Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

????....nobody said they didn't live......just said they were transitional......

I was told the earth was created already fully formed. For example, at least some of the birds God created didn't have to grow from eggs, they were already adults. Is that correct? Also God created the land BEFORE he created animals. How could there be fossils buried in the land?

???....I have a sneaking suspicion that some of those creatures have hatched from eggs since creation.....and they ended up underground the same way that everything else eventually ends up under ground.....

If the earth is 6,000 or so years old it is hard to imagine how fossils got buried under 20+ MILES of rock in that short amount of time. (Please don't say 'Noah' that scenario doesn't fit the evidence).
so you were nervous about discussing transitional fossils and felt the need to divert?.......I understand......oh look....butterflies have wings.....bats have wings......robins have wings......one of them must be a transitional creature!........

I have no problem discussing transitional fossils which is why I brought up the classic archeopteryx. You didn't explain why you wrote my imagination is playing tricks on me. Please do.

you see things on a fossil and decide they must be transitional......however, they may simply have had those features...it is your imagination, not the fossils, that create the transition.....

The theory of evolution is science and that means it makes testable, falsefiable predictions. After 150 years of finding fossils and EVERY one of them fits neatly into the theory it is accepted in the scientific community.

Creationism/ID is not science, it makes no predictions and is therefore not falsefiable. It can never be proven right or wrong. You can believe what theologians tell you about science or you can believe what scientists tell you about science. Your choice.
Actually it's merely a theory that some people treat as if it was sacred to them for some unknown reason.
God created the Universe.

God created the Laws of Physics by which the Universe operates.

God set the Universe and its Laws into motion in order to bring us to the state in which we find ourselves today.

One of the results of this motion is the process of biological evolution.

Got had it planned that way all along, being the Ultimate Physicist and Genetic Engineer.

God started this experiment a few days ago, as He measures time.

To us, several billion years have passed.

Evolution = God's primary tool for biological creation and improvement.

The Hebrew nomads who copy-catted the Babylonian Creation Myth got it all wrong.

But that's OK... such revelations do nothing to alter the Faith of those who truly Believe, in the omnipotence and omnipresence and wisdom and love and compassion and benevolence of their Creator... after all, we're just disagreeing over details, mechanics and timelines, none of which mean the same thing to Man as they are likely to mean to a Godhead.
Actually it's merely a theory that some people treat as if it was sacred to them for some unknown reason.

The wildest most fantasmagorical myth ever conceived by the minds of men. Given a million years you could not conjure up a rationale to endow it with even the most rudimentary trappings of a Theory. And yet to hundreds of millions it is the most sacred dogma, the keystone belief in their lives. Go figure.
Maybe the "Theory" of Evolution is considered credible by scientists because it is an observable phenomenon, which is why flue viruses mutate every year to new strains....ya think?
God created the Universe.

God created the Laws of Physics by which the Universe operates.

God set the Universe and its Laws into motion in order to bring us to the state in which we find ourselves today.

One of the results of this motion is the process of biological evolution.

Got had it planned that way all along, being the Ultimate Physicist and Genetic Engineer.

God started this experiment a few days ago, as He measures time.

To us, several billion years have passed.

Evolution = God's primary tool for biological creation and improvement.

The Hebrew nomads who copy-catted the Babylonian Creation Myth got it all wrong.

But that's OK... such revelations do nothing to alter the Faith of those who truly Believe, in the omnipotence and omnipresence and wisdom and love and compassion and benevolence of their Creator... after all, we're just disagreeing over details, mechanics and timelines, none of which mean the same thing to Man as they are likely to mean to a Godhead.

Is he a sadist or something? Or just a terrible engineer? (flunked Physics and Biology did he?).
I have no problem discussing transitional fossils which is why I brought up the classic archeopteryx. You didn't explain why you wrote my imagination is playing tricks on me. Please do.

you see things on a fossil and decide they must be transitional......however, they may simply have had those features...it is your imagination, not the fossils, that create the transition.....
It is true that a particular fossil might not be transitional...it could have been a dead end. But how do you explain that the fossils do not show current versions of species and that through the layers there is a rough progression (obviously we can't find everything)?

progression?.....you call it progression because you've assumed its transitional.....in reality, all you have is the existence of the fossil in stasis......fossils show no movement.....
I was told the earth was created already fully formed. For example, at least some of the birds God created didn't have to grow from eggs, they were already adults. Is that correct? Also God created the land BEFORE he created animals. How could there be fossils buried in the land?

???....I have a sneaking suspicion that some of those creatures have hatched from eggs since creation.....and they ended up underground the same way that everything else eventually ends up under ground.....

If the earth is 6,000 or so years old

sorry, I didn't realize you were a young earther...../sniggers behind his hand....
God created the Universe.

God created the Laws of Physics by which the Universe operates.

God set the Universe and its Laws into motion in order to bring us to the state in which we find ourselves today.

One of the results of this motion is the process of biological evolution.

Got had it planned that way all along, being the Ultimate Physicist and Genetic Engineer.

God started this experiment a few days ago, as He measures time.

To us, several billion years have passed.

Evolution = God's primary tool for biological creation and improvement.

The Hebrew nomads who copy-catted the Babylonian Creation Myth got it all wrong.

