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Everything except Allah Almighty (God Almighty) is vain

Jesus was born of God, meaning God is His true Father. But that doesn't mean he didn't die on a cross. He was sent TO die on a cross for our sins, so we can be free in Him.
The Quran itself points to Christianity being true.

And throughout the bible, it was Jesus that was mentioned to come, not Muhammad.

And He calls all of us to come to Him

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It is a repulsive and evil thing to say, that God Almighty has a son. The Qur'an did not corroborate Christianity, it warns Christianity and the Chritians to stop saying these evil things.

Islam teaches that all 123 999 prophets gave the good news that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) would come. Jesus himself precised that that honor was for Muhammad, not for him. You are free to believe as you like. It is up to you only.

Jesus was born with a Father. He is God Almighty! He was also born of a mortal mother. Thus Jesus didn't have to die but he chose to lay down his life for all of us. Even you Muslim75.

John 10:17-18
17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Jesus loves you Muslim75 and by believing in him and repenting of your sins and keeping his commandments, you too can find life eternal.

Jude 1:21
21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

You may want to see my reply to JFish123. I will add that Jesus brought the dead back to life. It makes no sense that he would thereafter have his own life taken. Jesus is not "born of God" as you say. That is an evil saying and an untrue one.

If Jesus represents anything, it is that the human illusion of duality is just that.

With Christians, you don't what they mean when they say Jesus. Do they mean the man who preached the Divine message or do they mean affairs pertaining to divinity. This religion, without a doubt, is unclear and problematic.
I insisted earlier on God Almighty being the one who does all that happens, without any interference from those who act. I cited that as an instance of everything but God being vain.

In other words, the science that you consider great is great indeed, but it is vain. God Almighty created science, shaped it, oriented it and sustains it. Science only subsists through God's greatness. Everything except God is vain. Anything that you consider great should not be remembered for its greatness, because God is its maker and sustainer, without any help or any partner. Cherish God Almighty, therefore. He is the greatest.

I also insisted earlier on the implications of the phrase "everything except Allah Almighty (God Almighty, who is, by the way, above any form of humanness) is vain". God Almighty is not for game. The traditional knowledge in Islam mentions as to the implications 8 points. For instance, one of these 8 points is "constant uprightness". Another one is "fear of God expressed both internally and externally."
Jesus wasn't born of God like many muslims were led to believe. Christians do not believe God had sexual relations with Mary. It didn't happen like that.

My question is, that Islam teaches Muslims to believe that the Bible was the true Word of God at some time in the past but was later altered and corrupted. If the Bible was changed as Muslims believe, however, then Muslims must also believe that an All-Knowing and All-Powerful God was unable to protect His own Word from corruption. Yet, according to the Qur’an itself, “none can change His Words: for He is the one who heareth and knoweth all” (Sura 6:115-116). Thus, if the Bible was the true Word of God at some time in the past, and if “none can change His Words” as the Qur’an claims, then by logical extension the Bible either remains His Word today, or the Qur’an is wrong. Which is it? …

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God is above any form of humanness.

Islam does not teach that the Bible was true. Islam teaches that God revealed a book to Jesus, the Gospel. God Almighty Himself revealed the real Gospel to Jesus, the real Torah to Moses, the Qur'an to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family)....

God did not intend to protect the Gospel from being changed. Jesus is not the last prophet. But Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the last prophet.
There is in God's presence the keys to treasures none knows but He as the Qur'an has it. There is not a thing but its treasures are in God's presence, in sources inexhaustible, as the Qur'an has it.

Everything except Allah (God) is vain. His beloved (peace be upon him and his family) is the leader in the Court of Allah (Court of God). When we say God is not vain, we also mean His beloved, who is literally a part of Him.
It is a repulsive and evil thing to say, that God Almighty has a son. The Qur'an did not corroborate Christianity, it warns Christianity and the Chritians to stop saying these evil things.

The Quran says Jesus had no father other than God. It also says God had no son. So the Quran contradicts itself.

3.47 She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched
me?" He said: "Even so: God createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan,
He but saith to it, 'Be,' and it is!
Everything except Allah Almighty (God Almighty) is vain.

This leads to 8 points, one of which is fear of Allah (God) expressed both internally and externally.

