EVs are not selling well. Dealers are upset

It turns out Dealers got far too many EVS to sell and buyers are holding back. While the ICE cars are in high demand. Seems the people believing in EVs have bought all that are available to those folks. Meanwhile Tesla keeps dropping prices praying it works.

It is because of high prices for cars that people do not want.
Quit whining. You sad the same goofy shit about seatbelts, lightbulbs, and lead plumbing.
Why are you lying? What if Biden forces you to buy a machine gun. Will you obey him?
I have pointed out many times that a major problem with the current EV is the enormous battery weight. And of course the problem in getting rare earth materials to keep making the batteries. I have suggested the hydrogen powered EV which is safer and that Hydrogen is easy to get. You can even get it from water.
Is an EV battery heavier than the engine out of a new gas-powered Escalade?
Not true. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are quiet, very energy efficient, produce no emissions and have equivalent range and performance to gasoline counterparts.

The car manufacturers and other experts n the field disagree with you.
Yup, they're such the future, the UK has had to postpone the 2030 target to 2035. Even then, it'll no doubt need extended again, and then again, and so on.

When you say car manufacturers, are you including Porsche under that blanket statement?
Why? Why would a consumer pay substantially more for a vehicle that produces lackluster results compared to traditional vehicles? Your 1975 Monte Carlo will last longer, drive much longer distances, cost less to maintenance, refuel at a robust network of gas stations, etc ...

What is the return on investment for an electric vehicle? It makes you feel good cause "you're doing your part?" lol
With an EV you are saving likely at least $100 per month on fuel, plus you have no oil changes. Put that money aside each month into a 4.50% savings account.
Yup, they're such the future, the UK has had to postpone the 2030 target to 2035. Even then, it'll no doubt need extended again, and then again, and so on.

When you say car manufacturers, are you including Porsche under that blanket statement?
2030 was a target. Nobody said the date couldn't be adjusted if required.
You're crazy is showing now.
Hydrogen is far better. And it is also EV. And you lied about me.
2030 was a target. Nobody said the date couldn't be adjusted if required.
Why do you want only battery cars to win? Consider the weight penalty. Consider the fire problems using the battery.
With an EV you are saving likely at least $100 per month on fuel, plus you have no oil changes. Put that money aside each month into a 4.50% savings account.
There are more options to have EV. Hydrogen is far superior.
This is the shit you can expect from Democrats. They are lying out their mouths that this changes climate. Ask any of them if man controls climate. The standard reply is man does not. Why? Because they laughed at Trumps ideas of controlling hurricanes with nuclear bombs.
Clarification: There has never been any witness or audio or video that would confirm Trump ever said that. Axios, a left leaning site, once posted one of those somebody heard somebody say he said that things, but it was never confirmed and Trump has strongly denied it when Biden accused him of it.

Gossip is rarely ever reliable to get at the truth of much of anything.

But yes, it is only in the rabidly blue states that you see these economically damaging, environmentally flawed, really STUPID not to mention horribly expensive/unaffordable concepts and policies being forced on the people. New Mexico is the fifth largest state in land area in the 50 states and we are 36th in population meaning we are really sparsely population in most of the state with lots of long miles of empty country between a lot of the smaller towns. No way I would trust an EV out there.

Since almost half of the New Mexico population lives in the Albuquerque metro area you would think EVs would be more practical here. But I bet not one out of two or three thousand residents could tell you where a single EV charging station is.

It's nuts. And if we don't get rid of these insane governments in the states and Washington DC soon, I don't know what will become of us.
They are obsessed with Gay imagery. Always talking about having things "rammed down their throat". I don't even think they are aware they are even doing it all the time, at this point.
Holy shit, we have a homosexual chanting about gays.
Clarification: There has never been any witness or audio or video that would confirm Trump ever said that. Axios, a left leaning site, once posted one of those somebody heard somebody say he said that things, but it was never confirmed and Trump has strongly denied it when Biden accused him of it.

Gossip is rarely ever reliable to get at the truth of much of anything.

But yes, it is only the rabidly blue states that you see these economically damaging, environmentally flawed, really STUPID not to mention horribly expensive/unaffordable concepts being forced on the people. New Mexico is the fifth largest state in land area in the 50 states and we are 36th in population meaning we are really sparsely population in most of the state with lots of long miles of empty country between a lot of the smaller towns. No way I would trust an EV out there.

Since almost half of the New Mexico population lives in the Albuquerque metro area you would think EVs would be more practical here. But I bet not one out of two or three thousand residents could tell you where a single EV charging station is.

It's nuts. And if we don't get rid of these insane governments in the states and Washington DC soon, I don't know what will become of us.
I will look up if Trump said use nuclear. I suspect if he mentioned nuclear it was a question and not a solution.
Democrats believe they can control climate. That is the crazy side of them talking. They can't control climate.

When I was in college, I did predict (1957 I believe it was) the future was electric. But the source of the electricity is hydrogen and not batteries. Batteries are a double whammy. First they are an excellent source of major fires due to the type of battery. And worse they are massive weights. No car should carry either a two ton ICE or Battery pack.
With an EV you are saving likely at least $100 per month on fuel, plus you have no oil changes. Put that money aside each month into a 4.50% savings account.
If you can charge an EV at home, that is cheaper than refueling an ICE vehicle. If you have to use public charge points, then it costs more to charge an EV than refuel an ICE vehicle.

But that's just one cost. What about the productivity cost of sitting waiting for the EV to charge. As they say, "Time's money".
Why do you want only battery cars to win? Consider the weight penalty. Consider the fire problems using the battery.
You misunderstand my position. I don't care who wins. Electric, Hydrogen, Internal Combustion, or holes in the floor like the Flintstones have. Doesn't matter to me. I only want what gives us the greatest improvement over what we have. I am not qualified to accurately judge one method over the other, and neither are you. I choose to support those with the superior credentials in the field over nutbags with no background in the field.
So to you the only EV you want is carrying very heavy batteries that when caught on fire destroy the car. You have not thought this through. Hydrogen is safe, light weight and easy to refuel. Also, you never said you have an EV. If you are that in love with at least a half ton of batteries, why are you waiting?

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