Evidence surfaces that allegations against Biden weren't "just made up"

It's the daily mail.

What's next? National Enquirer?

Ad Hominem - Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making
The daily mail is the British equivalent of the national Enquirer. Were the enquirer listed as the source would you debate this as a serious topic?

I doubt it.
The National Enquirer is far more credible than CNN or the New York Times.
TDS morons are falling all over themselves to let Biden off the hook for this.
That's not what i see. What i see is a bunch of my liberal friends already saying they are not voting for him in November.
Name one in this forum.

For myself, if it comes down to him or Trump in the end, I will vote for Biden over Trump. There is no conceivable alternate candidate. When the right claims outrage...they need to realize that their own candidate is flawed in the sexual behavior department so is no moral high road.

I am viewing this as another Trump-Clinton choice. Our country may not survive another 4 years of Trump rule with our democratic institutions and values intact. Biden is boring and politically close to the center. Is that cynical? You bet. But I am seeing it as the devil’s choice and I will be keeping a close eye on the VP.

What do you mean no high-ground?


I am quite certain that someone who does not sexually harass women indeed, has a moral high-ground.
Then you certainly can not be talking about Trump.

Just few posts ago you were reminding us about the role of evidence.

Now you claim president Trump has sexually harassed someone, with zero evidence.

I am using the same arguments you are using on Biden. Unlike Biden though, Trump has cases in court, for example this one: Trump lawyers ask for halt in suit from woman alleging rape. So...zero evidence? It has not been thrown out of court. Let’s see what happens in court, though like the Biden case, this too was 30 years ago.

This is why people have stopped playing your stupid games. Again, the accuser has filed a police report, it's not just a baseless accusation. Biden will be dragged through mud, he will be lucky if he can't recall where he is.

Anyone can file a police report, there is no evidence required. Let’s see where it goes.
A lawsuit is evidence of nothing, dingbat. Anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason.
Indeed. But if it had zero merit (frivolous) tbe judge would throw it out.
It will get thrown out at some point.
It's the daily mail.

What's next? National Enquirer?

Ad Hominem - Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making
The daily mail is the British equivalent of the national Enquirer. Were the enquirer listed as the source would you debate this as a serious topic?

I doubt it.
The National Enquirer is far more credible than CNN or the New York Times.
Of course you have to say that as a tRump addled republican.

I would expect you to say nothing else.
It's the daily mail.

What's next? National Enquirer?

Ad Hominem - Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making
The daily mail is the British equivalent of the national Enquirer. Were the enquirer listed as the source would you debate this as a serious topic?

I doubt it.
The National Enquirer is far more credible than CNN or the New York Times.
Of course you have to say that as a tRump addled republican.

I would expect you to say nothing else.
Who was more credible about Monica's blue dress?

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
No mention of sexual assault, no mention of Tara Reade. That's some bombshell lol.
I never claimed it was a bombshell. I'll leave that kind of juvenile hyperbole for CNN and other buffoons

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.

What corroberation is this? Tara says it's her mother's voice. The show says it's an anonymous caller. If Tara was sexually assaulted, why was her only option to go to the press? Why couldn't she go to the police? This isn't corroberation of the assault at all. The woman said her daughter was "harassed and fired", not sexually assaulted.

Also, she didn't go to the press "out of respect" for the guy who sexually assaulted her????? I lost all respect for any man who inappropriately made a pass at me. Any man who tried to grope me without consent, was a total pig, and hardly worthy of consideration much less respect.

This account isn't evidence of anything.
. If Tara was sexually assaulted, why was her only option to go to the press? Why couldn't she go to the police?
Are you kidding right now? For the same reason a lot of women were too intimidated by the backlash and publicity and damage to their own careers 27 years ago. Its literally the reason for the #metoo movement.
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.
So YOUR moral boundaries and requirements for YOUR support of another man is based on the misbehavior as you see it of Trump?
Bidens promiscuity is now acceptable?
Bidens invasion of womens personal space is now acceptable?
Biden sexually assaulting this woman is now acceptable?

