Evidence Confirms Hillary Broke Law - Discussed Classified Foreign Policy On Personal Server

Do you mean like Donald Trump talking national security issues on unsecured cells phones,

There you go absolving sins by comparison.. It would WRONG if DJT did that. But it never happened. Need link to whatever shoddy source of information you got that from...

WRONG IS WRONG.. I'm NOT a Repub.. I've left BOTH your stinky ass parties...

What Clinton did, was the Standard Operating Procedure for every other Secretary of State's government email account to that point in history, and it was not illegal.

Patently wrong.. Her arrogance involved TOSSING OUT OF HER OFFICE all of the approved secure communications equipment provided for use by the Sec State.. She'd go down several floors to stand in the hallway with her Blackberry to GET AROUND the "secure tank" that was her office... Which is incapable of transmitting or recieving any outside networked communications.. It's by design. "tanks or sciffs" are where ALL sensitive work is to be conducted... She abhorred that restriction on "her style"

She BLATANTLY thumbed her nose at ANY secure comms and protocols that were dictated at State.. She also hardly produced any daily UNCLASSIFIED business as State Dept records.

She wanted COMPLETE CONTROL of her footprints while in office there. Nothing that could be subpoenaed or FOIA'd...., You've been totally brainwashed and propagandized by awful choices of media and news....

I keep repeating this because conservatives are just not reading it. NOBODY PUTS CONFIDENTIAL OR CLASSIFIED MATERIAL IN EMAILS. Email is the most insecure form of communication ever, and even with all government security protocols, there is no such thing as "secure email". Period. End of story.

Bankers, lawyers, and government workers are all told to avoid confidential information in emails because you don't know who is going to open it at the other end. All too often it's a secretary, or other staff had access to emails, as Huma Abedin had access to Hillary's emails.

The whole email investigation was a politcal scam by Republicans to make you fools think they had something, when they knew full well she was well within the law. Hillary produced a lot of classified documents as Secretary of State, but she didn't put them in emails. She used email for routine office work, not classified documents. Please get me this, or that, not policy statements or national security matters.

Go back to the post where I said that government servers were seriously underpowered and USELESS. Start there and continue reading. Especially re-read the part about IT WASN'T ILLEGAL UNTIL AFTER SHE LEFT OFFICE.
Hillary used State Dept for Clinton Foundation Business

"Separately, two email chains showed the apparently close coordination between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, which has long been accused by Republicans of operating essentially as a corrupt "pay-to-play" operation that effectively sold access to the Obama administration. Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted after Clinton's 2016 election loss.

In one email thread, top Clinton aides at the State Department, including Huma Abedin, coordinated a trip to Haiti with Clinton Foundation officials, including Clinton Foundation Director of Advance John Zimmerebner. Bill and Hillary Clinton were headed to Haiti to promote the Caracol Industrial Park, a $300M project funded by U.S. taxpayers through USAID that was heavily promoted to investors by the Clinton Foundation. Slate later called the park a "disappointment by any measure," noting it had no discernible positive impact on Haiti's economy and created tens of thousands fewer jobs than anticipated."


Weren't those in regards to co-coordinating relief efforts? Any evidence of a Pay to Play scheme?

Sounds like more false narratives from Faux as usual.
The Clintons mad an ass-load personally on Haiti, which is one of the areas the FBI was / is still investigating the Clintons on for potential 'Pay-to-Play'. There are a lot of articles that talk about how Hillary was using the State Department as an alternate HQ for the Clinton Foundation, 'mixing the streams' at times or blurring them so badly you couldn't tell where one began and the other ended - NOT good if only in regards to 'optics'.

