Everything Is Sexism Now. With Obama It Was Racism. Now You Can't Call Hillary By Her Name

My brother already saw the bumper sticker...

In 2008 you were a racist...in 2016 you will be a sexist.....
If they don't get the job = sexism
If they get fired from the job = sexism
If there isn't 50% of them in that job = sexism
If one gets paid a little less because they have less education or less years = SEXISM!
If you call them a name = sexism

This is what we get if we elect someone like Hillary.

We won't be talking about infrastructure, science, r&d, education or the minimum wage as we will be talking about how men are a bunch of pigs.

This is why I'd rather not have Hillary in the white house. It doesn't advance the real issues that we should be focused on. We need someone that will fight to heal the divide, not make it larger and more painful.
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I'm sure the website is being dismantled as I post this...

Hillary makes you admire Bill and understand all his infidelity. I am kind of shocked that he did murder her or commit suicide.
well if hillary is president, then can we assume monica will be sleeping in a next door bedroom?
The media is done hammering Hillary for obstruction of justice with her emails. She's had her meeting with Obama, and they've dropped it like a bad habit. Now every Republican is being accused of sexism.

The latest proclamation from the Hillary camp is "You're being sexist if you call her Hillary". Doesn't matter if she has her first name plastered all over the place. Good God....I am just fed up with these people.


Sexism appears to be the new racism. This is why only a woman need run as a Democrat.
After a dust up with a female Today Show host Rand Paul was warned to be careful when talking to women by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd.
Rand Paul was being interviewed.....well, not interviewed.....but lectured to by Today co-host Savannah Guthrie repeatedly who badgered him over his views on foreign policy following his presidential announcement.

Quote: Things got so heated during the discussion that Paul had to tell Guthrie “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question.”

After discussing whether or not he had presidential ambitions growing up, the interview got combative over whether or not Senator Paul would ever support a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. Despite explaining that “part of the problem” is that Iran has interpreted the nuclear framework differently than the United States, Guthrie interrupted the Tea Party senator and demanded that he “take that issue off the table.”

The Today co-host eventually allowed Senator Paul to answer her question but then proceeded to lecture him on how his foreign policy positions have evolved over the years:

You have had views in the past on foreign policy that are somewhat unorthodox, but you seem to have changed over the years. You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, you now support it at least for the time being…You wanted to cut defense spending and now you want to increase it 16%. So I just wonder if you’ve mellowed out.

For his part, Paul objected to Savannah Guthrie’s editorializing on his foreign policy positions and asked her to “let me explain instead of talking over me." Paul then told her “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question? Have I changed my opinion? That would be sort of a better way to approach an interview.”

Guthrie continued to interrupt the senator without letting him articulate what his actual foreign policy views were and Paul once again asked her to just let him answer the question.

You have editorialized. Let me answer a question. You ask a question and you say have your views changed instead of editorializing and saying my views have changed.

Eventually the NBCer allowed her Republican guest to answer her question but she made sure to take one final shot at his foreign policy views:

I think the question I was getting at in general is just that when you came to Washington and you realized I am going to run for president, have you mellowed or tempered your views at all?

Guthrie's harsh treatment of Senator Paul was in stark contrast to a recent interview she conducted with liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. During the March 31 discussion, Guthrie repeatedly urged Warren to run for president, even to the point of wondering whether or not Hillary Clinton was liberal enough for the modern Democratic Party.

Rand Paul to Savannah Guthrie Instead of Editorializing Ask Me A Question

The sexism is flying....but from the liberal side. Salon got into it and made a point of saying that "Rand Paul got into it with another woman....." as if he's some kind of male chauvinistic jerk. How dare he talk down to woman reporters!!!

If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. They assume that women journalists need protection from the big...bad Republican bully.

Rand Paul clashes with another woman news anchor for daring to ask him a real question

If you've ever sat through an interview with Obama, Barney Frank, or any other liberal on Fox News, every single one of them reacts the same exact way that Rand Paul did. Not only that, but every single Democrat pundit I've seen tries to filibuster the discussion and refuses to answer questions. They have their talking points and they stick with them, and if shouting over everyone else will make their point, or confuse the discussion, so be it. This is just the liberal media is throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks. They're accusing Rand Paul of doing something wrong when in fact they know it is a tactic they use religiously.


i wonder if Hillary knows that 70% of all "Legal Americans" just call her the "D.B." word.
does this mean that when Hillary Campaigns, Bill will be wearing womens clothing?
Hillary talks of a first woman President. Dont Women wear dresses?
Hilary wears pants.....although lately she's been going for that Chairman Mao look alot.


Deluded bitch thinks they hide her fat ass.
I think her worst body-part is her Cankles.....she has no ankles.....
is Hillary aware that she looks more like a man?
Not exactly a man....but Elton John....

Put a pair of classes on Hillary and a wig on Elton and they're twins....

