Everyone Seems Shocked At How Poorly Russia's Invasion Is Going, Further Humiliating Putin

Germany is sending a thousand Javelin anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger anti-air missiles.

The US and our allies are inflicting financial nuclear bombs on Russia, and a bank run is underway there. The ruble is at a record low, and the Russian stock market has crashed.

I wonder what the Russian soldiers in Ukraine will do when they stop getting paid.

Germany’s chancellery announced Saturday evening that it will send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 “Stinger” surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine “as quickly as possible.”


The news came shortly after the German economy and climate ministry said in a Saturday evening statement that Germany is allowing the Netherlands to ship 400 German-made anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. The government has also approved the shipment of 9 D-30 howitzers and ammunition originally from Estonia.
There is almost no realistic scenario where Putin comes out of this ahead in any way. Russia will inform us of his "removal" soon.

Everyone Seems Shocked At How Poorly Russia's Invasion Is Going, Further Humiliating Putin​

That's odd, Trump called him a genius. Somebody had to have taken Trumps's SAT's for him to get into Wharton.
I wrote the following earlier in this thread about the observation by another poster of the 'tentativeness' of the earliest reporting:

"That is kinda sorta the nature of war reporting.
The situations are fluid, dynamic, access is difficult. Not to mention dangerous.
Definitive explanations of these clashes and the results of them always take time to emerge.

And propaganda and misinformation will continue to be in the mix."

But then I read Thomas Friedman's analysis in today's New York Times.
He adds a nuance I had not thought about.

Here is a taster:

"...this war has no historical parallel. It is a raw 18th-century-style power grab by a superpower -- but in a 21st century globalized world. This is the first war that will be covered on TikTok by super-empowered individuals armed only with smartphones, so acts of brutality will be documented and broadcast worldwide without any editors or filters. On the first day of the war, we saw invading Russian tank units unexpectedly being exposed by Google maps.......

"Welcome to World War Wired --- the first war in a totally interconnected world. This will be the Cossacks meet the World Wide Web."

"It's been less than 24 hours since Russia invaded Ukraine, yet we alreay have more information about what's going on there than we would have in a week during the Iraq war"

"What is coming out of Ukraine is simply impossible to produce on such a scale without citizens and soldiers throughout the country having easy access to cellphones, the internet, and by extension social media apps."


I do not know if what Friedman offers will be the new normal. But his observation is plausible. And time and events will tell us.
Maybe more quickly and more completely than we've experienced before.

Silly, do you think you can read the whole post before responding?


Corrupt and incompetent Quid Pro is a complete fuckup. His incompetence and weakness lead to these actions by Putin - specifically his failure in Afghanistan.

You lied the above are not facts.

Which part?
First up, the U.K. Ministry of Defence, yesterday:

And then just a short while ago:

“It is unlikely that Russia has achieved its planned Day 1 military objectives,” followed by Russia having to find a new route to Kyiv after failing to capture a town literally on the Belarus border.


2nd greatest army in the world huh?

The Russian MOB OLIGARTHS will punish PUTIN harshly if he loses to Ukraine.
I understand you're having a bad day, since Putin and trump are having bad days. Grab your vaginal sand remover and ice cream, go have a self care night.

How is Trump having a bad day? This wag the dog exercise to distract from the democrat war on parents, the fall of Canada into a Cuban style dictatorship, and the collapse of the American economy with 8.3% inflation isn't exactly helping Xi's man biden and the democrat Reich...
Don't these Euro retards realize these are the same Commie Shits that held half of Europe Hostage for almost 50 yrs. Every able bodied person in Europe should pick up a weapon and head to Ukraine that my friends would send a message. No Military personnel just freedom loving people who hate communist dictators and thugs. Ex military of all branches would be welcome I bet.

Putin would ride them down just like Trudeau with freedom Truckers.

Thugs like Trudeau and Putin only understand force.
Problem is,Putin has nukes and may have lost his mind.

Xi's man has nukes and shits himself, doesn't even know what day it is.

His own toadie said something to the effect of, "What good is it having a world, if Russia is not in it?"

Didn't Xi's Biden Regime threaten to nuke the American people?

You're a lying Nazi cocksucker, so let's deflate your lie off the bat:

I.E., why not destroy the world, if Russia cannot be a part of it in the way it likes?

We know who dictated those words to him.

We do?

Or are you conversing to the voices in your head?
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I worry when Putin realizes this (if he hasn't already) he'll go to go full scorched earth strategy and beyond. He can't lose face in this war.
I think the other Russian oligarths will remove Putin permanently if he loses to the ukraine...

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