Evidence of Trump Campaign/Russian Interference and Collusion Mounting


Any day now snowflakes will finally present evidence of collusion...

...as opposed to Obama and Comey colluding with foreign agents to acquire a fake report filled with Rusdian-generated propaganda...

...as opposed to Hillary / Democrats colluding with the Ukrainians
Speaking of any day now....how's those Obama....Comey....Hillary indictments coming along?

And that Special Counsel to investigate Hillary.....what's his name?
1st things 1st, Bo....how is that nearly year-long self-incriminating investigation into 'Trump-Russia Collusion' coming?

To date, as opposed to against Hillary/Comey/Obama, snowflakes have NOTHING - no evidence YET - to offer up.
The average counter intelligence investigation takes 3 years, this one is actually moving quite quickly!!!
The judge approved the FISA warrant because it was legal and warranted.

Technically the wiretap against Manafort was proven NOT to be warranted because it was pulled - the surveillance against him ended reportedly due to a 'lack of evidence' produced (or NOT produced in this case) against him.

It turned out to be another fruitless 'fishing expedition'.
The average counter intelligence investigation takes 3 years, this one is actually moving quite quickly!!!
When there is no evidence and not even any evidence of a crime, of course it 'moves quickly'. :p
I don't know about that...the Manaford tap was apparently authorized under a FISA warrant.
How that fisa warrant was illegally approved what stinks.
The judge approved the FISA warrant because it was legal and warranted.
Why isn't it legal?
because it was political. that's why.
The warrant was first approved and began in 2014, LONG LONG before Trump declared his candidacy and long before Manafort went to work for him.
The judge approved the FISA warrant because it was legal and warranted.

Technically the wiretap against Manafort was proven NOT to be warranted because it was pulled - the surveillance against him ended reportedly due to a 'lack of evidence' produced (or NOT produced in this case) against him.

It turned out to be another fruitless 'fishing expedition'.
We'll see, when the indictments come down on him, unless he plea bargains and gives up Trump.
We'll see, when the indictments come down on him, unless he plea bargains and gives up Trump.
Gives up Trump for WHAT? Again, evidence that a crime ever took place does not even exist. Snowflakes can't even prove there was ever a CRIME committed let alone that Trump had any part in it.

Talking to Russians is not illegal, even if he did so.

The Russians did not collude with Trump before / during the DNC-claimed hacking and release of their e-mails. A report even came out recently declaring it was an INSIDE-JOB.

The Democrats 1st had to manufacture the idea that there was even a crime before attempting co tie Trump to it.
Who claimed votes were changed?

Wasn't that the whole primes of your conspiracy theory, Russia influenced the way people voted. Are you now saying you're full of it?

Changing votes and influencing votes are worlds apart

You might want to inform the people who spend billions on ads with the intention to change votes. Aren't they targeted at people not planning to vote for them?

What part of FOREIGN GOVERNMENT do you not understand?

Perhaps if Hillary hadn't blatantly gotten involved with the last Russian election, Putin would not have returned the favor. It wasn't that he wanted Trump, it's that he wanted to pay back Hillary.
"Perhaps if Hillary hadn't blatantly gotten involved with the last Russian election, Putin would not have returned the favor. "

What a contrived load of garbage. Putin has been doing this for a long time in countries all over the globe. Of course he is going to do it to his biggest rival.
We'll see, when the indictments come down on him, unless he plea bargains and gives up Trump.
Gives up Trump for WHAT? Again, evidence that a crime ever took place does not even exist. Snowflakes can't even prove there was ever a CRIME committed let alone that Trump had any part in it.

Talking to Russians is not illegal, even if he did so.

The Russians did not collude with Trump before / during the DNC-claimed hacking and release of their e-mails. A report even came out recently declaring it was an INSIDE-JOB.

The Democrats 1st had to manufacture the idea that there was even a crime before attempting co tie Trump to it.
"The Democrats 1st had to manufacture the idea that there was even a crime before attempting co tie Trump to it."

not they didn't ya goofball, the FBI brought the concerns to the Obama administration. man, you people are delusional.
What a contrived load of garbage. Putin has been doing this for a long time in countries all over the globe. Of course he is going to do it to his biggest rival.

Barry injected himself into the elections / rule in Egypt, Israel, Libya, Syria...and the US. According to snowflakes, though, it is ok when Barry does it. :p
Mueller now requesting documents and information on Trump's actions. Testing the waters. Will the WH freak out or play ball?
Neither. Its a fabricated witchhunt to distract from illegal wiretapping of Trump associates.
Shaman SmokALib has spoken!
Prove him wrong - show us ANY shred of evidence.
What a bizarre request.... I'm not on the FISA court, or a grand jury. You seem like an odd individual.
"The Democrats 1st had to manufacture the idea that there was even a crime before attempting co tie Trump to it." not they didn't ya goofball, the FBI brought the concerns to the Obama administration.

