Ex-House Speaker Dennis Hastert Will Plead Guilty in Hush-Money Case

Hastert shames us all. I wonder how many more GOP perverts are yet to be exposed?
Did bill clinton switch parties?

awwwww... did you forget about craig and Sanford and these other little cuties...

Republican Sex Scandals

you're the ones who claim to be more moral than thou.....


btw, hastart led the charge against Clinton while he was victimizing boys.... bill got a BJ from a consenting adult.... oh nooooooooooo!

and newtie bonked his assistant and dumped his wife while she was in the hospital after having a mastectomy. real moral....

pathetic wingers.
I don't know of a single Republican who claims to be more moral than anyone. Most do feel that morality is preferable to getting a blow job in the oval office, however.
Good people try to live by a personal code and most fall short at some point. It's human nature. The fact that a person falls short in no way makes others in his party hypocritical.
In general, the GOP thinks family values are important. Conservatives that fall short, are most often removed from office and live quietly in shame. Liberals that commit the same offenses move from the Appeals Court to the House of Representatives.

you don't?!?!?!?!?!? you mean it was ok that newtie and denny impeached a sitting president for a blow job?

you crack me up. the entire GOP "family values" agenda is exactly attempting to legislate the morality of others.

they should govern their own behavior first.

and once more... denny victimized underage boys. one of them killed himself when he was older and never got over what was done to him by his coach.
When most people hear the words 'politician exposed' and 'sex scandal' together they immediately think about Anthony Weiner. If you tell them, 'No, not him' the next person (if not the 1st person) they think about is Bill Clinton, the career-long rapist, sexual harasser, adulterer, and frequent visitor to 'Pedophile Island'.

And like moths to a flame and/or 'sore losers', Liberals scour the news and are immediately attracted to news stories about sexual misconduct, hoping they will find something with which they can defend their own sexual deviants. The Democrats, however, will forever hold the title of 'most public / high-profile sex scandal in US history' thanks to Bill 'Slick Willey' Clinton.
Oh for God's sake. A bj from an intern. I mean we've had a proven slave rapist, proven bigamist, guy who married his underage ward, proven father of a bastard daughter who wasn't supported, two brothers BOTH doing Marilyn Monroe (rock on!)
Did bill clinton switch parties?

awwwww... did you forget about craig and Sanford and these other little cuties...

Republican Sex Scandals

you're the ones who claim to be more moral than thou.....


btw, hastart led the charge against Clinton while he was victimizing boys.... bill got a BJ from a consenting adult.... oh nooooooooooo!

and newtie bonked his assistant and dumped his wife while she was in the hospital after having a mastectomy. real moral....

pathetic wingers.
^ that x 10
Hastert shames us all. I wonder how many more GOP perverts are yet to be exposed?
Did bill clinton switch parties?

awwwww... did you forget about craig and Sanford and these other little cuties...

Republican Sex Scandals

you're the ones who claim to be more moral than thou.....


btw, hastart led the charge against Clinton while he was victimizing boys.... bill got a BJ from a consenting adult.... oh nooooooooooo!

and newtie bonked his assistant and dumped his wife while she was in the hospital after having a mastectomy. real moral....

pathetic wingers.
I don't know of a single Republican who claims to be more moral than anyone. Most do feel that morality is preferable to getting a blow job in the oval office, however.
Good people try to live by a personal code and most fall short at some point. It's human nature. The fact that a person falls short in no way makes others in his party hypocritical.
In general, the GOP thinks family values are important. Conservatives that fall short, are most often removed from office and live quietly in shame. Liberals that commit the same offenses move from the Appeals Court to the House of Representatives.
NEWSFLASH!!! Repubs have been the party of "Family Values" for a long time now, but you knew that didn't you. :eusa_whistle: Swing & a miss :thup:
Oh for God's sake. A bj from an intern. I mean we've had a proven slave rapist, proven bigamist, guy who married his underage ward, proven father of a bastard daughter who wasn't supported, two brothers BOTH doing Marilyn Monroe (rock on!)

