Everyone who voted for Obama and health care plan just stepped on lower income folks

Obamacare is bad law. Poorly conceived and executed for the benefit of insurance companies, it started out where public education evolved: a racket.

What is funny is that John Roberts a Republican bag licker is responsible for it being the law of the land. Without John Roberts signature, Obamacare would be in America's rear view mirror.

Thanks, Republicans.

:eek:Oh...so thats why they call it Obamacare. WoW.
It incorporates insurance companies........which is not a good thing. But it beats what we had. I'll bet even the nutters here can list a few positives in the law. Meanwhile, the negatives that nutters seem to harp on all have to do with the perception that it will cost them something.

Insurance companies have been fucking us for decades. Now they have to buy us dinner too.

Quit lying and crying, bitches. Progress takes time.

:eusa_hand:Right. And this progress takes from the taxpayer and gives to the non taxpayer. Real good success.
Those who voted for obama and socialism have a big surprise coming. Its a shame they are so unaware, because their vote hurt all of us. The people should stop supporting their party affliation and start to wake up to whats happening around them.

:eusa_drool:Well the voters of Ubama are Brainwashed and many more are becoming that way. All we can do is hope they come out of it in time.
Sounds ominous!

When is the surprise coming? I was expecting it by now.


:eek:Well we have to give the gov't time to read through the bill first. Thats going to take a little time. Then if were lucky they will tell us. Just remember what Peelosi told us. So give them time.
sounds ominous!

When is the surprise coming? I was expecting it by now.


as soon as you have to buy into obamacare.
And if you think its bad right now, wait and see.

I am pretty sure I will be enrolling in Medicare before I enroll in Obamacare. I have been buying that for about 30 years, by the way.

But I am happy to say that the Affordable Care Act will help millions of my fellow Americans to have better health care....making the nation healthier and better in the long run. Go America!
Those who voted for obama and socialism have a big surprise coming. Its a shame they are so unaware, because their vote hurt all of us. The people should stop supporting their party affliation and start to wake up to whats happening around them.

:eusa_drool:Well the voters of Ubama are Brainwashed and many more are becoming that way. All we can do is hope they come out of it in time.

Really? We are not the people insisting that we have the best health care in the world, when, in fact, ours is rated below almost every industrial nation in the world. In spite of the fact that we pay the most, per capita, for our health care system. First world costs and third world results. That is what you people are defending.
Obamacare is bad law. Poorly conceived and executed for the benefit of insurance companies, it started out where public education evolved: a racket.

What is funny is that John Roberts a Republican bag licker is responsible for it being the law of the land. Without John Roberts signature, Obamacare would be in America's rear view mirror.

Thanks, Republicans.

SCOTUS is non-partisan.
Exactly, the politicians on both sides of the isle are all the same, they just fuck us over in different ways, and we taxpayers will always be left to pick up the pieces they leave in their wake as they ride off into the sunset very wealthy from the public the teat.

This is what people say when they begin to realize that they have been betting on the wrong horse.

How about we list a few ways the parties differ? It may help you take that next step toward real independent thinking. Which will then lead you toward the left.....the direction whose bridges are supported by facts.

Actually that is what intelligent people say when they finally realize that our political system is two wings of the same bird. Both parties are bent on screwing us and if you don't see it, you're not looking close enough.

What's that I see? Is that your hands thrown up in the air as though you are giving up? Or....is that your fist in the air.....preparing for revolution? If it is the latter, then what are you waiting for?

Cynicism isn't always a bad thing. But when it overcomes you....and prevents you from realizing that we still operate by the laws that we can and do influence....you are rendered useless.
Exactly, the politicians on both sides of the isle are all the same, they just fuck us over in different ways, and we taxpayers will always be left to pick up the pieces they leave in their wake as they ride off into the sunset very wealthy from the public the teat.

This is what people say when they begin to realize that they have been betting on the wrong horse.

How about we list a few ways the parties differ? It may help you take that next step toward real independent thinking. Which will then lead you toward the left.....the direction whose bridges are supported by facts.

Actually that is what intelligent people say when they finally realize that our political system is two wings of the same bird. Both parties are bent on screwing us and if you don't see it, you're not looking close enough.

:razz:And if they don't start looking close enough soon...that bird is going to start crapping on them. We know how the bird never gives us a warning.
This is what people say when they begin to realize that they have been betting on the wrong horse.

How about we list a few ways the parties differ? It may help you take that next step toward real independent thinking. Which will then lead you toward the left.....the direction whose bridges are supported by facts.

Actually that is what intelligent people say when they finally realize that our political system is two wings of the same bird. Both parties are bent on screwing us and if you don't see it, you're not looking close enough.

:razz:And if they don't start looking close enough soon...that bird is going to start crapping on them. We know how the bird never gives us a warning.

Well....aren't you clever. Such witty banter. Careful though......snark isn't real humor. You should endeavor to avoid taking the chep shots....especially when the "truth" that is supposed to hold the humor is made-up nutter bullshit.
Wendy's Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare | ThinkProgress

(please focus on the one or two lines of fact in this article, and ignore the left-wing journalists attempt to shield Democrat policy from blame)

Wendy's cut everyone to part time, many restaurants considering same thing.

why is this happening?
so some health care insurance owners and CEO's and make billions off forcing the public to buy their "service"


Isn't blaming the government for a big corporation screwing its employees kind of like blaming a rape victim for wearing too trashy of a dress?

