Ex-House Speaker Dennis Hastert Will Plead Guilty in Hush-Money Case

A plea deal would avert a trial and help keep any potentially embarrassing secrets quiet.

CHICAGO (AP) — An attorney for Dennis Hastert told a federal judge Thursday that the former House speaker intends to plead guilty in a federal hush-money case.

John Gallo said during a brief hearing that he expects to have a written plea agreement by Monday. And he asked the judge to set a date for a change of plea. The judge scheduled an Oct. 28 hearing.

Gallo did not mention any of the terms, including what counts Hastert would plead guilty to.

A plea deal would avert a trial and help keep any potentially embarrassing secrets quiet.

The 73-year-old Illinois Republican is charged with breaking banking laws and lying to the FBI in efforts to pay someone $3.5 million to hide claims of past misconduct.

The Associated Press and other media, citing anonymous sources, have reported the payments were meant to conceal claims of sexual misconduct decades ago.

Dennis Hastert To Plead Guilty In Hush-Money Case, Attorney Says

Hastert was touted as a squeaky-clean former high school teacher and wrestling coach while House Speaker.

Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Gingrich resigned under pressure from his own caucus due to the fact that he was an ineffectual leader who blew the 1998 midterm elections, in part, because he pursued Impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton despite the widely understood wish of the American people NOT to do so? And Gingrich was the one who once famously said something to the effect that he would never make another speech without mentioning Monica Lewinski and how Clinton's involvement with her was an indictment of his morals. Of course, at the time, it wasn't widely understood that Gingrich himself had torpedoed his first two marriages by cheating on his wives with female senior staffers.

Now, the Impeachment of President Clinton was pushed by Tom DeLay who was probably the most corrupt politician in a couple of generations considering all of his machinations which are too numerous to mention here. It should also be noted that it was DeLay who pushed for Clinton's impeachment.

Naturally, there's no need to mention Hastert at this point for obvious reasons.

However, the man who was first slated to succeed Gingrich before Hastert, Bob Livingston, had to withdraw his name from consideration (and eventually resigned, I should add) due to his serial philandering.

Of course Boehner was forced to resign for the unforgivable sin of actually working with Democrats to make the gov't work instead of turning the American gov't into the laughingstock of the world which is only a good thing if you want the rest of the world to beat us in the new global economic environment by pulling together while we dicker and dither because conservatives turn governance in this once great can-do nation into little more than the equivalent of a running gag.

In turn, Kevin McCarthy had to withdraw his name from consideration from the top spot because the Republican caucus is in complete disarray.

And Paul Ryan, the onetime VP candidate who was also at one time the darling of conservatives who fawned over him in much the same way that they once fawned over Sarah Palin who seems to have disappeared from view (not to mention relevance) herself, is now being pilloried by conservatives due to a sense that he's not QUITE ideologically pure enough.

Now, how in hell is a political party like this supposed to lead this nation when they quite obviously can't even lead themselves and their own caucus without descending into petty squabbles and political infighting like a group of immature children who lack adult supervision? The fact of the matter is that the GOP has either produced ineffective leadership, corrupt leadership, or they've turned on each other which has done little else than create a sense of complete and utter turmoil within their own ranks.

Conservatives lead the nation? Don't make me laugh!
If the GOP wants to stay out of the news they could remove these people before they become news items. I have no doubt whatsoever that someone in the GOP knew it was going on, or had gone on.
You just elect them to a different job.

No I wouldn't. I voted Republican once and it was the biggest mistake I ever made.
I voted for Carter. I know what you mean. I'm unlikely to make that mistake again.
If the GOP wants to stay out of the news they could remove these people before they become news items. I have no doubt whatsoever that someone in the GOP knew it was going on, or had gone on.
You just elect them to a different job.

No I wouldn't. I voted Republican once and it was the biggest mistake I ever made.
I voted for Carter. I know what you mean. I'm unlikely to make that mistake again.

So did I. Worst mistake I ever made. That man is the worst POTUS this country has ever had. Barry is number two.
A plea deal would avert a trial and help keep any potentially embarrassing secrets quiet.

CHICAGO (AP) — An attorney for Dennis Hastert told a federal judge Thursday that the former House speaker intends to plead guilty in a federal hush-money case.