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The media is done hammering Hillary for obstruction of justice with her emails. She's had her meeting with Obama, and they've dropped it like a bad habit. Now every Republican is being accused of sexism.

The latest proclamation from the Hillary camp is "You're being sexist if you call her Hillary". Doesn't matter if she has her first name plastered all over the place. Good God....I am just fed up with these people.


Sexism appears to be the new racism. This is why only a woman need run as a Democrat.
After a dust up with a female Today Show host Rand Paul was warned to be careful when talking to women by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd.
Rand Paul was being interviewed.....well, not interviewed.....but lectured to by Today co-host Savannah Guthrie repeatedly who badgered him over his views on foreign policy following his presidential announcement.

Quote: Things got so heated during the discussion that Paul had to tell Guthrie “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question.”

After discussing whether or not he had presidential ambitions growing up, the interview got combative over whether or not Senator Paul would ever support a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. Despite explaining that “part of the problem” is that Iran has interpreted the nuclear framework differently than the United States, Guthrie interrupted the Tea Party senator and demanded that he “take that issue off the table.”

The Today co-host eventually allowed Senator Paul to answer her question but then proceeded to lecture him on how his foreign policy positions have evolved over the years:

You have had views in the past on foreign policy that are somewhat unorthodox, but you seem to have changed over the years. You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, you now support it at least for the time being…You wanted to cut defense spending and now you want to increase it 16%. So I just wonder if you’ve mellowed out.

For his part, Paul objected to Savannah Guthrie’s editorializing on his foreign policy positions and asked her to “let me explain instead of talking over me." Paul then told her “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question? Have I changed my opinion? That would be sort of a better way to approach an interview.”

Guthrie continued to interrupt the senator without letting him articulate what his actual foreign policy views were and Paul once again asked her to just let him answer the question.

You have editorialized. Let me answer a question. You ask a question and you say have your views changed instead of editorializing and saying my views have changed.

Eventually the NBCer allowed her Republican guest to answer her question but she made sure to take one final shot at his foreign policy views:

I think the question I was getting at in general is just that when you came to Washington and you realized I am going to run for president, have you mellowed or tempered your views at all?

Guthrie's harsh treatment of Senator Paul was in stark contrast to a recent interview she conducted with liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. During the March 31 discussion, Guthrie repeatedly urged Warren to run for president, even to the point of wondering whether or not Hillary Clinton was liberal enough for the modern Democratic Party.

Rand Paul to Savannah Guthrie Instead of Editorializing Ask Me A Question

The sexism is flying....but from the liberal side. Salon got into it and made a point of saying that "Rand Paul got into it with another woman....." as if he's some kind of male chauvinistic jerk. How dare he talk down to woman reporters!!!

If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. They assume that women journalists need protection from the big...bad Republican bully.

Rand Paul clashes with another woman news anchor for daring to ask him a real question

If you've ever sat through an interview with Obama, Barney Frank, or any other liberal on Fox News, every single one of them reacts the same exact way that Rand Paul did. Not only that, but every single Democrat pundit I've seen tries to filibuster the discussion and refuses to answer questions. They have their talking points and they stick with them, and if shouting over everyone else will make their point, or confuse the discussion, so be it. This is just the liberal media is throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks. They're accusing Rand Paul of doing something wrong when in fact they know it is a tactic they use religiously.

Yeah..And Sen Chuck U Todd had to weigh in with some silly knight in shining armor defense of Guthrie.
This is a load of horseshit.
The dems have nothing. They have shit candidates which they know are weak. So they go on the attack accusing the opposition of attacking.
Paul did no such thing. He stood up ( for once) to a far left wing tape head
Sexism is in the latest talking points memo. Even Rand Paul is sexist because he had a heated exchange with 2 female reporters. Doesn't matter he also had one with a male reporter the same day, as well.

Checked out thinkprogress, daily kos, and media matters and
they all have articles suggesting sexism and Rand Paul.
Yeah...These liberal pukes are essentially saying, "you sit there and take it....or else."
If were in Rand's shoes I would do this...."Before I go on the air, the ground rules are as follows.....You ask the questions, then you sit there and allow me to answer the question and you will not interrupt me. Should you interrupt me or ask a question in the form of an editorialized statement, the interview is over and your access to me is terminated.
If that is satisfactory, lets move on. If it isn't, I will move on."
Today, everyone is telling Rand Paul how he was supposed to act, but they also have totally forgotten the way Obama acts whenever he isn't being asked questions by some journalist that is pandering to him. I'm a little fed up with this constant double-standard.

Who can forget how argumentative Obama becomes when a journalist asks him a valid question he doesn't want to answer. Rand Paul did no worse. As a matter of fact he was asking that they ask questions instead of reading prepared statements intended to attack him. Why is it okay for Obama to act this way but not anyone else?
Because Obama is protected by the left wing main stream media,.

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