Evidence surfaces that allegations against Biden weren't "just made up"

It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
I'm not a conservative, and yes I believe the allegation should be investigated. I assume you still believe it should not?
She just said it should be in her post...
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But you can’t even admit it.
I should have been more precise:

Guilty until proven innocent whenever Republicans are in your cross hairs. When Democrats get caught red handed, they are innocent no matter how massive the evidence against them.

Sorry dude, your “precision” just makes your case weaker. It shows your own double standard.
Coyote how can you even compare kavanaugh and Biden. There never was and never has been one shred of credible information to implicate kavanaugh. Actually the information available today shows kavanaugh accuser to have made the story up totally for political reasons. Nobody has yet to investigate Ford. She was lying all along. Yeah give Ford and tara a lie detector test at the same time. It wouldn’t matter, you could never bring yourself to admit Ford was lying, it is not in your dna. Read told friends at the time of the incident, she claims to have told the senate ethics committee. Her mother is on the phone. She has filed a police report.

Your equivalency argument just can’t stand up to the facts. How about we get the fbi in on this like Dems did? You Dems continually try to rewrite history to cover up your misdeeds. I don’t know if reads accusations are true and if it wasn’t important enough to follow up on 30 years ago why bring it up now, but if they uncover her complaint to the ethics committee you will have egg on your face. But please stop with it is the same thing, it is factually not the same thing. There is no question though what Dems believe is inappropriate for republicans is just fine for them.
Coyote how can you even compare kavanaugh and Biden. There never was and never has been one shred of credible information to implicate kavanaugh. Actually the information available today shows kavanaugh accuser to have made the story up totally for political reasons. Nobody has yet to investigate Ford. She was lying all along. Yeah give Ford and tara a lie detector test at the same time. It wouldn’t matter, you could never bring yourself to admit Ford was lying, it is not in your dna. Read told friends at the time of the incident, she claims to have told the senate ethics committee. Her mother is on the phone. She has filed a police report.

Your equivalency argument just can’t stand up to the facts. How about we get the fbi in on this like Dems did? You Dems continually try to rewrite history to cover up your misdeeds. I don’t know if reads accusations are true and if it wasn’t important enough to follow up on 30 years ago why bring it up now, but if they uncover her complaint to the ethics committee you will have egg on your face. But please stop with it is the same thing, it is factually not the same thing. There is no question though what Dems believe is inappropriate for republicans is just fine for them.
Here are the facts Shrimpbox. There are none. Only allegations. Not a single piece of hard evidence. Both women waited 30+ years to make a complaint. Tara read complained about inappropriate touching initially.

Now suddenly it is rape. No evidence at this point to support it.
Take the partisan log out of your eye and consider the lack of facts here (filing a police report 30 years later doesn’t mean jack shit).

And here is what makes no sense. What woman would refrain from reporting a rape because she had so much respect for her rapist?

My equivalency argument absolutely stands....unless you are partisan.
It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
You all like to ignore the facts with Ford... Nothing she ever said could be backed up with any one confirming her stories. IN fact even her closest friend said she NEVER did this with Kavenaugh and doesn't remember anything like this ever happening. Ford never told anyone and was very veg on any critical details that a rape victim would see crystal clear.

Bidens accuser has friends and family she told. Her facts are verifiable and witnesses corroborate her facts. Now we have taped evidence that she did indeed tell her mother and her mother called in to see what she could do for her.

Biden is in deep shit now. There is solid evidence that this did occur and witnesses are cooberating the story. I hope her complaint to the ethics committee, just after it occurred, appears soon, that would be the nail in the coffin for Joe. As I understand it a case number was generated but for some reason the supporting documentation, that would be required to grant a case number, is now missing. Curious things are happening...
Did she file assault charges in the 90’s? No.

Does something that wasn’t assault in the 90’s become assault 27 years later? No.
It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
I'm not a conservative, and yes I believe the allegation should be investigated. I assume you still believe it should not?
She just said it should be in her post...
Yes. Fully investigate.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But you can’t even admit it.
I should have been more precise:

Guilty until proven innocent whenever Republicans are in your cross hairs. When Democrats get caught red handed, they are innocent no matter how massive the evidence against them.