All because a man you loathe sets what standards of conduct are personally acceptable to you?

I am going to give a more serious answer here because it deserves one.

You made three claims As statements of “fact”
1. Promiscuity? Based on what?
2. Accurate point, but again I will point out that he is of a different generation and from accounts I have read has always been like that. Only in the past couple of years, when he is seen as a potential candidate, does it seem to matter.
3. Something you are also saying as if it were a statement of fact when it isn’t. I will wait on what comes out of the filing of the police report.

Now, what about you? Where are your moral boundaries and are they driven by political partisanship? Look at Kavanaugh. What did you say about that? You didn’t announce the allegations as fact did you? You didn’t put forth the guilty until proven innocent allegations did you?

So what is it? Is assumption of guilt based on party affiliation? (And yes, when it came to Kavanaugh, the Dems were deplorable).
He's of the same generation as Trump, so how does that get him off the hook? You dragged Trump through the mud based on far less evidence.

Her claims are far more credible than Balsey Ford's claims.
. If Tara was sexually assaulted, why was her only option to go to the press? Why couldn't she go to the police?
Are you kidding right now? For the same reason a lot of women were too intimidated by the backlash and publicity and damage to their own careers 27 years ago. Its literally the reason for the #metoo movement.

Going to the press is hardly any different than going to the police. At least the police would investigate. Going to the press wouldn’t do anything but bring derision down on her.

And it still doesn’t answer the question as to why she respects her attacker.

I’ve been attacked. I’ve been sexually harassed and I never left the experience feeling respect for the man.

Her story comes across as a love sick employee throwing herself at her boss and being rejected by him. Hence the “you’re nothing to me” comment from Biden. Her brother remembered nothing about a sexual assault allegation but he remembered the comment.

We had woman who pursued a married man I worked with to the point where he wouldn’t be alone with her. She claimed he was in love with her and wouldn’t leave her alone. He said she was stalking him. Guess which one was lying?
Going to the press is hardly any different than going to the police. At least the police would investigate.
Which for many women was an unwanted event. It messes with their careers, divides friendships, and brings reprisals. Again, its literally the entire impetus for the #metoo movement.
TDS morons are falling all over themselves to let Biden off the hook for this.
That's not what i see. What i see is a bunch of my liberal friends already saying they are not voting for him in November.
Name one in this forum.

For myself, if it comes down to him or Trump in the end, I will vote for Biden over Trump. There is no conceivable alternate candidate. When the right claims outrage...they need to realize that their own candidate is flawed in the sexual behavior department so is no moral high road.

I am viewing this as another Trump-Clinton choice. Our country may not survive another 4 years of Trump rule with our democratic institutions and values intact. Biden is boring and politically close to the center. Is that cynical? You bet. But I am seeing it as the devil’s choice and I will be keeping a close eye on the VP.

What do you mean no high-ground?


I am quite certain that someone who does not sexually harass women indeed, has a moral high-ground.
Then you certainly can not be talking about Trump.

Just few posts ago you were reminding us about the role of evidence.

Now you claim president Trump has sexually harassed someone, with zero evidence.

I am using the same arguments you are using on Biden. Unlike Biden though, Trump has cases in court, for examplethis one: Trump lawyers ask for halt in suit from woman alleging rape.

This is why people have stopped playing your stupid games. Again, the accuser has filed a police report, it's not just a baseless accusation. Biden will be dragged through mud, he will be lucky if he can't recall where he is.
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.
So YOUR moral boundaries and requirements for YOUR support of another man is based on the misbehavior as you see it of Trump?
Bidens promiscuity is now acceptable?
Bidens invasion of womens personal space is now acceptable?
Biden sexually assaulting this woman is now acceptable?

All because a man you loathe sets what standards of conduct are personally acceptable to you?

