Ex Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler from Congressmen's swearing in

No one but a police officer or officially contracted security has the right to throw anyone out of anywhere. How far would the Marine have had to go before any of you would have the opinion that it was excessive? I draw that line at first contact, not somewhere between dragging people by their collar and beat to death.

And the Hippie had every right to struggle free and attempt to take out the guy for assaulting him.
The pussy didn't.

Another pussy stands up for him

Wow you guys sure love to see some fascist on hippie action, gets your blood going.

I'm entertained by the look of surprise on his face.
He knew that he was speaking out of turn, but he's shocked that he's been called out on it.

I'm also entertained by other wannabe protestors that can't fathom that an ex-cop Marine has the right to not be subjected to this smelly slug's bullshit.

I'd like to know how the confrontation went down once they got outside!
Betting the weasel ran like watery paint!!
Abd who was it said they would not support a heckler?
What about the heckling Obama got while addressing congress?
Seems like the right cheered that.

Or do I need to search the database for how Avatar responded to that?

Wilson didnt heckle him.. he used bad form by saying "you lie".

Go back and search... most of us said it was bad form.

Senility is a mo fo huh?

There seems to be a misunderstanding of what heckle means by some people here

v. to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes (Meriam-Webster)

According to the definition, what Wilson did, wasn't heckling.
so according to someone on here had the congressional heckler been dragged from congress by his collar it would not have been assault?
Wow I do not remember this level of fear based scapegoating since the late 60s, your conservative forebears would be proud of your excellent knee-jerk responses, bravo!

Fear based scapegoating? lol Seriously. You are a riot. Please stick around. We need more entertaining people.
Tea Party hecklers- okay
Occupy heckler- evil

Got it
Tea party people don't heckle solemn ceremonies such as the swearing in of a US House member.

Bur right wingers in the supreme court and congress heckle the president while speaking before them.

For which I personally chastised him on the board I posted on at that time. It was inappropriate in that forum. PERIOD. I don;t care if the President was Dem, GOP, Independent or Martian.
so according to someone on here had the congressional heckler been dragged from congress by his collar it would not have been assault?

You like to use cheap tricks to claim you never said what you clearly did say.

Provide for us the definition of a Heckler. Then explain how a Congressman uttering a single phrase once meets that description.
Wow I do not remember this level of fear based scapegoating since the late 60s, your conservative forebears would be proud of your excellent knee-jerk responses, bravo!

Fear based scapegoating? lol Seriously. You are a riot. Please stick around. We need more entertaining people.

They have already been called commies AND Nazis in this topic, want to go for extraterrestrials or demonically possessed?
I find it funny how selective and partisan conservatives are when it comes to the military servicemen whether on duty or off duty. If a general speaks out in a way they don't like... they disregard the general and try and compare him to other officers who feel the way they do.

If there's an ex-soldier at a protest speaking in a way they don't like, they basically ignore that individual's service and say that they don't just automatically respect the military with whatever it does.

And this is a perfect counterpart to my previous words... an ex-marine and they tout his military service around.

But let it just be known, they only do it because he is "on their side"

Bastards don't give a damn about the countless individuals who serve and have served this country who don't share their political views either during combat or while retired.
The majority retired servicemen and women are smart enough to be conservative.
Wow I do not remember this level of fear based scapegoating since the late 60s, your conservative forebears would be proud of your excellent knee-jerk responses, bravo!

Fear based scapegoating? lol Seriously. You are a riot. Please stick around. We need more entertaining people.

Occupied must have been either under a rock from 2001 to 2008 or in a buddist monastery with no contact with the US.
Wrong in FL throwing something at someones car while they are inside is assualt, I know beciase the item thrown was a take out container of spaghetti and the thrower faced assault charges and pleaded no contest.
Spittin on someone is simple assault, throwing a drink on them is as well.

You didn't say "Simple assault", you said "assault"... There is a difference...

You don't know anything of my personal life... I keep it that way...

You are confusing simple assualt with felonious assault.
Maybe you are just confused?

Maybe you are... say what you mean next time...

I pity your clients if you are a lawyer :D
Still not sharing... sorry, sparky...

Get all pissy when proven wrong huh?
Except it was you who was wrong... Simple assault is not the same as assault...

Time to dial down the meds?
No one but a police officer or officially contracted security has the right to throw anyone out of anywhere. How far would the Marine have had to go before any of you would have the opinion that it was excessive? I draw that line at first contact, not somewhere between dragging people by their collar and beat to death.

And the Hippie had every right to struggle free and attempt to take out the guy for assaulting him.
The pussy didn't.

Another pussy stands up for him

Wow you guys sure love to see some fascist on hippie action, gets your blood going.

What the fuck are you talking about???

If anyone is a fascist its the OWS movement...

Only a fascist would repeat what their leader says.... OWS are the collectivists that do as they're told when they're told...

I love your ignorance...

Fascism (play /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] Fascists seek to rejuvenate their nation based on commitment to the national community as an organic entity, in which individuals are bound together in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood.[3]

OWS is a nationalist, culture motivated movement.... This is why the fucking white nationalists are down there with you, this is why the nation of Islam is down there with you and this is fucking why the goddamn Black Panthers are down there with you...

You're all share one thing in common - you're all fascists.
Wow I do not remember this level of fear based scapegoating since the late 60s, your conservative forebears would be proud of your excellent knee-jerk responses, bravo!

Fear based scapegoating? lol Seriously. You are a riot. Please stick around. We need more entertaining people.

They have already been called commies AND Nazis in this topic, want to go for extraterrestrials or demonically possessed?


wow i do not remember this level of fear based scapegoating since the late 60s, your conservative forebears would be proud of your excellent knee-jerk responses, bravo!

fear based scapegoating? Lol seriously. You are a riot. Please stick around. We need more entertaining people.

they have already been called commies and nazis in this topic, want to go for extraterrestrials or demonically possessed?

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