Sorry dude, your “precision” just makes your case weaker. It shows your own double standard.
I have a double standard? What double standard is that? I have never claimed we should automatically believe allegations of rape or sexual assault. Only TDS morons like you have ever taken that position.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.

Yeah, no "no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute," but you and all your douchebag allies prosecuted Kavenaugh on far less evidence. You said that mere allegations were sufficient, even without a shred of evidence.

Do you believe we are all suffering brain damage like you? Do you imagine we have forgotten what you said then? Why are you saying exactly the opposite now?

Furthermore, douchebag, prosecutors don't exonerate people.
Last edited:
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But you can’t even admit it.
I should have been more precise:

Guilty until proven innocent whenever Republicans are in your cross hairs. When Democrats get caught red handed, they are innocent no matter how massive the evidence against them.

Sorry dude, your “precision” just makes your case weaker. It shows your own double standard.
I have a double standard? What double standard is that? I have never claimed we should automatically believe allegations of rape or sexual assault. Only TDS morons like you have ever taken that position.

hmmm...well, neither did I.

But you do seem to determine innocence and guilt based on the D or R designation.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But you can’t even admit it.
I should have been more precise:

Guilty until proven innocent whenever Republicans are in your cross hairs. When Democrats get caught red handed, they are innocent no matter how massive the evidence against them.

Sorry dude, your “precision” just makes your case weaker. It shows your own double standard.
I have a double standard? What double standard is that? I have never claimed we should automatically believe allegations of rape or sexual assault. Only TDS morons like you have ever taken that position.

hmmm...well, neither did I.

But you do seem to determine innocence and guilt based on the D or R designation.
Yeah, right, just because every other Democrat did, that doesn't mean you did.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But you can’t even admit it.
I should have been more precise:

Guilty until proven innocent whenever Republicans are in your cross hairs. When Democrats get caught red handed, they are innocent no matter how massive the evidence against them.

Sorry dude, your “precision” just makes your case weaker. It shows your own double standard.
I have a double standard? What double standard is that? I have never claimed we should automatically believe allegations of rape or sexual assault. Only TDS morons like you have ever taken that position.

hmmm...well, neither did I.

But you do seem to determine innocence and guilt based on the D or R designation.
Yeah, right, just because every other Democrat did, that doesn't mean you did.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Thanks for showing us you are a party animal.
Who thinks people are incapable of independent thought.

I’ve made my position clear on it, both here and in Kavanaugh threads. If you are incapable of reading that is your deficit, not mine. I am not a member of the Dem party either :lol:
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.

Yeah, no "no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute," but you and all your douchebag allies prosecuted Kavenaugh on far less evidence. You said that mere allegations were sufficient, even without a shred of evidence.

Do you believe we are all suffering brain damage like you? Do you imagine we have forgotten what you said then? Why are you saying exactly the opposite now?

Furthermore, douchebag, prosecutors don't exonerate people.
What prosecuter prosecuted Kavanaugh...I don’t remember that bit scumwaffle.
Coyote how can you even compare kavanaugh and Biden. There never was and never has been one shred of credible information to implicate kavanaugh. Actually the information available today shows kavanaugh accuser to have made the story up totally for political reasons. Nobody has yet to investigate Ford. She was lying all along. Yeah give Ford and tara a lie detector test at the same time. It wouldn’t matter, you could never bring yourself to admit Ford was lying, it is not in your dna. Read told friends at the time of the incident, she claims to have told the senate ethics committee. Her mother is on the phone. She has filed a police report.

Your equivalency argument just can’t stand up to the facts. How about we get the fbi in on this like Dems did? You Dems continually try to rewrite history to cover up your misdeeds. I don’t know if reads accusations are true and if it wasn’t important enough to follow up on 30 years ago why bring it up now, but if they uncover her complaint to the ethics committee you will have egg on your face. But please stop with it is the same thing, it is factually not the same thing. There is no question though what Dems believe is inappropriate for republicans is just fine for them.
Here are the facts Shrimpbox. There are none. Only allegations. Not a single piece of hard evidence. Both women waited 30+ years to make a complaint. Tara read complained about inappropriate touching initially.