I am going to give a more serious answer here because it deserves one.

You made three claims As statements of “fact”
1. Promiscuity? Based on what?
2. Accurate point, but again I will point out that he is of a different generation and from accounts I have read has always been like that. Only in the past couple of years, when he is seen as a potential candidate, does it seem to matter.
3. Something you are also saying as if it were a statement of fact when it isn’t. I will wait on what comes out of the filing of the police report.

Now, what about you? Where are your moral boundaries and are they driven by political partisanship? Look at Kavanaugh. What did you say about that? You didn’t announce the allegations as fact did you? You didn’t put forth the guilty until proven innocent allegations did you?

So what is it? Is assumption of guilt based on party affiliation? (And yes, when it came to Kavanaugh, the Dems were deplorable).

Oh, he has "always been like that".

That settles it then...

I recall that during the Kavanaugh case, every leftist was banging on the "guilty until proven innocent". And now you expect people to be charitable? Is it not a bit late? I did not hear any apologies.

I recall that as well except, not every leftist. You saw what Candy Corn posted. My feeling was not too far from that as well And I have reiterated it here.

How about you? Is it guilty until proven innocent? Is that your choice?

MeToo is now weaponized. Is that a good thing?
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Who are you trying to kid?

#MeToo is weaponized only when a Dim is in the cross hairs?

Every time you post, all you do is expose your profound hypocrisy.

Please keep defending Biden. Republicans couldn't ask for a better opposition candidate.

Well I suppose we have to wait until president Trump wins that case... again. Media hardly bothers covering these cases anymore because they know they won't go anywhere.

In any case, Biden is the "believe all women" candidate. He should believe all women.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But you can’t even admit it.
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Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.
So YOUR moral boundaries and requirements for YOUR support of another man is based on the misbehavior as you see it of Trump?
Bidens promiscuity is now acceptable?
Bidens invasion of womens personal space is now acceptable?
Biden sexually assaulting this woman is now acceptable?

All because a man you loathe sets what standards of conduct are personally acceptable to you?

I am going to give a more serious answer here because it deserves one.

You made three claims As statements of “fact”
1. Promiscuity? Based on what?
2. Accurate point, but again I will point out that he is of a different generation and from accounts I have read has always been like that. Only in the past couple of years, when he is seen as a potential candidate, does it seem to matter.
3. Something you are also saying as if it were a statement of fact when it isn’t. I will wait on what comes out of the filing of the police report.

Now, what about you? Where are your moral boundaries and are they driven by political partisanship? Look at Kavanaugh. What did you say about that? You didn’t announce the allegations as fact did you? You didn’t put forth the guilty until proven innocent allegations did you?

So what is it? Is assumption of guilt based on party affiliation? (And yes, when it came to Kavanaugh, the Dems were deplorable).

Oh, he has "always been like that".

That settles it then...

I recall that during the Kavanaugh case, every leftist was banging on the "guilty until proven innocent". And now you expect people to be charitable? Is it not a bit late? I did not hear any apologies.

I recall that as well except, not every leftist. You saw what Candy Corn posted. My feeling was not too far from that as well And I have reiterated it here.

How about you? Is it guilty until proven innocent? Is that your choice?

MeToo is now weaponized. Is that a good thing?
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Who are you trying to kid?

#MeToo is weaponized only when a Dim is in the cross hairs?

Nope. Not what I said. Try again.

So...tell us about “guilty until proven innocent” and how it relates to your standard when it comes to Biden? You are not, I assume a leftist.

Every time you post, all you do is expose your profound hypocrisy.

Please keep defending Biden. Republicans couldn't ask for a better opposition candidate.

look in the mirror lately?
The Dim standard is guilty until proven innocent. You'll demonstrated that beyond all doubt during the Kavanaugh hearings.

What am I hypocritical about? I'm holding you to your standard. Women should be believed, right?

That’s not my standard. Want to try again?
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.

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