Evidence surfaces that allegations against Biden weren't "just made up"

It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
I'm not a conservative, and yes I believe the allegation should be investigated. I assume you still believe it should not?
She just said it should be in her post...
Yes. Fully investigate.

It should be investigated the same as any allegation of a crime, same as Kavanaugh.

The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

If you and I get into a fight today and I don’t call the police to file assault charges, I shouldn’t expect protections from the legal system if I wait 30 years to report it. As for public opinion...a different matter all together.

I’m predicting that if/when the FBI gets involved in the affair, we won’t hear any more negativity about the agency for a while anyway.
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
Perhaps I missed it but I have been looking for Sec. of State Hillary Clinton making this sort of a statement now that VP Joe Biden is in the crosshairs.

Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"
Posted on September 14, 2015
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?
Perhaps I missed it but I have been looking for Sec. of State Hillary Clinton making this sort of a statement now that VP Joe Biden is in the crosshairs.

Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"
Posted on September 14, 2015
Why does she need to?
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

It's one thing to presuppose innocence in the face of insurmountable facts proving it. It is another to presuppose innocence when the evidence does not suggest innocence or guilt.
And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But despite any evidence proving his innocence, you somehow already know, in the same manner that the rightists presuppose his guilt based off of a phone call to Larry King from the accuser's mother. From 1993.

Justice doesn't work on vaguery, Coyote. It works off of facts. The presumption of innocence is just that, a presumption. It can be upheld or overturned based on evidence. So, therefore I choose to presuppose neither.

As the saying goes "Justice, though the heavens fall."
But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

But somehow you know Biden is innocent, sans any evidence to support your belief. And you, just as you presuppose Biden's innocence, presuppose Trump's guilt by referring to him as a "rapist". Where is the evidence of that?

I am trying to exercise my objectivity here. I don't like Biden. I don't like Trump, but at least I am willing to give them both a fair shot at clearing their names.
Biden is going to have to address this, one way or the other. Democrats aren't as tribal as Republicans, and the DNC knows it and knows this could keep people home in November.


Blips, such as this, rape, assault, drugs, murder, fraud, corruption, as you well know, are great resume enhancements for Democrats.
I think that is hard to answer.

Men of a different generation and background can be more physically demonstrative than what is tolerated today. Is that sexual harassment? To a degree I think it has put many men in an intolerable position.

1. Behavior that was once socially ok isnt anymore and men are being judged on the behavior of yesterday by the standards of today (and by that I don’t mean rape and assault).

2. The other thing is the importance of human contact. Men must weigh every natural physical impulse to hug, touch a shoulder, comfort, in the framework of “is this sexual harassment”. I think that is a little sad, and it not only applies to women, but to kids. How will a teacher‘s natural desire to comfort a student going I be viewed?

We, and I will say it’s the libs on this, have put men in a bind. They have forced men to have to prove their innocence instead of tbe other way round.

We have gone from slut shaming women who speak up to requiring no more than an unsubstantiated allegation as proof with the “believe all women”. Where is the sane middle in this?

I agree with CandyCorn on this, the more time passes...the less I find it credible, especially when it involves a change of story. We will have to see what comes up in actual evidence.

Come on, no one on earth can excuse Slow Joe from all his feeling and smelling. Joe is just a creepy, dirty, ol' man.

TDS morons are falling all over themselves to let Biden off the hook for this.
That's not what i see. What i see is a bunch of my liberal friends already saying they are not voting for him in November.

That's okay, the far left ones who support Socialist Bernie Sanders will stay home, just as they did in 2016.
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
First as first in this year you mean right. I mean everybody in the world knows clinton was the first rapist president ever,Biden seems to want to continue the tradition of the democrats that Clinton got started though :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.

What happened to believe all women?
Perhaps Old Joe should threaten to sue all his accusers like the Groper-in-Chief did.