Now suddenly it is rape. No evidence at this point to support it.
Take the partisan log out of your eye and consider the lack of facts here (filing a police report 30 years later doesn’t mean jack shit).

And here is what makes no sense. What woman would refrain from reporting a rape because she had so much respect for her rapist?

My equivalency argument absolutely stands....unless you are partisan.
“Here are the facts shrimpbox, there are none.” Its such a confirmation when a poster exposes themselves for the political hacks they are. You do this constantly. Of course you will never believe me, so let me try to ease you over to the truth with quotes from an article written by a woman who interviewed the victim and you can try your there are no facts on her.

No, I don’t think so. I have talked to Tara Reade extensively myself, and she has been completely consistent and frank. I have talked to her brother, who confirms that Tara told him about the assault at the time. I have also talked to her friend Sarah*, a fellow Capitol Hill staffer Tara spoke to about the assault in 1993 as well as over the years afterward. The Intercept talked to both of them as well, and Reade’s brother Collin Moulton said: “Woefully, I did not encourage her to follow up… I wasn’t one of her better advocates. I said let it go, move on, guys are idiots.” When I asked Sarah if the account Tara has given to the press is consistent with what she said in 1993, Sarah said that it was. She confirmed that Tara had called her on the phone shortly after the incident happened and was very distraught about it. Sarah says the news left her in “absolute shock” at the time. She added:
“I have not enjoyed knowing this about someone [Biden] who for eight years was in the news as VP. Even in this campaign… every time I see him… I can’t… I mean I wasn’t in the hallway but I still can’t look at him without thinking of that… She should have been safe. She should never have had anything close to this even happen.“
I also asked Sarah about a comment Tara’s brother made to me. He said that the incident had changed Tara’s personality, sapping her confidence. Sarah agreed, saying Tara began to “second guess” herself afterwards, the effects of Biden’s attack on Tara were severe and lasting. “It’s never left her,” she said. “What I wouldn’t give to go back in time and to pull her out of that hallway. Say ‘Run! Go!’ But no one can make time go back.”
That is more corroboration than Christine Blasey Ford had—she hadn’t told anyone at the time of her assault, yet her accusation was front-page news. But I also think that the particular reasons Marcotte and Jezebel have for casting doubt on Tara Reade do not hold up, and I would like to go through all the current criticisms of Reade and show why they are so weak. In fact, I think they are totally indefensible. Those who make them are casting doubt on a victim for no good reason, and suggesting that women who come forward should be disbelieved on spurious grounds. Ultimately, those who have criticized and ignored Tara Reade are doing serious damage to the MeToo movement by suggesting that women like Reade may well simply be delusional or lying; and, until they can prove that they are not delusional or lying, their claims can be set aside.

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
CNN, Joe Biden and the DNC: They were all FOR women's rights and believing them before they were against it!
It should be investigated. Here is what I said when KAV went through this...

Are you saying that victims of sexual assault have to either speak up within a certain time or forever hold their peace? You do realize sexual assault doesn't involve wedding vows?
No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.
I'm not a conservative, and yes I believe the allegation should be investigated. I assume you still believe it should not?
She just said it should be in her post...
Yes. Fully investigate.

It should be investigated the same as any allegation of a crime, same as Kavanaugh.

The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.
Coyote how can you even compare kavanaugh and Biden. There never was and never has been one shred of credible information to implicate kavanaugh. Actually the information available today shows kavanaugh accuser to have made the story up totally for political reasons. Nobody has yet to investigate Ford. She was lying all along. Yeah give Ford and tara a lie detector test at the same time. It wouldn’t matter, you could never bring yourself to admit Ford was lying, it is not in your dna. Read told friends at the time of the incident, she claims to have told the senate ethics committee. Her mother is on the phone. She has filed a police report.

Your equivalency argument just can’t stand up to the facts. How about we get the fbi in on this like Dems did? You Dems continually try to rewrite history to cover up your misdeeds. I don’t know if reads accusations are true and if it wasn’t important enough to follow up on 30 years ago why bring it up now, but if they uncover her complaint to the ethics committee you will have egg on your face. But please stop with it is the same thing, it is factually not the same thing. There is no question though what Dems believe is inappropriate for republicans is just fine for them.
Here are the facts Shrimpbox. There are none. Only allegations. Not a single piece of hard evidence. Both women waited 30+ years to make a complaint. Tara read complained about inappropriate touching initially.