Just some information buried by the conspiratorial biased Lame Stream Media...:

Hillary Clinton's brother landed lucrative gold-mining permit in Haiti after Bill Clinton helped country recover from earthquake devastation
Hillary Clinton's brother landed lucrative gold-mining permit in Haiti after Bill Clinton helped country recover from earthquake devastation | Daily Mail Online
Tony Rodham, brother of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, sat on the board of a company that landed a gold mining deal in Haiti after Bill and Hillary Clinton directed millions into post-earthquake relief.
Hillary Clinton’s Latest Scandal - A Haiti Gold Mine Deal ...
Hillary Clinton For Guatemala - Caribbean and Latin America Daily Newsclintons-latest-scandal-a...
A new book claims her brother sat on the board of a mining company that received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government after the State Department sent billions to Haiti and while Bill Clinton’s co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission was also added to …

Let’s do “An Evening With The Clintons” but let’s do a raid and arrest. If it’s put on Pay For View, we could pay off the national debt.
What Clinton did, was the Standard Operating Procedure for every other Secretary of State's government email account to that point in history, and it was not illegal. /QUOTE]
You just lied your ass off, quite possibly setting a new record for you.
Let’s do “An Evening With The Clintons” but let’s do a raid and arrest. If it’s put on Pay For View, we could pay off the national debt.

Gee..., we can have CNN set up an hour before the four o'clock AM raid. Clinton in his bed clothes and bare foot, his cookie mistress disheveled led out a back door while Hillary screams her lungs out. Wouldn't that equal what Mueller and CNN did to people like Manafort and Roger Stone....
I keep repeating this because conservatives are just not reading it. NOBODY PUTS CONFIDENTIAL OR CLASSIFIED MATERIAL IN EMAILS. Email is the most insecure form of communication ever, and even with all government security protocols, there is no such thing as "secure email". Period. End of story.

She did.. Directed her staff to remove markings and email stuff. It's a fucking fact.. You're a hoot...
Do you mean like Donald Trump talking national security issues on unsecured cells phones,

There you go absolving sins by comparison.. It would WRONG if DJT did that. But it never happened. Need link to whatever shoddy source of information you got that from...

WRONG IS WRONG.. I'm NOT a Repub.. I've left BOTH your stinky ass parties...

What Clinton did, was the Standard Operating Procedure for every other Secretary of State's government email account to that point in history, and it was not illegal.

Patently wrong.. Her arrogance involved TOSSING OUT OF HER OFFICE all of the approved secure communications equipment provided for use by the Sec State.. She'd go down several floors to stand in the hallway with her Blackberry to GET AROUND the "secure tank" that was her office... Which is incapable of transmitting or recieving any outside networked communications.. It's by design. "tanks or sciffs" are where ALL sensitive work is to be conducted... She abhorred that restriction on "her style"

She BLATANTLY thumbed her nose at ANY secure comms and protocols that were dictated at State.. She also hardly produced any daily UNCLASSIFIED business as State Dept records.

She wanted COMPLETE CONTROL of her footprints while in office there. Nothing that could be subpoenaed or FOIA'd...., You've been totally brainwashed and propagandized by awful choices of media and news....

I keep repeating this because conservatives are just not reading it. NOBODY PUTS CONFIDENTIAL OR CLASSIFIED MATERIAL IN EMAILS. Email is the most insecure form of communication ever, and even with all government security protocols, there is no such thing as "secure email". Period. End of story.

Bankers, lawyers, and government workers are all told to avoid confidential information in emails because you don't know who is going to open it at the other end. All too often it's a secretary, or other staff had access to emails, as Huma Abedin had access to Hillary's emails.

The whole email investigation was a politcal scam by Republicans to make you fools think they had something, when they knew full well she was well within the law. Hillary produced a lot of classified documents as Secretary of State, but she didn't put them in emails. She used email for routine office work, not classified documents. Please get me this, or that, not policy statements or national security matters.

Go back to the post where I said that government servers were seriously underpowered and USELESS. Start there and continue reading. Especially re-read the part about IT WASN'T ILLEGAL UNTIL AFTER SHE LEFT OFFICE.

Bombshell: In Email, Hillary Ordered Aide to Strip ...
Bombshell: In Newly-Released Email, Hillary Orders Aide to Strip Classified Marking
But the email chain referenced above includes an instruction from Hillary Clinton to a State Department aide (who now works on her campaign) to strip classified information -- it remains redacted ... "Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or receive classified material on her personal account"
.one email thread from June 2011 appears to include Clinton telling her top adviser Jake Sullivan to send secure information through insecure means. In response to Clinton's request for a set of since-redacted talking points, Sullivan writes, "They say they've had issues sending secure fax. They're working on it." Clinton responds "If they can't, turn into nonpaper [with] no identifying heading and send nonsecure."
"Clinton even seemed to coach a top adviser on how to send secure information outside secure channels

That's why that old clueless Clinton quote will REMAIN in my sigline until some kind of justice on this prevails...
So you admit Hillary is guilty but would not go to jail die to a stacked jury of snowflakes...?!