When did 'Concerns' become 'evidence of a crime'? Oh yeah, when it is needed to push snowflake false accusations. :p
"The Democrats 1st had to manufacture the idea that there was even a crime before attempting co tie Trump to it." not they didn't ya goofball, the FBI brought the concerns to the Obama administration.

When did 'Concerns' become 'evidence of a crime'? Oh yeah, when it is needed to push snowflake false accusations. :p
"When did 'Concerns' become 'evidence of a crime'?"

when they were taken before the FISA court and before the grand juries and, as a result, resulted in warrants. Duh, what a silly question.

Dude, have you even been paying attention?
"When did 'Concerns' become 'evidence of a crime'?"

when they were taken before the FISA court and before the grand juries and, as a result, resulted in warrants. Duh, what a silly question.

Dude, have you even been paying attention?
You just said there were 'concerns', not 'evidence'. You have no idea what was presented in this SECRET tribunal (how convenient), and in the end the wire-tap was ended due, reportedly, due to a 'LACK OF EVIDENCE', which means it was proven never to have been anything more than a 'concern' that panned out into NOTHING.

NO EVIDENCE of Trump involvement in this NON-existent Crime.
The fishing expedition and justifications for the false / un-substantiated accusations continue.

Any day now snowflakes will finally present evidence of collusion...

...as opposed to Obama and Comey colluding with foreign agents to acquire a fake report filled with Rusdian-generated propaganda...

...as opposed to Hillary / Democrats colluding with the Ukrainians
Speaking of any day now....how's those Obama....Comey....Hillary indictments coming along?

And that Special Counsel to investigate Hillary.....what's his name?
1st things 1st, Bo....how is that nearly year-long self-incriminating investigation into 'Trump-Russia Collusion' coming?

To date, as opposed to against Hillary/Comey/Obama, snowflakes have NOTHING - no evidence YET - to offer up.

You might want to scroll back to post # 132 on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2 Burn down the entire party in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talk about emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about, which is also a reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump
"When did 'Concerns' become 'evidence of a crime'?"

when they were taken before the FISA court and before the grand juries and, as a result, resulted in warrants. Duh, what a silly question.

Dude, have you even been paying attention?
You just said there were 'concerns', not 'evidence'. You have no idea what was presented in this SECRET tribunal (how convenient), and in the end the wire-tap was ended due, reportedly, due to a 'LACK OF EVIDENCE', which means it was proven never to have been anything more than a 'concern' that panned out into NOTHING.

NO EVIDENCE of Trump involvement in this NON-existent Crime.
The fishing expedition and justifications for the false / un-substantiated accusations continue.
I said the FBI took its comcerns to the Obama administration. Yes, that can include evidence. And clearly they had evidence, because they secured warrants. These are facts. No go on, vomit out some delusional, desperate fantasy about the courts and grand juries being on Soros's payroll, or some equally stupid shit...
You might want to scroll back to post # 132 on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2 Burn down the entire party in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talk about emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.
Have you seriously thought about seeking professional help? If not, you should.

Snowflakes and seditious Democrats have not proven there was even any crime committed, have produced to evidence of Trump engaging in this NON-crime, and have exposed numerous crimes committed by the former administration, his Cabinet Members, and his loyalists still in federal government employment.

MEANWHILE the top Democrats in Washington is warning...BEGGING...Democrats to forsake this 'Don Quixote' crusade to take down Trump because they are incapable of accepting defeat in the 2016 election in order to espouse an actual message that the American people care about, one that effects their day-to-day lives.

The more Hillary talks, the more insane, bitter, and demented she sounds...and the more Democrats look like complete f*ing IDIOTS for rigging their primaries, engaging in election fraud, cheating in debates, and protecting her from indictment / conviction for her so she could be their Presidential nominee.
I said the FBI took its comcerns to the Obama administration. Yes, that can include evidence. And clearly they had evidence, because they secured warrants.
Concerns may secure warrants - PROBABLE cause, the belief that there MIGHT be something illegal going on. As I pointed out, though, the wire-taps were STOPPED because a LACK of evidence.

Snowflakes / Seditious Dems are STILL left with NO EVIDENCE of a crime and NO EVIDENCE of any Trump engaging in that NON-EXISTENT crime.


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