Evidence surfaces that allegations against Biden weren't "just made up"

Her accusations deserved no investigation.
That is why a lot of us "defended" her. Not necessarily that we believed her but that the partisans were rejecting her story out of hand.
She had no witnesses and no evidence of any kind. Why should anyone have listened to her?
Why the fuck do you expect her to have witnesses to an attempted rape? Is that something you normally do in public?
No one has even said she was there, dumbass. neither did anyone claim she mentioned it to them afterwards. It never happened.
By giving rigorous evidence that what she said did not happen
Such as? You're dodging. I know what "debunk" means, you don't have to define it for me.

Kavanaugh gave no such evidence. Not sure why you pulled that out of your ass.

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..
Of course, your post - as is always the case with you - is factually incorrect. As this is not a rape investigation, but rather assault, the statute of limitations has, indeed, expired.

Senate ethics committee? More made up nonsense.
I'm not sure the Senate Ethics Committee can do anything unless and until Biden is inaugurated. Remember Roy Moore? They couldn't do anything about him running, either, until he was confirmed into the Senate. And he never was.

If complaints were made by Reade to the ethics committee while he was a senator, they should have investigated and there should be a record right?
I think she said she went to H.R. and pretty much got laughed out of town. However, I don't think she was talking about the rape accusations. She was complaining about sexual harassment.
She filed a complaint, which has masteriously disappeared. However, it was logged, which makes her 10000 times more credible than Blasey Ford.
The idea that “all women must be believed” removes it from that, and presupposes guilt and innocence.

And you are presupposing innocence before any evidence is laid to bear. I myself don't think one phone call to Larry King is enough evidence, and the rightists on this board are presupposing guilt. Both you and they are doing the exact same thing and for the same reason. Presupposition spits in the face of actual justice.

None of you are blameless. None. Of. You.
You have to presuppose innocence. It is the way our justice system works: innocent until proven guilty. Not all countries are like that. I think it is a very important distinction.

And I disagree it spits in the face of justice. Justice is taking the evidence and determining guilt or innocence through a jury system.

But you have to start from a base, either one is innocent and must prove guilt or one is guilty and must prove innocence.

What other base is there?

I think you should start with the story the victim is telling. Is it believeable, and I'm having a hard time believing this one.

Because Biden has demonstrated a strong respect of physical boundaries?

No, because her story makes no logical sense.

1. Why would Biden attack her in the hallway of the capital, out in the open where he could be seen? Sexual assault is a crime of privacy, especially when you need plausible deniability later. You don't do it in the corridor of one of the most public buildings in America. Not if you don't want to be seen.

2. Why is this a "one and done"? No other women have come forward with remotely similar accounts. The women who have all said Biden was too "handsy" with them, all said that it was not sexual, it was uninvited and it made them uncomfortable, but he was not sexual with them. As someone who is uncomfortable with uninvited touching, I can sympathize with that feeling, but I am also very aware of the difference between unwanted touching, and assault, which is why these women stressed that Joe wasn't touching them in a sexual way. Having said that, he wasn't sniffing men's hair, and hugging them.

3. She didn't go to any media outlet, the police or any authorities to make her accusation. She posted it on FaceBook. Why didn't she got to WAPO, or FOX, or some credible media outlet, or the police? Because ANYONE she told her story to would want evidence, and she doesn't have any. Her brother says she didn't tell him Biden attacked her. Just that he said "she was nothing to him".

4. That comment of Joe Biden's "You're nothing to me", sounds more like she was coming on to him and he wanted her to leave him alone. It could be the snark of a spurned lover, but given all of the other facts, and her continued "respect" for Biden, she sounds more like a young woman with a crush who kept coming on to her boss until he fired her.

5. The mother's purported phone call to Larry King, we only have Reid's word for it that this is her mother. Once again, Tara Reid makes a claim with nothing to back it up.


Tell me story that is believeable and I'll believe it. This story is Swiss cheese. More holes than cheese.

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..
Of course, your post - as is always the case with you - is factually incorrect. As this is not a rape investigation, but rather assault, the statute of limitations has, indeed, expired.

Senate ethics committee? More made up nonsense.
I'm not sure the Senate Ethics Committee can do anything unless and until Biden is inaugurated. Remember Roy Moore? They couldn't do anything about him running, either, until he was confirmed into the Senate. And he never was.
Aside from the House impeaching him, Congress can do nothing.

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..
Of course, your post - as is always the case with you - is factually incorrect. As this is not a rape investigation, but rather assault, the statute of limitations has, indeed, expired.

Senate ethics committee? More made up nonsense.
I'm not sure the Senate Ethics Committee can do anything unless and until Biden is inaugurated. Remember Roy Moore? They couldn't do anything about him running, either, until he was confirmed into the Senate. And he never was.