John Gallo said during a brief hearing that he expects to have a written plea agreement by Monday. And he asked the judge to set a date for a change of plea. The judge scheduled an Oct. 28 hearing.

Gallo did not mention any of the terms, including what counts Hastert would plead guilty to.

A plea deal would avert a trial and help keep any potentially embarrassing secrets quiet.

The 73-year-old Illinois Republican is charged with breaking banking laws and lying to the FBI in efforts to pay someone $3.5 million to hide claims of past misconduct.

The Associated Press and other media, citing anonymous sources, have reported the payments were meant to conceal claims of sexual misconduct decades ago.

Dennis Hastert To Plead Guilty In Hush-Money Case, Attorney Says

Hastert was touted as a squeaky-clean former high school teacher and wrestling coach while House Speaker.

Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?

Gingrich resigned under pressure from his own caucus due to the fact that he was an ineffectual leader who blew the 1998 midterm elections, in part, because he pursued Impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton despite the widely understood wish of the American people NOT to do so? And Gingrich was the one who once famously said something to the effect that he would never make another speech without mentioning Monica Lewinski and how Clinton's involvement with her was an indictment of his morals. Of course, at the time, it wasn't widely understood that Gingrich himself had torpedoed his first two marriages by cheating on his wives with female senior staffers.

Now, the Impeachment of President Clinton was pushed by Tom DeLay who was probably the most corrupt politician in a couple of generations considering all of his machinations which are too numerous to mention here. It should also be noted that it was DeLay who pushed for Clinton's impeachment.

Naturally, there's no need to mention Hastert at this point for obvious reasons.

However, the man who was first slated to succeed Gingrich before Hastert, Bob Livingston, had to withdraw his name from consideration (and eventually resigned, I should add) due to his serial philandering.

Of course Boehner was forced to resign for the unforgivable sin of actually working with Democrats to make the gov't work instead of turning the American gov't into the laughingstock of the world which is only a good thing if you want the rest of the world to beat us in the new global economic environment by pulling together while we dicker and dither because conservatives turn governance in this once great can-do nation into little more than the equivalent of a running gag.

In turn, Kevin McCarthy had to withdraw his name from consideration from the top spot because the Republican caucus is in complete disarray.

And Paul Ryan, the onetime VP candidate who was also at one time the darling of conservatives who fawned over him in much the same way that they once fawned over Sarah Palin who seems to have disappeared from view (not to mention relevance) herself, is now being pilloried by conservatives due to a sense that he's not QUITE ideologically pure enough.

Now, how in hell is a political party like this supposed to lead this nation when they quite obviously can't even lead themselves and their own caucus without descending into petty squabbles and political infighting like a group of immature children who lack adult supervision? The fact of the matter is that the GOP has either produced ineffective leadership, corrupt leadership, or they've turned on each other which has done little else than create a sense of complete and utter turmoil within their own ranks.

Conservatives lead the nation? Don't make me laugh!

Very good points and the holy trifecta of family values was just a sham to impeach a sitting president. One has to ask why Clinton's impeachment hasn't been vacated before now. With all the excellent examples of malfeasance it should be.
Republicans have a vacancy for Speaker of the House

Seems he has the Republican values that will fit right in

So far, we have one person saying that molesting kids is "getting laid", and another person saying Hastert should be able to do what he wants with his OWN BODY (all caps was theirs, not mine).

There literally are no depths to which partisan hacks will not stoop to defend anyone with an R after their name rather than thinking about how much their party needs to be cleaned up.
Alcee Hastings still serves in the House.
that didn't take long

Perhaps... The point is, Hastert is no longer in government, so what he's doing about a long done court case is pretty much irrelevant. Current US Representative Hastings is still in Congress and was impeached from the US Bench for bribery

The point of the thread is Dennis Hastert. Discussing Alcee Hastings is deflection and I'm curious why you brought him up and seem to want to avoid discussing the OP. I agree Alcee Hastings is a pretty disgusting individual but no worse than a handful of other legislators. What makes him more important than the current news about Hastert?
The point of the thread is to try to make an irrelevant Republican look bad.
Lakhota could care less about Dennis Hastert getting laid 25 years ago. Shit! With Bill Clinton it was just about sex, so.... The point of the thread is hardly the former speaker. I'm not a liberal. I'm hardly as stupid as anyone who believes this is about Hastert.

obviously, the redskin is in the bag for the DNC....He didn't come up with that through "research"...The DNC sends out mails for their anti republican operatives to push on message boards and forums.
You can tell when the mails come out because the socialists always bombard the forum with the anti republican/anti conservative talking points they were issued.
If the GOP wants to stay out of the news they could remove these people before they become news items. I have no doubt whatsoever that someone in the GOP knew it was going on, or had gone on.
You just elect them to a different job.

