Evidence surfaces that allegations against Biden weren't "just made up"

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.

We have only Reade's word that the lady who called the Larry King Show was her mother. Furthermore, if you look at the transcript of the lady's call, you'll see that she said nothing about sexual assault.

Reade's story still strikes me as flimsy and unbelievable, not to mention belated.

Just because liberals uncritically peddled Christine Blasey-Ford's specious allegation against Brett Kavanaugh does not mean conservatives should uncritically peddle Reade's equally implausible story.

I think SOMETHING happened to Ford, she did not make it all up. Her life was clearly messed up drastically by something and her therapist confirmed it. But it was a group of teens, all constantly drunk, and she can not recall details - there is no way to say it was Kavanaugh, someone else, or exactly what.

By the same token - I believe Reade's account of inappropriate touching - that is echoed by several other women, and Biden's own known habits (and it's not necessarily a crime).

Yep, don't know, don't recall, so what the hell let's hang him.

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.

We have only Reade's word that the lady who called the Larry King Show was her mother. Furthermore, if you look at the transcript of the lady's call, you'll see that she said nothing about sexual assault.

Reade's story still strikes me as flimsy and unbelievable, not to mention belated.

Just because liberals uncritically peddled Christine Blasey-Ford's specious allegation against Brett Kavanaugh does not mean conservatives should uncritically peddle Reade's equally implausible story.

I think SOMETHING happened to Ford, she did not make it all up. Her life was clearly messed up drastically by something and her therapist confirmed it. But it was a group of teens, all constantly drunk, and she can not recall details - there is no way to say it was Kavanaugh, someone else, or exactly what.

By the same token - I believe Reade's account of inappropriate touching - that is echoed by several other women, and Biden's own known habits (and it's not necessarily a crime).

Yep, don't know, don't recall, so what the hell let's hang him.

She had liberalism, TDS, bad case and perhaps even feminism. So Coyote's take is not entirely made up - she was not good. I would not be surprised if she ends up in a mental institution.
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.
What happened to believe all women? Why do you hate women and support sexual misconduct?

Well lets get a bit of consistency...

Where are your posts on the 16+ allegations against Trump....

OR when he was fucking the porn start when he wife was looking after his 6 month old baby....

Biden has one very dodgy accusation of sexual misconduct but you seemed to get pissed that Democrats can use GOP precedent and ignore it... Democrats didn't make the rules GOP/Trump did...

The GOP/Trump made it possible that one of your close female relatives could be raped and if they run for office it will not be properly investigated... How did that make America Great?

By the way we thought that was the low but now we have to warn people not to drink disinfectant...

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..
Hopeful Biden, the first rapist presidential candidate of the democrat party.
And if he wins, he will be following the Republican rapist in office.
What happened to believe all women? Why do you hate women and support sexual misconduct?

Well lets get a bit of consistency...

Where are your posts on the 16+ allegations against Trump....

OR when he was fucking the porn start when he wife was looking after his 6 month old baby....

Biden has one very dodgy accusation of sexual misconduct but you seemed to get pissed that Democrats can use GOP precedent and ignore it... Democrats didn't make the rules GOP/Trump did...

The GOP/Trump made it possible that one of your close female relatives could be raped and if they run for office it will not be properly investigated... How did that make America Great?

By the way we thought that was the low but now we have to warn people not to drink disinfectant...


And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
"Yes, hello. I'm wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him."

What does that ^^^ corroborate?
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?

I think you should start with the story the victim is telling. Is it believeable, and I'm having a hard time believing this one.

Because Biden has demonstrated a strong respect of physical boundaries?

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..

Maybe it had no merit. We will have to see before making assumptions.

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
There's no point or good to attacking Biden in this manner.
He's a huggy kissy guy, The End.
Slandering him is not cool.
I do not like this.
I'm a huggy kissy guy too. I kiss my dad with his nasty beard. Always have..

I kiss my cousin, the male one..my aunt's son. His sisters and other brother, too.

Not on the mouth, geez! I love them. Joe Biden is like that. I've seen him in action in Congress, and he's a real professional.

He may could have beaten Trump in 2016, but the Democrats went with Hillary.

This time around he will probably lose..especially with the female Fridge they're pushing to be his VP
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There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..

How in the hell would a grand jury be seated if it hasn't been investigated yet, and no charges are brought?

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
Well, I just watched the Larry King clip on your link.
And the topic of the King show was whistleblowers, or how to handle a problem with a Senator. Reade's mother only mentioned that there was a problem that she could not get addressed with the senator's staff. From all accounts, Reade herself admits she had disagreements with staff after she refused to serve coffee at one of Biden's meetings because he thought she had "nice legs." That's not necessarily shoving her against the wall and FINGERING her. If I was Reade's mother and I knew THAT, I would have asked a much more pointed question. Wouldn't you?

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
It's the daily mail.

What's next? National Enquirer?
The clip's real enough. It's nowhere close to "corroboration of the incident," though.

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..

Maybe it had no merit. We will have to see before making assumptions.

Or maybe it vanished into the air like the CNN clips.

Let's face it, DC is never going to prosecute Biden whether he raped or not. Good news is that Americans are ready to take justice to their own hands after cases like Epstein and Hillary.

And low and behold CNN has removed THIS EPISODE from the play store online so wtf. Is CNN literally trying to hide evidence that this woman is telling the truth? All other episodes are for sale but this one is missing.....

Up until this point I have said that I didn't believe this woman because who waits 30 years to make an accusation right? Well here is corroboration of the incident from 27 years ago. Evidence that CNN was apparently trying to scrub.
"Yes, hello. I'm wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him."

What does that ^^^ corroborate?

Exactly - it's so wide open.
Haha... bripat9643 all over this thread spending half his time doing what he is accusing everyone else of doing, and the other half of his time accusing them of doing it...good stuff, very entertaining...
No woman has claimed that Trump grabbed her pussy

More than 20 women have confirmed that Trump has in fact, grabbed, groped, and assaulted him - including the woman on the plane, the People writer, the woman he raped in the department store dressing room, and the girl who claimed he beat and raped her at Jeffrey Epstein's apartment, when she was 13.

Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.
You sure about that? I read on a legal site that there IS a statute of limitations in D.C. Could you share a link?

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