I take it that's the Liberal un-ethical, immoral, 'everyone does it / has done it so it's ok' justification / 'acceptance' view?

This nation's ethics and morality is under siege, attacked by Liberals who want to excuse it all, sweep it under the rug, and have everyone accept it as the 'new norm'. I know it happens, but our leaders should be held to a higher standard, called to lead by example and to set the standard and level that others should be challenged to rise to.

Accountability is almost extinct in this country, especially because of the lack of it at a level never before seen...and the Obama administration is the one advocating its extinction, proven by the lack of it in the WH / his administration since he was elected.
NEWSFLASH!!! Repubs have been the party of "Family Values" for a long time now, but you knew that didn't you. :eusa_whistle: Swing & a miss :thup:

Republicans HAVE been the party to 'champion' family values. They have not always been able to succeed in doing so, as they like everyone are only human...but at least they TRY to promote them and adhere to them. Liberals don't even TRY to do so and certainly don't claim to. Since they never try they can never fail, and since the GOP does, when they do Liberals attack them for trying and coming up short.
This nation's ethics and morality is under siege, attacked by Liberals who want to excuse it all, sweep it under the rug, and have everyone accept it as the 'new norm'.

A married Republican congressman tries to bribe the parents of his mistress to keep his affair quiet.

A married South Carolina Republican governor is caught with an Argentinian mistress, and refuses to resign. Not only that, after serving out his term, the Republican voters elect him to Congress!

A married Republican Senator is caught soliciting blowjobs in an airport men's room and refused to resign.

A married Republican Senator is caught wearing diapers with hookers and not only refuses to resign, the Republicans of his state re-elected him!

Two married Republican state legislators have an affair, and the male hatches a twisted Machiavellian plan to cover up his affair by inventing a fake scandal that he has a gay prostitute lover so he can claim he is a martyr being persecuted by militants. And now, incredibly, that same guy is running to get his seat back!!!

Need more? Because there is much more.

So...please explain where you got the idea that sweeping immorality under the rug is exclusively a Liberal thing.
This nation's ethics and morality is under siege, attacked by Liberals who want to excuse it all, sweep it under the rug, and have everyone accept it as the 'new norm'.

A married Republican congressman tries to bribe the parents of his mistress to keep his affair quiet.

A married South Carolina Republican governor is caught with an Argentinian mistress, and refuses to resign. Not only that, after serving out his term, the Republican voters elect him to Congress!

A married Republican Senator is caught soliciting blowjobs in an airport men's room and refused to resign.

A married Republican Senator is caught wearing diapers with hookers and not only refuses to resign, the Republicans of his state re-elected him!

So...please explain where you got the idea that sweeping immorality under the rug is exclusively a Liberal thing.

So call him bill, put him on a pedestal and vote for him. Since he fits the far left drone criteria for president..

His family values hypocrisy is overwhelming. Clinton blow job bad. Molesting boys good.
Hastert shames us all. I wonder how many more GOP perverts are yet to be exposed?
Did bill clinton switch parties?

awwwww... did you forget about craig and Sanford and these other little cuties...

Republican Sex Scandals

you're the ones who claim to be more moral than thou.....


btw, hastart led the charge against Clinton while he was victimizing boys.... bill got a BJ from a consenting adult.... oh nooooooooooo!

and newtie bonked his assistant and dumped his wife while she was in the hospital after having a mastectomy. real moral....

pathetic wingers.
I don't know of a single Republican who claims to be more moral than anyone. Most do feel that morality is preferable to getting a blow job in the oval office, however.
Good people try to live by a personal code and most fall short at some point. It's human nature. The fact that a person falls short in no way makes others in his party hypocritical.
In general, the GOP thinks family values are important. Conservatives that fall short, are most often removed from office and live quietly in shame. Liberals that commit the same offenses move from the Appeals Court to the House of Representatives.

you don't?!?!?!?!?!? you mean it was ok that newtie and denny impeached a sitting president for a blow job?

you crack me up. the entire GOP "family values" agenda is exactly attempting to legislate the morality of others.

they should govern their own behavior first.

and once more... denny victimized underage boys. one of them killed himself when he was older and never got over what was done to him by his coach.
Yes it was alright. Is it alright for Alcee Hastings to be sitting in Congress? I guess taking a bribe as a Federal Judge means we should trust him?

