Everything Conservative Is Shrinking And The Movements Slow Death Continues Unabated


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The country is changing. Culture and demographics are engaging in a 1-2 gut punch to the conservative movement and its Republican Party. And as those changes sweep the nation, Republicans remain seemingly helpless, trapped by a “leader” that has no interest in building a party, only himself. Thus, given a choice to evolve with the times, the movement decided to exile its leading lights—the Cheneys, the McCains, the Kristols—and went all-in on voter suppression and the subversion of our democracy.

Their situation, however, remains dire. Take a look.

Trump helped it decline even faster. So there was an accomplishment during his one term.
That's exactly why they are so dangerous, and why the country must be vigilant against another January 6th.
The country is changing. Culture and demographics are engaging in a 1-2 gut punch to the conservative movement and its Republican Party. And as those changes sweep the nation, Republicans remain seemingly helpless, trapped by a “leader” that has no interest in building a party, only himself. Thus, given a choice to evolve with the times, the movement decided to exile its leading lights—the Cheneys, the McCains, the Kristols—and went all-in on voter suppression and the subversion of our democracy.

Their situation, however, remains dire. Take a look.

Trump helped it decline even faster. So there was an accomplishment during his one term.

I follow and interact with a boatload of moms on Twitter who were Democrats their entire lives. Some Hillary, some Bernie, some Biden. But all Democrats.

They are livid. They have been what they call "red-pilled". They have huge, HUGE followings. What turned them is the extended school closings. But after that, the entire thing crumbled: the unions, CRT, woke culture. All of it.

You are wrong.

And you will see.
Trump helped it decline even faster. So there was an accomplishment during his one term.
Yeah, that may end up being the greatest irony of all, that he will ultimately represent the final primal scream of what passes for conservatism these days.
Have you ever noticed that the nut jobs with enemy politicians as their avatar always assume they understand the minds of their enemies better than their enemies do? Seems pretty narcissistic to me.
Yea ....but I wonder why so-called Conservatives keep claiming conservatism is dying and they are under attack, blah blah blah....

Or they just being hyperbolic??

Here is a good thought experiment....how many of the last 4 or 5 GOP presidential nominees are still referred to as "true Conservatives" instead of being called RINOS, traitors, etc etc??
The country is changing. Culture and demographics are engaging in a 1-2 gut punch to the conservative movement and its Republican Party. And as those changes sweep the nation, Republicans remain seemingly helpless, trapped by a “leader” that has no interest in building a party, only himself. Thus, given a choice to evolve with the times, the movement decided to exile its leading lights—the Cheneys, the McCains, the Kristols—and went all-in on voter suppression and the subversion of our democracy.

Their situation, however, remains dire. Take a look.

Trump helped it decline even faster. So there was an accomplishment during his one term.

As soon as I became fully vaccinated in March I took a road trip.

I drove from Washington to Illinois. Then got on what is left of Route 66 and drove it to Santa Monica Pier. Then drove the coast home.

I saw what your article is talking about.

The rural towns in states not on the coast were decimated. What towns were left were in horrible shape. I drove through ghost town after ghost town. It was depressing.

I started a thread about it.

The funny thing is that the conservatives on this board either denied it or were proud of it.

It's weird.

I was shocked to see what has become of rural America in the red states.

It's not like that here in the west coast states. We didn't abandon our small towns. They have thrived even though interstate highways bypassed their towns.

What it came down to is the red states have been taking tax dollars from the rural areas but not spending the money on those rural areas. They send the money to the cities in their states while leaving the rural areas to fall apart.
I follow and interact with a boatload of moms on Twitter who were Democrats their entire lives. Some Hillary, some Bernie, some Biden. But all Democrats.

They are livid. They have been what they call "red-pilled". They have huge, HUGE followings. What turned them is the extended school closings. But after that, the entire thing crumbled: the unions, CRT, woke culture. All of it.

You are wrong.

And you will see.
Some Hillary, some Bernie, some Biden. Yet they are all Republicans now because *checks post* schools were closed by Trump, and Red and Blue state Governors.

I call bullshit.
Yeah, that may end up being the greatest irony of all, that he will ultimately represent the final primal scream of what passes for conservatism these days.
Which of any of them are actual conservatives, though. Even the traditional ones were fine with bigger governments and bigger spending when it was them in power.
The country is changing. Culture and demographics are engaging in a 1-2 gut punch to the conservative movement and its Republican Party.

So you think it "good news": that after years and years of FORCED leftwing government intervention to artificially suppress whites while opening the doors to every non-white minority on the planet in a sweep to gain votes and political power that the democrats have finally effected a demographic outcome?

You think it a good idea to make the people who created western civilization and America a minority in their own country while putting others artificiality in the majority-- -- -- others whom all come from countries where the people there can't even create or maintain an economy, don't create technology, and never run anything successfully much less their own people ever having a high standard of living, and you think it good to put THESE people in charge?

Got it. :smoke:
the movement decided to exile its leading lights—the Cheneys, the McCains, the Kristols—and went all-in on voter suppression and the subversion of our democracy.
The Bushbot neocons, who never met a foreign war that they didn't love, are now the "leading lights" of the GOP?

At the risk of dating myself, I can remember the Chimpola Bush regime, when you feckless knuckle draggers believed that neocon scum to be one step away from Beelzebub himself....And y'all were damn close.

"Leading lights".....ROFLMFAO!.....You are one truly moronic individual.
The country is changing. Culture and demographics are engaging in a 1-2 gut punch to the conservative movement and its Republican Party. And as those changes sweep the nation, Republicans remain seemingly helpless, trapped by a “leader” that has no interest in building a party, only himself. Thus, given a choice to evolve with the times, the movement decided to exile its leading lights—the Cheneys, the McCains, the Kristols—and went all-in on voter suppression and the subversion of our democracy.

Their situation, however, remains dire. Take a look.

Trump helped it decline even faster. So there was an accomplishment during his one term.
/----/ Libtards have been predicting the end of Conservatism ever since Goldwater lost to LBJ.
Shrinking? I had not realized your penis was conservative, Skews.

As far as conservatism and liberalism is concerned, however, liberalism is just about gone already thanks to the left. As a country, we failed to conserve it and it has now been replaced by authoritarian identity politics.
/----/ Libtards have been predicting the end of Conservatism ever since Goldwater lost to LBJ.

And they've been rehashing the passive-aggressively racist "shifting demographics" chestnut for at least 20 years now.....As though the votes of pigmented people belong to them, because votes are determined by melanin.
The country is changing. Culture and demographics are engaging in a 1-2 gut punch to the conservative movement and its Republican Party. And as those changes sweep the nation, Republicans remain seemingly helpless, trapped by a “leader” that has no interest in building a party, only himself. Thus, given a choice to evolve with the times, the movement decided to exile its leading lights—the Cheneys, the McCains, the Kristols—and went all-in on voter suppression and the subversion of our democracy.

Their situation, however, remains dire. Take a look.

Trump helped it decline even faster. So there was an accomplishment during his one term.
I put up a link to "white genocide." LOL

But I think what we will find is that the gop clings to power based upon lower density Red states where whites are larger percentages that in blue states. And so long as the dems lack the ability to win state majs in places like Pa, Michigan, Wisc, Az, the House will be so gerrymandered by putting all minorities in a few House districts, that the gop will be competitive in the House too

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