Everyone who voted for Obama and health care plan just stepped on lower income folks

It incorporates insurance companies........which is not a good thing. But it beats what we had. I'll bet even the nutters here can list a few positives in the law. Meanwhile, the negatives that nutters seem to harp on all have to do with the perception that it will cost them something.

Insurance companies have been fucking us for decades. Now they have to buy us dinner too.

Quit lying and crying, bitches. Progress takes time.

Has anyone asked why health costs are so high, and if they're fair?

The fact that healthcare insurance rates are climbing faster than inflation is nothing new at all! It's absolutely insane that people are crying and moaning now, when it's been going on for decades.
Oh, I too am against Obamacare. We should have gone to a Single Payer system.
See the chart below, healthcare insurance went up 131% 1999-2009. Wages increased 38%. Did you cry and moan then?

My point was that looking at how to fund healthcare for the population is only half the story.
The other part is the scandalous cost of that healthcare.
Search out the recent Time magazine article on this very subject.

Medicare is partly so successful because of its buying power...much better than any insurance company.
It shows the value of a single payer system.
I still has one hand tied behind its back by Congress though - they won't let Medicare negotiate directly over drugs or equipment due to the influence of lobbyists.

The markup for ordinary people that don't have insurance though is unbelieveable.

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