Everyone Seems Shocked At How Poorly Russia's Invasion Is Going, Further Humiliating Putin

It's not easy to fight a war and keep destruction and causalities to a minimum against a group of people in their own home with less and are desperate.

Russia if it truly wished to kill them all it would be done by now. They could level the whole country. But mass destruction isn't the name of this game.

It would be like if Russia tried to take America in one piece they couldn't do it. Once they hit states like Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee they would lose 8 to 10 soldiers per one of us. They would have to wipe them off the map to get rid of all the people fighting back.

I'm guessing Russia wants their infrastructure and resources, you cant go running in causing mass destruction.
No, because Trump and all that support him lack intelligence.


I shit out more IQ points every morning than every one of you Nazis on this board combined ever had.

You're not stupid because you're a Nazi; you're a Nazi because you're stupid.
I think the other Russian oligarths will remove Putin permanently if he loses to the ukraine...

Putin is old time KGB. He's murdered dozens of political rivals - he's Hillary level. I'm not sure his rivals would prevail.

Joe Biden is evil, corrupt and stupid. Vladimir Putin is evil, corrupt and a genius. That makes Putin VERY dangerous. Especially since the American Nazi party, the democrats, are dedicated to underestimating him.
Putin has a great deal of military hardware he has not used yet Ukraine has been impressive in their fighting skill but if Putin's goal is to occupy the country then it's possible he would want to do as little damage in the process so he has less to rebuild if he achives his goal. There is no way to know if this is the case but it is something to consider.

I shit out more IQ points every morning than every one of you Nazis on this board combined ever had.

You're not stupid because you're a Nazi; you're a Nazi because you're stupid.
Based on your inability to articulate your thoughts in a rational and coherent manner, you land in the dolt category.
Based on your inability to articulate your thoughts in a rational and coherent manner, you land in the dolt category.

As opposed to the erudite commentary you've proffered regarding the invasion of Ukraine.. :thup:

Herr Himmler; this invasion began in 2013 after some sort of event...

The invasion was GOING SWIMMINGLY, with Vlad taking Crimea, relaxing and digesting his conquest.

But then something unexpected happened...


The invasion was stopped in its tracks.

But now the invasion is back on in a big way, what happened?

Oh, that's right - the dead voted in the walking corpse

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