"Everything [They've] Told You About the War in Ukraine Is a Lie"

What haven't we been lied to about? Covid, Hunter Biden, J6, and what goes on in our schools. Our government and the MSM have 0 credibility.

But White was just saying how honest the media was. Hmm. What you say White?
Did Putin approve of this message?
It was never about Putin. Somehow Russia is going to submit from your Prog globalist spouts. Our talkers are Prog women. Russians have died in the tens of millions and tens of millions more while the American Prog women live with the comforts of life in part due to that.
Joseff Goebbels would love the propaganda! Just so you know, Ukraiene is getting their derriere handed to them. Sad state of affairs if you ask me. Joe is not a dude who can be trusted. War SUCKS. You either win, or you lose your country. What you see here, is a SPIN on how you lose a country, but in the press, you won!

Geeze, is this how we lose America?

We deserve better than Joe. If you do not believe this, than you actually believe all will be well; and all good, because we are and always have been golden. And we will rise above!!

You smoking something?

We are already in a war; maybe not a war you see, but a war that the CCP is executing upon us!

How much do you love your children and grand children? We are soon going to find out!
It was never about Putin. Somehow Russia is going to submit from your Prog globalist spouts. Our talkers are Prog women. Russians have died in the tens of millions and tens of millions more while the American Prog women live with the comforts of life in part due to that.

Dumbass of course it's about Putin, who is a de-facto autocrat who concentrated all of power under his own ass and makes decision on just about everything in his country. Media in Russia exists for only two purposes - entertainment and beating into people's heads whatever Putin wants.

He was grossly misinformed on military capabilities of Ukraine his own army, completely wrong on the resolve of Ukrainian leaders and people. His Kiev blitz failed miserably, Russian brand has become that of a periah state as he cornered himself and Russia into an unwinnable meat grinder war.
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Dumbass of course it's about Putin, who is a de-facto autocrat who concentrated all of power under his own ass and makes decision on just about everything in his country. Media in Russia exists for only two purposes - entertainment and beating into people's heads whatever Putin wants.

He was grossly misinformed on military capabilities of Ukraine his own army, completely wrong on the resolve of Ukrainian leaders and people. His Kiev blitz failed miserably, Russian brand has become that of a periah state as he cornered himself and Russia into an unwinnable meat grinder war.

Fixed it for you.

Media in the USA exists for only two purposes - entertainment and beating into people's heads whatever the left wants, which is probably a casualty of led poisoning.
Media in the USA exists for only two purposes - entertainment and beating into people's heads whatever the left wants

.....so I have some questions:

Rightwing media like FOX and OAN is what left wants? Them beating on Biden like a rented mule 24/7 is what left wants?

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid and detached from reality you sound?

Any idea how useful of an idiot you are to Kremlin's propaganda that constantly tries to equivalize their represive authoritarian regime to open societies of the west?
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It makes sense – conservatives, like Putin, are enemies of democracy, conservatives and Putin have a common interest in advancing their illiberal, authoritarian agenda.
Where are the guys in the white suits with the nets?
.....so I have some questions:

Rightwing media like FOX and OAN is what left wants? Them beating on Biden like a rented mule 24/7 is what left wants?

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid and detached from reality you sound?

Any idea how useful of an idiot you are to Kremlin's propaganda that constantly tries to equivalize their represive authoritarian regime to open societies of the west?

Is this where we pretend right "news" is as prevalent as left "news"?
Is this where we pretend right "news" is as prevalent as left "news"?

No, this is where dummies like you pretend that a question of "prevalence" are at all relevant when talking about Kremlin's control of Russian media.

No one is allowed to even call this war what it is in Russian media let alone publicly oppose it or Putin...and here you are, complaining that too small % of American media is dedicated to shit on Biden 24/7.
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No, this is where dummies like you pretend that a question of "prevalence" are at all relevant when talking about Kremlin's control of Russian media.

No one is allowed to even call this war what it is in Russian media let alone publicly oppose it...and here you are, talking about what % American media is dedicated to shit on their president 24/7.

Wow, that sounds like the left to me. Step out of line with them you're libel to be banned and even assaulted. They'll even send CNN and a bus load of SWAT to arrest a harmless elderly couple guarded by a french poodle in the middle of the night. Heck, you're even libel to see indictments by the left's weaponization of the justice system. Yeah the left and Putin's Russia have a lot in common.
Wow, that sounds like the left to me. Step out of line with them you're libel to be banned and even assaulted. They'll even send CNN and a bus load of SWAT to arrest a harmless elderly couple guarded by a french poodle in the middle of the night. Heck, you're even libel to see indictments by the left's weaponization of the justice system. Yeah the left and Putin's Russia have a lot in common.

Who was banned or assaulted for this?


You are posting completely crazy, detached from reality nonsense. Probably time for that mental health specialist visit you keep putting off.

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