Now suddenly it is rape. No evidence at this point to support it.
Take the partisan log out of your eye and consider the lack of facts here (filing a police report 30 years later doesn’t mean jack shit).

And here is what makes no sense. What woman would refrain from reporting a rape because she had so much respect for her rapist?

My equivalency argument absolutely stands....unless you are partisan.
“Here are the facts shrimpbox, there are none.” Its such a confirmation when a poster exposes themselves for the political hacks they are. You do this constantly. Of course you will never believe me, so let me try to ease you over to the truth with quotes from an article written by a woman who interviewed the victim and you can try your there are no facts on her.

No, I don’t think so. I have talked to Tara Reade extensively myself, and she has been completely consistent and frank. I have talked to her brother, who confirms that Tara told him about the assault at the time. I have also talked to her friend Sarah*, a fellow Capitol Hill staffer Tara spoke to about the assault in 1993 as well as over the years afterward. The Intercept talked to both of them as well, and Reade’s brother Collin Moulton said: “Woefully, I did not encourage her to follow up… I wasn’t one of her better advocates. I said let it go, move on, guys are idiots.” When I asked Sarah if the account Tara has given to the press is consistent with what she said in 1993, Sarah said that it was. She confirmed that Tara had called her on the phone shortly after the incident happened and was very distraught about it. Sarah says the news left her in “absolute shock” at the time. She added:
“I have not enjoyed knowing this about someone [Biden] who for eight years was in the news as VP. Even in this campaign… every time I see him… I can’t… I mean I wasn’t in the hallway but I still can’t look at him without thinking of that… She should have been safe. She should never have had anything close to this even happen.“
I also asked Sarah about a comment Tara’s brother made to me. He said that the incident had changed Tara’s personality, sapping her confidence. Sarah agreed, saying Tara began to “second guess” herself afterwards, the effects of Biden’s attack on Tara were severe and lasting. “It’s never left her,” she said. “What I wouldn’t give to go back in time and to pull her out of that hallway. Say ‘Run! Go!’ But no one can make time go back.”
That is more corroboration than Christine Blasey Ford had—she hadn’t told anyone at the time of her assault, yet her accusation was front-page news. But I also think that the particular reasons Marcotte and Jezebel have for casting doubt on Tara Reade do not hold up, and I would like to go through all the current criticisms of Reade and show why they are so weak. In fact, I think they are totally indefensible. Those who make them are casting doubt on a victim for no good reason, and suggesting that women who come forward should be disbelieved on spurious grounds. Ultimately, those who have criticized and ignored Tara Reade are doing serious damage to the MeToo movement by suggesting that women like Reade may well simply be delusional or lying; and, until they can prove that they are not delusional or lying, their claims can be set aside.
Again, let’s see what an investigation leads to. I do not find her any more or less credible than Ford, and there too many inconsistencies. Everything you say about can apply to Ford, but you do not give Ford the same benefit of the doubt.

I also don’t support the me too movement when it leads to a presumption of guilt on the part of the man... it has become too lopsided. And that is not justice.
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.

Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.

"Believe all women" huh? Or... just the women who accuse Trump of sexual misconduct? I can see right through you.

Not even a leftist woman such as yourself can muster up the courage to stick to that mantra when it comes to someone you support. It conflicts with your support of the accused. Someone whom you desperately want to defeat Trump in November. Nothing should get in the way of that, right? Not even a woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden?

Funny, you just referred to Trump as a rapist, and are willing to believe every accusation of sexual misconduct thrown at him, but if it is thrown at someone who you plan to vote for, you magically somehow know those accusations are false.

If anything Trump is accused of is true and backed by cold hard evidence, I won't excuse it. As far as Biden goes, it appears to me that you will.

If Biden wins, the accusations made against him should hold the same weight and gravitas as the ones against Trump, ones you will conveniently not care about if Trump manages to lose.

Like I said in another thread, concern on this board is fleeting, it disappears when it no longer suits your political proclivities.

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