Evidence surfaces that allegations against Biden weren't "just made up"

Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.
Why would the Democrats treat the Biden situation differently from Kavanaugh?
Michelle Obama is super. So is Elizabeth Warren. There is so much talent out there to pick from! The republicans have nothing. Look at them: trumps, pences, mitches, kemps, abbotts, nunes, and so many more untalented losers. Not a leader among them.
TDS morons are falling all over themselves to let Biden off the hook for this.
That's not what i see. What i see is a bunch of my liberal friends already saying they are not voting for him in November.
Name one in this forum.

For myself, if it comes down to him or Trump in the end, I will vote for Biden over Trump. There is no conceivable alternate candidate. When the right claims outrage...they need to realize that their own candidate is flawed in the sexual behavior department so is no moral high road.

I am viewing this as another Trump-Clinton choice. Our country may not survive another 4 years of Trump rule with our democratic institutions and values intact. Biden is boring and politically close to the center. Is that cynical? You bet. But I am seeing it as the devil’s choice and I will be keeping a close eye on the VP.

What do you mean no high-ground?


I am quite certain that someone who does not sexually harass women indeed, has a moral high-ground.
Then you certainly can not be talking about Trump.

Just few posts ago you were reminding us about the role of evidence.

Now you claim president Trump has sexually harassed someone, with zero evidence.

I am using the same arguments you are using on Biden. Unlike Biden though, Trump has cases in court, for example this one: Trump lawyers ask for halt in suit from woman alleging rape. So...zero evidence? It has not been thrown out of court. Let’s see what happens in court, though like the Biden case, this too was 30 years ago.

This is why people have stopped playing your stupid games. Again, the accuser has filed a police report, it's not just a baseless accusation. Biden will be dragged through mud, he will be lucky if he can't recall where he is.

Anyone can file a police report, there is no evidence required. Let’s see where it goes.
A lawsuit is evidence of nothing, dingbat. Anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason.

Why does the left have an issue with using the Kavanaugh standard in the Biden case?
Why would the Democrats treat the Biden situation differently from Kavanaugh?
Michelle Obama is super. So is Elizabeth Warren. There is so much talent out there to pick from! The republicans have nothing. Look at them: trumps, pences, mitches, kemps, abbotts, nunes, and so many more untalented losers. Not a leader among them.
TDS morons are falling all over themselves to let Biden off the hook for this.
That's not what i see. What i see is a bunch of my liberal friends already saying they are not voting for him in November.
Name one in this forum.

For myself, if it comes down to him or Trump in the end, I will vote for Biden over Trump. There is no conceivable alternate candidate. When the right claims outrage...they need to realize that their own candidate is flawed in the sexual behavior department so is no moral high road.

I am viewing this as another Trump-Clinton choice. Our country may not survive another 4 years of Trump rule with our democratic institutions and values intact. Biden is boring and politically close to the center. Is that cynical? You bet. But I am seeing it as the devil’s choice and I will be keeping a close eye on the VP.

What do you mean no high-ground?


I am quite certain that someone who does not sexually harass women indeed, has a moral high-ground.
Then you certainly can not be talking about Trump.

Just few posts ago you were reminding us about the role of evidence.

Now you claim president Trump has sexually harassed someone, with zero evidence.

I am using the same arguments you are using on Biden. Unlike Biden though, Trump has cases in court, for example this one: Trump lawyers ask for halt in suit from woman alleging rape. So...zero evidence? It has not been thrown out of court. Let’s see what happens in court, though like the Biden case, this too was 30 years ago.

This is why people have stopped playing your stupid games. Again, the accuser has filed a police report, it's not just a baseless accusation. Biden will be dragged through mud, he will be lucky if he can't recall where he is.

Anyone can file a police report, there is no evidence required. Let’s see where it goes.
A lawsuit is evidence of nothing, dingbat. Anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason.

Why does the left have an issue with using the Kavanaugh standard in the Biden case?
Because that was then, this is now. The fake news media doesn't want to be held accountable for what it said yesterday.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.
That's the TDS moron standard. Why do you object to it?

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
Had the charges been against Bernie or Trump, it would be on 24/7
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.
So YOUR moral boundaries and requirements for YOUR support of another man is based on the misbehavior as you see it of Trump?
Bidens promiscuity is now acceptable?
Bidens invasion of womens personal space is now acceptable?
Biden sexually assaulting this woman is now acceptable?

