Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

In this case, theory does not apply. A theory requires facts. At best, God as an hypothesis.

And your post is an opinon about theories and hypothesis which totally misses the point he was trying to relay - Evolution Does Occur - perhaps nop\t DarwinianTextbook evolution , but species do evolve adapt and mutate.

Significant differences in once isolated Human Populations that developed over time are a prime example of that.

No, it is not my opinion. We are discussing science and in science a theory summarizes an hypothesis or group of hypotheses after repeated testing. I was responding to his comment that God was a theory unsupported by scientific evidence. In science, you cannot have a theory unsupported by evidence.

You stated Evolution occurs -Believe it does ,apparently so do you - but our beliefs combined do make it a fact -it's still just a theory.

God's existenec is a theory -I believe a supreme intelligence exists - so do many others ,my definition of what it is is somewhat different than most - but it's a belief and a theory - in the Human Scientific Realm it will probably never be a fact
...programming the physical laws I would have had gravity be more forgiving to the clumsy beast I had designed who inevitably would trip on a crack in the sidewalk and break an arm, or have to decide whether to burn or jump off a multi-story building. Oh yeah, I can think of a lot of upgrades. How about Earth having a natural defense against stray asteroids.....The list is endless...
Hey, the Deity may be perfect, but that doesn't mean the Universe has to be. Besides, a Perfect Universe wouldn't make a very good Testing Grounds for His creations.

...And "along the road to something better"? I think they would say you can't get much better than being "made in His image". Even He looked upon all He had done and saw that it was good, finito. He admired his own work so much he gave himself a day off.
So what if (a) Man was made in His image, but (b) the human race is not yet done slow-cooking, on its way attaining that status?
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In order to reject the theory of evolution you have to reject the idea that life began in the most simple of forms, and then over a very very very very long time increased, incrementally, in complexity and diversity.

But once you reject that, what is your plausible alternative? That species past and present simply appeared, fully formed, out of nowhere?

The horse. Somewhere, in one instant, a field went from having no horses in it to being populated with many horses. Poof!! You find that believable? You find that plausible given all we know or can imagine about the chance of that having happened?

Evolution is actually quite easy to accept as the best explanation; all you have to do is compare it to the merits of the alternative explanations.
And your post is an opinon about theories and hypothesis which totally misses the point he was trying to relay - Evolution Does Occur - perhaps nop\t DarwinianTextbook evolution , but species do evolve adapt and mutate.

Significant differences in once isolated Human Populations that developed over time are a prime example of that.

No, it is not my opinion. We are discussing science and in science a theory summarizes an hypothesis or group of hypotheses after repeated testing. I was responding to his comment that God was a theory unsupported by scientific evidence. In science, you cannot have a theory unsupported by evidence.

You stated Evolution occurs -Believe it does ,apparently so do you - but our beliefs combined do make it a fact -it's still just a theory.

God's existenec is a theory -I believe a supreme intelligence exists - so do many others ,my definition of what it is is somewhat different than most - but it's a belief and a theory - in the Human Scientific Realm it will probably never be a fact

The Bible represents God as a fact, not a theory. That would make the Bible incorrect on that most important issue then, wouldn't it?
When I first believed in Jesus Christ our Lord, I still believed in evolution myself because that is what I was taught as "fact" in schools and from the general population for the first 24 or so years of my life. Though over the years I've changed my view entirely upon listening to several scientists or teachers or people's points of view whom from a Creationist standpoint, and most importantly to me, what the Word of God/Bible says about His Creation. To me, Creation is 100% more logical from a human standpoint and evolution doesn't even make sense.

One reason I say this is that most of us would agree that we everything our own human hands have created suggests intelligent design. Everything we as humans have created with own brains/hands from Lincoln Logs to the Empire State Building suggests "intelligent design" behind it. We just don't "poof" things into existence ourselves, so how could we say our whole existence was just some "accident"? Especially with the amazing complexity of the design our own human bodies.

Overall now my belief is that common sense would show this universe as we know it; the earth, humankind and everything we see in the universe suggests intelligent design. How could we have "poofed" into existence from nothing or evolved from some primodial soup?

The Bible talks of this also; though sadly some will not even "consider" intelligent design because that would mean having to answer to God. Here are a couple verses in regard to what we see around us as humans and that we are "without excuse".

Romans 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

The Bible also teaches from the very beginning that everything was made "after it's kind". Meaning, a horse is still a type of horse, a bird is still a type of bird, and humans are humans. Nothing has "evolved" though there are variations in a species. Darwin's Finches were still all birds.

Genesis 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

Genesis 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 7:14 They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort.

It is my personal belief that the enemy, Satan, is fooling thousands upon thousands with lies and one of those lies is the teaching of any kind of "evolution" instead of God's Creation - to try to keep people from coming to the truth of Jesus Christ our Lord.

