EVs are not selling well. Dealers are upset

EV's suffer from high price. They also suffer poor to zero towing capability. Doesn't matter how much you push EV's, 1/3rd of motorists who can't charge from home, simply can't charge an EV from home. Public charge points are scarce, many broken, and costly. All vehicles are fire risks, EV fires are ferocious and difficult to put out. Battery weight kills mileage range in vans and trucks, plus the payload is reduced, thus pushing up haulage prices.

An EV is a 17% to 30% co2 saving compared to an ICE vehicle. Not much is it for a pile of electric junk.
Not to mention the current electrical infrastructure can't support the demand of the democrat pipe dream for all to own EVs
You misunderstand my position. I don't care who wins. Electric, Hydrogen, Internal Combustion, or holes in the floor like the Flintstones have. Doesn't matter to me. I only want what gives us the greatest improvement over what we have. I am not qualified to accurately judge one method over the other, and neither are you. I choose to support those with the superior credentials in the field over nutbags with no background in the field.
Well you select for the Battery pack. I have examined all of them. And you are wrong if you tell me Experts favor the battery. And you have no fucking clue about my background.
Not to mention the current electrical infrastructure can't support the demand of the democrat pipe dream for all to own EVs
They will create a massive shortage of Electricity using their harebrained ideas.
So to you the only EV you want is carrying very heavy batteries that when caught on fire destroy the car. You have not thought this through. Hydrogen is safe, light weight and easy to refuel. Also, you never said you have an EV. If you are that in love with at least a half ton of batteries, why are you waiting?
I don't need a vehicle right now, and don't expect to any time soon. When I do, I will evaluate whether an electric vehicle will be the best choice for me at that time.
Is an EV battery heavier than the engine out of a new gas-powered Escalade?
Yes and there are other problems. I think those are partly why the EV sales are slacking off. It depends on the engine in the Escalade but it takes moments to refill the tank but this is not true for the EV cars unless hydrogen is the fuel.
Not true. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are quiet, very energy efficient, produce no emissions and have equivalent range and performance to gasoline counterparts.

And if tomorrow Democrats all jumped on the hydrogen bandwagon you would be in here bitching tomorrow night about how the Democrats are ramming things down your throat.

This is the effect of years of propaganda fed to you.
I don't need a vehicle right now, and don't expect to any time soon. When I do, I will evaluate whether an electric vehicle will be the best choice for me at that time.
Biden and Newsom plan to remove that option from us all.
Not true. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are quiet, very energy efficient, produce no emissions and have equivalent range and performance to gasoline counterparts.

Hydrogen is indeed a clean and efficient fuel. But with our current technology, 96% of hydrogen produced to use as fuel is accomplished using non-renewable energy sources. Using all 'clean' renewable energy to produce it would triple its already expensive cost. It is also far more difficult to store, transport, and put into vehicles than other fuels.

The devil is always in the details in these things. The climate change religionists never want to look at any of the 'un-clean' processes and products necessary to install and put into operation, operate, and maintain a wind turbine for instance.
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And if tomorrow Democrats all jumped on the hydrogen bandwagon you would be in here bitching tomorrow night about how the Democrats are ramming things down your throat.

This is the effect of years of propaganda fed to you.
Well given I spent my adult life up to middle age as a Democrat, I surely had good reasons to abandon that party. What kicks me is how Democrats will always tell me about myself though they engage in lies and predictions they can't possibly back up.
Well you select for the Battery pack. I have examined all of them. And you are wrong if you tell me Experts favor the battery. And you have no fucking clue about my background.
What ever your background might be, it's not enough to override the credibility of all the manufacturers and experts who have chosen current EV technology. Convince them that you have a better way, and I'll support your beliefs.
Hydrogen is indeed a clean and efficient fuel. But with our current technology, 96% of hydrogen produced to use as fuel is accomplished using non-renewable energy sources. Using all 'clean' renewable energy to produce it would triple it's already expensive cost. It is also far more difficult to store, transport, and put into vehicles than other fuels.
Those last problems you mention have been solved. Not clear to me is the cost.
What ever your background might be, it's not enough to override the credibility of all the manufacturers and experts who have chosen current EV technology. Convince them that you have a better way, and I'll support your beliefs.
Hydrogen cell cars are available now. And the auto manufacturers would not make them if they were not viable.
It turns out Dealers got far too many EVS to sell and buyers are holding back. While the ICE cars are in high demand. Seems the people believing in EVs have bought all that are available to those folks. Meanwhile Tesla keeps dropping prices praying it works.

Whose going to pay $88,000 for a Ford Lighting
I will look up if Trump said use nuclear. I suspect if he mentioned nuclear it was a question and not a solution.
Democrats believe they can control climate. That is the crazy side of them talking. They can't control climate.

When I was in college, I did predict (1957 I believe it was) the future was electric. But the source of the electricity is hydrogen and not batteries. Batteries are a double whammy. First they are an excellent source of major fires due to the type of battery. And worse they are massive weights. No car should carry either a two ton ICE or Battery pack.
Yes I can imagine him asking "Why can't we do that?" or "What would happen if we do that?" and he would listen very carefully to the answer. That is very different from suggesting it or proposing it but honestly stating what you say, I say, Trump says, or anybody on the right says is not a strong suit of most of the Left.
With an EV you are saving likely at least $100 per month on fuel, plus you have no oil changes. Put that money aside each month into a 4.50% savings account.
The average cost of an EV is $62K, and with moving parts, maintenance is still required : average annual maintenance is roughly $900 (compared to $1200 for fossil fuel). EVs are more expensive to repair (e.g. collision) .. 50% more, more expensive to insure and will set you back $13K even after a 6 year period. Source

Then .. throw on top a bad economy and / or higher taxes, and that 4.5% will plunge. :)

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