Evolution is a False Religion not Proven Science.

there are no tricks.....unless your imagination is playing tricks on you.......

It must be my eyes are playing tricks. I look around and find abundant evidence that the universe is VERY, VERY old. I see evidence that all life evolved from a common ancestor. These are obvious contradictions of Genesis. If that is allegory what part, if any, of the Bible is literally true?

There are few contradictions in Genesis , just misunderstandings and poor interpretations. Genesis was written for a society much more primitive than we are now. It's basically like trying to explain advanced calculus to a chimpanzee or logic to a liberal. You have to speak down to them - reach them on their level .. God created the Heavens and Earth in Six Days and rested n the Seventh - how long were those days if there was no sunrise and sunset - they weren't 24 hours - they were a indefinite time period.

So, you admit there are some contradictions in Genesis in addition to misunderstandings and poor interpretations. If that is the case for Genesis, and indeed the entire Bible, what does that say about us knowing what God actually said and did? Maybe he said we evolved an those primitive men wrote created?
there are no tricks.....unless your imagination is playing tricks on you.......

It must be my eyes are playing tricks. I look around and find abundant evidence that the universe is VERY, VERY old. I see evidence that all life evolved from a common ancestor. These are obvious contradictions of Genesis. If that is allegory what part, if any, of the Bible is literally true?

so you were nervous about discussing transitional fossils and felt the need to divert?.......I understand......oh look....butterflies have wings.....bats have wings......robins have wings......one of them must be a transitional creature!........

I have no problem discussing transitional fossils which is why I brought up the classic archeopteryx. You didn't explain why you wrote my imagination is playing tricks on me. Please do.
Why create fossils of creatures that never lived and then bury them for us to find?

????....nobody said they didn't live......just said they were transitional......

I was told the earth was created already fully formed. For example, at least some of the birds God created didn't have to grow from eggs, they were already adults. Is that correct? Also God created the land BEFORE he created animals. How could there be fossils buried in the land?
It must be my eyes are playing tricks. I look around and find abundant evidence that the universe is VERY, VERY old. I see evidence that all life evolved from a common ancestor. These are obvious contradictions of Genesis. If that is allegory what part, if any, of the Bible is literally true?

There are few contradictions in Genesis , just misunderstandings and poor interpretations. Genesis was written for a society much more primitive than we are now. It's basically like trying to explain advanced calculus to a chimpanzee or logic to a liberal. You have to speak down to them - reach them on their level .. God created the Heavens and Earth in Six Days and rested n the Seventh - how long were those days if there was no sunrise and sunset - they weren't 24 hours - they were a indefinite time period.

So, you admit there are some contradictions in Genesis in addition to misunderstandings and poor interpretations. If that is the case for Genesis, and indeed the entire Bible, what does that say about us knowing what God actually said and did? Maybe he said we evolved an those primitive men wrote created?

That's feasible , considering the word "evolve" more than likely didn't exist in their language .

If that is the case for Genesis, and indeed the entire Bible,

Kindly do not mistake me for a Bible Thumper simply because I believe in a supreme intelligence and an intelligent design to the universe . I am not a Christian.

what does that say about us knowing what God actually said and did?

A good portion of what I'mtrying to explain lies in abookI haven't had the opportunity to finish reading yet
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief

The Author coins a term "Bio-Logos"

BioLogos rests on the following premises:

The universe was created by God, approximately 14 billion years ago.

The properties of the universe appear to have been precisely tuned for life.

While the precise mechanism of the origin of life on earth remains unknown, it is possible that the development of living organisms was part of God's original creation plan.

Once life began, no special further interventions by God were required.

Humans are part of this process, sharing a common ancestor with the great apes.

Humans are unique in ways that defy evolutionary explanations and point to our spiritual nature. This includes the existence of the knowledge of right and wrong and the search for God.

The Author is a Christian and a Scientist who attempts to reconcile the two . I don't agree 100% with what I've read so far, but the basis of his thesis is valid and brilliantly presented. There is a link to a wikipedia article dealing with it above.
But let's take a look at your analogy for a second. You believe that humans are changing and are transitional life forms so which ones are more evolved: Jews, Blacks, Whites or Hispanics?

A question that shows you don't fully understand evolution. We are no more evolved than bacteria. Both of us have been evolving for the same amount of time, 4 billion years, give or take. You could say the bacteria are better adapted than we are since they have needed to change very little to survive.
It must be my eyes are playing tricks. I look around and find abundant evidence that the universe is VERY, VERY old. I see evidence that all life evolved from a common ancestor. These are obvious contradictions of Genesis. If that is allegory what part, if any, of the Bible is literally true?