Faear of God is something wondrous. A young man was very thin out of rigorous worshipping, which was out of fear of God. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) came to him. When Muhammad kissed his forehead, he fell down dead.

John the Baptist (peace on him) was known for his fear of God. He would only eat tree leaves out of fear of sinning.

Fear of God grows to love of God. Love of God does not necessarily come from fear of God, but in all cases, love of God must include fear of God. When one loves God, he also loves the beloved of God, and that is Muhammad. When one loves God, he loves everyone; because God created everyone. One who knows that God does not create anything imperfect considers everyone perfect. In truth, God only creates perfection.
Everything except Allah Almighty (God Almighty) is vain.

This leads to 8 points, one of which is fear of Allah (God) expressed both internally and externally.

Faear of God is something wondrous. A young man was very thin out of rigorous worshipping, which was out of fear of God. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) came to him. When Muhammad kissed his forehead, he fell down dead.

John the Baptist (peace on him) was known for his fear of God. He would only eat tree leaves out of fear of sinning.

Fear of God grows to love of God. Love of God does not necessarily come from fear of God, but in all cases, love of God must include fear of God. When one loves God, he also loves the beloved of God, and that is Muhammad. When one loves God, he loves everyone; because God created everyone. One who knows that God does not create anything imperfect considers everyone perfect. In truth, God only creates perfection.

How could anyone love the monster called Allah that is described in the quran. He destroys people wholesale, and burns people in eternal hellfire.
Oh fuck off mr gullible

History is in stone.

He went to prison.

He had several wives

He had a teenaged girl as one of them.

TRY to deny any of that.

You cant.

And the spin in regards to it is fucking DESIGNED for the dopes like you who will bite. Hook, line and sinker. Hello money.

Muhammad didn't go to "prison." Bit of an anachronism really.
It is a repulsive and evil thing to say, that God Almighty has a son. The Qur'an did not corroborate Christianity, it warns Christianity and the Chritians to stop saying these evil things.

The Quran says Jesus had no father other than God. It also says God had no son. So the Quran contradicts itself.

3.47 She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched
me?" He said: "Even so: God createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan,
He but saith to it, 'Be,' and it is!

There is a big difference between a belief in a virgin birth through the holy spirit and a belief in the modern Christian trinity concept. The nature of Jesus has long been debated even among Christians.
Oh fuck off mr gullible

History is in stone.

He went to prison.

He had several wives

He had a teenaged girl as one of them.

TRY to deny any of that.

You cant.

And the spin in regards to it is fucking DESIGNED for the dopes like you who will bite. Hook, line and sinker. Hello money.

Muhammad didn't go to "prison." Bit of an anachronism really.
Joseph smith.
Oh fuck off mr gullible

History is in stone.

He went to prison.

He had several wives

He had a teenaged girl as one of them.

TRY to deny any of that.

You cant.

And the spin in regards to it is fucking DESIGNED for the dopes like you who will bite. Hook, line and sinker. Hello money.

Muhammad didn't go to "prison." Bit of an anachronism really.
Joseph smith.

Ah, haha.interesting corollaries there.
Everything except God in vain.

Love of the Beloved is the day and the night
And we, like a thirsty fish in this stream, day and night...


Rumi is one the saints of Islam. Saints of Islam are the inheritors of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), the greatest prophet, and the other prophets.

Everything except God is vain. This is a huge knowledge by itself, or, as we can say, a huge and endless science.

"follow the way of him who turns to me in love"

The Holy Qur'an, Luqman (Surah 31), V 15

This science, as I called it, has masters. They are the men who excel in this path and this field. They are the saints of Islam. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the last prophet, the prophet of the end times. Since there are no prophets after him, God Almighty sent the saints of Islam. They come at each century until the end of time. There are 124 000 saints of Islam just as there are 124 000 prophets and 124 000 Companions of Muhammad. The saints of Islam are the inheritors of Muhammad, the greatest prophet, and of the other prophets. What the prophets did, like healing people born blind (Jesus), talking to God (Moses), goind to visit God Almighty beyond the heavens (Muhammad), having the keys to all the treasures inside the earth (Solomon)....the saints of Islam also may do.