No I wouldn't. I voted Republican once and it was the biggest mistake I ever made.
I voted for Carter. I know what you mean. I'm unlikely to make that mistake again.

So did I. Worst mistake I ever made. That man is the worst POTUS this country has ever had. Barry is number two.
I disagree about the ranking of the 2, but after another year, you'll likely agree with me.
What I am amazed by is the fact that James Earl Carter was such a good man and such a lousy President. With this POTUS, there is no such dichotomy.
Hastert shames us all. I wonder how many more GOP perverts are yet to be exposed?
Did bill clinton switch parties?

awwwww... did you forget about craig and Sanford and these other little cuties...

Republican Sex Scandals

you're the ones who claim to be more moral than thou.....


btw, hastart led the charge against Clinton while he was victimizing boys.... bill got a BJ from a consenting adult.... oh nooooooooooo!

and newtie bonked his assistant and dumped his wife while she was in the hospital after having a mastectomy. real moral....

pathetic wingers.
If the GOP wants to stay out of the news they could remove these people before they become news items. I have no doubt whatsoever that someone in the GOP knew it was going on, or had gone on.
You just elect them to a different job.

No I wouldn't. I voted Republican once and it was the biggest mistake I ever made.
I voted for Carter. I know what you mean. I'm unlikely to make that mistake again.

So did I. Worst mistake I ever made. That man is the worst POTUS this country has ever had. Barry is number two.
Thread deflection
If the GOP wants to stay out of the news they could remove these people before they become news items. I have no doubt whatsoever that someone in the GOP knew it was going on, or had gone on.
You just elect them to a different job.

No I wouldn't. I voted Republican once and it was the biggest mistake I ever made.
I voted for Carter. I know what you mean. I'm unlikely to make that mistake again.

So did I. Worst mistake I ever made. That man is the worst POTUS this country has ever had. Barry is number two.

that would be baby bush.....

and maybe Buchanan.

but nice deflection.
lets not forget the Anthony "weenie" Weiner

as if that snake Democrat party doesn't have it's share of weirdo's

What was Anthony Weiner convicted of?
one doesn't need to be "convicted" of anything to be a pervert....

so exchanging pictures with a consenting adult is "perverted"?

it was misguided perhaps... and he did a disservice to his wife. but really it shouldn't have been anyone else's business and wouldn't have been but for that pig breitbart stalking Anthony.

and, again, you wingers need to stop deflecting... Hastert victimized underage boys.

funny how you see that as the same as consenting adults having sex
Only one boy that we know of.

I do have a mental image of Hillary in jack boots and leather spanking a naked Denny about the bottom, as he stands hands chained above his head and gagged with a ball.
Only one boy that we know of.

I do have a mental image of Hillary in jack boots and leather spanking a naked Denny about the bottom, as he stands hands chained above his head and gagged with a ball.

Wow, you have strange fantasies. Are you in therapy?
Hastert shames us all. I wonder how many more GOP perverts are yet to be exposed?
Did bill clinton switch parties?

awwwww... did you forget about craig and Sanford and these other little cuties...

Republican Sex Scandals

you're the ones who claim to be more moral than thou.....


btw, hastart led the charge against Clinton while he was victimizing boys.... bill got a BJ from a consenting adult.... oh nooooooooooo!

and newtie bonked his assistant and dumped his wife while she was in the hospital after having a mastectomy. real moral....

pathetic wingers.
I don't know of a single Republican who claims to be more moral than anyone. Most do feel that morality is preferable to getting a blow job in the oval office, however.
Good people try to live by a personal code and most fall short at some point. It's human nature. The fact that a person falls short in no way makes others in his party hypocritical.
In general, the GOP thinks family values are important. Conservatives that fall short, are most often removed from office and live quietly in shame. Liberals that commit the same offenses move from the Appeals Court to the House of Representatives.

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