We're all guilty of something. I promise you, if I had a team of investigators to dig into every part of your life for 25 years, I'd probably find some law you technically violated...

But a sensible jury would say, "She got an email with information she was authorized to see, but it was on the wrong device? I can't even get the apps on my smart phone to work without my kid sorting it out for me!"

No dear, just evidential confirmation of what every one NOT a crime-ignoring Hillary-defender already knew - Hillary unquestionably perjured herself, obstructed justice, illegally mis-handled / stored / destroyed classified, violated both the FOIA and Federal Records Act, and - among everything else - is guilty of ESPIONAGE.

Um, no, all she did was use the wrong device to read her emails which had information on it that was mostly retroactively classified.

one more time, can you name another person who did what Hillary did and went to jail for it?

fyi- she withdrew her security clearance last year, and so did 4 of her aides.

If you all have been watching the news the past few days...

now it is Ivanka's and Jarrod's turn, to do the same....
good lord. you only demand equal treatment when it equates to an attack on the right.
Hillary used State Dept for Clinton Foundation Business

"Separately, two email chains showed the apparently close coordination between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation, which has long been accused by Republicans of operating essentially as a corrupt "pay-to-play" operation that effectively sold access to the Obama administration. Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted after Clinton's 2016 election loss.

In one email thread, top Clinton aides at the State Department, including Huma Abedin, coordinated a trip to Haiti with Clinton Foundation officials, including Clinton Foundation Director of Advance John Zimmerebner. Bill and Hillary Clinton were headed to Haiti to promote the Caracol Industrial Park, a $300M project funded by U.S. taxpayers through USAID that was heavily promoted to investors by the Clinton Foundation. Slate later called the park a "disappointment by any measure," noting it had no discernible positive impact on Haiti's economy and created tens of thousands fewer jobs than anticipated."


Weren't those in regards to co-coordinating relief efforts? Any evidence of a Pay to Play scheme?

Sounds like more false narratives from Faux as usual.
The Clintons mad an ass-load personally on Haiti, which is one of the areas the FBI was / is still investigating the Clintons on for potential 'Pay-to-Play'. There are a lot of articles that talk about how Hillary was using the State Department as an alternate HQ for the Clinton Foundation, 'mixing the streams' at times or blurring them so badly you couldn't tell where one began and the other ended - NOT good if only in regards to 'optics'.

Just some information buried by the conspiratorial biased Lame Stream Media...:

Hillary Clinton's brother landed lucrative gold-mining permit in Haiti after Bill Clinton helped country recover from earthquake devastation
Hillary Clinton's brother landed lucrative gold-mining permit in Haiti after Bill Clinton helped country recover from earthquake devastation | Daily Mail Online
Tony Rodham, brother of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, sat on the board of a company that landed a gold mining deal in Haiti after Bill and Hillary Clinton directed millions into post-earthquake relief.
Hillary Clinton’s Latest Scandal - A Haiti Gold Mine Deal ...
Hillary Clinton For Guatemala - Caribbean and Latin America Daily Newsclintons-latest-scandal-a...
A new book claims her brother sat on the board of a mining company that received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government after the State Department sent billions to Haiti and while Bill Clinton’s co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission was also added to …

What a bullshit post.

Rodham has no active role in that corporation. He is a director. Directors meet two or three times a year and approve what the actual officers and the people running the corporation have done.

So no that headline is a lie. No licenses to mine to mine gold were given to Hillary’s brother.

For 30 years Republicans have made these spurious claims about the Clintons with basis in fact or evidence.

Any tenuous connection is magnified and made to seem huge and corrupt. Like Nancy Pelosi’s brother sitting on the board of a company which has a subsidiary company which was given a government guaranteed loan to build a clean power plant. The brother doesn’t have any ownership in the parent company or the subsidiary, and no role in the day to day operations of either company, yet Republicans claimed that Nancy’s brother got a federal loan for “his” power company.

You can’t swing a cat in Washington without hitting REAL corruption waste and mismanagement but then you’d have to go after Republicans and you won’t ever do that.

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