If interested, below are some videos and/or topic links from Scientists/Teachers/Creationists from a creationist standpoint. I don't agree 100% with everything in the below links/videos, or even how some people in the vids "come across".. but the points of the Creation vs Evolution I mostly agree with.

Jason Lisle - PhD in Astrophysics / On the Big Bang

Topics about evolution/Darwin

Age Of The Earth - K. Hovind
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szBTl3S24MY]Creation Seminar 1 - Kent Hovind - Age of the Earth (FULL) - YouTube[/ame]

Dinasours - K. Hovind

Evolution Wants To Make A Monkey Out Of You - Series
(1 of 5)
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku2CNmlQD_Q]VenomFangX - Evolution Wants to Make a Monkey Out of You part 1.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
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And your post is an opinon about theories and hypothesis which totally misses the point he was trying to relay - Evolution Does Occur - perhaps nop\t DarwinianTextbook evolution , but species do evolve adapt and mutate.

Significant differences in once isolated Human Populations that developed over time are a prime example of that.

No, it is not my opinion. We are discussing science and in science a theory summarizes an hypothesis or group of hypotheses after repeated testing. I was responding to his comment that God was a theory unsupported by scientific evidence. In science, you cannot have a theory unsupported by evidence.

You stated Evolution occurs -Believe it does ,apparently so do you - but our beliefs combined do make it a fact -it's still just a theory.

God's existenec is a theory -I believe a supreme intelligence exists - so do many others ,my definition of what it is is somewhat different than most - but it's a belief and a theory - in the Human Scientific Realm it will probably never be a fact

What I stated was the definition of a scientific theory. A belief without evidence does not meet that definition. It is, at best, an hypothesis.

Evolution is a fact. The proof of that fact is currently lying next to my chair. If evolution did not occur there would be no such thing as a black lab. I am not going to deny the obvious just because it might conflict with my beliefs. You can do as you please.
lol....good luck finding a testable prediction about macro evolution......which, conversely, demonstrates why it isn't science......

Sorry but there are numerous testable predictions.

good.....then you should have no trouble providing me a link to a successful test.....I look forward to it.....

Maybe I was unclear but EVERY fossil that is discovered is a test of the theory. It either fits into the theory or it proves that it is either somewhat or completely wrong.

Here is a recent fossil find that appears to fit well into the theory:
Siberian Discovery Suggests Almost All Dinosaurs Were Feathered
How about you can believe in God and not follow a religion. God is the grand architect of everything, evolution, science, etc. can fit in Gods plan. I have nothing against anyone that follows a religion, if it helps you lead a good life that is good. Just please don't follow false prophets with petty tricks like Benny Hinn, etc. Idiocy and blind faith doesn't = God or Jesus.
No, it is not my opinion. We are discussing science and in science a theory summarizes an hypothesis or group of hypotheses after repeated testing. I was responding to his comment that God was a theory unsupported by scientific evidence. In science, you cannot have a theory unsupported by evidence.

You stated Evolution occurs -Believe it does ,apparently so do you - but our beliefs combined do make it a fact -it's still just a theory.

God's existenec is a theory -I believe a supreme intelligence exists - so do many others ,my definition of what it is is somewhat different than most - but it's a belief and a theory - in the Human Scientific Realm it will probably never be a fact

The Bible represents God as a fact, not a theory. That would make the Bible incorrect on that most important issue then, wouldn't it?

The Bible is not a scientific treatise - it was written by post -primitive people and theoretically divinely inspired. The concepts of fact and theory did not yet exist- it was basically "I believe it -that makes it fact".
How about you can believe in God and not follow a religion. God is the grand architect of everything, evolution, science, etc. can fit in Gods plan. I have nothing against anyone that follows a religion, if it helps you lead a good life that is good. Just please don't follow false prophets with petty tricks like Benny Hinn, etc. Idiocy and blind faith doesn't = God or Jesus.
A worthwhile sentiment.

If there IS a God, then, surely, He gave us the ability to reason, and to sort through difficult choices about what to believe, and what to set aside, at a time of our own choosing or need.

The God of My Understanding does not want me to be a robot.

The God of My Understanding wants me to think for myself, to take the best from the past and set aside the rest, and to deal fairly in the here-and-now, and to help move my race (Mankind) along on its way to a more perfect form, capable of understanding Him better.
In order to reject the theory of evolution you have to reject the idea that life began in the most simple of forms, and then over a very very very very long time increased, incrementally, in complexity and diversity.

But once you reject that, what is your plausible alternative? That species past and present simply appeared, fully formed, out of nowhere?

I, for one have no problem rejecting it.....my alternative is divine creation.....
Sorry but there are numerous testable predictions.

good.....then you should have no trouble providing me a link to a successful test.....I look forward to it.....