If complaints were made by Reade to the ethics committee while he was a senator, they should have investigated and there should be a record right?
I think she said she went to H.R. and pretty much got laughed out of town. However, I don't think she was talking about the rape accusations. She was complaining about sexual harassment.
She filed a complaint, which has masteriously disappeared. However, it was logged, which makes her 10000 times more creible evidence than Blasey Ford.
That all appears to be made up.
By giving rigorous evidence that what she said did not happen
Such as? You're dodging. I know what "debunk" means, you don't have to define it for me.

Kavanaugh gave no such evidence. Not sure why you pulled that out of your ass.

Are you kidding? Biden could start by giving his honest account of what happened. But there is a problem, first he will lie. Second, he can't recall it anyway.

He will also have to explain his position on believing all women.

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..
Of course, your post - as is always the case with you - is factually incorrect. As this is not a rape investigation, but rather assault, the statute of limitations has, indeed, expired.

Senate ethics committee? More made up nonsense.
I'm not sure the Senate Ethics Committee can do anything unless and until Biden is inaugurated. Remember Roy Moore? They couldn't do anything about him running, either, until he was confirmed into the Senate. And he never was.

If complaints were made by Reade to the ethics committee while he was a senator, they should have investigated and there should be a record right?
I think she said she went to H.R. and pretty much got laughed out of town. However, I don't think she was talking about the rape accusations. She was complaining about sexual harassment.
She filed a complaint, which has masteriously disappeared. However, it was logged, which makes her 10000 times more creible evidence than Blasey Ford.

She filed a complaint. Did she keep a copy of it? When I file any legal complaint I want to follow up on I keep a copy for myself.

It was logged. Was the subject of the complaint logged? Is there any evidence at all to support anything she said? The people she supposedly told are either dead or say she didn't say anything about an assault.

Blasey Ford had a lot more evidence. Are you aware that several of Kavenaugh's friends contacted the FBI to give testimony and nobody got back to them. Several other women came forward, with stories about Kavenaugh. The FBI didn't talk to anyone.

The FBI were told NOT to delve too deeply into this.

is the wrong forum for discussing what is meant by "evidence". I am quite sure that you are the only one having trouble with it.
So yes, you were just talking out of your ass.

Biden already said this didn't happen. According to you, that was the "rigorous evidence" you required.
Haha... bripat9643 all over this thread spending half his time doing what he is accusing everyone else of doing, and the other half of his time accusing them of doing it...good stuff, very entertaining...
No woman has claimed that Trump grabbed her pussy

More than 20 women have confirmed that Trump has in fact, grabbed, groped, and assaulted him - including the woman on the plane, the People writer, the woman he raped in the department store dressing room, and the girl who claimed he beat and raped her at Jeffrey Epstein's apartment, when she was 13.

Very off-topic. Wtf?

Read the post I responded to, dipshipt.
is the wrong forum for discussing what is meant by "evidence". I am quite sure that you are the only one having trouble with it.
So yes, you were just talking out of your ass.

Biden already said this didn't happen. According to you, that was the "rigorous evidence" you required.

That's what he claims, obviously. But did he at least sniff her?

There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..
Of course, your post - as is always the case with you - is factually incorrect. As this is not a rape investigation, but rather assault, the statute of limitations has, indeed, expired.

Senate ethics committee? More made up nonsense.
Try again... Read the article..


There are now 6 corroborating witnesses whose stories match and records were filed with the Senate ethics committee just after it occurred. Now the DC police are investigating this as there is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in DC which is under federal law.

I am now waiting for the decision of a grand jury which I believe has already been seated. We will soon know if charges will be brought. A lot of questions are coming up about how a registered and numbered complaint with the ethics committee simply vanished into thin air..

Maybe it had no merit. We will have to see before making assumptions.

just like you did with Brett Kavanaugh right?
Strange how conservatives trashed Ford’s allegations because of their age but readily accept Reade’s.

You need to not paint with so wide a brush.

I'm a conservative and, unless there's some actual evidence which is forthcoming, I don't believe there's a single reason to believe they're in the slightest bit valid...
Haha... bripat9643 all over this thread spending half his time doing what he is accusing everyone else of doing, and the other half of his time accusing them of doing it...good stuff, very entertaining...
No woman has claimed that Trump grabbed her pussy

More than 20 women have confirmed that Trump has in fact, grabbed, groped, and assaulted him - including the woman on the plane, the People writer, the woman he raped in the department store dressing room, and the girl who claimed he beat and raped her at Jeffrey Epstein's apartment, when she was 13.

How come not even a bottom feeder like Gloria Alred would take ANY of those cases?

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