BINGO. The reason you hope that evolutionism is true is so you can prove that nothing in the Bible is true. Thus we can see that GISMYS has hit the nail on the head.

There is truth in the Bible. There is also allegory, theology, morality. The Bible wasn't written as history or as science and to understand the Bible you have to be able to determine the difference.

Many have memorized the words of the Bible but don't have a clue as to their origin and context.
Miillions of "micro" evolutionary changes can result in "macro" evolution.

...but this has never been observed, thus leaving macro-evolution as a religion based on the hopes that it actually happened according to the way that you imagine it did.

A "religion" based on physical evidence right beneath your feet. If you opened your eyes you'd see for yourself but you're blinded by your faith.
But let's take a look at your analogy for a second. You believe that humans are changing and are transitional life forms so which ones are more evolved: Jews, Blacks, Whites or Hispanics?

A question that shows you don't fully understand evolution. We are no more evolved than bacteria. Both of us have been evolving for the same amount of time, 4 billion years, give or take. You could say the bacteria are better adapted than we are since they have needed to change very little to survive.

Poor analogy alang, bacteria mutate/adapt at an incredible rate, which is in essence a form of evolution.They evolve / adapt to changing environments continuoslly.

Rates of spontaneous mutation per genome as measured in the laboratory are remarkably similar within broad groups of organisms ... Mutation rates in microbes with DNA-based chromosomes are close to 1/300 per genome per replication
Great. So we should see monkeys turning into human beings every day. There should be a field of transitional life forms. Funny thing how not ONE has been found. :eusa_shifty:

Maybe you can tell us what a transitional form would look like so we'd know it when we saw it? You can describe a fossil (e.g., say a feathered animal that is clearly not a bird) or a living creature (e.g., two species that can mate but won't have viable offspring). Good luck.

This is a common complaint of those who don't understand how evolution works. The answer is that EVERY living thing is a transitional life form. I am a transitional form between my parents and my children.

Your children are still human beings. Facial features, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, etc. may change but they are still fully human (I would hope).

But let's take a look at your analogy for a second. You believe that humans are changing and are transitional life forms so which ones are more evolved: Jews, Blacks, Whites or Hispanics?

If you consider athletic prowess to be the goal of evolution -I'd say Africans
If you consider raw intellgence to be the goal of evolution -I'd say Asians

Strange thing abouty these two groups the Asian males have the smallest sexual organs , the Africans have the largest. The Asians - on the Bell curve have the highest IQs of all races , The Africans have the lowest.

There have been studies done that suggest that there is a relationship between race, penis size and intelligence. IQ, so it goes, is very much related to what is in your genes, as well as what is in your jeans.

Race, IQ and penis size. ~ Eurasian Sensation

So did God intend for Africans to be Brawn and Asians the Brains and what about the White and Native Americans ? Or is it all just Random happenstance ?
Maybe you can tell us what a transitional form would look like so we'd know it when we saw it? You can describe a fossil (e.g., say a feathered animal that is clearly not a bird) or a living creature (e.g., two species that can mate but won't have viable offspring). Good luck.

This is a common complaint of those who don't understand how evolution works. The answer is that EVERY living thing is a transitional life form. I am a transitional form between my parents and my children.

Your children are still human beings. Facial features, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, etc. may change but they are still fully human (I would hope).

But let's take a look at your analogy for a second. You believe that humans are changing and are transitional life forms so which ones are more evolved: Jews, Blacks, Whites or Hispanics?

If you consider athletic prowess to be the goal of evolution -I'd say Africans
If you consider raw intellgence to be the goal of evolution -I'd say Asians

Strange thing abouty these two groups the Asian males have the smallest sexual organs , the Africans have the largest. The Asians - on the Bell curve have the highest IQs of all races , The Africans have the lowest.

There have been studies done that suggest that there is a relationship between race, penis size and intelligence. IQ, so it goes, is very much related to what is in your genes, as well as what is in your jeans.

Race, IQ and penis size. ~ Eurasian Sensation

So did God intend for Africans to be Brawn and Asians the Brains and what about the White and Native Americans ? Or is it all just Random happenstance ?
You are confusing physiology with culture.
Your children are still human beings. Facial features, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, etc. may change but they are still fully human (I would hope).

But let's take a look at your analogy for a second. You believe that humans are changing and are transitional life forms so which ones are more evolved: Jews, Blacks, Whites or Hispanics?