As I said, moral people strive to be good and honest people. They often fall short, but, having fallen short, they still know the difference.
Once they have failed to live up to their ideal, they still know, perhaps even more intensely, what that ideal is. They are not disqualified from identifying failure of morals in others, in fact, they may be even more qualified
Apparently Liberals have no such personal quandary.

His family values hypocrisy is overwhelming. Clinton blow job bad. Molesting boys good.
Not at all. Clinton blowjob bad, molesting boys bad. The fact that one has molested boys does not make getting a blow job in the Oval Office and then lying about it under oath and face to face with American citizens, good.
Thousands of Native American men beat their wives. Do you get a pass when you do the same?
So...please explain where you got the idea that sweeping immorality under the rug is exclusively a Liberal thing.

You seek to point fingers, listing all the GOP scandals, while ignoring the even longer list of Liberals scandals. And in almost every one of those cases, if not all, those individuals were held accountable....unlike Mr. 'Caught-dead-to-rights' 'I did not have sex with that woman' lying Clinton...or the 2 (TWO)-Time 'post my junk on the internet/ Weiner. (Weiner was busted, forced to quit, then was caught again doing the same thing while Slick Willey graduated from sexually harassing women and having affairs to becoming a 'Pedophile Island' 'Regular'.)

But you have a solid point in the fact that either party has ANY moral high-ground on which to stand regarding this issue.

His family values hypocrisy is overwhelming. Clinton blow job bad. Molesting boys good.
Not at all. Clinton blowjob bad, molesting boys bad. The fact that one has molested boys does not make getting a blow job in the Oval Office and then lying about it under oath and face to face with American citizens, good.
Thousands of Native American men beat their wives. Do you get a pass when you do the same?

Yes, I'm sure all consenting adults like to confess their infidelities.
NEWSFLASH!!! Repubs have been the party of "Family Values" for a long time now, but you knew that didn't you. :eusa_whistle: Swing & a miss :thup:

Republicans HAVE been the party to 'champion' family values. They have not always been able to succeed in doing so, as they like everyone are only human...but at least they TRY to promote them and adhere to them. Liberals don't even TRY to do so and certainly don't claim to. Since they never try they can never fail, and since the GOP does, when they do Liberals attack them for trying and coming up short.
Sooo...... Captian Obvious, they are the party of "Do what I say, not what I do". Is that it? :rofl:
This nation's ethics and morality is under siege, attacked by Liberals who want to excuse it all, sweep it under the rug, and have everyone accept it as the 'new norm'.

A married Republican congressman tries to bribe the parents of his mistress to keep his affair quiet.

A married South Carolina Republican governor is caught with an Argentinian mistress, and refuses to resign. Not only that, after serving out his term, the Republican voters elect him to Congress!

A married Republican Senator is caught soliciting blowjobs in an airport men's room and refused to resign.

A married Republican Senator is caught wearing diapers with hookers and not only refuses to resign, the Republicans of his state re-elected him!

Two married Republican state legislators have an affair, and the male hatches a twisted Machiavellian plan to cover up his affair by inventing a fake scandal that he has a gay prostitute lover so he can claim he is a martyr being persecuted by militants. And now, incredibly, that same guy is running to get his seat back!!!

Need more? Because there is much more.

So...please explain where you got the idea that sweeping immorality under the rug is exclusively a Liberal thing.

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