That holds for a whole country." -- Lalita Tademy, Red River
Lol, you're pissed off at folks for getting jobs?
Yeah, that's exactly what I wrote.... :rolleyes:

When something unfortunate happens to you it's comforting to know that you can always count a tax payer funded, government drone to come along and make it worse.
Is this day 20?

We're literally being held hostage by a rouge petulant potus

all for political posturing

may it bite him so hard in the azz, he never recovers, may his supporters suffer the consequenses

'effing tyrant .....


if so, then what you're doing now is political posturing as well. also, unfortunately when our collective gov acts the fool (like both sides are doing these days) we *all* suffer the consequences.

we really need to stop this "us vs them" blanket simpleton thought process.

Our illustrious potus admits he owns this shutdown

it's not GOP against DEM, it's Trump against us all

No one entity in governance should wield such power

The fact that there exists no standard for this executive privelge ,means Trump (or any potus)can shut us all down w/o validation is no small issue, it's a huge issue

Would you like martial law enforced w/o provocation?

Seriously, even if the wall were a good cause, this is not the way to get the job done

whatever happened to a representative democracy?

Why did BLM protest? Martial Law exists in many facets of all our lives. Power is by those who can wield it. Law enforcement and law can be brutal in certain areas of our nation. And if they are inept, incompetent, sadistic, power hungry and self protecting their fiefdoms then the people suffer. There are people who work for those fiefdoms who are top notch. But they fail if they back up the worst of their own. Privilege is privilege. There are some privilege actions that are valid. Starting to realize we have borders in a nation that is throwing out a unified culture of many groups for a tower of babel replacement is the last step before calamity comes here.
During the Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Clinton administrations, arrests at the border often topped 1 million per year. The 400,000 number is, in no way a crisis.

Because they’re here and costing us a fortune.

Somehow they didn’t cost us a fortune during the 1990’s which is correctly remembered as a time of peace and prosperity. Additionally, if you want to talk about money pits, illegal immigration is a pot hole; SSDI is the Mariana Trench.
One hundred billion to house, clothe, feed and educate.
But you already knew that.

Again, when millions were being arrested and millions more were coming across; there was no crisis. There is no crisis now.

There are federal subsidies for clothing? Really?
Only for the military...
We both know what you wrote was garbage.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
I was posting from your point of view that the Senate is breaking some code that they must approve of a piece of House legislation.
Do you even read what you post?

Do everyone a favor...
Before you click submit, understand the implications of your post.
You inferred that the Senate must approve of House legislation.

Uh no…

Here is what I wrote:

View attachment 239291
I’m on my iPhone so I don’t see page numbers.
About 30 or so messages ago you insisted that the Senate was not doing it’s job because the House approved a Bill.
That was very misleading.

The House approved a bill the Senate had already passed.
I was posting from your point of view that the Senate is breaking some code that they must approve of a piece of House legislation.
Do you even read what you post?

Do everyone a favor...
Before you click submit, understand the implications of your post.
You inferred that the Senate must approve of House legislation.

Uh no…

Here is what I wrote:

View attachment 239291
I’m on my iPhone so I don’t see page numbers.
About 30 or so messages ago you insisted that the Senate was not doing it’s job because the House approved a Bill.
That was very misleading.

The House approved a bill the Senate had already passed.
Which Bill?
All the news sites claim that the House has a Budget minus the Wall and the Senate is ignoring it.
You are attributing your own quote to me….I think you may have skipped your meds this morning or something.
If I give a shit and remember when I get home, I’ll look for it.

I’ll show you how it’s done.

The House presents a bill with the appropriate funds to be allocated.
The Senate must approve.

So you’re the one that said it.
Uh, no...you inferred, “BAD Senate!”.
Seriously, think before Submitting your emotional bullshit.

I stated that the Senate wasn’t doing it’s job. Which is factual. It’s not emotional in the least.
What is the Senate’s job?
Ignoring a thick packet of earmarks is not doing their job?

Considering legislation from the other chamber and proposing their own ideas for one. With the Government shut down and no funding being considered by the Executive, it would seem as though this is the time for Congress to act; not do nothing; which is what the Senate is doing.
Almost a million federal workers plus another million or so contractors along with everyone who needs the services they provide.

Thanks for sharing the good news..... It's nice to hear that the bastages that have been holding us taxpayers hostage for such a long time are finally getting a taste of their own medicine.
WTF are you talking about?

Oh sorry... allow me to put it in terms you can understand...

My heart pumps purple piss for the poor overpaid government drones and the state owned serfs that have allowed themselves to become dependent on them.

Get it Now? Or would you perhaps be requiring a map, GPS and Sherpa Guide to lead you to the garden of understanding?


