Ex Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler from Congressmen's swearing in

I find it funny how selective and partisan conservatives are when it comes to the military servicemen whether on duty or off duty. If a general speaks out in a way they don't like... they disregard the general and try and compare him to other officers who feel the way they do.

If there's an ex-soldier at a protest speaking in a way they don't like, they basically ignore that individual's service and say that they don't just automatically respect the military with whatever it does.

And this is a perfect counterpart to my previous words... an ex-marine and they tout his military service around.

But let it just be known, they only do it because he is "on their side"

Bastards don't give a damn about the countless individuals who serve and have served this country who don't share their political views either during combat or while retired.
Major non sequitur...Here's a can of shut the fuck up....Enjoy.
No one but a police officer or officially contracted security has the right to throw anyone out of anywhere. How far would the Marine have had to go before any of you would have the opinion that it was excessive? I draw that line at first contact, not somewhere between dragging people by their collar and beat to death.

And the Hippie had every right to struggle free and attempt to take out the guy for assaulting him.
The pussy didn't.

Another pussy stands up for him

Wow you guys sure love to see some fascist on hippie action, gets your blood going.
Jerking someone around by the collar is most certainly assualt.
Nope... In the US of A, common assault is an attempt to commit battery... Battery requires the evidence of physical injury or offensive (sexual) touching...

What if someone did it to your kid?
If my kid was being an asshole like the fleabagger was, I would have shaken the Marine's hand...

Wrong in FL throwing something at someones car while they are inside is assualt, I know beciase the item thrown was a take out container of spaghetti and the thrower faced assault charges and pleaded no contest.
Spittin on someone is simple assault, throwing a drink on them is as well.

You didn't say "Simple assault", you said "assault"... There is a difference...

You are not a lawyer.
You don't know anything of my personal life... I keep it that way...

You are confusing simple assualt with felonious assault.
Maybe you are just confused?

Maybe you are... say what you mean next time...
No one but a police officer or officially contracted security has the right to throw anyone out of anywhere. How far would the Marine have had to go before any of you would have the opinion that it was excessive? I draw that line at first contact, not somewhere between dragging people by their collar and beat to death.

And the Hippie had every right to struggle free and attempt to take out the guy for assaulting him.
The pussy didn't.

Another pussy stands up for him

Wow you guys sure love to see some fascist on hippie action, gets your blood going.

You cannot define 'fascist'....
Hippies are trash. Getting thrown out is natural. I thought all you pink shirt wearing lefties like 'natural'.
Nope... In the US of A, common assault is an attempt to commit battery... Battery requires the evidence of physical injury or offensive (sexual) touching...

If my kid was being an asshole like the fleabagger was, I would have shaken the Marine's hand...

Wrong in FL throwing something at someones car while they are inside is assualt, I know beciase the item thrown was a take out container of spaghetti and the thrower faced assault charges and pleaded no contest.
Spittin on someone is simple assault, throwing a drink on them is as well.

You didn't say "Simple assault", you said "assault"... There is a difference...

You are not a lawyer.
You don't know anything of my personal life... I keep it that way...

You are confusing simple assualt with felonious assault.
Maybe you are just confused?

Maybe you are... say what you mean next time...

I pity your clients if you are a lawyer :D

Get all pissy when proven wrong huh?
I love threads like this. It shows the US right wing loon underlying mindset. And the peanut gallery on here who fit into that category applauding...

The only loons are the OWS losers...

Crime rates sky rocket, theft is rampant, woman are being raped, diseases are being passed, people are being shot, people are overdosing on drugs, people are shitting and pissing everywhere... Then when they finally do leave they leave all their trash behind.

It really shows what progressives represent..

Why should anyone even give a shit what OWS thinks??? It's not exactly like they conduct themselves in a fashion that is respectable in anyway shape or form...

OWS is the lowest common denominator of society...

Maybe they have nothing because they're ignorant drug addicted animals who believe they're entitled to anything and everything just because they exist???
I love threads like this. It shows the US right wing loon underlying mindset. And the peanut gallery on here who fit into that category applauding...

The only loons are the OWS losers...

Crime rates sky rocket, theft is rampant, woman are being raped, diseases are being passed, people are being shot, people are overdosing on drugs, people are shitting and pissing everywhere... Then when they finally do leave they leave all their trash behind.

It really shows what progressives represent..

Why should anyone even give a shit what OWS thinks??? It's not exactly like they conduct themselves in a fashion that is respectable in anyway shape or form...

OWS is the lowest common denominator of society...

Maybe they have nothing because they're ignorant drug addicted animals who believe they're entitled to anything and everything just because they exist???

You might have a point since there are several Ron Paul supporters amongst them.
But you can't judge the entire group based on them can you?
No one but a police officer or officially contracted security has the right to throw anyone out of anywhere. How far would the Marine have had to go before any of you would have the opinion that it was excessive? I draw that line at first contact, not somewhere between dragging people by their collar and beat to death.

And the Hippie had every right to struggle free and attempt to take out the guy for assaulting him.
The pussy didn't.

Another pussy stands up for him

Wow you guys sure love to see some fascist on hippie action, gets your blood going.

You're alittle confused. The fascists are with the occupy movement.

WhiteHonor » The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement
Abd who was it said they would not support a heckler?
What about the heckling Obama got while addressing congress?
Seems like the right cheered that.

Or do I need to search the database for how Avatar responded to that?

Wilson didnt heckle him.. he used bad form by saying "you lie".

Go back and search... most of us said it was bad form.

Senility is a mo fo huh?
Abd who was it said they would not support a heckler?
What about the heckling Obama got while addressing congress?
Seems like the right cheered that.

Or do I need to search the database for how Avatar responded to that?

Wilson didnt heckle him.. he used bad form by saying "you lie".

Go back and search... most of us said it was bad form.

Senility is a mo fo huh?
Albiet he was correct in his assertion, just a terrible place to do it.
Wow I do not remember this level of fear based scapegoating since the late 60s, your conservative forebears would be proud of your excellent knee-jerk responses, bravo!
Ex-Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler From Congressman’s Swearing-in | TheBlaze.com

There is a picture

The New York Post sets the scene at newly-elected Congressman Bob Turner’s swearing in ceremony at a Queens school:

“Adam Weissman, 33, of Astoria, was one of three demonstrators to disrupt Turner’s local swearing-in ceremony at Metropolitan High School in Forest Hills. Turner won the congressional seat once held by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner by defeating Assemblyman David Weprin.”

But the heckler was only able to get out a few words before Kevin Hiltunen of Brooklyn grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket and booted him out to the curb.
Good, stupid gets the boot.

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