Wendy's is off my list of companies I do business with.
sounds ominous!

When is the surprise coming? I was expecting it by now.


as soon as you have to buy into obamacare.
And if you think its bad right now, wait and see.

I am pretty sure I will be enrolling in Medicare before I enroll in Obamacare. I have been buying that for about 30 years, by the way.

But I am happy to say that the Affordable Care Act will help millions of my fellow Americans to have better health care....making the nation healthier and better in the long run. Go America!

:eusa_hand:So your going to enroll in Medicare. Thats great. But you better tell the gov't to keep their hands of the money that funds Medicare before they destroy it.
Wendy's Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare | ThinkProgress

(please focus on the one or two lines of fact in this article, and ignore the left-wing journalists attempt to shield Democrat policy from blame)

Wendy's cut everyone to part time, many restaurants considering same thing.

why is this happening?
so some health care insurance owners and CEO's and make billions off forcing the public to buy their "service"


Did you actually READ the article you posted?

But anecdotal evidence suggests this strategy may backfire on the Omaha Wendy’s operations. This fall, Denny’s quickly distanced itself from a franchisee’s similar ploy, while Darden Restaurants saw a sharp 37 percent drop in profit after threatening to cut workers to part-time.

Heaping blame on Obamacare may be a popular tactic among the fast food industry, but it is a misleading one. According to the Urban Institute, Obamacare has a negligible impact on business costs, leaving large companies virtually unaffected while actually reducing costs for small businesses.
as soon as you have to buy into obamacare.
And if you think its bad right now, wait and see.

I am pretty sure I will be enrolling in Medicare before I enroll in Obamacare. I have been buying that for about 30 years, by the way.

But I am happy to say that the Affordable Care Act will help millions of my fellow Americans to have better health care....making the nation healthier and better in the long run. Go America!

:eusa_hand:So your going to enroll in Medicare. Thats great. But you better tell the gov't to keep their hands of the money that funds Medicare before they destroy it.

Oh....I did. When I voted for President Obama and supported the ACA. I bet it eats away at you when you face the fact that Medicare is hugely popular and hugely successful.
I am pretty sure I will be enrolling in Medicare before I enroll in Obamacare. I have been buying that for about 30 years, by the way.

But I am happy to say that the Affordable Care Act will help millions of my fellow Americans to have better health care....making the nation healthier and better in the long run. Go America!

:eusa_hand:So your going to enroll in Medicare. Thats great. But you better tell the gov't to keep their hands of the money that funds Medicare before they destroy it.

Oh....I did. When I voted for President Obama and supported the ACA. I bet it eats away at you when you face the fact that Medicare is hugely popular and hugely successful.

:eusa_drool:Oh so thats why Ubama is taking half of it to put into Obamacare. Yes successful for now...so you better use it while its still there.
Obamacare is bad law. Poorly conceived and executed for the benefit of insurance companies, it started out where public education evolved: a racket.

What is funny is that John Roberts a Republican bag licker is responsible for it being the law of the land. Without John Roberts signature, Obamacare would be in America's rear view mirror.

Thanks, Republicans.

Hey, it was the REpublicans who opposed all the other simpler solutions.

They opposed a public option.

They opposed single payer.

They opposed a MediCare buy in for those over 55.
:eusa_hand:So your going to enroll in Medicare. Thats great. But you better tell the gov't to keep their hands of the money that funds Medicare before they destroy it.

Oh....I did. When I voted for President Obama and supported the ACA. I bet it eats away at you when you face the fact that Medicare is hugely popular and hugely successful.

:eusa_drool:Oh so thats why Ubama is taking half of it to put into Obamacare. Yes successful for now...so you better use it while its still there.

May I ask why you are calling the President Ubama? Have you a reason for that that will make me think you are intelligent?

Also, please try harder. Nobody is taking half of anything to do anything.
Obamacare is bad law. Poorly conceived and executed for the benefit of insurance companies, it started out where public education evolved: a racket.

What is funny is that John Roberts a Republican bag licker is responsible for it being the law of the land. Without John Roberts signature, Obamacare would be in America's rear view mirror.

Thanks, Republicans.

SCOTUS is non-partisan.

It is not possible for a human to be this stupid in the era of KELO and CITIZENS UNITED, so thanks for the laugh of the day.
It incorporates insurance companies........which is not a good thing. But it beats what we had. I'll bet even the nutters here can list a few positives in the law. Meanwhile, the negatives that nutters seem to harp on all have to do with the perception that it will cost them something.

Insurance companies have been fucking us for decades. Now they have to buy us dinner too.

Quit lying and crying, bitches. Progress takes time.

Has anyone asked why health costs are so high, and if they're fair?

The fact that healthcare insurance rates are climbing faster than inflation is nothing new at all! It's absolutely insane that people are crying and moaning now, when it's been going on for decades.
Oh, I too am against Obamacare. We should have gone to a Single Payer system.
See the chart below, healthcare insurance went up 131% 1999-2009. Wages increased 38%. Did you cry and moan then?


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