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Everything except Allah Almighty (God Almighty) is vain


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
Let us have a discussion about this topic.

If Islam was to be summed up in one sentence it could be:

"Everything except Allah is vain."

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said that these words, originally spoken by the poet Labid were the truest words ever spoken by a poet.

Everything except God is vain. Of course, the word God here, also indicates the beloved of God. That beloved of God is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Everything except God Almighty is vain. This is the sole teachings of Islam and the teachings of the saints of Islam. People must fill their hearts with the love of God, and with the love of God only. It is because your heart is full with the love of God Almighty that you can forgive the non-Muslim who insults your religion, and not insult him back. It is because your heart is full with the love of God Almighty that you can endure the evil of the one who seeks to harm you greatly.

Hasan Basri (may God have mercy on him) was one of the early saints of Islam. He came right after the time of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) and his Companions (may God be well pleased with them). He had a child which he kept in his lap. The child asked him if he loved God. He said yes. Then the child asked him if he loved him (if he loved the child). He said yes. Then the child asked him how that was possible, since he had only one heart.

Look to these words of God Almighty Himself (who is above any form of humanness) in the Qur'an which He revealed to His beloved, Muhammad, Verses 36-49 of The Star, which is Surah 53:

36. Nay, is he not acquainted with what is in the Books of Moses
37. And of Abraham who fulfilled his engagements?
38. Namely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another;
39. That man can have nothing but what he strives for;
40. That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight:
41. Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete;
42. That to thy Lord is the final Goal;
43. That it is He Who granteth Laughter and Tears;
44. That it is He Who granteth Death and Life;
45. That He did create in pairs,- male and female,
46. From a seed when lodged (in its place);
47. That He hath promised a Second Creation (Raising of the Dead);
48. That it is He Who giveth wealth and satisfaction;
49. That He is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star)

That God decided everything that would happen way before He created creation is obvious. For instance the horoscopes of your day -though I don't like horoscopes- tells you very clear things about what your day will be. People born on the same days of the week (people born on mondays, or people born on tuesdays) tend to have similar personalities. This is a proof that God did everything that ever happened,a ll by Himself. He is the Source, while creation is just an inanimate object in His hand, bound to do and not do. So, we must dedicate ourselves to God Almighty only, hence everything except God is vain. And of course, the word God also indicates the beloved of God. That beloved of God is Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family; who said he was a prophet when Adam was not even created yet.
You repeatedly say that Allah is in no way human. And yet love is a quintessential human trait. So why does God love anyone? How can he be nonhuman with such a human trait?
You missed a few verses which state some of the people that Allah destroyed.

53.50 And that it is He Who destroyed the (powerful) ancient 'Ad (people),
53.51 And the Thamud nor gave them a lease of perpetual life.
53.52 And before them, the people of Noah, for that they were (all) most unjust
and most insolent transgressors,
53.53 And He destroyed the Overthrown Cities (of Sodom and Gomorrah).
53.54 So that (ruins unknown) have covered them up.
You repeatedly say that Allah is in no way human. And yet love is a quintessential human trait. So why does God love anyone? How can he be nonhuman with such a human trait?
Im not even religious and this is the dumbest question i might have EVER heard.

In most religions - god made humans in his image. Humans did t make god in theirs.

Lol jeebus.

Of course, theyre all bullshit. Most of all, mormonism and scientology
You repeatedly say that Allah is in no way human. And yet love is a quintessential human trait. So why does God love anyone? How can he be nonhuman with such a human trait?
Im not even religious and this is the dumbest question i might have EVER heard.

In most religions - god made humans in his image. Humans did t make god in theirs.

Lol jeebus.

Of course, theyre all bullshit. Most of all, mormonism and scientology

it's only stupid because you aren't paying attention. Muslim has repeatedly claimed that His God is greater than all others because He isn't like a human. And yet he gives God human attributes.

the fact that other religions say different has absolutely no relevance to Muslims claim.
You repeatedly say that Allah is in no way human. And yet love is a quintessential human trait. So why does God love anyone? How can he be nonhuman with such a human trait?
Im not even religious and this is the dumbest question i might have EVER heard.

In most religions - god made humans in his image. Humans did t make god in theirs.

Lol jeebus.

Of course, theyre all bullshit. Most of all, mormonism and scientology

it's only stupid because you aren't paying attention. Muslim has repeatedly claimed that His God is greater than all others because He isn't like a human. And yet he gives God human attributes.

the fact that other religions say different has absolutely no relevance to Muslims claim.
Islam doesnt even come close to ranking as high as mormon on the bullshit scale

He has that going for him

pedophile teenaged wife multiple wife jailed con man...is so divine
Oh fuck off mr gullible

History is in stone.

