Evidence That Moses Existed

That isnt evidence.
The people that are mentioned live after Moses. By a thousand years...
Probably retelling Jewish tales.
The books that were mentioned, are Jewish books.
I didnt make it past the first paragraph.
This thread is fake news.
That isnt evidence.
The people that are mentioned live after Moses. By a thousand years...
Probably retelling Jewish tales.
The books that were mentioned, are Jewish books.
I didnt make it past the first paragraph.
This thread is fake news.
Moses is an ancient Egyptian word, I know you have heard of Tutmoses.
That isnt evidence.
The people that are mentioned live after Moses. By a thousand years...
Probably retelling Jewish tales.
The books that were mentioned, are Jewish books.
I didnt make it past the first paragraph.
This thread is fake news.
Moses is an ancient Egyptian word, I know you have heard of Tutmoses.
thutmosis, yes. And he was around centuries before "moses"
That isnt evidence.
The people that are mentioned live after Moses. By a thousand years...
Probably retelling Jewish tales.
The books that were mentioned, are Jewish books.
I didnt make it past the first paragraph.
This thread is fake news.
Moses is an ancient Egyptian word, I know you have heard of Tutmoses.
thutmosis, yes. And he was around centuries before "moses"
Thutmosis means literally MEANS SON of Thut IN hEBREW.

Several ancient writers mentioned him
This topic has been discussed many times before Victor you have permission from me to repost the information I have about Moses again if you want you can find it in the search engine from this forum from June 17 2015 you will find it in the topic Sunday Sermon Simulated in the vision of the groom continued part 3... If you have trouble reposting the part about Moses I will see if I can find it in my notes...
That isnt evidence.
The people that are mentioned live after Moses. By a thousand years...

There's absolutely no contemporaneous evidence of Moses or the Hebrews in Egypt ... this is mythology ...

Legend begins with the divided Kingdoms of Judea and Israel ... of David's Judea, we have abundant archeological evidence ... however, nothing of Israel ... it's existence appears to be an exaggeration ... we can speculate the Hebrews wish to claim the lands for themselves and created a fake kingdom to justify a hostile take-over ... but if we're speculating, might as well bring Martians in, eh? ...

History begins with the Roman conquest of The Levant ...
The counter-argument is that this was a massive defeat and embarrassment to Ramses II ... we're talking about an illiterate society, where only Pharoh's most favored and loyal of subjects are taught reading and writing ... so we must ask why Ramses' closest inner circle would record this humiliation (and not lose their head)? ... if Moses did exist, he wouldn't have been recorded in Egypt ...

Monumental structures and artifacts are built to celebrate victories, not defeats ...
Why do people think he didn't exist?

Umm..think he existed but that he wasn't a magical being. Some son of somebody who tall tales were made up about is all.

This said---like to keep things in the SIMPLE TRUTH form---simple truth is Moses means son....so likely the real moses had his fathers name in front of moses or he was just a bastard who everyone called son because he could have been anyone's.
That isnt evidence.
The people that are mentioned live after Moses. By a thousand years...

There's absolutely no contemporaneous evidence of Moses or the Hebrews in Egypt ... this is mythology ...

Legend begins with the divided Kingdoms of Judea and Israel ... of David's Judea, we have abundant archeological evidence ... however, nothing of Israel ... it's existence appears to be an exaggeration ... we can speculate the Hebrews wish to claim the lands for themselves and created a fake kingdom to justify a hostile take-over ... but if we're speculating, might as well bring Martians in, eh? ...

History begins with the Roman conquest of The Levant ...
I have heard there is evidence of Hebrews, who had settled on the northern boundaries of Egypt, being hauled into the forced temple building and there has been ancient Hebrew graffitti found on the walls of a tomb somewhere. The parting of the Red Sea was probably low tide during a time of low river levels--they walked across the mud flats.

I love this stuff. Okay MAYBE he wasn't found in a basket in the bullrushes and taken home to be adopted by the royal family, and maybe God didn't send the plagues, but the jews didn't make up being in bondage in Egypt, for heaven's sake, or taking advantage of a moment of chaos in Egypt caused by disasters to get the hell out. For this small wandering group to not know where to go for awhile, that makes sense, too. Sure some of it is legend, but there are kernels of historical fact in there, too. I'd bank on it.
... For this small wandering group to not know where to go for awhile ...

If we take Exodus at face value, then we should take Numbers at face value:

Numbers Chap 1:
45 - So were all those that were numbered of the children of Israel, by the house of their fathers, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war in Israel;
46 - Even all they that were numbered were six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty.
47 - But the Levites after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them.

603,550 able bodied men ... the Hebrews who fled Egypt numbered over a million ... not counting the Levites ... thus the question why NOBODY recorded this ...

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