The saints of Islam fly in the air, walk on water, visit the heavens and come back as they wish, and say "be" to anything they want and it shall be, and other things. They are the champions of this science, they are the ones to whom, truly, everything except God is vain. These are some of their sayings.

''Satan is your enemy, the enemy of your father Adam (peace on him), how are you at peace along with with him and accept his words ? In addition, between you and him there is blood and great enmity. Don't be at peace along with him; he is the murderer of your father and your mother, and if he could, he would kill you just as he killed them."

Abd Al Qadir Jilani (of Iraq, 12th century)

"And he (Muhammad) said, Peace and blessings of God be upon him, whoso omits to pray on me missed the path to Paradise. By "omits", he meant to say "leaves aside"; so if the one who leaves aside the Prayer on Muhammad missed the path to Paradise, then the one who prays on him is on the path to Paradise."

Muhammad Al Jazuli (of Morocco, 15th century)
Muhammad Al Jazuli was removed from his grave 50 years after his death for the purpose of moving him to another city. The people found that his body was the same as the day he died.

Christians asked for a debate. The king Harun Ar Rashid delegated Imam Shafi to debate them. Imam Shafi threw his prayer rug on the river and sat on it saying: "whoso likes to debate us, let him come here and we'll debate". The Christians who saw this converted.

Imam Shafi is Iraqi and lived in the 8th century.

"A merchant who, because of stinginess, tightens the string of his purse and refuses to give a denier (a coin) to the one who financed him at his beginnings can be considered an example of moral ugliness. But how much greater is the ugliness of the man who refuses his worship to God, from whom he received the very principle of life, source and result of (divine) love. To God belongs everything in the heavens and on earth; how can we refuse to give a small part to Him who created and gave the whole ? No, truly, but that is what they do, those who are lost in the maze of this worldly life."

Tierno Bokar (of West Africa's Mali, 20th century)
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The saints of Islam, fly in the air, walk on water, visit the heavens and come back as they wish, and say "be" to anything they want and it shall be, and other things. They are the champions of this science, they are the ones to whom, truly, everything except God is vain.

You are joking, right? I have found a friend for you on twitter. Do a search for him and you will find Anjem Choudary. He is infamous in Britain for promoting Islamic extremism. You should get on well with him. I have started tweeting him telling him to preach his garbage to the talking ants.
The saints of Islam, fly in the air, walk on water, visit the heavens and come back as they wish, and say "be" to anything they want and it shall be, and other things. They are the champions of this science, they are the ones to whom, truly, everything except God is vain.

You are joking, right? I have found a friend for you on twitter. Do a search for him and you will find Anjem Choudary. He is infamous in Britain for promoting Islamic extremism. You should get on well with him. I have started tweeting him telling him to preach his garbage to the talking ants.

He's a Sufi of a non-mainstream order in West Africa. This poster isn't really tapped into mainstream Islam at all.
The saints of Islam, fly in the air, walk on water, visit the heavens and come back as they wish, and say "be" to anything they want and it shall be, and other things. They are the champions of this science, they are the ones to whom, truly, everything except God is vain.

You are joking, right? I have found a friend for you on twitter. Do a search for him and you will find Anjem Choudary. He is infamous in Britain for promoting Islamic extremism. You should get on well with him. I have started tweeting him telling him to preach his garbage to the talking ants.

He's a Sufi of a non-mainstream order in West Africa. This poster isn't really tapped into mainstream Islam at all.

That explains a lot. I once wasted six months disputing with a member of the Rashad Khalifa cult thinking he was a representative of Islamic beliefs. Before I realized he was only a member of a tiny group. On another forum I also had words with another sufi which was equally confusing.
For the people who are interested in what posters like Osomir are saying, let them know that they are lying. I am not Sufi. I am Muslim. Sufis tell you they are Sufis, others tell you what they are. For my part, I am Muslim.

Everything except God is vain. This is the message of the saints of Islam. Because they are truly believing in it, God enabled them to fly in the air, to walk on water, to visit the heavens and beyond as they want, to say be to a thing and it will be, and other things.

They believe that everything except God is vain. There is no limit to this. Even sleep becomes vain, if you love God. Junayd was one of them, he used to stand on his feet all night saying Allah Allah Allah (God God God). This because everything except God is vain. It is not an easy word.

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