But that's OK... such revelations do nothing to alter the Faith of those who truly Believe, in the omnipotence and omnipresence and wisdom and love and compassion and benevolence of their Creator... after all, we're just disagreeing over details, mechanics and timelines, none of which mean the same thing to Man as they are likely to mean to a Godhead.

Is he a sadist or something? Or just a terrible engineer? (flunked Physics and Biology did he?).
Beats me...

But a clever Believer would say that (a) the Laws of Physics are just fine and doing what they were designed to do, and (b) we biological creations are still a work-in-progress, and that we're just middle-man carriers of DNA, along the road to something better, far ahead in the mists of a vastly distant future, so, it's pointless to judge as if we (at present) are the End Product?
I have no problem discussing transitional fossils which is why I brought up the classic archeopteryx. You didn't explain why you wrote my imagination is playing tricks on me. Please do.

you see things on a fossil and decide they must be transitional......however, they may simply have had those features...it is your imagination, not the fossils, that create the transition.....

The theory of evolution is science and that means it makes testable, falsefiable predictions .

lol....good luck finding a testable prediction about macro evolution......which, conversely, demonstrates why it isn't science......
Maybe the "Theory" of Evolution is considered credible by scientists because it is an observable phenomenon, which is why flue viruses mutate every year to new strains....ya think?
how many of them have mutated to something other than a virus?.......call me when they turn into a lotus blossom......
Maybe the "Theory" of Evolution is considered credible by scientists because it is an observable phenomenon, which is why flue viruses mutate every year to new strains....ya think?
how many of them have mutated to something other than a virus?.......call me when they turn into a lotus blossom......

Well, if your knowledge of the "theory" of evolution includes a mutation of a virus to a lotus blossom in recorded historical times, I think that I am starting to understand why you are confused about it....
you see things on a fossil and decide they must be transitional......however, they may simply have had those features...it is your imagination, not the fossils, that create the transition.....
It is true that a particular fossil might not be transitional...it could have been a dead end. But how do you explain that the fossils do not show current versions of species and that through the layers there is a rough progression (obviously we can't find everything)?

progression?.....you call it progression because you've assumed its transitional.....in reality, all you have is the existence of the fossil in stasis......fossils show no movement.....

We have a theory and abundant evidence to support it. Also, fossils exist in a given location and along a timeline.
???....I have a sneaking suspicion that some of those creatures have hatched from eggs since creation.....and they ended up underground the same way that everything else eventually ends up under ground.....

If the earth is 6,000 or so years old

sorry, I didn't realize you were a young earther...../sniggers behind his hand....

Hey, nothing is impossible. The earth may be 15 minutes old and we were created with memories that go back years.
you see things on a fossil and decide they must be transitional......however, they may simply have had those features...it is your imagination, not the fossils, that create the transition.....

The theory of evolution is science and that means it makes testable, falsefiable predictions .

lol....good luck finding a testable prediction about macro evolution......which, conversely, demonstrates why it isn't science......

Sorry but there are numerous testable predictions. A tree of life has been built up over the years based on descent from a common ancestor. If we found a trilobite with a fish hook in its mouth that would be enough to overturn the entire theory.

Can creationism or any other origin story do the same?
The theory of evolution is science and that means it makes testable, falsefiable predictions .

lol....good luck finding a testable prediction about macro evolution......which, conversely, demonstrates why it isn't science......

Sorry but there are numerous testable predictions.

good.....then you should have no trouble providing me a link to a successful test.....I look forward to it.....
God created the Universe.

God created the Laws of Physics by which the Universe operates.

God set the Universe and its Laws into motion in order to bring us to the state in which we find ourselves today.

One of the results of this motion is the process of biological evolution.

Got had it planned that way all along, being the Ultimate Physicist and Genetic Engineer.

God started this experiment a few days ago, as He measures time.

To us, several billion years have passed.

Evolution = God's primary tool for biological creation and improvement.

The Hebrew nomads who copy-catted the Babylonian Creation Myth got it all wrong.

But that's OK... such revelations do nothing to alter the Faith of those who truly Believe, in the omnipotence and omnipresence and wisdom and love and compassion and benevolence of their Creator... after all, we're just disagreeing over details, mechanics and timelines, none of which mean the same thing to Man as they are likely to mean to a Godhead.

Is he a sadist or something? Or just a terrible engineer? (flunked Physics and Biology did he?).
Beats me...

But a clever Believer would say that (a) the Laws of Physics are just fine and doing what they were designed to do, and (b) we biological creations are still a work-in-progress, and that we're just middle-man carriers of DNA, along the road to something better, far ahead in the mists of a vastly distant future, so, it's pointless to judge as if we (at present) are the End Product?

programming the physical laws I would have had gravity be more forgiving to the clumsy beast I had designed who inevitably would trip on a crack in the sidewalk and break an arm, or have to decide whether to burn or jump off a multi-story building. Oh yeah, I can think of a lot of upgrades. How about Earth having a natural defense against stray asteroids.....The list is endless.
And "along the road to something better"? I think they would say you can't get much better than being "made in His image". Even He looked upon all He had done and saw that it was good, finito. He admired his own work so much he gave himself a day off.

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