If you consider athletic prowess to be the goal of evolution -I'd say Africans
If you consider raw intellgence to be the goal of evolution -I'd say Asians

Strange thing abouty these two groups the Asian males have the smallest sexual organs , the Africans have the largest. The Asians - on the Bell curve have the highest IQs of all races , The Africans have the lowest.

There have been studies done that suggest that there is a relationship between race, penis size and intelligence. IQ, so it goes, is very much related to what is in your genes, as well as what is in your jeans.

Race, IQ and penis size. ~ Eurasian Sensation

So did God intend for Africans to be Brawn and Asians the Brains and what about the White and Native Americans ? Or is it all just Random happenstance ?
You are confusing physiology with culture.

Physiology is relative to evolution . Nature over Nurture is another topic all together - the facts I stated - although unpopular and somewhat politically incorrect are facts none the less - Africans have bigger ding dongs and smaller brains - while Asians have tinmy ding domgs and larger brains.

You can smash an Asians head very easily with a baseball bat -it's eggshell thin, the typical African you'd have to hit real hard several times - they have much thicker skulls. You can accuse me of Racism if you'd like - that's the standard LiberalModus Operandi when inconvenient truths are brought up -but I don't belong to any of the aforementioned groups so it's a moot point.

The point or question being is it Random or Planned - I'mnot taking a stance on this - just curious as to others opinions.
Not quite.

That evolution is happening is a fact.
How it works is a theory.
God is a belief.


Evolution occurs: FACT
How and why evolution occurs: Theory supported by evidence
God: Theory unsupported by scientific evidence

In this case, theory does not apply. A theory requires facts. At best, God as an hypothesis.

And your post is an opinon about theories and hypothesis which totally misses the point he was trying to relay - Evolution Does Occur - perhaps nop\t DarwinianTextbook evolution , but species do evolve adapt and mutate.

Significant differences in once isolated Human Populations that developed over time are a prime example of that.

Evolution occurs: FACT
How and why evolution occurs: Theory supported by evidence
God: Theory unsupported by scientific evidence

In this case, theory does not apply. A theory requires facts. At best, God as an hypothesis.

And your post is an opinon about theories and hypothesis which totally misses the point he was trying to relay - Evolution Does Occur - perhaps nop\t DarwinianTextbook evolution , but species do evolve adapt and mutate.

Significant differences in once isolated Human Populations that developed over time are a prime example of that.

No, it is not my opinion. We are discussing science and in science a theory summarizes an hypothesis or group of hypotheses after repeated testing. I was responding to his comment that God was a theory unsupported by scientific evidence. In science, you cannot have a theory unsupported by evidence.
Why create fossils of creatures that never lived and then bury them for us to find?

????....nobody said they didn't live......just said they were transitional......

I was told the earth was created already fully formed. For example, at least some of the birds God created didn't have to grow from eggs, they were already adults. Is that correct? Also God created the land BEFORE he created animals. How could there be fossils buried in the land?

???....I have a sneaking suspicion that some of those creatures have hatched from eggs since creation.....and they ended up underground the same way that everything else eventually ends up under ground.....
It must be my eyes are playing tricks. I look around and find abundant evidence that the universe is VERY, VERY old. I see evidence that all life evolved from a common ancestor. These are obvious contradictions of Genesis. If that is allegory what part, if any, of the Bible is literally true?

so you were nervous about discussing transitional fossils and felt the need to divert?.......I understand......oh look....butterflies have wings.....bats have wings......robins have wings......one of them must be a transitional creature!........

I have no problem discussing transitional fossils which is why I brought up the classic archeopteryx. You didn't explain why you wrote my imagination is playing tricks on me. Please do.

you see things on a fossil and decide they must be transitional......however, they may simply have had those features...it is your imagination, not the fossils, that create the transition.....
so you were nervous about discussing transitional fossils and felt the need to divert?.......I understand......oh look....butterflies have wings.....bats have wings......robins have wings......one of them must be a transitional creature!........

I have no problem discussing transitional fossils which is why I brought up the classic archeopteryx. You didn't explain why you wrote my imagination is playing tricks on me. Please do.

you see things on a fossil and decide they must be transitional......however, they may simply have had those features...it is your imagination, not the fossils, that create the transition.....
It is true that a particular fossil might not be transitional...it could have been a dead end. But how do you explain that the fossils do not show current versions of species and that through the layers there is a rough progression (obviously we can't find everything)?

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