Everything Barry touches turns to sh*t!


Platinum Member
Jul 19, 2011
As Barack Obama's lack of a Middle Eastern policy creates the world's first terrorist nation...his immigration policies prompt a tidal wave of illegal alien children...and his total lack of any policy to create jobs and grow the economy have the US wallowing in the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...we start to write his legacy.

His inept Administration is responsible for one scandal after another...Fast & Furious...Benghazi...the IRS targeting conservatives...the VA cooking the books...and the Justice Department targeting journalists.

This was the man who was heralded as the "Great Progressive Hope"...the harbinger of change...the gifted leader of a post racial America. Instead he's turned out to be a man totally overwhelmed by the job he holds...prone to finger pointing, dithering and possessing no ability to lead. The last two years of Barack Obama's second term cannot go by quickly enough for Barry "Shroom Gang" Obama! It's become obvious that he doesn't have a clue what he's doing and never has. He managed to con the American mainstream media into believing some vague notion of "Hope & Change" when he himself has now reached the point where he's just running out the clock.
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