Evidence surfaces that allegations against Biden weren't "just made up"

Still no documented proof that trump was a rapist like clinton I see.i am no trump supporter,he has betrayed and lied to the American people same as bush and Obama, but there is no evidence whatsoever that he was a rapist as Clinton was
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.
This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump. FOCUS
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.
This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump. FOCUS

TDS reduces IQ by at least 30 points.

And has a side effect of the great US president living in one's head rent free.

Fact is, it does look like Biden sexually harassed / raped a girl. Especially from the standpoint of "believe all women". President Trump did no such thing, he has no need.
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?

I think you should start with the story the victim is telling. Is it believeable, and I'm having a hard time believing this one.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.
This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump. FOCUS

This thread has EVERYTHING to do with Trump.
Biden is going to have to address this, one way or the other. Democrats aren't as tribal as Republicans, and the DNC knows it and knows this could keep people home in November.


Blips, such as this, rape, assault, drugs, murder, fraud, corruption, as you well know, are great resume enhancements for Democrats.
No you freak, that's the opposite of true....
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?
You mean like with Kavanaugh and Trump?

How can you post this shit?

In our system of justice, you are innocent until proven guilty. The fact that you don't understand that shows why you should be ridiculed and laughed at.
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Perhaps I missed it but I have been looking for Sec. of State Hillary Clinton making this sort of a statement now that VP Joe Biden is in the crosshairs.

Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"
Posted on September 14, 2015
No one has the right to be believed.
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?

I think you should start with the story the victim is telling. Is it believeable, and I'm having a hard time believing this one.
How about blasey Ford? Was her story believable? Even the people she named as witnesses didn't believe it.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.
This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump. FOCUS

This thread has EVERYTHING to do with Trump.
Only because it shows the utter hypocrisy of TDS morons like you.
So are tbe pictures of Trump and Ivanka. Do you find that creepy?

I find that you find a still photo creepy, another vivid demonstration of your desperation. It seems to me, you need to concern yourself with your weak, confused candidate.

Hey thank you! My point EXACTLY. But you and others seemed to have missed the larger exchange and jumped on one post alone Ignoring what was being being replied to.

Now take further. Can you apply that same point to people going on about the still photos of Biden?
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?

I think you should start with the story the victim is telling. Is it believeable, and I'm having a hard time believing this one.

I don't think you can attach a presumption of guilt with just a story. You need some evidence. Otherwise - both parties are equally deserving of belief.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.
This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump. FOCUS
Coyote has a one track mind.
Guilty until proven innocent is the leftwing standard.

Now I know you are a lying hypocrite.

Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Joe Biden

Both sides have been guilty of it. But can’t even admit it.

Hillary Clinton was guilty, she admitted to destroying the emails. Nothing happened. Proven to be guilty yet innocent was her case. Just like with the Donald Trump spying case.
Thanks for confirming my statement: guilty until proven innocent.

She was PROVEN guilty, yet treated like innocent. Dealing with these idiots gets more and more tedious.

Guilty of breaking a rule no reasonable prosecuter would prosecute. Then there is Trump whom Mueller could not exhonerste of obstruction Because the DoJ made a new rule that you can not indict a sitting president.
This thread has NOTHING to do with Trump. FOCUS

This thread has EVERYTHING to do with Trump.
Nope. More lies by you.
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?
You mean like with Kavanaugh and Trump?

How can you post this shit?

In our system of justice, you are innocent until proven guilty. The fact that you don't understand that shows why you should be ridiculed and laughed at.

You have serious reading comprehension problems. Here's a start: what have I said about Kavanaugh?

Second - Trump has kind of a bad record behind him, he is known to have made comments about being able to grab women by the pussy, he has walked through the model's dressing room while they are dressing, and a he has a number of suits against him - some credible some not. The trouble is with some rich and/or powerful, there are always other possible motives for the accusations but some of these have legs. He has also paid off women.

Kavanaugh has no such record - he (and Ford) were known to have been part of a group of privileged teens that partied and drank heavily in high school when this was claimed to have occurred. Lots of alcohol equals poor memories. I believe Ford in that something occurred but there is no way to say it was Kavanaugh it could have been anyone. And they were minors. Kavanaugh may have rotten political views but his adult life has by all accounts been totally responsible. It should never have been used in his confirmation hearing without first being investigated (it deserved the same thorough investigation as Reade's)

You can't compare Kavanaugh with Trump.
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The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?

I think you should start with the story the victim is telling. Is it believeable, and I'm having a hard time believing this one.

I don't think you can attach a presumption of guilt with just a story. You need some evidence. Otherwise - both parties are equally deserving of belief.

Although Biden can... Believe all women!

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