Evidence of hunter coked out of his mind on the balcony during 4th of July....only on tiktok conservatives.

It means Biden has the best jobs market in US history.
The best labor market in US history
And wages soared last month, increasing 0.4% MoM and 4.4% YoY (released this morn) !!! Wages are soaring, but inflation is easing !!

You MAGA trash have nothing but tears.
Waaaaa !

Enjoy Biden's booming economy and world record labor market !!
Go back to making up lies over Hunter paying Joe rent or doing coke on a balcony, like desperate pathetic losers.

Joe Biden loves you.

And for a little bonus....theres a young girl groping and feeling up geritol biden from the back.....

Don't worry though conservatives. The Chinese really like themselves some Trump after he all but ruined their cushy gig by flipping over the money changers in the corrupt world temple of the marxist globalist kabal of the world economic forum.


That's why all of this footage is only on tiktok and not on the "silicon valley" social media platforms.

Hey conservatives, since when did you call trust cnn and everything this pathetic pedophile white house has to say?

Death wish reaction.
It means Biden has the best jobs market in US history.
The best labor market in US history
And wages soared last month, increasing 0.4% MoM and 4.4% YoY (released this morn) !!! Wages are soaring, but inflation is easing !!

You MAGA trash have nothing but tears.
Waaaaa !

Enjoy Biden's booming economy and world record labor market !!
Go back to making up lies over Hunter paying Joe rent or doing coke on a balcony, like desperate pathetic losers.

So wages are still lagging behind inflation and workers are still losing ground. Yeah, great economy, LMFAO.

This is what you trash have been reduced to, fabricating more lies about BS about Hunter. HDS

DO you really think Hunter is just openly doing coke on a balcony with the whole world watching??

Biden's booming economy, and world record labor market have reduced MAGA republicans to manufacturing lies about nothing, anything to take your minds off of the booming economy that is better than Trump's.
Anything to take your minds off of Biden's record jobs market that is better than Trump's.
Anything to take you mind off of Trump's current and pending indictments with overwhelming evidence against him.
They're still heartbroken because Hunter isn't facing multiple felony indictments, like that mango faced asswipe Trump is.

The tears are worth there weight in gold.
It means Biden has the best jobs market in US history.
The best labor market in US history
And wages soared last month, increasing 0.4% MoM and 4.4% YoY (released this morn) !!! Wages are soaring, but inflation is easing !!

You MAGA trash have nothing but tears.
Waaaaa !

Enjoy Biden's booming economy and world record labor market !!
Go back to making up lies over Hunter paying Joe rent or doing coke on a balcony, like desperate pathetic losers.
So as long as your economic situation is to your liking, you're willing to accept anything the Bidens are guilty of? Hunter seems to be tweaking and Ashleigh behaving like her dad's ho? That's okay with you? You and those like you are despicable, IMO. This country is on its way down and people like you aren't going to escape the misery that is coming for the rest of us. I hope your loved ones are spared from the consequences of YOUR lack of morality.
So as long as your economic situation is to your liking, you're willing to accept anything the Bidens are guilty of? Hunter seems to be tweaking and Ashleigh behaving like her dad's ho? That's okay with you? You and those like you are despicable, IMO. This country is on its way down and people like you aren't going to escape the misery that is coming for the rest of us. I hope your loved ones are spared from the consequences of YOUR lack of morality.
says the trash that can't even admit Trump lost the election, lied about fraud that never happened, lost all court cases, and then incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies.

Then Trump has also committed other serious crimes like stealing classified documents and using fake electors to try and steal the election.

You are pure trash. You have no morals and no character at all.
You pathetic trash just make shit up.
You are just jealous because Biden has a better economy and better jobs market than Trump.

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