"Wait long enough and you reap what you sow. That holds for men. That holds for towns. That holds for a whole country." -- Lalita Tademy, Red River
Lol, you're pissed off at folks for getting jobs?
Yeah, that's exactly what I wrote.... :rolleyes:

When something unfortunate happens to you it's comforting to know that you can always count a tax payer funded, government drone to come along and make it worse.
Yes, it is.
If I give a shit and remember when I get home, I’ll look for it.

I’ll show you how it’s done.

The House presents a bill with the appropriate funds to be allocated.
The Senate must approve.

So you’re the one that said it.
Uh, no...you inferred, “BAD Senate!”.
Seriously, think before Submitting your emotional bullshit.

I stated that the Senate wasn’t doing it’s job. Which is factual. It’s not emotional in the least.
What is the Senate’s job?
Ignoring a thick packet of earmarks is not doing their job?

Considering legislation from the other chamber and proposing their own ideas for one. With the Government shut down and no funding being considered by the Executive, it would seem as though this is the time for Congress to act; not do nothing; which is what the Senate is doing.
And thus the problem with both parties underlying philosophies...
Ds must legislate
Rs must not legislate
Do everyone a favor...
Before you click submit, understand the implications of your post.
You inferred that the Senate must approve of House legislation.

Uh no…

Here is what I wrote:

View attachment 239291
I’m on my iPhone so I don’t see page numbers.
About 30 or so messages ago you insisted that the Senate was not doing it’s job because the House approved a Bill.
That was very misleading.

The House approved a bill the Senate had already passed.
Which Bill?
All the news sites claim that the House has a Budget minus the Wall and the Senate is ignoring it.

Before the House turned over to Democrats, the Senate passed a bill. The GOP led house refused to pass the Senate's bill. The Democrats passed that same Mitch McChinless, bill when they took office. Now the Senate refuses to pass a bill they already passed before. Get it now?
The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, every talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

This is a manufactured outrage, with manufactured talking points, to manufacture votes, using a manufactured media.

Do everyone a favor...
Before you click submit, understand the implications of your post.
You inferred that the Senate must approve of House legislation.

Uh no…

Here is what I wrote:

View attachment 239291
I’m on my iPhone so I don’t see page numbers.
About 30 or so messages ago you insisted that the Senate was not doing it’s job because the House approved a Bill.
That was very misleading.

The House approved a bill the Senate had already passed.
Which Bill?
All the news sites claim that the House has a Budget minus the Wall and the Senate is ignoring it.

Before the House turned over to Democrats, the Senate passed a bill. The GOP led house refused to pass the Senate's bill. The Democrats passed that same Mitch McChinless, bill when they took office. Now the Senate refuses to pass a bill they already passed before. Get it now?

What the Bill’s Title?
Do everyone a favor...
Before you click submit, understand the implications of your post.
You inferred that the Senate must approve of House legislation.

Uh no…

Here is what I wrote:

View attachment 239291
I’m on my iPhone so I don’t see page numbers.
About 30 or so messages ago you insisted that the Senate was not doing it’s job because the House approved a Bill.
That was very misleading.

The House approved a bill the Senate had already passed.
Which Bill?
All the news sites claim that the House has a Budget minus the Wall and the Senate is ignoring it.

Before the House turned over to Democrats, the Senate passed a bill. The GOP led house refused to pass the Senate's bill. The Democrats passed that same Mitch McChinless, bill when they took office. Now the Senate refuses to pass a bill they already passed before. Get it now?
Both parties suck.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
H. L. Mencken
I was posting from your point of view that the Senate is breaking some code that they must approve of a piece of House legislation.
Do you even read what you post?

Do everyone a favor...
Before you click submit, understand the implications of your post.
You inferred that the Senate must approve of House legislation.

Uh no…

Here is what I wrote:

View attachment 239291
I’m on my iPhone so I don’t see page numbers.
About 30 or so messages ago you insisted that the Senate was not doing it’s job because the House approved a Bill.
That was very misleading.

The House approved a bill the Senate had already passed.

That did not meet the President's expectations and therefore didn't get signed. Why waste time on it when it already failed?
I’ll show you how it’s done.

So you’re the one that said it.
Uh, no...you inferred, “BAD Senate!”.
Seriously, think before Submitting your emotional bullshit.

I stated that the Senate wasn’t doing it’s job. Which is factual. It’s not emotional in the least.
What is the Senate’s job?
Ignoring a thick packet of earmarks is not doing their job?

Considering legislation from the other chamber and proposing their own ideas for one. With the Government shut down and no funding being considered by the Executive, it would seem as though this is the time for Congress to act; not do nothing; which is what the Senate is doing.
And thus the problem with both parties underlying philosophies...
Ds must legislate
Rs must not legislate

Thanks for confirming what I said 2 hours ago dickless.

The R’s control the Senate. They are not doing their job. Their job is to consider legislation. Hold a vote; let it go nowhere or whatever. Do something. Come up with your own plan. Whatever. Doing nothing is not what you were elected to do. I’ll add that doing nothing is not what you’re paid to do either.

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