Maybe I was unclear but EVERY fossil that is discovered is a test of the theory. It either fits into the theory or it proves that it is either somewhat or completely wrong.
sorry, but that isn't a test, that's the subject that requires testing.....show me a scientific test.....demonstrate that said fossil can only exist because its a transition between two other creatures.....what if, heaven forbid, its actually a transition between two other completely unknown fossils who's line crossed your anticipated transition at right angles.....
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No, it is not my opinion. We are discussing science and in science a theory summarizes an hypothesis or group of hypotheses after repeated testing. I was responding to his comment that God was a theory unsupported by scientific evidence. In science, you cannot have a theory unsupported by evidence.

You stated Evolution occurs -Believe it does ,apparently so do you - but our beliefs combined do make it a fact -it's still just a theory.

God's existenec is a theory -I believe a supreme intelligence exists - so do many others ,my definition of what it is is somewhat different than most - but it's a belief and a theory - in the Human Scientific Realm it will probably never be a fact

What I stated was the definition of a scientific theory. A belief without evidence does not meet that definition. It is, at best, an hypothesis.

Evolution is a fact. The proof of that fact is currently lying next to my chair. If evolution did not occur there would be no such thing as a black lab. I am not going to deny the obvious just because it might conflict with my beliefs. You can do as you please.

Your lack of scienetific knowledge is evident .

"Like these other foundational scientific theories, the theory of evolution is supported by so many observations and confirming experiments that scientists are confident that the basic components of the theory will not be overturned by new evidence."

It's about as close as a theory can come tobeing a fact -but it's still not a fact - it's a theory -of course this all academic because the merits of evolutionary theory are solid - I believe in it -so do you. But if you're going to debate a scientific topic you should have a basic knowledgeofwhat you're speaking of - Theory vs. Fact .... Evolution is a theory.... Capice ?
JUST FACE THE TRUTH=EVOLUTION IS A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL!!! == THE BIG problem with evolution is that most scientists do not realize that it is the belief (or religion) of evolution that is the basis for the scientific models (the interpretations, or stories) used to attempt an explanation of the present. Evolutionists are not prepared to change their actual belief that all life can be explained by natural processes and that no God is involved (or even needed). Evolution is the FALSE religion to which they are committed. Christians need to wake up to this. Evolution is a FALSE religion; it is not a science!
good.....then you should have no trouble providing me a link to a successful test.....I look forward to it.....

Maybe I was unclear but EVERY fossil that is discovered is a test of the theory. It either fits into the theory or it proves that it is either somewhat or completely wrong.
sorry, but that isn't a test, that's the subject that requires testing.....show me a scientific test.....demonstrate that said fossil can only exist because its a transition between two other creatures.....what if, heaven forbid, its actually a transition between two other completely unknown fossils who's line crossed your anticipated transition at right angles.....
I'm sorry you don't like science and the scientific method but, fortunately it is not your call.

If you want something other than what I provided feel free to give me an example of a "scientific" test of creationism.
...programming the physical laws I would have had gravity be more forgiving to the clumsy beast I had designed who inevitably would trip on a crack in the sidewalk and break an arm, or have to decide whether to burn or jump off a multi-story building. Oh yeah, I can think of a lot of upgrades. How about Earth having a natural defense against stray asteroids.....The list is endless...
Hey, the Deity may be perfect, but that doesn't mean the Universe has to be. Besides, a Perfect Universe wouldn't make a very good Testing Grounds for His creations.

...And "along the road to something better"? I think they would say you can't get much better than being "made in His image". Even He looked upon all He had done and saw that it was good, finito. He admired his own work so much he gave himself a day off.
So what if (a) Man was made in His image, but (b) the human race is not yet done slow-cooking, on its way attaining that status?

in the Universes we imagine as possible I think. Your diety could just as well be a hyper-advanced e.t. doing a reseach project for his "high school" science fair. That's a scenario I've posted before.
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...in the Univeses we imagine as possible I think. Your diety could just as well be a hyper-advanced e.t. doing a reseach ptoject for his 'high school' science fair. That's a scenario I've posted before.
Anything is possible, although Man, collectively, has probably done a halfway decent job of articulating the Godhead to the meager extent that lies within his power, and most who 'believe' are likely to trust to that articulation as most believable and comforting and in keeping with their inner sense of spirituality and self, rather than dwelling overly-long upon the long-shots.
Maybe I was unclear but EVERY fossil that is discovered is a test of the theory. It either fits into the theory or it proves that it is either somewhat or completely wrong.
sorry, but that isn't a test, that's the subject that requires testing.....show me a scientific test.....demonstrate that said fossil can only exist because its a transition between two other creatures.....what if, heaven forbid, its actually a transition between two other completely unknown fossils who's line crossed your anticipated transition at right angles.....
I'm sorry you don't like science and the scientific method but, fortunately it is not your call.

If you want something other than what I provided feel free to give me an example of a "scientific" test of creationism.

does that mean you aren't going to provide me with a test like you promised?.....next time you want to talk all "sciency" you would be wise to refresh your memory as to what the scientific method actually is......."conforms to the whims of our imagination" is not one of the elements.......
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