The inconsistencies of Reade's story don't matter to the Trump dirty tricksters responsible for her ramping up the allegation over what she said originally. Their goal was always to get the allegation in the air supply as a way to negate the allegations against President Pussygrabber. It's a classic Karl Rove type move.
So...does that mean you are condemning Trump too? How about Clinton?
Yeah how could anyone overlook clinton :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: I am not a trump supporter in the least,you already know that,but to be fair,where is the evidence trump was,I have not seen. Any of it as of yet since he has been in office
TDS morons are falling all over themselves to let Biden off the hook for this.
That's not what i see. What i see is a bunch of my liberal friends already saying they are not voting for him in November.
Name one in this forum.

For myself, if it comes down to him or Trump in the end, I will vote for Biden over Trump. There is no conceivable alternate candidate. When the right claims outrage...they need to realize that their own candidate is flawed in the sexual behavior department so is no moral high road.

I am viewing this as another Trump-Clinton choice. Our country may not survive another 4 years of Trump rule with our democratic institutions and values intact. Biden is boring and politically close to the center. Is that cynical? You bet. But I am seeing it as the devil’s choice and I will be keeping a close eye on the VP.

What do you mean no high-ground?


I am quite certain that someone who does not sexually harass women indeed, has a moral high-ground.
Then you certainly can not be talking about Trump.

Just few posts ago you were reminding us about the role of evidence.

Now you claim president Trump has sexually harassed someone, with zero evidence.

I am using the same arguments you are using on Biden. Unlike Biden though, Trump has cases in court, for example this one: Trump lawyers ask for halt in suit from woman alleging rape. So...zero evidence? It has not been thrown out of court. Let’s see what happens in court, though like the Biden case, this too was 30 years ago.

This is why people have stopped playing your stupid games. Again, the accuser has filed a police report, it's not just a baseless accusation. Biden will be dragged through mud, he will be lucky if he can't recall where he is.

Anyone can file a police report, there is no evidence required. Let’s see where it goes.
A lawsuit is evidence of nothing, dingbat. Anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason.
:thankusmile: Indeed,that example is night and day than with clintons, it’s documented and been proven the clintons were rapists,there were Arkansas state troopers who put their lives on the line and were willing to go to congress and testify to that,a mere lawsuit is not proof.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
It's the daily mail.

What's next? National Enquirer?
That is a point. I would like to see her take a lie detector test too.

Where were the far-lefts demands that Neil Gorsuch's accusers take lie detector tests?

No, for them, (Gorsuch's accusers) they MUST be believed no matter how outrageous because...well just because they were attacking Republicans. The shoe is on the other foot and these allegations are TRUE!
Perhaps Old Joe should threaten to sue all his accusers like the Groper-in-Chief did.

The inconsistencies of Reade's story don't matter to the Trump dirty tricksters responsible for her ramping up the allegation over what she said originally. Their goal was always to get the allegation in the air supply as a way to negate the allegations against President Pussygrabber. It's a classic Karl Rove type move.

Trying to keep your balance, among all the truth coming out about slow Joe. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama put off endorsing Joe and first backed Sen. Bernie Sanders before Bernie dropped out. Wonder why?

Calling Trump childish names is futile. President Trump never said that he was as clean as the driven snow. He is a flamboyant, multi-billionaire who slept around. WOW, that's earthshaking.

It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
You all like to ignore the facts with Ford... Nothing she ever said could be backed up with any one confirming her stories. IN fact even her closest friend said she NEVER did this with Kavenaugh and doesn't remember anything like this ever happening. Ford never told anyone and was very veg on any critical details that a rape victim would see crystal clear.

Bidens accuser has friends and family she told. Her facts are verifiable and witnesses corroborate her facts. Now we have taped evidence that she did indeed tell her mother and her mother called in to see what she could do for her.

Biden is in deep shit now. There is solid evidence that this did occur and witnesses are cooberating the story. I hope her complaint to the ethics committee, just after it occurred, appears soon, that would be the nail in the coffin for Joe. As I understand it a case number was generated but for some reason the supporting documentation, that would be required to grant a case number, is now missing. Curious things are happening...
Did she file assault charges in the 90’s? No.

Does something that wasn’t assault in the 90’s become assault 27 years later? No.

Hypocrite...……………. :laugh:

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