He went to prison.

He had several wives

He had a teenaged girl as one of them.

TRY to deny any of that.

You cant.

And the spin in regards to it is fucking DESIGNED for the dopes like you who will bite. Hook, line and sinker. Hello money.
After all that is clear for you. Let us know how mormon god had an epiphany about black people not until when?

When was the view on black people amended by your "church?"

OohhHhhhhh.....THATS RIGHT! when society began to find it reprehensible. Damn that society. One step ahead of your infallible god, somehow. That trickster!

You are so stupid.
Islam and Mormonism were started by men who died, and never rose again.

You are completely wrong. The reason why human beings like love is because God Almighty created them loving them. That is the cause.

Islam and Mormonism were started by men who died, and never rose again.

actually all others but christianity. Hinduism doesn't even have a founder.

Jesus never tasted death, to begin with. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) also taught that God forbade the earth to eat the bodies of the prophets and the saints of Islam. This is for this topic of victory over death.

Many saints of Islam have been removed from their grave years, decades or centuries after their death. Not only were their bodies the same as the day they were buried, but good smell would come from them.

One great saint of Islam had a follower who was a doctor. When the saint died, the doctor rushed to bring special stuff to inject into him so that the heart may start to pump again (medicine stuff). As he was about to inject it into him, the saint, who was lying, dead, rose his hand and said stop!

Another great saint of Islam, when he was being washed (Muslims wash their deads before burying them), he brought his hand close to his thigh so that the water would remain in his hand; so that his followers could come, drink and be blessed thanks to this water.

One saint of Islam went by the tomb of Muhammad and was praising him and at the end he asked that Muhammad gives him his hand so that he could kiss it. The hand came out from the grave, and the saint kissed it.

Someone very respectable was selling to another one. That respectable one was also cursing Abu Bakr and Umar, who were Companions of Muhammad. That buyer could not reply because of this respectable man. He went home in a state of sorrow and later slept. Muhammad appeared to him in a dream. The buyer explained Muhammad what happened. Muhammad told him to bring that man, which the buyer did (in the dream). Muhammad told him to lie him down, which he did. Muhammad told him to behead him. The man was suprised him. To behead him ? Yes. behead him, behead him, behead him. So the man beheaded him. When he woke up he thought he ought to go see that man and tell him what happened in his dream. As he approached the house of the man, he heard shouts and screams. The man had died.
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The fog of duality sets in upon all.

If God exists, God created all and all is God. Therefore, there is no 'other' from God. All is One. To say otherwise is to say the meaning of 'God' is not understood. Wandering in the illusion of 'God' and 'not God' is common in those who talk about God.
The Quran say the curse of God is on unbelievers, and they will burn in hell for eternity. Where is the love?
Everyone's sources of information for their faith are of the same kind. It is either read from a book or heard related from someone else. It is only a matter of choosing which of these to believe.

Belief is a choice. Demanding that others make the same choice as one makes is not rational or compassionate. The only way to have a fully convincing faith in God is by personal revelation. Each individual must be his/her own prophet, and may peace be to her or him.
The fog of duality sets in upon all.

If God exists, God created all and all is God. Therefore, there is no 'other' from God. All is One. To say otherwise is to say the meaning of 'God' is not understood. Wandering in the illusion of 'God' and 'not God' is common in those who talk about God.

When God makes you earn 1 dollar a day, and when He makes you earn 10 000 dollars a day, you don't say that both are favours; you separate the two. What you are saying is false.

Everyone's sources of information for their faith are of the same kind. It is either read from a book or heard related from someone else. It is only a matter of choosing which of these to believe.

Belief is a choice. Demanding that others make the same choice as one makes is not rational or compassionate. The only way to have a fully convincing faith in God is by personal revelation. Each individual must be his/her own prophet, and may peace be to her or him.

The life of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was meticulously recorded, as a divine matter intending to protect the last of all divine messages. This sets Islam apart for its unmatched reliability.

Belief is of the heart, not of the mind. You can not shape your heart without proper guidance, let alone by yourself.
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam.

To say that everything except God is vain is to ascribe to Him everything that happens. The very first revelations of God Almighty to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said:

"Read! in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created-

Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:

Read! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,-

He Who taught (the use of) the pen"

The Holy Qur'an, The Clot of Blood (Surah 96) V 1-4

These are the very first revelations, and revelation lasted 23 years. So, in the early stage, God insists that He taught by the pen. In other words, don't focus on the writings or the pen but on the One who used the pen and wrote. The rest is vain.
Islam is bullshit, dude.
Especially the pseudo language games they play to subvert the "kill infidels" commentary.
Your anti gay and subjecting women to second class vileness is repulsive .
If the real god wants all that, he can eat a fat one.

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