All because a man you loathe sets what standards of conduct are personally acceptable to you?
Exactly what Coyote is saying. She will avoid your questions and harp on Trump some more.
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.
So YOUR moral boundaries and requirements for YOUR support of another man is based on the misbehavior as you see it of Trump?
Bidens promiscuity is now acceptable?
Bidens invasion of womens personal space is now acceptable?
Biden sexually assaulting this woman is now acceptable?

All because a man you loathe sets what standards of conduct are personally acceptable to you?

Hypocritical much? The people condemning Biden support Trump. You don’t have a problem with that?
Oops! See............just two posts later my prediction came true. :iyfyus.jpg:
I think most Republicans don't necessarily believe this woman, we just want to see Dimocrats be consistent.

Where's the proests ?
Where's the #MeToo'ers ?
Where's the screaming feminists in the halls of Congress ?
Where's the Dimocrat controlled MSM with article after article ?
Where are the loudmouth Hollywood celebs ?
Where's the 'Women's March' ?

When it was Clarence Thomas, or Trump, or Kavenaugh, there were 100,000 flame throwing rabid mouth foaming psychotic women and their beta men holding their purses screaming bloody murder in the streets of D.C.

With drooling Biden, it's crickets, and beta-crickets at that !
And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.

Wow, so you have a recording that is supposedly from a woman who is now dead who told an ambigious story of her daughter working for an unnamed senator...

Why, that's convincing?

I can believe it about unwanted touching. I find the allegation of rape less credible. I can in no way conceive of ever respecting a man afterwards who did it or continuing to work in any capacity with him. It just does not ring true.
So you think Anita Hill was a liar, right?
what exactly is this corroborating?
1. That she didn't just make this up
2. CNN is corrupt as fuck
Does the woman identify herself as the mother of Tara Reade? No. Sex isn't even mentioned.
Tara Reade identifies that as her mother.

Right. That makes it factual eh? Seems they ought to be able tobe abletoindeoendently confirm it on way or another.
What "facts" confirmed the testimony of Blasey Ford?
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But you can’t even admit it.
I should have been more precise:

Guilty until proven innocent whenever Republicans are in your cross hairs. When Democrats get caught red handed, they are innocent no matter how massive the evidence against them.
It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
I'm not a conservative, and yes I believe the allegation should be investigated. I assume you still believe it should not?

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.

This is bad. Like really bad. Joe Biden needs to step down and let Dems choose someone else.
It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
You all like to ignore the facts with Ford... Nothing she ever said could be backed up with any one confirming her stories. IN fact even her closest friend said she NEVER did this with Kavenaugh and doesn't remember anything like this ever happening. Ford never told anyone and was very veg on any critical details that a rape victim would see crystal clear.

Bidens accuser has friends and family she told. Her facts are verifiable and witnesses corroborate her facts. Now we have taped evidence that she did indeed tell her mother and her mother called in to see what she could do for her.

Biden is in deep shit now. There is solid evidence that this did occur and witnesses are cooberating the story. I hope her complaint to the ethics committee, just after it occurred, appears soon, that would be the nail in the coffin for Joe. As I understand it a case number was generated but for some reason the supporting documentation, that would be required to grant a case number, is now missing. Curious things are happening...
Nothing she ever said could be backed up with any one confirming her stories
Well thats an idiotic, shameless lie...

I didnt read the rest of your embarrassing horseshit. Literally every post from you is a steaming pile of complete madeup horseshit. Do you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself? Ever?
It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
You all like to ignore the facts with Ford... Nothing she ever said could be backed up with any one confirming her stories. IN fact even her closest friend said she NEVER did this with Kavenaugh and doesn't remember anything like this ever happening. Ford never told anyone and was very veg on any critical details that a rape victim would see crystal clear.

Bidens accuser has friends and family she told. Her facts are verifiable and witnesses corroborate her facts. Now we have taped evidence that she did indeed tell her mother and her mother called in to see what she could do for her.

Biden is in deep shit now. There is solid evidence that this did occur and witnesses are cooberating the story. I hope her complaint to the ethics committee, just after it occurred, appears soon, that would be the nail in the coffin for Joe. As I understand it a case number was generated but for some reason the supporting documentation, that would be required to grant a case number, is now missing. Curious things are happening...
As post 118 said you have selective memory loss it would seem. I also want to point out that no there is no "solid" evidence. The tape talks about "troubles with an unnamed senator". Hardly conclusive to prove anything. Having said that, yes an investigation is in order. Just like I would have liked with Kavanaugh and Trump.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.

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